Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.



Spirit of The Horse: The Legend of Chimera Bcllaliouston l’;ll'l\. Bcllahouston I)ri\'c. ()87() Inn 955‘). 2.30pm «k 7.30pm. L'Io I233 l£I2 £25: lattiin tickct £32). l'ntil Sun 8 Jul. llorscsl llorscsf (‘oining in in all dircctionsf I.argc-scalc cqucstrian lhcatrc at its lincst. Sonic of thc horscs ha\ c

\\ ings. and thcrc arc unicorns. ()l' coursc thcrc arc.


Introduction to Lace Knitting 'l‘lico‘s (’ol'l'cc and Play. 330 (ircal \VCstcrn Rtl. 330017]. 7 8pm. Bccausc viw'wm-K knitting juinpcrs thcsc days. Stand out from thc crallty crou d L‘\ cry sccond 'l'hursday. ('all (II-II 57b ()1 l3 to book a placc.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market Quccn's Park. 520 Langsidc Park. 287 7273. 9am 2pm. l’crIch for a post- payday posh pasty pigout.

Thesday 10


>§= Shadowed Spaces Various \cnucs. 7.30pm. l‘i‘cc. Scc prcyicyy. or

w“ \ l'or I‘urlhcr dclails.

Wednesday ‘I 1


Film Discussion Group (ilasgoys l-‘ilm 'I'hcatrc. 12 Row Strcct. 332 8 I 28. (i.3()pm. l‘rcc. ('hat with \yritcrs. lilinmakcrs and critics about arthousc and blockbtistcr mm ics in thc rarilicd air around thc (il’l‘. llcld on thc sccond \Vcdncsday ot'cycry month.

Saturday 14

Activities & Events

>i< Glasgow River Festival (‘lydc Ri\cl‘. 248 8005. Illatn opin. l'rcc l('har§_'cs I'or sonic actiy iticsi. (onto and cclcbratc lhc history of thc ('lydc. lrom shipbuilding to \\itlL‘l‘spt)l‘l\. (icl your mind out oi that puddlc. Scc \\ \\ \Lglasgou riwrlcstix l'or l'ull listings.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Manslicld l’ark. l’artick. ()I 738 449-130. 9am 3pm. l-‘rcc. ()rganic \cgctablcs.

m it “saw

'riflkilit l rm;

hand-inadc brooms and happy bacon. You can buy anything on Dumbarton Road tltcsc days.

Performance >l= Shadowed Spaces Sccrct location. ('umbcrnauld. 7.30pm. l‘i‘cc. Scc prcyicu.


Club Noir: Burlesque Workshop (iathcr in (ilasgoyy. l'ppcr l-‘Ioor. 37 Ruthxcn lane. l)7‘)(i7 ISX5I3.

I Iain (i.3l)pm. ('lub \oir's dcdicalcd tcain ol tasscl-t“ irlcrs tcach you hon to tcasc out your inncr l)ita. liinail

tinaw l‘or morc dctails.

Activities & Events

Glasgow Duck Race ('lydc Rixcr. 3.30pm. £5. Buy duck. launch duck.

may bc u in a car. dclinitcly hclp a charity. I’rll‘! ufl/It’ (i/usgun Ril‘r'r l'i’.\lll‘(l/ SOC prcy icu and \y \\ \\.glzisgo\\ duckraccorg l‘or mot‘c inl‘o.

Monday 1 6.


Thank you for the Music: Davie Scott I’acilic Quay. nut to (ilasgou SCIL‘IICL‘ (t‘lllll‘. (t..3(lpttt. l'il'CL‘ lllc‘lu‘lc‘tll. 'l'hc l'orincr l’carllishcr traccs his on n pcrsonal history ol‘ songyyriting l‘or Radio Scotland. (‘all Scotland's .\Iusic tclcphonc “NC (“370 ~il l lb llll I0 lk‘ iltltlL‘tl It) llIL‘ guest list.

