I The Planes and Jaded Playboy llcnry'x (’cllar Bar. 8 16a .\1orrixon SII‘L‘L‘1.2289393. 7.30pm. r4. Lat-.11 rat-t actx.

I Vic Godard and The Subway Sect and TV21 (‘itrux ('luh. 40 42 (irindlay SII'L‘L‘l. 022 7086. 7.30pm. £10. .-\ \xclcomc rcturn for thc punk-pop pionccr and somctimc l’oxlt‘tlt‘d RL‘L‘Ul'tlS-Slglk‘d artist. \upportcd hy lidinhurgh poxt-ptmk clawicislx 'l'\'21.

I Pharmacy, Bohemond and Night Noise Team Banncrman’x. \iddry Slrcct. 556 3254. 9.30pm. £4. Rock. funk and pop.

I My Mate’s Odd ('aharct Vollairc.

36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6176. 11pm 3am. £71£4L ’l‘hc ncyy. dancclloor-liricndly 1100\L‘ hand o1 cluh night 33/45. loundcd hy thc c1uh\ proinotcr 1.con liaxtcr and l'ricndx.

I Frushane, The Mike Kearney Trio, William Douglas and the Wheel, Iona Marshall and Little Pebble llcnry \ ('cllar Bar. 8 16a .\1ol't‘i\on Strcct. 228 9393. 1 1pm. £5. .r\ \clcction ()1 local indic and hlucx—rock aclx.


I JB Conspiracy, Crashdown and Taking Chase \‘icu licld llotcl. l

Vic“ licld Road. 08700 600100. 8pm. Ska. punk and rock.


iii The Outsider Festival Rothicmurcliux. .'\\ icmorc. 0870 220

l l 16. 'l‘imcx \ary. £20: \Vcck‘cnd paxx £65. l-‘cxtiyal ol'l'cring a mi\ o1" muxic. actiy iticx. \port. dchatc. comcdy and lilm \\ ith a grccn agcnda in thc mountainx. \yoodlttntls and on “atcr. King (‘rcoxotca l’cathog 1‘acricx. Salxa (‘cltica and .\1othcr1‘unk gct thc party going tonight. l’lcaw \cc \yu“outsidcrlcxtiyal.co.uk tor lurthcr dctails. I’m-I o/‘llighlmnl 2007.


I Page 6111c Doghouxc. 13 Bloom Strcct. 01382 227080. 8pm. (iuitar rock and coycrs from l’agc 6.


I The Screaming Meemies PJ‘x. 7 (‘anmorc. 9pm. £3. ('laxsic rock co\ct'\. including morc rcccnl liltx.


I Sentimental Journey Rollic‘x lltlllx. Kingdom ('cntrc. 01592 612121. 2.30pm. £7 (£5.50). .\'o\talgic muxic lroin thc ~11)\ and 50x \ung hy Linda Ballingall and John (it'lL‘\ L‘.


I Friday Night Live llarhour .-\rt\ (l‘lllt'L‘. l 14 l 10 lltll'hout‘ Slt‘CL‘I. 01294 274059. 8pm. £4. .'\ \liouc‘axc o1 local |i\'c hiltltlx.


I reLOADED ’I‘olhooth. Jail \Vynd. 01786 274000. 8pm. £6 (£4 in adyancc). 1‘caturing unxigncd handx 'l'hc llugh 'l‘royyxcrx Band. Sccond in l.inc and l-‘i\ c l’ark‘ l)ri\'c.


I The Easy Orchestra Sola. 18 John Strcct. Mcrchant ('ity. 2pm. l‘rcc. Scc Fri

I Open Stage ‘l'hc llalt Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 352 9996. 4 8pm. lircc. \Vcckly \cxxion liot' local llitlsicianx. I The Contradictions A062. 330 Sauchichall Strccl. 332 2232. 7pm. £6. All cclcclic mi\ o1 liddlc and liolk songs. in thc liuropcan and .-\mcrican tradition. I The Dirty Hepburns, The Mad Cats, Casino and The Casuals Barfly lllpxltlll‘xl. 260 (’lydc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 7pm. £6. .\ quadruplc hill ()1 local indic-rock actx.

