00M. "

the footsteps of former tournizttes The l-‘rattellis and The View.

I Rockyoke \Vee Red Bur. lidinhurgh (‘ollege ol' Art. l.;llll'l\'10ll Place. 22‘) I442. 7pm. liree. Roek karaoke with it lull live

I Saint Jude’s Infirmary and Y’All is Fantasy Island Blziekt‘riurs. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. t)pni. £4. lloney- eoztted voeatls tneet Velvet l'ndergrottnd influences from SJI. now with added

JilL‘k \ettriztno endorsement. 111 this Out to Play night.

I The Easy Orchestra The Butterfly & the Pig. I53 Buth Street. 221 77] l. l0pnt. liree. See Hi 25.

I UR Penetrators .»\B(‘2. 330 Suuehiehztll Street. 332 2232. Midnight. £6. Sinister diseo sounds from Leeds ztt this midnight l’opxhop show.


:1 Dizzee Rascal, Newham Generals and DJ Tubby The liquid Room. 9e Victoria Street. 225 2504. 7pm. L'l4. See 'l‘hu 3l.

I Barclay’s Beat, Bobby King 8. the Kingfishers and The Flavours The Jam llt)tl\C. 5 Queen Street. 226 4380. 5.15pm. liree hel‘ore LUpnt: 3 before 10pm; 1.5 before lum: £7 utter. Blue dtto Burelny'x heztt sturt ot‘l~ the night l'ollowed h} the retro \otllttls ol Bohh) King then househztnd the l'ilznotirs.

I Haltor Medboe Duo, The Bradleys and The Flavours 'l‘he Jttltl House. 5 Queen Street. 22o 4380. 5.l5pm. l-‘ree het'ore L'l0pm; L5 helore lum: £7 utter. lat/I gttitztrixt .\ledhoe ix followed by pop from The Brudle} s and househund 'l‘he l-‘luxourx.

I Dunya Ensemble and Hamnava ()etopus Diamond. 37 (itithrie Street. 225 9744. 7pm lzun. L'the. .\ \peeiztl themed night ol' eulttirztl delights with live ztppeztruneex from the ztl‘orententioned hundx. its well ;t\ :t belly— datneing trio and liztxtern dunee l).l Suru. I The Dials, Noir Noirl, Jakil and Andy Knox (‘zthztret \‘oltatit'e. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 MW». 7 10pm. L4. .\ set of qlltllll). exciting Scolx indie. with headliners 'l'he l)l£tl.\ tipped to follow itt

hueking hand.

I The Sex Pistols Experience and Ed Tenpole Tudor Suhwit) (‘owgatte. (i‘) (‘owgttltfi 225 (3700. 7pm. U). See 'l‘htt 3 l.

I Northern Alliance 1.;tnih‘s llottxe. Burgess Street. 7.30 10pm. £4. Fragile poxt-t'oCk/lttlk from Northern Alliztnee. Singer and 1.1.x! eontrthtttot' Doug Johnxtone will ttlxo he diwtlxsing his debut nox'el i/iHlI/MIUHI'IIL' alongside l‘ellow Seotx writer Alison .\li|ler. author of Demo.

I RBRBR und Funkspiel llenr} '\ ('ellttt‘ Bar. 8 l(i;t Morrixon Street. 228 0303. 7.30 l0ptn. Lthe. Soul and lunk l’rotn lidinhurglt.

‘- 5 Ten Stories High The Village. to South Fort Street. l.eitlt. 478 78“).

8 l lptn. Donations. Semi-tieottstie lidinhttrgh tour—piece set to \upport the l’roeluimers lillL‘l' thix tnonth. I’urt u/ [.t'lI/I l‘t’.\!ll‘(I/.

I Verlan Bunnerntitn'x. .\'iddt‘) Street. 556 3254. 0.30pm lutn. £4. .-\ltern;tti\ e roek ol the loeztl \ztriet}.

I The Abdominal Showmen (‘ulmret Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 MW).

1 lpnt 3unt. Co £5. The geek-hop lidinhurgh ottttit plu) w Ititt'x \ure to he zt httge party ill (‘tth'x 'I‘rouhle night. See (’luh lixtingx l'or lull line-up.


