xlapxtick l'caturc. Jacqucx 'l‘ali did it xo much hcllcr. Dominion. lzitli‘Ii/im'c/i.

>l< 9 Evenings Trilogy ll-Z) lllahro Schult/ l.undcxtam. l'S. Varioux) l l2min. In 19m» in a xcricx callcd ‘) liven/um: 'Iilicum' A’- Iz'Iici/ict'rinc. tcn Ncw York artixtx and Bcll 'lclcphonc Laboratoricx crcalcd inuxic with ncw tcchnolog); llcrc I.undcxtani rcconxlructx lhc lirxt thrcc pcrl‘ormanccx l'rom archival l‘oolagc and original xound rccordingx in Robert Ix’umt‘ln'nln'rc. ()lu'li .S't‘un'. .lulm (‘ugcz lin‘iulium VII and David lllt/Ull Bum/min)” .’ / Bum/uncut) l-iu‘lm'iul/ (u rout/)im'l. Part of a xcaxon ol lilm workx rclating to John ('agc. I’ilm/mmc. Iii/inlmrc/i.

Ocean’s Thirteen (I’m .00 lSlcvcn Sodcrhcrgh. l'S. 2007) (icorgc (‘loonc_\'. Brad Pitt. Al Pacino. l2lmin. Sodcrhcrgh. with a knowing wink. takcx a xalc hcl in rcturning with thix hcixl l‘ranchixc. Danny ()ccan l('loonc_\ ) and thl) R}an lPilt) round up lhc gang againxt daxtardl)‘ ncw caxino owncr Will} Bank'x (Pacino). 'l‘hough court} and ol‘tcn irritating. in partx it ix \cr) lunn} and thc action xcl picccx arc cxccllcnl. (it'm'rul I‘('/('ll\('.

>l< Octopusalarm l IS) 00.. llilixahcth Scharang. .-\u.xlria. 2000) l07min. .-\ xcricx ol' inlcrx icw .x h} Scharang about lil'c hctw ccn lhc gcndcrx with .-\lc.\ Jiirgcn. w ho wax rcaxxigncd ax l‘cmalc al lhc agc of two. Part of lhc London l.cxhian & (3a) l-‘ilm l’cxlix‘al on Tour. l'ilm/iuuw. Edinburgh.

>l< One“ lli) O... lllcnning l.ohncr/Jolin ('agc. (icrman). 1902) ‘Hmin. 'l‘hc on|_\ l'calurc Icngth film by compoxcr ('agc. it wax madc without a xuhjcct hut uxing hix conipoxitional lcchniqucx ol' chaucc opcrationx. Accompanicd h} (‘agc compoxilion /()_\’. Part of a xcaxon ol lilm workx rclaling to John ('agc. l‘l/Hl/IUHM’. [filth/Hugh.

The Painted Veil l 12A) 00.. (John ('urran. ('hina/l'S. 2007) Naomi




.VTzllNVll ’8 SEllWS HillVM S

W “38 NOSllllVllCllll WNW lfllllfld lllVd “Hillle illflVN Sillll‘lllilfld ONflllil

\Vallx. lidward Norton. l.ic\ Schrcihcr. l25niin. 'l‘hc third xcrccn adaptation of Somcrxct Maugham'x no\ cl about an linglixh couplc (Norton and \Vallx) in l‘)2(lx (’hina. (‘o-produccd with lhc ('hincxc govcrnmcnt. lhc production managcx to xtcp outxidc lhc domcxtic |i\cx of thc protagonixtx to hcconic a gcnuincl} touching romancc and hrcathtaking piccc ol‘ cincma. Dominion. lat/iii/mrc/i. Paradise Lost l 18) O. lJolm StockwcH. l'S. 200m .loxh l)uhanici. lilixxa (icorgc. ()li\ ia \Vildc. 03min. Young hackpackcr .r\|c\ ll)uhamcl) and hix l‘ricndx arc marooncd whcn tlicii' hux rollx oil a cliff and lhcir organx arc in dangcr ol' hcing c\traclcd iii\o|tiiil;ti‘il). l-‘ornicrly known ax 'liu'ismx. thix limp lcltucc of a lhrillcr ix liltlc morc than a xnitidgcd pliolocop} ol' lili Roth‘x l/mlt'l a gruhh) knock-oil" of a conxidcrahl} xmarlcr and hcllcrc\ccutcd lilm. ('im'wnr/(l Iii/in/mru/i. [Jilin/Hugh.

Paris Je t’aime l IS) .00

lVarioux. l‘rancc. 2000) Slcx c lltixccmi. (icna Rowlandx. Nick .\'oltc. l20min. Scc rc\ icw. pagc ~10. (i/uwmi' l'i/m 'I’ln'u/n'. (i/mguu ; l‘i/m/muu'. lat/inluu'g/i. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End l 12A) 0 l(iol'c \‘crhinxki. 1'8. 200") Johnn) l)cpp. Kcira Knighllc}. Orlando Bloom. (icolli'c) Ruxh. l().\'iiiiii. lhc third inxtalmcnt of thc lloll_\\\ood hlockhuxlcr lrauchixc hax xulixlitutcd cohcrcnt plot dc\clopmcnt and cucudcd comcd} routincx lor hum- uumhingl} lcdioux plotting that c\cn an Cl'l-CCl\ hca\_\ xpcclaclc Cttliil xau‘. 'l'hc allurc ol‘ l)cpp'x juxt-ahoubxtiII -amuxing xloncr piralc. and Knigltllc} and Bloom'x dtill. \ irginal lo\ crx hax gonc lo ilx walcrloggcd gra\ c hut lhc xcricx ma} limp till. (;('II('I'(II I'(’/(’(l\l’.

