Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to jules© Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Carol Main.


I Opera Workshops R8:\.\ll). 100 chli'cyy Strcct. 333 5057. 7.15pm. {l3 (C3). :\ chancc to hcai' sonic dclicious opcratic morscls sung by thc chmc dc la crbmc ol‘ thc acadcmy's rcnoyy ncd opcra school.

I Kevin Bowyer: Organworks 3 Glasgow l‘niycrsity .\lcinoria| (‘hach 'l‘hc Squarc. ()l'l' t'niycrsity .-\\cnuc. 7.30pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hc ayyard-yy inning intcrnational organist. \\ ith a rcputation l‘or playing unusual and ncyy music. pcrt'orms l-‘innissy ‘s ()rgun .S‘y‘mp/imzt' .\'u I. l)cnclt's ('(mi/imlv/luj/innislt'rn'. l’aync's Rtf/lt’i'limiy on I/It’ Sr’u million and William Sysccncy‘s Ila/1mg.

I Glasgow International Organ Festival (ilasgoyy' l'niy‘crsity .\lcmorial (‘hach 'l'hc Square. ()l‘t~ l‘niycrsity Aycnuc. 07870 685974. ’I’imcs \ai'y. l'i'cc. 'l'hc lcsliuil l'catui'Cs it sct'ics ol‘ t'ccitals pct‘lormcd on (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity Mcmorial ('hapcl‘s rclurbishcd organ and coinpriscs part ol (ilasgoyy 's Hi'yl I'.71(/l'i’.\II-l'(l/. ('onccrts arc l‘rcc. Scc \y\y\ organl‘cst l’or inorc inl'orniation.


I The Scootcher Tree Brunton 'lhcatrc. Ladyucll Way. Mtissclburgh. 665 3340. 7pm. £6. Scc Kids. pagc 57. I More than Chopin St Margaret‘s lipiscopal (‘hurclL liasicr Road. 08-15 458 ()70‘). 8 0.30pm. £5. l’icccs by l’olisb composcrs will bc pcrl‘ormcd by rcnoyyncd Polish pianist. Barbara Kitl‘ztSls'lL‘WiCI. l’rll'l (I’ll/J'I'I/l I'i'ylit'lll.

Friday 8


I Research Ensemble Trio (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity' (‘onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity :\\cnuc. 330 4003. 13.30pm. l't'cc. An hour ol \ ii'tuoso \yorks l‘or t'lutc. clarinct and piano by Bcrio. Scclsi. (’Icmcnti pcrl'ormcd by oitc ol Scotland's prcmicrc groups.

BBC Scottish Symphony

8000. 5pm. l't'cc. Scc Hitlist. right.

I Jacques van Oortmerssen (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity Mcmorial (‘hach ’I‘hc Square. ()0 l'niycrsity .-\\cnuc. 5pm. l‘rcc. .‘ylusic by tlic intcrnationally rcnoyyncd Dutch organist. l’url of Glasgow ll)!(’l‘ll(lll(Hl(l/ ()rg'u/i l-i'slirul.

I Bill Sweeney with Fraser Speirs (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity (‘onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity :\\cnuc. 330 4003. 7pm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc prcmicrc ol' Sysccncy 's composition which cxplorcs thc scnsibiliiy' ol Scottish musicians of thc l‘)60s \\ ho dclincd thcir idcntity through thc music ol black America. Blucs harmonica play cr l"rascr Spcirs and clcctroacottstic cxpcrt \ick l'iclls assist.


I Friends of the Music of St Giles’ Cathedral St (iiICs'Fathcdral. High Strcct. 8pm. l‘rcc. Launch ol‘ a ncys organisation sct up to support thc music at lidinburgh's High Kirk. St (iilcs' oyy'n choir pcrl'orms Brittcn's Rt'leiY' in I/u' Lamb and NW .lly'slit'u/ Songy by Vaughan \\'i|li;iitts.

Saturday 9


I Martin Jones (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity ('onccrt Hall. l‘mycrsity :\\cituc. 330 4093. lpm. l-‘rcc. A lunchtimc rccital ol picccs by Hans (ial. Ray cl and

78 THE LIST I. '/t .Jt.r1'/’)0/

Argcnlinian composcr ('arlos (iuatayino. I’ur! oil/Iv .ilusiru Nora I'i’.\llt'(l/.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Scrapers and Tooters (‘in Halls. (’andlcriggs. 353 8000. l.30pm. Full

\\ cckcnd: £40 ([30). An opportunity loi‘ ainatcur musicians to gct logclhcr and makc bcautil'ul music as part of a lull orchcstra at this prcssui'c—ti‘cc \ycckcnd workshop. Knoyylcdgc ol' thc music isn't. csscntial as instruction lrom 8(1) musicians \\ ill bc giycn. (‘ontaci 0| 3| 478 8353 or |ucy.pcrry(u

I Francesca Massey (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity Mcmorial ('hapcl. lhc Squarc. ()t't' l'niycrsity :\\cnuc. 07870 685074. 5pm. l‘rcc. A solo rccilal li‘oin onc ot' thc country 's brightcst young organists. l’url of(i/usgmr liilt'rnulimml ()rgun l'k'ylirul.

