


0 We saw you in 'l‘i-uxcisc hair on _xour hirthda} night. (ioodluck on )our I man shoxx at TR and thc .\IA courxc. You clcx‘cr Luna I.ox cl)? [7577/3‘) O I saw you at thc ‘I'i-ax-cixc mox ing _xour bricks! Blondic " 1 xx ant to rock _xour xx'orld" chp thc l'aith much lox c xx [7577/30 0 I Saw You xini scxx hlondc har hunk hchiud thc countci' at thc liilmhousc. \Yannna pull a Pint for me soiiictimc‘.’ [7577/3l . I Saw You On thc (ilaxgoxx to Iidinhurgli train on bank holida} Honda}. You goi'gcoux xx ith grccn scarf. inc tircd xx ith grcx hoodic on. \Yixlt I'd said hi. I’anc) a drinlx sonictiinc'.’ [7577/33

9 I Saw You Joltlltt} K... \uiishinc Social \Vorkcr in thc corridor. xx ith _xour culc arxc and \cxx grccn c) cs. .\'cxcr

hc trcatcd lcss than thc princc _x'ou arc. II' that should happcn... changc your mind and call inc... \ [7577/34

U I Saw You llapp} l.orna. not \ccn )0“ out and about lor- agcx. .\ll\\ _\‘olll‘ smiling lacc at tho Strcct liar. )ou alxxax \ inakc inc laugh. (ict in touch it xiitii‘ \till singlc'.’ [7577/35

. I Saw You Annic. \Vcnd) and l.oui\c at in} Icax ing night in 'l'hc Strcct. Yoti aliiioxt llliltlL‘ inc cry but not quitc. Ilappx incinorics. you \\ ill alxxa) \ makc inc crack a smilc. Scc _xou ncxt 'l‘acknoJox c ('athcrinc (7577/38

. I Saw You Starbucks lligh Strcct. \\'c xpolx‘c ahout _xoui' scarl' l'i'oin ll & .\l 1 You said). You xxorc hroxx n Kncc high hot)th (‘an xx c continuc our conxcrxation'.’ Yoti l\'llt)\\ xx hcrc to tind inc? {7577/40

V I Saw You in lidinhurgh on London road. You xxcrc a on‘cl) Aincrican gu} xx ho gaxc nic a lloxxcr and it niadc ill) da_x. 1

xx iin I hadn't carricd on xxalking. [7577/42

. I Saw You l‘iiigci's bar. a 'l‘hursda} in cai‘l} April - )oti'i'c a 'chin txx in'. xx'crc on _xour \INIL‘l"\ hcn night. arc 4i) and hax c loxcl} hltlc c_\ L‘\. To you I xxas 'tolcr- ahlc'? [7577/43

. I Saw You in 'l'cxco. (’an- onmillx 7.45pm appro\ on Mon 3.3rd April. You xx crc shaking _xour xiiglitii‘t and said 'llcllo'. .\lc xx ith _xoga mat and hlondc hair in black lyra bottoms! lloxx do you lanc} discussing thc lllCl’II\ oI xoghurt a hit more?! [7577/44

. I Saw You tapping icc

in cidcr at (‘it} ('alc. xx caring

an 'Aninicgo (iroupic' t-xhirt. l.oxclx stul'l'. I’anc} stilltc tapas \onictinic'.’ You'rc an u/i Iowa‘- “10 loo [7577745

. I Saw YOU L‘llx‘l‘tttlchL‘t' on xour hirthda} I You lookcd likc _xou xx ci'c hax’ing a Iahulous night [7577/4o

V I Saw You spic} AI. \Iill'lllg' at inc intcntl_\ da_x al'tci‘ da_\

al‘tcr da}. Do you lox c inc'.’ .\l_\ \crccn could do xx ith a xx ipc \\ [7577/47

0 I Saw You .\Icti'o tll\ll‘ll\tllnt‘ lid} lad. lloxx cx cr _xou'x c moxcd \potxl You tlxcd lo hc ottlxidc Sainshurx \ at St Andrcxx \ \quarc. You'rc loxcl) \ [7577/48

0 I Saw You hox xx ith tlic curl} hair and .\lorri\\c_\ ohscx- \ion. You hax c capturcd in} hcart. [7577/49

0 I Saw You pt'ctt) litllc \tllll hird. You till thc \l\lL‘\ xx ith ncxx \ong\ and Illill'xk‘ cxcrx da} hi‘ight. [7577/50

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