Primary and Transitions l Pl ; ) (\arioux. l'K. 2000-7) 75min. l‘ilnix niadc h} )oung (ilaxgtm ax} ltiiii xcckcrx agcd

3 20. Part ol RL‘l-llg‘L‘L‘ \Vcck. (i/(Hglm‘ l’i/m Hint/Ir. (i/mgml;

=3: Puccini for Beginners l 15) 0.. (Maria Maggcnli. l'S. 200(3) lili/ahcth Rcaxcr. (irctchcn Mol. Jtixlin Kirk. 8 l min. :\llcgra chaxcr) hax juxt hccn dumpcd h) hcr lcxhian lcht' whcn in walkx Philip (Kirk). a dappcr (‘olunihia prolcxxor w ho. againxt hcr hctlcr

judgmcnl. lightx hcr l'irc. Mcanwhilc. xhc

lallx into hcd with irrcxixtihl) gorgcoux (il‘aL‘L‘ l.\ll)l ). :\l|cgra‘x lllC liax ltL‘\L‘l' hccn xo coniplicalcd. An artictilalc. croxx— xc\ualit}. lo\ c lrianglc datc movic from lhc dircctor of Hit l/n‘ru/i/ily 'Ii‘m' .‘llll'l’ll/lll't’ of Two (iirls in Low. Part of lhc London l.cxhian and (lay liilm l‘l‘xlqul on Tour. I’llni/num'. Iii/in/mrc/i.

Queen Margaret University Short Films 1 15) (Varioux. l'K. 2007) l20min. Sclcction ol‘ xhort lihnx and dm'umcntaricx lrom gradualc xludcntx l‘rom Quccn Margarct l'nchrxil}; l'l/Ill/IUHAU. Iii/inlmrgli.

>1: Red Doors l IS) 000 ((iL‘Ul'glil l.cc. 18‘. 2005) 'l'li Ma. Jacquclinc Kim. lilainc Kao. l"rcda lioh Shcn. 02min. lid \Vong ll/i Ma). ncw I_\ i'clircd and dcprcxxcd. xll'ttgglcx lo kccp ltix hoixtcroux w il'c and thrcc daughtcrx logcthcr in thix capach comcd} ol~ lamil} crrorx. l‘ocuxing on a (‘hincxc .'\nicrican lamil} with comintinication ixxucx. Part oi lhc London l.cxl\ian and (la) l’ilni l'cxtival on Tour. I'i/Iii/muu'. lat/in/mrgli.

2:: Revenge of the Dead Indians ll.) 0... lllcnning l.olincr. (icrmany. l‘NM 125ml”. .\ xlal‘ xlttdllcd documcnlar} about lhc .-\mcrican compoxcr .lohn (‘agc. with appcaranccx h} l)cnnix lloppcr. Rutgcr llaucr. Malt (irocning. Frank Zappa and Yoko Ono. 'l‘hc xting ix that it ix xtruclurcd according to (‘agc'x conipoxilional mclhodx. Part ol‘ :1 xcaxon ol lilm workx rclaling to John (‘agc. l'ilHi/ioim'. Iii/inluu‘u/i.

Robots ll) .0 (Unix \Vcdgc. (‘arlox Saldhana. [8. 2005) Voiccx of Robin \Villiamx. llallc Bcrr}. (ii'cg Kinncar. liwan .\lc(ircgot‘. ‘llmin. .\'cw


animatcd advcnturc from lhc mak‘crx ol- Iu' xlgt'. Rodncy ('oppcrholloni (McGrcgor) ix a working claxx robot whoxc drcamx ol hcconiing an im‘cntor arc daxhcd whcn hc dixcovcrx that Bigwcll. lhc largcxl corporation in thc city. hax hccn ovcrtakcn by Ralchcl (Kinncar). a rulhlcxx capitalixt who makcx Rupcrt Murdoch look likc Karl Marx. ()n lhix showing lhc ('(il l‘orniula ix dcxpcratcly iii nccd of an upgradc. (ii'u.\i'('rtnli Glasgow.

Rocky (PU) C... (John (i .-\l\'idxcn. l'S. l‘)7()) Sylvcxtcr Stallonc. Burgcxx Mcrcdith. 'l‘alia Shirc. I 19min. Back to thc dayx whcn Slallonc tixcd to makc good lilmx lw cll. onc. and lhix ix it). It's lhc old ragx-to-richcx .xaga drcxxcd tip by writcr SI} ax a boxing drama about a dim-witlcd Philadclphia lad who inakcx it good in glchx. This onc look thc cht Piclurc ()xcar. whilc lhc four that l'ollowcd adhcrcd to thc law oi" diminixhing rcturnx. (innuvun; (i/(M‘g'lm:

Rocky Balboa l 12A) 0... (S)l\cxlcr Slallonc. ('8. 2006) Sylvcxlcr Slallonc. Burl Young. Milo V'cntitniglia. Antonio 'l‘arvcr. l02min. .-\gcing hoxcr Rocky (Stallonc). living off liix paxl glory. lcarnx that a computcr xiniulatcd light hax him hcating Maxon Dixon lrcal lit‘c light licax'ywcighl chatnp 'I‘arx'cr) and an cxhihition houl ix arrangcd. 'l‘hc natural hcir and .xucccxxor to lhc original Rm‘k)‘. il'x w a} hcllcr than cxcn dichard lanx could hopc l'or. Ro-ck). Ro-ck}. Ro-ck‘) . . . Sl'll’l'll’ll I'(’/(’(I,\('.

Save money

see page 44 for details




ll Clllll. DESCOURS Ullllfl GRAY MARMNNE iAllHEUil BEN (SAHARA HIPPfllYlE Gllilllfll

?l \lllll~f) Jul 2001' THE LIST 49