Sunset Boulevard (1’01 12.45.

Lallle en Rose (La M6me)112.-\12.15. 5.50.

Paris Jet’alme (151 5.15. (1.00. 8.25. The Blossomlng of Maximo Oliveros (151 8.41).


LaVle en Rose (La M6me)1l2.1\12. 8.00.

Paris Jet’alme ( 151 2.45. (1.00. lrresistible1l51 5.50.


LaVieenRose (La M61ne)112.-\1 2.15. 5.111. 8.00. ParlsJet’alme1151 2.45. (1.00. 8.25.

Ashton Lane. 11i11head. (1141 339 8444. 1-‘ri--Sun: £0 before 5pm: £7 after;

Tue Thu: £5 before 5pm: £0 al'ter. (‘hild/S1u11e11t/().»\P: £4 (11111 ayailahle after 5pm Fri 8; Sat): Kids’ ([1111 Sat Morning: £3. Watch with Baby: £5. Late shows: £3. Monday: all tickets £4.


Amazing Grace (Parent 81 Baby Screening) (1’01 10.50.1111.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (PG) 1.00. 5.40. (1.20. 8.50.

Ocean’s Thirteen 1P(;1 12.20. 5.00. 5.40.


Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (PG)

Weekdays: 1.00111111'1‘11111. 4.10. 0.21). 8.50.

Sat 1% Sun: 3.00. 5.31). 8.00. Ocean’s Thirteen (1’01

Daily: 1.11). 5.50. (1.30. 9.10. Ocean’s Thirteen (Parent 8. Baby Screening) ( I’(i 1

Matinee Thu: 10.30am.

Robots 1151 Matinee Sat 1% Sun: Rocky (P01

Late liri & Sat: 1 1.31). Shrelt the Third (1'1 Matinee Sat & Sun: Matinee Thu: 1.30.

IMAX Theatre

Glasgow Science Centre. 511 Pacific Quay. 0141 421) 5000. £0.95 (£4.95). 10‘? discount 1111 parties 111'111111'e than four.



11.00am. 12.51).

THU 80.91121.

T-Rex 30 (1'1 1.50.


Cybervvorld 30 (P(i1

Sat {t Sun: 2.15.

Deep Sea 3|) (1’01

Weekdays: 12.30. 2.30.

Sat 8; Sun: 11111111. 12.30. 2.30. 3.15. 4.15.

T-Rex 3|) (1'1

Weekdays: 1.31).

Sat 8; S1111: 1.00.

Odeon At The Quay

()11 Paisley R11ad.1)l4l 429 7027. 111111 and(‘(‘h1111king: (1871 22 4411117.:\111111s £0.35 (premier seats £7351: (‘11ncessi11ns £4.51) (premier seats 1111' ().-\l’s and (‘hildren £4.75). 1521111in ticket £18.


AreWeDoneYet?(1’(}1 1.15. 0.15.

Cheeanum1P(i1 8.50. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’01 12.50. 1.50. 5.0(1. 4.00. 5.50. (1.50. 8.011. 9.00.


P To mark Refugee Week 2007 there will be a screening of these two short films

made by Glasgow young asylum-seekers. Commissioned by Oxfam, 90-minute film Primary was made by 8-12-year-old asylum-seekers at St Martha’s Primary School. In the film these young people interview their Scottish classmates about the impact of asylum-seekers becoming part of the school community. The 12-minute Transitions was commissioned by Careers Scotland and made by asylum-seeking teenagers. The film attempts to explore their limited options for education after leaving secondary school. After the films, Kathleen Marshall, Commissioner for Children and Young People, will be joining a panel of the young filmmakers and representatives from Oxfam, Amnesty International and Careers Scotland to open an audience debate about the issues raised in the young people’s films. This event is free.

I GFf, Glasgow. Sat 2(1‘J1111.

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom 1 12..\1 1.00. 4.511.


Ocean’s Thirteen11’(11 11111111. 2.00. 5.1111. 5.00. (1.00. 8.00. 900.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 112..\1 12.511. 1.1111. 4.511. 5.00. 8.5(1. 11.00.

Spider-Man3112.-\1 12.45. (1.15. Vacancy1151 2.0(1. 4.511. 7.00. 11.50. Wedding Daze1151 5.45. 9.15. Zodiac1151 1.50. 5.011. 8.30.


Are We Done Yet? (1)111

[-11 1k M1111 Wed: 1.15. 3.30. 0.15. Sat. Sun 1k Thu: 1 1.30am (11111 Thu 1. 1.45.

