In Canes

Kaleem Aftab assesses the health of the world’s most famous film festival in its 60th year. The prognosis is good!

annes celebrated its diamond jubilee in some style this year. There was hardly a dud lilm on the (‘roisette and exert the iinglish Bookshop in (‘annes was in celebratory mood. hosting the book launch of (’hris l)arke and Keiron ('orless' excellent new tome ('uiiiii's: Ill.\’l(/(’ 'I'lii' ll'or/(l's l’l'(’iill(’l' l-i/m l'i's‘tii‘iil. l'nusually. the jury. headed by the l'K‘s Stephen lirears. agreed with the critics and awarded the l’alme l)‘()r to (‘ristian Mungiu's abortion drama 4 .llmii/is. .i’ lli'i'ks (mil 2 Days. It was the first Romanian film to scoop the top pri/e. al‘lirmation. it‘ it were needed. that the country is currently sporting some ol‘ the top talents in world cinema. The jury did. howeyer. disagree with the majority of the press o\ er the merit of the new (‘oen Brothers him No ('uiiiill'v/iir ()/(l MN). The

adaptation ol' ('ormac McCarthy‘s noyel starring .layier

Bardem and a reyelatory .losh Brolin was a return to the dark humour of Iii/jun.

'l‘wo remarkable features shared the Jury l’ri/e. The first was Mariane Satrapi and \"incent l’aronnaud’s excellent animated adaptation of Satrapi‘s graphic

noyel I’vrw/m/is. a coming of age tale based on her

experience ol growing up in Iran circa the l‘)7‘) reyolution. (‘arlos Reygadas (iii/ion. Bull/v in ll(’(ll‘('lll decided to follow in the loolstcps ol‘ (‘arl Dryer and Robert Bresson in .S'i/cnl light. a fascinating tale of an extra—marital affair in the Mexican Mennonite community. And it‘s hard to knock the jury for giying

prizes to liatih /l(’(l(/ ()ii Akin’s 'I‘i’ii' Iii/gt (ill/cure” or

.lulian Schnabel‘s excellent adaptation of .lean- Dominique's Bauby's noyel The Hiring [fell and NW

Ii’iiili'ij/‘ly. ()l‘ the much-anticipated moyies only Quentin 'larantino's “(WI/l I’roolstaiik.

Scottish director Richard .lobsoli has always said that he wanted to make an linglish language Wong Kar-Wai

moxie. well now Wong has made one himself. My

Blueberry Nights is a celebration of the 'l’ax

Americana'. Like many foreign directors making their

first America moyie. Wong is rather more concerned

with showing his own \ariation on the cliches ol'

.-\merican moyies than on the plot.

The Brangelina show came into town with Michael \Vinterbottom's 'I'lii' .llig/ily‘ llmrl. which recounts the kidnapping and murder ol‘ Daniel Pearl in Pakistan. Michael Moore was once again the biggest act in town and his Sic/u) receiyed groans from the British contingent for its rose-tinted yiew' ol' the NHS.

Away from the main competition. Anton (‘orbiin debuted his superb (ii/11ml. like his music Videos. this hiopic oi Joy Division lrontman lan ('urtis. is shot in black and white. llaying shot music \‘ltlL‘tis for three decades (‘orbiin successfully manages to ayoid the cliches that ruin most biopics. Of special note. as it takes place in the Highlands ol‘ Scotland. is Harmony Korine’s bi/arre .lli' Lone/y (pictured) which stars l)iego l.tma as a Michael Jackson impersonator and Samantha Morton doing a Marilyn Monroe impression. 'l‘hese movies were only the tip iii a Very impressiye iceberg at what was a wonderful celebration of cinema. Happy Birthday (‘annes

Cannes: Inside the World’s Premier Film Festival is published by Faber. Out now.




>l< Black Gold Learn about the real cost of all those daily cups of coffee in this intelligent documentary. See review. page 42. Filmhouse, Edinburgh, Fri 8 Jun.

$ Dans Paris Memories of the nouvelle vague ignites this delightfully engaging romantic drama about sibling divide and wounds that never heal. Highly recommended. See review, page 40. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh. Fri 8—Thu 74 Jun; GFT, Glasgow. Fri 15 Jun.

‘4? Ten Canoes Awesome aboriginal action adventure set in tribal times. Think Apocalypto without all the ultra violence and fundamentalist Christian undertones. See interview and Also Released. page 42. GFl,‘ Glasgow, Fri 75 Jun.

>1: Tell No One Exemplary Parisian thriller containing one of the finest chase sequences ever. See interview. page 41 and Also Released. page 42. Cameo, Edinburgh and selected cinemas from Fri 75 Jun.

>2: Zizek! Fascinating documentary about philosopher Slavoj Zizek. See review. page 41.

=i= The Battle of Algiers Seminal insurgent resistance thriller in new digital print. GFI’. Glasgow, Fri 8—Mon 77 Jun.

* Six of the Best: They Might Be Giants Six gems from last year's EIFF 1970s retrospective including Peter Fonda's The Hired and Peter Hyams’ Busting. Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh, Fri 8 Jun.

>3 The Forbidden Planet Lovely DVD reissue of the classic 1956 sci-ti adaptation of Shakespeare‘s The Tempest comes with a ton of new extras. See review. page 43. Out Mon 78 Jun (Warner Home Video).

f fit it“ L’.‘t‘,' THE LIST 39