I Edinburgh Quartet: Embracing the Unknown (ilusgoyy t'niycrsity ('onccrt Hall. l‘niycrsity' Aycnuc. 330 4093. 7pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hc quarth arc joincd by harpist Hugh \Vcbb and trombonist .lohn Kcnny for this cycning ot' ncyy \yorks l'or trombonc. harp and string quartct. supportcd by thc l)unard l‘und and thc Scottish Arts ('ouncil. l’uri of (i/usgmi' liili'rnulionu/ ()rgun I't'xlit‘ul. I Opera Workshops RS.-\.\tl). l0() chlrcyy Strcct. 333 5057. 7.l5pm. £13 (£3). SL‘L‘ Thu 7.

I Glasgow Chamber Orchestra: 50th Anniversary Summer Concert 8t Silas lipiscopal ('hurch. 6‘) Park Road. \Voodlauds. 337 3376. 7.30pm. 'l‘ickcts ayailablc on thc door: L") lib). lhc (i('() cclcbratc thcir big li\ c Icro \y ith a spccial pcrl'orinancc ol' Mcndclssohn's ()H'I'Illl‘t’ 'I'ilir .llt'luxiuu'. Stratiss' l/urn ('mn‘t’rlu .\'n 3 and Brahms' .S'ymp/imir .\'n J. I’ur! oft/iv Hits! liml l-i'slii‘ul

I Glasgow Chamber Choir: Music for a Summer Evening St Margaret‘s lipiscopal (’hurch. 353 355 Kilmarnock Road. .\'cyy lands. 07786 331790. 7.30pm. L") 1L6). Shakcspcarc scttings by Ralph Vaughan Williams and (icorgc Shcaring alongsidc motcts and inadrigals by Parry. Byrd and Ruttcr.

I Ouodlibet: Essential Figaro Kibblc l’alacc. (ilasgoyy Botanic (iardcns. 730 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 0870 330] l 16. 7.30pm. U3. .\lo/art's .llul‘l'irlc’t' n/i‘ig’rll'u is prcscntcd its at onc-hour ‘pottcd‘ pcrt'ormancc. in thc rcstorcd surroundings ol thc Kibblc l’alacc. I’ur! ()I'Ilu' lli'U 15ml [Mi/"ml.

I The Soul of Russia llyndland l’arish ('hurch. 7‘) 8l llyndland Road. 0870 330 l l H). 7.30pm. L‘61ij5lfl‘hc Rtissian choir rcturn \yith a satist‘y ing ncyy a cappclla progrannnc. I’ur! ul'llu' lli’y! lim/ l'i'slii‘ul.


I Ben Kearsley 8t Jamcs‘ ('hurch. Rosclicld l’lacc. l’ortobcllo. 553 3363. 3pm. £7 (£5). 'l'raditional Scottish. llamcnco. tango/milonga. Bra/ilian and Blucgrass lrom thc lidinburgh-lmi'n classical guitarist.

I National Youth Choir of Scotland Edinburgh Area Choir St ('uthbcrt's ('hurch. 5 l.othian Road. 33‘) ll43. 3pm & 7pm. £6 (£3). .\lark liyans. (’hoir l)ircctor. lakcs his young \oiccs through thcir paccs in a \aricd programmc \y ith sonicthing ol' intcrcst l‘or cycryonc in Songs from l/mm’ um/ .'\/)I'(Hl(/. it sclcction to silo“ oll' thc \\ idc rangc and skills ol thc choir.

I Calton Consort (‘anongatc Kirk. I53 (‘anongatcx 7.30pm. £7 (£5). ('onccrt includcs l’oulcnc’s Iu l'i'uun' Illllllullll'. \clio 'l‘orinis' .lmmi/uu/iul and Kcn Johnstonc‘s In I’lumlt'rs I‘M/(l. plus linglish madrigals and l‘rcnch chansons. I Edinburgh Concert Band and Cadenza Choir ()uccn‘s Hall. 87 8t) (‘lc‘l‘k' Sll'L‘L'l, ()(ifi 3”“). 7.3(lplll. {3. Wind band nuisic. trotn thc classics to shoyy music. in support ol‘ \Vaycrlcy' ('arc.