I Nacional, Three Seventy Five, Sonsie Collective and The Hype Barroyy'land 2. 244 (ialloyi'gatc. 552 4601. 7.45pm. £6. A hunch of local

66 TNE LIST '/1 .ltir‘. 55.1019007'

Beloved of Thom Yorke, San Francisco experimentalists Deerhoof are one of the most high- profile underground bands in the world at the moment (if that’s not an oxymoron). John

Dieterich, Greg Saunier and singer Satomi Matsuzaki’s latest album Friend Opportunity borrows from Japanese noisecore and no-wave art-punk in equal measure.

iii/18C. Glasgow. Mon 2:3 Jun.

indic-rockcrx gracc thc Barrax' \\ cc stagc. 14 ycars and oldcr.

I Birds of Delay, Eye Shaking Kingdom and Toymonger 13111 .\'otc (1116.50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 8pm. Birds of l)clay arc a l'rcc-noixc outlit much hclmcd o1 Sonic Youth'\ 'lhurston .\1oorc and “o” liycx. liarplugs may hc rcquircd.

I The Deletes, The Stolen Hours, The Grimm Fandangos and The Dead Generals Bo\. 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 332 5431. 8pm. .\ linc-up o1 local indic lalcnt.

I New Noise Pollution, Against One of the State Killers, Danica, Would Be Kings and The Darlings lyory Blacks. 56 ()xyyald Strcct. 248

41 14. 8pm. .-\ hunch o1. local rock otlllils. for your tinnitux-inducing cntcrtainmcnt.

I Stop Starts, The 4/55 and The Mannikees King 'l'ut‘x \Vah Wah Hut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 5279. 8pm. £5. (ilasgou' indic-rockcrx Stop Starts hcadlinc a hill o1~ local talcnt.

I Strike the Colours Nicc'n'Slca/y. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0900. 8pm. £thc. Scc Thu 21.

I UK Subs, Fire Exit, Page 4 and Dead Beat Heroes Barlly. 260 ('lydc Stt‘c‘t‘l. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. l’ogo likc it's 1977 with 111C old-\cliool punk idolx.

I The Gilded Angels 'l'hc Buttcrlly & thc Mg. 153 Bath Strcct. 221 7711. 10pm. l'rcc. chkly rcxidcncy tor llll\ country collcctiyc.

Edinburgh I Mending Hearts, Athens and

The Flavours 'I‘lic Jam llouxc. 5 ()uccn Strcct. 226 4380. 5.15pm. lircc hclorc 9pm; £3 hcl'orc 10pm; £5 hcl‘orc 1am; £7 al'tcr. \chtcrn. rock and pop. I The Dials, Andrew Lyon, The Debut and Fabian 'l'hc Bongo (‘luh. Moray “01180. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7604. 7pm. £5t£4). A local indic night. prcwntcd hy Know Your Limits.

I Pilotcan, Little Green Machine and Kudos (’aharct \‘oltairc. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6176. 7pm. £4. :\ local hand night. hcadlincd hy cnduring lidinhurgh indic-rockcrx and Sonic Youth loycrx l’ilotcan.

I AC/DC Volts and Cheap Purple llcnry's ('cllar Bar. 8 16a Morrison Strcct. 228 9393. 7.30pm. £lhc. 'l'rihutc to thc hcay} rock thtmdcr o1 :\('/1)(' and l)ccp l’urplc.

I Oliver de Sol ()ctopth Diamond. 37 (iuthric Strcct. 225 9744. 8pm. £3. 1.i\'c clcctronica.

I Buswell, Neil and Fraser and Davie Lawson 'I‘hc 1,ot't. 'I‘hc 'l'hrcc Si\1L‘r\. 139 (‘oyygaltfi 6.22 (3801. 8.30pm. £4. Strippcd down acotixtica from S“ indon \larga/crx and lidinhurgh alt.pop \tlppol'l.

