I Stand Up Guy, The Final Sigh, Friday Night Gunfight, RSJ and Tridents Subway (‘owgatc. ()(J (‘owgatc. 225 o7(i(i. (rpm. £5. llardcorc in thc win of 'l'hc l)cl‘toncs and Will llaycn from thc hcadlincrs.

I Known and Sileni ()ctoptts Diamond. 37 (iuthric Strch 225 97-1-1. 7pm lam. £3. .\1cta1 l'rom London cx- grallitti artist Known. l’rcscntcd by ('t'a/y Alto Sttshi l't'y-l’p.

I Ray Wilson 'l‘hc lixchangc. 55 (iroyc Strcct.-1-13 (1-104. 7pm. £8.50. .\ lull-band sct l'rom thc l‘ormct' lcad singcr o1 Stiltskin and (icncsis.

I Whole Lotta Led 'l'hc Liquid Room. ()L' Victoria Stt'cct. 22.5 2504. 7pm. £12.50. 1.cd chpclin tt'ibtttc band i'cplicatc thc days of inanc-sliaking hcayy mctal thundcr.

I Esther O’Connor Ilcnry‘s (’cllat' Bar. 8 lha Morrison Strcct. 223 9393. 7.3(lpm. £tbc. 1-‘ormcr Ashton l.anc l’rontwoman pcrl‘orms acoustically.

I A Very Secret History, Viva Stereo and Fourteenhours 'I'hc 'l‘ht'cc Sistcrs. 13‘) (‘owgatc. (322 (i801. 8.30pm. £5. lndic-popstcrs A \cry Sccrct History rclcasc thcir dcbttt albtnn hcrc. with support from quality local rcgulars \iya Stcrco and 15tiurtccnhours. Part of 'l‘igcrl‘cst.

I Kings Die Kings, Call to Mind atid The Breach Banncrman's. .\'iddry Strcct. 556 325-1. 9.30pm 1am. £4. 'l‘t'iplc bill of local indie-rock.

I Neon Plastix llcnry‘s (‘cllat' Bar. 8 16a Morrison Stt'cct. 228 0303. 10pm- 3am. £5. lilcctt'o-disco adycnturcs from thc brand ncw 1)oncastct' outlit. Part of thc ycnuc’s Dogtootlt night.


I King Creosote and The Pictish Trail 'l'hc l-cstiyal ('lttb. Bon \iyant Spicgcltcnt. \Vcllington Squarc. 7pm. £10. Bcgttiling l‘olk. pop and rock from


62 THE LIST 7"- l/uzl, .' .1..': 2f,f,.'

www ilecosse org.th

thc l-cncc ('ollcctiyc‘s kcy playcrs. l’urt (if/{urns (m ' u ' TlItlL'


I Frog Pocket and Legion Monty's. (iuildhall Stt'cct. 01383 623383. 9pm. £5. licccntt'ic clcctronica with liyc liddlc and guitar from l'it‘og l’ocls‘ct aka John ('harlcs Wilson. l’ur! of'ligwfli'sl.

Isle of Skye

The Isle of Skye Music Festival Broadlord. 08700 000 100. 'l'imcs \‘ill'_\. l)a_\ tickct £50 (wcckcnd inc camping £851. 'l‘hc hottcst namcs in dancc. altcrnatiyc rock. sottl and contcmporary ('cltic music rctttrn to Sls'yc. 'l'his ycar’s linc-ttp is astoundineg hugc with Kasbian. :\.slt. Primal Scrcam. Dirty l’rctty 'l’hings. .\1_\'1o. (’alyin llart‘is. licho and thc Bunnymcn. Incrcdibc tiling Band. thc .\'ccdlcs. John Martyn. Scth Lakcman and buckcts morc. Scc prcyicw. pagc


I Keep Yer’ Ears Open 1)can (‘astlc ('ountry l’ark. l)can Road. 01503 522702. 7pm. £5. .\ly 1’irst (‘ttlt and liast Ayrshirc council join l‘orccs to prcscnt thc bcst young rock and indic acts in Ayrshirc. l’url ol'lim'm un'u 'l‘liul.’