I The New Edinburgh Orchestra Nicolson Squarc Mcihodist ('hurch. 35 Nicolson Squarc. 668 30l‘). 7.30pm. £6 lL'l £3). ’l'iin l’asion conducts thc 50-


Theatre Royal, Glasgow, Wed 16 May 0000

For someone who hadn’t worked in Scotland since 1980 and whose experience in directing opera lags way behind his theatre work, John Doyle’s staging of a full-scale bel canto opera set in somewhat bleak Scottish moorland gave no hint at all of a director who is anything other than totally at ease with both territories. A 2006 Tony winner for Sweeney Todd and recently nominated again for Stephen Sondheim’s Company, Doyle brings a huge skill to his telling of Donizetti’s version of Walter Scott’s novel The

Bride of Lammermuir.

The famous mad scene of Act 3 is an opera moment that is unsurpassable in 19th century coloratura repertoire. In soprano Sally Silver, Scottish Opera has found a bride for whom the psychological trauma of forced marriage and abandonment of true love is spellbindingly intense through her authoritative yet sensitive portrayal of Scott’s tragic heroine.

Atmospherically, the stage is almost timeless, dark and misty, with much use of water. Rivulets run down what might be standing stones, solid and ancient, with lines of chorus members filing past, their illumination coming from the candles they hold in front of them. Their singing is as sure as the monuments they circle, diction clear, dynamics and line immaculately controlled. Later, the men of the chorus appear as, possibly, Borders shepherds with little black hats and long sticks, another of Doyle’s touches that keep the piece in touch with nature and the landscape that gave us the

tale in the first place. (Carol Main)

I [ tic/a oi [anmic/moor; Fri/n/m/‘gh Fest/val Theatre. Sat 16‘, W0(12()& F1722 Jun.

strong amatcur orchcstra through Mo/ai't's ()i't'rlim' 'I)mi (iiot'mmi'. ('i'ayy'l‘ord’s liilglllr'l/(5L ()p 3. Barbcr's (T’l/U (init'r'rlo ()p 33 tllttl Bccthoy cn's Symphony .\‘o 7.

I More than Chopin St .\largarci‘s lipiscopal ('hurch. liastcr Road. 08-15 458 070‘). 8 0.30pm. £5. Scc Thu 7.

I The Scottish Chamber Choir: The Spanish Connection St (lilcs‘ ('athcdral. Royal .\lilc. 336 0673. 8pm. £8 (£6); undcr l6s lrcc. .‘ylichacl Harris conducts as thc choir pcrl‘orm Ramircl’ Vibrant .l/i.\(l ('riu/lu coinplcincntcd by picccs ll‘Ulit thc pcn ol' Jcan Bcrgcr. Solcr. Victoria & (iucrrcro.

Glasgow I Simon Thacker: The Alternative Guitar (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity (‘onccrt Hall. t'niycrsity Awnuc. 330 4003. l 3pm. l’rcc. .\lar\c| at thc \irtuosity ol this ayyard-yy‘inning young musician. as hc unlcashcs onc ol ihc most cxciting and adycnturous pci'l'ornianccs you xx ill hcar for classical guitar. l’icccs by Kcnnctli l)cmpstcr. Nigcl ()sbornc. Silil‘islt Korth and Nigcl \Vcstlakc. BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Scotland’s Music ‘07

('ity‘ Halls. ('andlcriggs. 353 8000. 3pm. lircc. Soc llillisl. right.

I Marian Chamber Ensemble 8i Bridc's lipiscopal ('hurch. 60 llyndland Road. 334 l-i()|. 3pm. 'l'ickcts ayailablc on thc door: 9.5. A conccrt ot' chainbcr music from the l.anarksliirc cnscinblc. l’url oft/iv Hi’V liml I'i'sliml

I Symposia and Scottish Voices St Mary's lipiscopal ('athcdral. 300 (ircat Wcstcrn Road. 337 3863. 4pm. l‘rcc. :\ sclcction ol rims and rcccntly aircd works by John dc Simonc. Drcyy Hammond. ()liycr Scarlc and (irahain Hair. from young contcmporary cnscinblc. Symposia. and thc all-lcmalc Scottish \"oiCCs cnscmblc.

I Choral Evensong St Mary 's liPisct’PiIl ('athcdral, 300 (ircal \Vcstcrn Road. 337 3863. 6.30pm. l‘rcc. ('hris Hampson conducts as thc (’athcdral’s tamous choir pcrl‘orm music by Bustchudc to mark thc tcrccntcnai‘y ol‘ thc composcr's dcath. l’url nil/iv lli‘y'l lim/ l'i‘.\‘lll'(l/.

I Jane’s Minstrels: Play Horn Trios (ilasgoyy l'niycrsity ('onccrt Hall. l'niycrsity :\\cnuc. 330 4003. 6.30pm. l'rcc. Horn u‘ios by Don Banks. lain Mathcson. Anthony l’ay nc and .lohanncs Brahms. l’rc concci't talk at 6pm. l’uri of I/u' Muslin .Vm‘u l't’.\ll\'u/.