I Blue Zinc, The Dials, Silversleet and The Scarecrows Whixtlchinkicx. 4 (i Sotllh lil'itlgc. 5.57 51 14. 9pm. 1‘rcc hcl'orc midnight; £4 allcr. lndic. rock. coycrx and ot'lgllltllx. I The Fire 8: I, Tourettes and Miss The Occupier Banncrman'x. Niddry Strcct. 556 3254. 9.30pm. £4. local indic-pop.


I Kitterdy Bcansccnc. 1h ;\11o\\ay l’lttL‘L‘. 01292 2700-10. 9pm. l'Il‘L‘L‘. 111C aliax of thc 1'ormcr.-\xhton 1.anc tthc hand) and l’aulo .\'utini guitarist. “hich should gi\ c you an idca it\ to \yhcrc hc'x coming li'om.


:3? The Outsider Festival Rothicmurclrux. :\\'icmorc. 0870 220 1 1 16. 'l‘imcs \ary. £35; \ycckcnd paxx £65. l-‘cxtiyal ot‘icring a mix ol‘ muxic. actiy iticx. \pot't. dchalc. comcdy and film \\ ith a grccn agcnda in llic mountains. \\'oodland\ and on \yatcr. K’l' 'l‘unstall hcadlincx Saturday \\ith ldlcwild. Willay .\1a\on. l'rcd l)cakin tl.cmon Jclly) and many morc also on thc 13111. l’lcaxc \L‘L'

\y\\'\\.otlhltlc‘t'lt‘xl1\';ll.c‘o.ltk l'or liurlhcr dctailx. I’url u/‘lli'u/I/um/ 2007.


I MacFloyd ('arncgic llall. liaxt l’ort. 01383314000. 7.30pm. £10. Scottixh trihutc to thc mighty 1’ink l-loyd.

I Bony Fido l’J'x. 7 (‘anmorc. 9pm.

l‘rcc. l,ocal 1i\ c hand.


I Borders Boogie Band \Vy nd 'l‘hcatrc. Bucclcuch Strcct. 01896 820028. 8pm. £12. llot hlucx and hoogic l'rom thix llot'dcrx hand. 'l‘ickct pricc includcx hul‘lct.


I John Hamilton Bcanxccnc. 40 King Slrc‘cl. 01780 451-172. 9pm. l'l'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ 1110 21.


I Big Blues Day '1‘hc l'crry. 42 (‘lydc l’lacc. 01698 360 085. 12.30pm. £12.50. All day hlucx 161‘ your lixtcning plcaxurc. Linc-up lcalurcy Rooxt. lhc Bluc l)c\il\. Dcl‘cndcr. .lin\. 111C llalox. 'l'hc 1._\ inc} l)o1an Band. Alan .\'immo, l)calcr. 'l‘hc Blucx Surlcrx and 'I’hc Blucx Ridcrx. l’url oft/Iv (i/mgmi' lnli'rnulimml .ltii." l'i'.\ltl'tl/.

I Cobramatics ('lutha \‘aulix. Stockucll Strcct. 552 7520. 5pm. 1'rcc. RUL‘kdl‘l'ollAktt l'L‘xltlL‘nL‘}.

I Ashton Lane Live Brcl. 39 43 Axltlon 1.anc. 342 4966. 6 8pm. 1-'i'cc. 'l‘hc Jtlllll BCillllL‘ Band. 'l‘llL‘ liolllt‘llL‘CkL‘l’x :llltl lllllt‘\ (iraham 11pr round ot'l‘ thc \cht lind l"c\ti\:il.

f-i‘ Devo ('arling Acadcmy (ilaxgoyy. 121 liglinton Strcct. 0870 771 2000. 7pm. £28.50. 'l'hc poxt‘punk art-rockcrx ol' ‘Whip lt' and ‘Jocko llomo' lamc rcturn to thc li\c tray. hopcliully \till \\1111\1ll_\ hcadgcar intact. Scc prc\ icu. pagc 59.

I Wilson Tan and Early Songs Brcl. 39 43 Axhton 1.anc. 342 4966. 7pm. 1"rcc. \Vilxon 'l‘an call thcmxclycx ‘an unhon