I Le Weekend Festival 'I‘olhooth. Jail \Vynd. 0178b 27-1000. 'l‘imcs yat'y. £10 £15 twcckcnd £25 ~£35). Scotland’s longcst running cxpcrimcntal music t'cstiyal t'cturns in its tcnth ycar to proyokc arid inspirc in cqual mcasurc. (her the wcckcnd thc sonic crcations oi 'l'hc ()nc linscmblc ()t'chcstra. Sonic Bcd Scotland. 'l'hc Scycnthings llttb. Kall'c .\1atthcw.s and thc (ilasgow Improyiscrs ()rchcstt'a cart bc hcard. Scc prcyicw. pagc 5o.

.-r_ i "a --- -


Saturday 26


Modest Mouse .’\B(‘. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 2232. 7pm. £15. ()\cr- 14s show. ()l'lhcat Scattlc indic sorts. now with addcd Smiths in thc t‘orm ol‘ ncw guitarist Johnny Mart: I Blonde Redhead ()ran Mm: 731 735 (it'cat \Vcstct‘n Road. 357 (i200. 7.30pm. £10. Bcguiling .\'cw York trio with a spcctt'al. attdrogytious sound like no othct‘. I Oh Susanna and Adriana 'l'ron 'l'hcatrc. (i3 'l‘rongatc. 552 4267. 7.30pm. £1 1 t£‘)l. Acclaimed 'I’oronto-bascd rising country star bcst-know n for hct' harrowing tnurdcr ballads. l’ur! oft/1c (ilusgim- slntcrii‘umt l‘t’slfl'dL I Seasick Steve The Arches. 253 Argylc Strcct. 0870 240 7528. 7.30pm. £10. Moustachiocd yagrant Amcrican blucsman accompanying himscll‘ on a tht'cc-stringcd guitar and a woodcn box. I The Felt Tips, Mia Beane & the Asthmatic Scene and The Just Joans Bat'll) tupstairsl. 2(i0 ('lydc Strcct, 0870 ()07 (109‘). 8pm. £5. \Varming indic pop quartct licadlinc. I Isna Dui 'l‘chai ()yna. ~12 ()tago l.anc. 357 452-1. 8pm. £5. lispcrimcntal clcctt‘onica l'rom I.ondon. I The Retrosexuals, Some 1’s Son, We Were Promised Jetpacks and The Firesouls ('apilol. 468 Sauchicliall Strcct. 331 1040. 8pm. £5. lilcctro rock from ’l'hc Rctroscxuals and Billy /Sti'tikcs- inllucnccd sounds lrotn \\‘\\'l’J. I The Signals and Tobias Casuals BU\. 45l Silllcllicltttll Stt'L‘L‘l. 552 543 l. 8pm. l‘t'cc. 1.ocal hand linc-up. I Sultans of Ping FC and Hi 5 Alive Bin-ll}. 260 (‘lyilc Stt‘cct. (1870 007 0990. 8pm. £12.50. Jocular indic typcs who had a noyclty indic hit scycral moons ago with ‘\\'hct‘c's .\1c Jtttnpct".". I The Films, Lost Generation and Magmachild King ’l‘ttt's \Vah Walt llttt. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. Sty liscd Statcsidc llltllL‘ otttlit with a boo/y Iadt'ock anthcms. I Viva Stereo, Down The Tiny Steps and OnTheFly Nicc'n'Slca/y. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0900. 8.30pm. £5. Scottish indic—t‘ock hcadlincrs and licncc ('ollcctiy c support from Down 'l‘hc 'lillt) Slcpx All [his l)c-1‘cncc RL‘L‘UI'ds night. I SAY, 0 without U and my Kappa Roots 13th \otc ('alc. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 1038. ‘1pm. l-"ollstronica i't'om Say Janslicld’s hand and brooding mclodics atid opcn-ttmcd guitars from Q Without l'. I The Fortunate Sons l.incn 1906. l l 10 l’ollokshaws Road. 64‘) (1007. 9pm. l‘rcc. llat'inonious (ilaswcgian bltics- incistcrs 'l'hc 1‘orttmatc Sons play a month-long rcsidcncy I The Gilded Angels 'l'hc Bttttct'll) is thc Big. 15.3 Bath Stt'cct. 221 7711. 10pm. 1-‘t'cc. \Vcckly rcsidcncy for this country collcctiy c. I The Egyptian Lover & Jamie Jupiter and Luke Eargoggle SoundhatIs. ~17 llydcpark Stt'ccl. 221 405‘). 11.30pm. £14 t£12i. 1)c\iant Bchayiour club night prcscnt liyc machinc l'unk l'rom 'l'hc ligyptian l.o\crp1tts local clcctt‘o support.