I G4 Sli('(‘: ('l}de Auditorium. l-‘inniexton Qtlil}. 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £28.50. l'ndeterred It} competition lront Simon ('owell'x ll l)i\o ho} \. the eod- operu \t} lingx ol' niee ho} .\'-I'itt‘lur runners-up (i4 lt;t\ e hud u good old run ol- it. but now the end l\ near and \o the} litee their linul etittuin ertll . . .

with live bands around midnight event weEli _ ' vsnace.comlnonsnonglasgow '


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u '

cm 0141 353 anon on VISIT lllllliWJAZZFESLCtLUK

3pm l ree

Dr Robert Beckford 0|(l l ttntinzitket ?.30pm 1‘2? Riverboat Shuffle l’S Waverley 7.30pm 1‘ 10 Cleveland Watkiss Reginl Social (Tltil: 10pm {13

Jason Yarde's B-Trade 8: OJ Cleveland Watkiss Uld i ruittrintket 10.30pm l we Late Night Jazz Club titty rate

2pm {5) Schools Jazz Competition Uld l tttttmnrket 7.30pm 1‘ 1? Mina Agossi Regal SOCiaI (:lul) 10pm 1‘ 13 Byron Wallen [lld lrtntmarket 10.30pm l ree Late Night Jazz Club [:ttti rate

24 2pm [2 Homegrown Showcase Vol. 1 (lld i ittttmarket 6pm 1’? Homegrown Showcase Vol.2 llld i itntmatket

7.30pm 1. 10 Julian

Arguelles Trio Regal Social Club

25 7.30pm l ree BBC Scotland Young Jazz Musician 200? Old l itittmztrket 8pm I 10 The George Burt/Raymond MacOonaId Sextet Featuring Keith Tippett and Steve Noble lron lhentre

26 7.30pm 1‘ 13 SNJO Coltrane Legacy (lid 1 rtntmarket 7.30pm i‘ 10 Stephen Duffy Regal Socml Clul) 8pm 1‘ 10 Tord Gustavsen Trio lion Theatre 9.30pm {5 [H] Sub-Urban Collective Stil) Club


?.30pm [16 Courtney Pine 7.30pm1‘10 Organics

Regal Sorzal [ tut)


Scotland with style"



SllN lJlllY

10.30pm r13 Empirical 8: Cameron Pierre [Ed 9 ttittvnatket 10.30pm l we Late Night Jazz Club (In; [ane


P.30pm t' it) Martin Taylor’s Freternity

(Ito i ltllllYttlt'Mi't 7.30pm :" 1t? Omar Puente 8: Robert Mitchell Regal Sot‘ut. ( 'lll) 10.30pm: 1.; Neil Cowley Trio lid 5 :.;;ttn.iri\et 10.30pm 5 we Late Night Jazz Club (in; (hit?

29 P.30pm 1'10 6 4 Dennis Rollins 2.30pm 1‘ 10 Ayanna Witter- Johnson Reggitl Smut (Lil: 10.30pm 1‘ 1t) Incognno with Special Guests Messin' Around with the Jazzcotech Dancers 10.30pm lt't' Late Night Jazz Club lull] [Life

30 2pm: 8 SYJO {lltl ';.:ttr:.i:'r\e't 3pm! Iii Classic Jazz Orchestra Regal St): to: (lot) 7.30pmi’ it: Liane Carroll Rey’a Sift .ti fiat: ?.30pm Ht) (5 4 Billy Jenkins with the Scottish Blues Collective 10.30pm t it Ollie Teeba - The Herbaliser [DJ Set] + The Fusion Experience + OJs Stevie Elements 8: Loosejoints

't‘t‘ Late Night Jazz Club Cttt; Cafe

1 3pm :71) Trad Jazz 8: Cajun Barbecue Retmen'.‘ .3 mg, 3pm: 1.. Billy Jenkins Solo Refit So: in. I «it; P.30pm :’1-'. Legends Of Jazz lit‘é’fl‘ S.>t .t (Lil) 10.30pm tee Late Night Jazz Club ("to [life

0All 0141 353 0000