

7 passes/racy. Acconnookiiofifm * }

Accommodation to let Flatshares cont.


HIRE A VAN WITH A MAN I.oca| ck lottg distance. l.argc ck small. llouse / garage clearances etc. l‘t'cc quotations. ('olttacl l’hilip 0131 332 1272 07836 633 006

Property to let


City Centre. l‘abulous two bedroottt. two bathroottt flat itt listed bttildittg. Fully fitted kitclten. opett platt living. secure parkittg attd (i(‘ll. .\lllst see. £075 pent.

Helen 0798 524 8625

Glasgow Southside. Fabulous two bedroottt. two batltroottt flat itt listed build- ittg. l-‘ull_v fitted kitclten. pri- vate parkittg attd (}(‘ll. .\Iust see. £550 pcm.

Helen 0798 524 8625

Glasgow Mount Florida, Bright spacious 2 bedroottt flat. liantastic view. Door entry. (‘lose to train station attd atttettities. Available now. ('all Atttte 077-888-04142 or 0141-882-2791 .



I Bowie, Stones, Rocky Horror. (ilant creative fun persott to share beautiful st} lislt flat. Large dottble roottt. park view. Broadband, w'i-fi. satellite tv. Superb trattsport littks. £240 pettt inc. happvllatcottk Tel: 07032 794 488

I Double room for fi/s professional itt brand new fitted 2 bed flat itt (ilasgow (ireen sltarittg with fetttale owner. ltonte approx 2 nights per week. £395 PCM all inclusive. Tel: 0| 30‘) 707 852

I Room available in (ilas- gow Merchant (‘itv (‘entre l‘lat. (‘lose to all cit_v centre amenities. £280 p.c.m plus share of bills. Tel: 0770] 570 828

I Room to let in flat close to city centre attd west ettd. l-‘emale preferred. Sltaring with two others. Rent £3l0 (incl. ("ft Tel: 07703 387 I22

I Glasgow southside - double rooms available for female flatmates itt big flat itt 'l‘ltorn- liebattk. Hat is clean attd well decorated w itlt all appliances. £250 pcttt ittcl c/t. bills estra. 'l‘el: 07000 838 300

I Southside - double room available in great flat itt I.angside. sharing w itlt two others. l-‘lat has all tttod cons. £200.00 ittcl. c/tas. hills e\tra. Tel: 07900 838 300

I Huge fully furnished roont to let itt friendl} Woodlands flat close to cit} centre. l'nder- ground and all amenities. Rent £300 pcttt t('ounci| lax includedt. .\tale preferred. ('all (iraettte on 0771 275 l308

I City centre - new art deco lu\ur_\ conversion. ga} friendl}. stylish building itt heart of the cit}. Doortttan. ('ottttttunal private court )at'd. all tttod cotts kitcltitt. full) furnished li\ing room. ()ak floors. tunder floor lteatittg throughout flat t. Double roottt with ensuite dottble shower (pow ert \ltlte floor. lteated low cl rail. Super king st} lislt oak bed etc. gas/ elec /couttcil factors etc. included 370 pcln +deposit. call l)a\ id tel: 07708 300 895

I Kinning Park/city center ga) friettdl} flat share. eas} going. full} fitted kitchen. all tttod cons. large living roottt. open fire. tttodern furnishing. 2w \ with power showers. dottble bedroom. large. tttodern double gla/ing etc. shared bills 280 pcln [this deposit call Tel: 07708 300 895

I Flatmate wanted to share tttodertt two bedroom flat. Nurser) Street. l’ollokshaWs Road. l‘ull) furnished double roottt. Broadband. satellite TV. liscellent bus/rail littks. Private parking. Non-smoker preferred. £250 + ("l~ + bills. Available 15th June. 'I‘el: 0780l 475 008

I Rutherglen gay friendly flat share all tttod cons. fitted kitchen. gas central lteatittg. laminated flooring throughout. tttodern furnishing. free ittterttet. dottble room. cool flat. eas) going. 200ch] plus bills attd deposit. call abe} lei: 07007

758 003

I Room to let in lovel} South Side flat. 2 double bedrooms. tttodern decore throughout. bath- room with power show er. large lounge with ba_\ window and dittittg table attd a huge kitchen. Property looks onto \icoria Road attd has excellent trattsport littks on door step - lots of buses attd a traitt station. l'lat tttttst be seen! Wottld stiil professional female. .\'ott-stttoket'. Rettt £250 pcttt.

w itlt free use of broadband attd 'I'V licettse. Deposit £250. Tel: 07800 75] I02

I Bearsden. Double room itt beautiful Victorian \ illa. Sltare with owners. .-\djacent trains. buses, supermarket ct walking

to vet school & oncology centre. 0th batltroottt. All tttod cons. Stiit n/s professional or tttatttre graduate. 'l‘el: ()l-tl 042 l 10‘)