I Mending Hearts, Athens and The Flavours 'l'hc Jatn Ilousc. 5 Quccn Strcct. 220-1330. 5.15pm. l‘rcc lk‘lttl'c £10pm: £5 bct'orc 1am; £7 al‘tcr. \\'cstct'tt. rock and pop.

I Hamper, Broken Records and The 481‘aith. 207 ('owgatc. 225 5583. 0pm. £10 £12 (£8 £101..'\1t.l'olk rock and indic raising funds for Barnardo's Scotland.

I Tom Trago ()ctoptts Diamond. 37 (iuthric Stt'cct. 225 9744. 7pm latn. £3. Amstcrdam 1)] Tom 'l‘rago is hcrc as part of Lucky .\1c's Drums. a ncw montth show casc o1 clcctt'onic soul tmtsic.

I Callel, Kid Canaveral and Futuro ('abarct \‘oltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 (i176. 7pm. £5. l)tto ('raig llttghcs and Arron (‘ornall (alsa ('allcll hayc bccn


1 They’re true underground heroes Many punters don't care what label their tunes are on. but us discerning music lovers know that SL is a stamp of quality. guaranteeing you‘ll hear something innovative, ingenious and extraordinary. Constantly championing the best of Scottish indie for a decade. SL simply don't get the recognition they deserve.

2 ballboy One of Scotland's finest musical treasures. ballboy released their first EPs and a handful of superb albums on SL. Records. launching them into the indie consciousness and bringing them to the attention of a certain John Peel, who championed them to the last. 3 Dawn of the Replicants The scattershot genius of DotR looked to be lost when they got dropped by their major label. but Paul Vickers and co were saved by SL. under whose wing they have gone from strength to strength. For this alone. SL should be roundly applauded.

4 They’re a shining example to us all SL stands for ‘student loan'. which is what founder Ed Pybus used to set up the label back in 1997. If only more of us got off our arses and put other peOple's money where our mouths are. eh? 5 They’re still uncovering great talent The labels newest signings are the superbly named Lords of Bastard. who Zane Lowe described as Bleach-era Nirvana playing at Queen of the Stone Age's barbeque'. Fucking magic, in other words. (Doug Johnstone)

Ego. Edinburgh, Thu 37 May.

likcncd to Arcadc l‘irc and Simon & (iart‘tinlscl and hay c just tout'cd with Paolo .\'utini.

I Richmond Fontaine, Bob Frank and Jon Murry 'lhc Bongo ('lub. Mora) llottsc. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 760-1. 7pm. £12. Bittcrswcct Amcricana l'rom thc .lluju litn'ottl'llc.

I Tom Sawyer 'l‘hc liquid Room. 9c Victoria Strcct. 225 256-1. 7pm. £9. .\ tributc to Rush.

I Asteroid and Lords of Bastard Subway ('owgatc. (it) (‘owgatc. 225 (i766. 7.30pm. £tbc. llat‘d rock.

I Cancel the Astronauts llcni'y ’s ('cllar Bar. 8 10a Morrison Strccl. 228 9303. 7.30pm. £tbc. lndic rock.

I De Rosa, The Graeme Mearns Band and Private Jackson The 'l‘hrcc Sistcrs. 13‘) ('owgatc. (322 (i801. 8.30pm. £5. Mogwai-cndorscd alt.t'ockcrs Dc Rosa llL‘udllltc tt ‘l‘igL‘l'l‘csl shim.

I Employee of the Month (‘hai 'l‘L‘illlUllSL‘. 3a \lL‘t'L‘ltant Stt'cct. 002 0900. ‘1pm. lircc. lixpcrimcntal rock/ja/I.