Bridge to Terabithia 11*(11

Matinee Sat 1k Sun: 11.00am. Captivity 1 181 1511 1k M1111 Wed: Sat. S1111 1k Thu: 4.00. 0.45. 9.311. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’(i1

Daily: 12.45. 2.111). 7.1111. 8.15. 9.31). :\1811 matinee Sat 1k Sun: 1 1.311am.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 11’( 11 Matinee Tue: 10.30am.

For Your Consideration 1 12.-\ 1

Tue: 9.1111.

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom 1 12.'\1

1-‘1'11& M1111 Wed: 1.00. 4.30. 8.15.

Sat 1& Sun. T1111: 1.01). 5.31). 9.15.

3.15. 4.30. 5.45.

10. | 5am.



1.15. 4.111). (1.45. 9.31).

Ocean’s Thirteen (1’( i1

1’1'11k M1111 Wed: 11111111. 2.00. 3.111). 5.1111. (1.1111. 8.111). 9.1111.

Sat. Sun 1k Thu: 2.011. 5.011. 8.00.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 1 IBM

15ri. M1111 & Wed: 5.111). 8.31). 9.1111. Sat. Sun 1& Thu: 12.31). 4.31). 8.30. Tue: 1.111). 4.311. 5.111). 3.31). 9.1111. Rocky Balboa (Senior Screening) 1 mm Matinee Tue: 1 1.00am.

Shrek the Third (1'1

Sat 1k Sun. Thu: 11111111. 12.31). 1.01). 1.45. 2.30. 3.01). 3.30. 4.15. 5.00. 5.31). (1.111). (1.45. 7.31). 8.111). 8.31). 9.15.

A1811 matinee Sat & Sun: 1 1.15.

TMNT11’(11 Matinee Sat & Sun: Vacancy 1 151

l-‘ri 1k M1111 Wed: 2.00. 4.31). 7.110. 9.15.

Sat. Sun & Thu: 9.15. Wedding Daze ( 151

1511. M1111 1k Wed: 9.00. Zodiac ( 151

1"1'11k M1111 Wed: 1.31). 8.31).

Zodiac (Subtitled) ( 151 “1‘11: 5.111).

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

liarrhridge Leisure ('cntre. Coatbridge. 1111'11111111111111k111g line: (1871 221) 10110. £11 (£4.75 111‘1111'1‘ (111111 511111 151‘11 8111 1Q

S1111 he1‘11re 1111111. ('hi1d/().-\1’/Student:

£4.00. Tue all tickets: £4.75.

12.31). 1.111). 4.31).

111.111). 111.311.

1 1.1111am.

5.111) (11111 “1‘11 1.


Are We Done Yet? (1’( 11 4.50. 7.211. 0.40.

11.45am. 2211.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the SilverSurfer (1’(}1

11.00am. 11.30am. 11111111. 12.311. 1.40. 2. 2.40. 3.10. 4.25. 4.55. 5.25.

5. 7.10. 7.40. 8.10. 8.41). 9.55.

1( 0. 11.35.

Ocean’s Thirteen11’(i1

11.15am. 1.15. 2.111). 4.111. 4.45. 7.111). 7.50. 9.45. 10.15.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 1121\1

11.1)(1am. 11111111. 12.31). 2.115. 3.35. 4.05. 5.40. 0.10. 7.15. 9.15. 9.45. Spider-Man3112.\1 11.00.1111. 2.1111. 5.05. 8.10.

Vacancy1151 12.35. 2.55. 5.15. 7.35. 10.0(1.

Wedding Daze1l51 12.05.

7.25. 9.511.

11) 55 1.3


AreWe Done Yet? (1)111

1"1‘1 & M1111 Wed: 11.45am. 2.211. 4.50. 7.211. 9.41).

Sat. Sun 1% Thu: 11.45am. 2.20. 4.50. .-\1s11 late 1511: midnight.


Daily: 11.45am. 2.31). 4.45. 7.30. 9.50.

.1\1s11 late 1'11 1& Sat: 111id11ig111. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’(11

Daily: 11.00am. 11.30am. 11111111. 12.31). 1.411. 2.111. 2.411. 5.11). 4.25. 4.55. 5.25. 5.55. 7.10. 7.40. 8.10. 8.411. 9.55. 111.31). 11.35. .-\1s11 late 1‘1‘1 1k Sal: 11.115. luckyYou(l’(i1

1)ai1y: 11.25am. 2.21). 5.11). 8.00. Also late [‘11 1& Sat: 1 1.011. Ocean’s Thirteen (1’(11

1)ai|_\: 11.15am. 1.15. 2.00. 4.111. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. 9.45. 10.15. .'\1s(1 late 1’1‘1 1k Sat: 12.30am.


2' .111". ‘1 .111: ' THE LIST 53