I Single room to rettt in house off .\lar_vhill Road. Sltaring with 4 others. We're lookittg for someone itt their twenties who's easy going attd cart move itt

asap. £220p/m +bills. Tel: 078] l 073 705

I 2 bedrooms available as flat share itt large sunn) flat. (i('ll. large lounge attd kitchen. ('lose to all .uttettities attd bus routes. £280 per roottt pcm ttot in- cluding bills. Tel: 07824 304 07-1 I An absolutely enor- mous double bedroom to rettt. Perfect for a couple 1850 pmt or illdl\ idttal (£300 pmt wanting a large space. Also a cottttttttttal dittittg roottt attd large kitchen. Sltaring w itlt three eas} attd friendl} students. ltt highl} desirable Southsidc location of l’olltikshields. w ith ells} access to cit} centre. tel: 07877 l52 028 I Fab double bedroom in tttodern new I} furnished (iorbals flat £300 pcttt + bills attd deposit. l’arking. lottge. kitclten. balli- roottt. ll) tttitts frottt cit} centre. Tel: 0785 007 55-15.

I Sunny double room to let in Woodlands area. Looking for a friendI) bo} i.e. under 28 to share a four bedroont flat. 2-15 pcm. Available front lsl of Jul}. 'lel107‘)22 858 300

I Easy-going, non-smok- ing gay-friendly flat tttatc required. double bedroom in beautiful tow n centre flat. minutes front train attd btts littks. 280 pcttt all inclusive. Tel: 07888 832 530 I Large en-suite bed- room, to let Within ttew develop- mettt. It's a 5- l0 tttitt bus/car iourtte} to (ilasgow (lit) ('cntrc. ‘l‘cl1070l7 l50 00‘)

I Double room for ga) friendl} fetttale. lei] tttitt walk frottt central station. Sltarittg with 20m professional female. \o students. £235 pcttt plus bills/ct. llillst see? Tel: 078-105-1803

I Professional/Student 24-30 to share with l other girl.l-‘urnished flat itt Dennistoun. Double bedroom. hardwood floors throughout llatt‘350 per tttottllt ittc of all bills + [200 de- hosit. From June lst. tel: 07008 007 503

I Room to let in lovel} southside flat. Would suit n/s professional female. to share with one other tt/s professional female. Hat is very spacious. fully furnished. clean attd w itlt tttodern decor tltrottgltottt. Mt St be seen. Rent: £250 pcttt. includes use of Broadband ck 'I'V license. ("f ck bills are e\tra. bttt reasottablel l’lat look onto Victoria Road and has btts stops attd train station on door step... Tel: 07800 75l I02

I Room in West lincl flat. .\I/l-‘ student wanted. Minimum 0 ntotttlt lease. .\lust be ittlo club- bittg attd part} ing. ('ontact Nuala. Tel: 0775] 003 823

I Large double room in house itt 'l'horaliebank area. sharing with one other cv cat? Wottld sttit professional. Sltared access to lounge. dittittg roottt. bathroom ck kilclten w itlt w ashing m/c & dishwasher. Also access to a tttaitttaitted garden. Off-street parking available. Less than 501le to local traitt station ittto (’entral ck buses. Rent U00/pcm incl bills. Tel: 07000 5 l4 508

I l have a dottble room to rent itt lteart of Sltaw lands. Modern flat. 2 bathroottts with shower attd ver} large open li\ ing/dinittg/ kitchen area. Available ettd Ma}. £285/montlt Tel: 07070 lit-144


Book your Flatshare ad ONLINE

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. It's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate. Because The List is Scotland‘s best-selling entertainment and

lifestyle magazine, it's the perfect place to find someone with similar interests to you. What's more, the advert lasts for 2 weeks which maximises your responses, so you can pick and choose who you really want to live with. Even better all of our flatshare adverts are now available to view on our website which currently receives over 90,000 unique visits per month.

Go to and click on ‘flatshare' ‘at the top of the page You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and phone number 2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room, rent, number of other occupants and type of person sought 3 A contact number for potential flat mates to ring


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Terms 8” Conditions

Flatshare adverts must be laced using our online booking service. For admin stration purposes, advertisers must supply their full name and address (NOT for publication). The F latshare service is for eople seeking a flatmate. Onl flatshare adverts will 9 acce ted for publication in his section. Adverts for rent ng a whole flat must be faced in our ‘Flats to Let' section, full instructions or booking these ads are available on our website in the Shop section. It is compan policy not to accept adverts that are deemed to be of ensive or discriminatory. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

if you would like further information about The List flatshare service, there is no need to call The List. please refer to our website Click on flatshare and then FAQs which should tell you everything you need to know.

We advise that you do not give out personal details to those enquiring about your flat. For your personal

safety, you should always have someone with you when you are showing people your flat. or when you are going to see a room in a flat.

' .‘1 .l.t't .‘CV‘ THE LIST 101