Thursday 1 9


Scotland’s Largest Ever Yog Health Workshop Sli(‘(‘. l‘innicston Quay. (I370 (HI) 4000. (y 8.3(laltl. [5i [25L 'l‘hc \yorld's loading: yoga practitioncr l)r Suanii Ranidcx .Ii gathcrs togcthcr morc yoga cnthusiasts than cyct' bclot‘c. Ilopc thcrc's room l‘or cycryonc's mat.


Spectrum: A Landscape of Autism, Asperger’s and Children’s Art l’rojcct Ability. ('cntrc l‘or l)L‘\t‘lUplIIClIltll Arts. IS Albion Strcct. 552 2822. l'ntil l-‘ri I3 Jul (not Sat/Sun). .\Ion l’ri

Illani 5pm. Work by pupils from lhrcc (ilasgoyy Primary Schools’ .-\utisin l'nits. This is our Story: Commemorating the Abolition of the Slave Trade 1807 (irccnbank (iardcn. l’lcndcrs Road. (‘Iarkstoir (IS-I14 ()322lll. l'ntiI Stilt 8 Jul. Illain 5pm. l‘il‘cc. .\ trayclling mhibition about Scotland and thc slayc tradc. uhich cunnincs its conncclions \\ ith sonic National 'l’i'usl l'or Scotland silcs.

Activities & Events

Murder by Candlelight l’ollok Ilousc. l’ollok ('ountry l’ai'k. 2(I(i(l l’ollokshayys Road. olo (i410, 10am 5pm. £5 lchildrcn l'i‘ccl. liy cry \Vcdncsday. .\Ican\\hilc. back in l‘)32. Sir William (iman has bccn



Rubber ducky, you're the one

To close the Glasgow River Festival, thousands of

rubber ducks will be launched off the Clyde Arc bridge and raced down river. Adopting a duck costs just £5, with all proceeds going to KidsCharities UK, and owners of the first 20 ducks across the finish line will win excellent prizes (which seems a bit unfair as the ducks did all the

swimming . . .)

I Glasgow Duck Race. Sun 1:3 Jul. WWW. g/asgowdtIck/‘

l'ound dcad in his gun room. ('an you uork out \yhodunnit ltclorc another innoccnt mcmbcr ol the ill'lSltK‘l'ilL‘}' conics to a sticky cnd'.’


Activities & Events

BeatniX Poetry Nite 'l'hc Ja/I Bar. I (’hanibcrs Strcct. 220 4200. .S’ |()pm. £4 (£3). ()pcn mic poctry and music hostcd by Anita (ioy'alt. Icaturing.y Anicrican jau poclry from Young Dayxkins thc lll. 'I'hc ('hcinical l’ocls. singcr/songyyritcr William Douglas and. oi coursc. opcn mic Shots. (‘all 07902 9125‘)” for mot'c iltl'o.


Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School The Jan Bar. I (’hanibcrs Slrcct. 220 4290.

2 4pm. to. \thrc cabarct inccts lilc drayy in}: thc iiiodcls arc burlcsquc diyas. strapping hunks oi manhood and circus lrcaks. This month. \\ rap your pcncils around I‘ornicr 1.1.x! coycr girl Missy Malonc.

Sunday 8

Activities & Events Jacobite Trail lidinburgh (‘astlc. Royal .‘ylilc. 225 (IS-Io. noon. 1pm. 2pm & 3pm.

ARTHURCON ANDOYLERO BERTPEEL - HlirmncHAm tsp/u; NlNIlll. . t JAMINL Wilt/“lei lWlLLI/ “MAKE National L'b'm y PEACE THACK ERAYP 005th Of KMURC HISON .- v- tiltiil' Wilmifo Ni AU‘ H’NIUI ' ‘li‘ ) who-i INCAR OLINE NORTO NMICH AELFARADAY lira CH ARLESD ICKENS


24 THE LIST .‘> If: till} RIM/f

L‘ll (£5.50 £9). .\lcct thc Jacobite clansincn as lhcy cclcbratc tlicir triumphant cntrancc into lidinburgh and hcar thc talc of their l'ailcd attcmpt to capturc thc castlc. l’url o/‘lli'g/Ilum/ 2007.


Antique and Collectors Fair .\lcado\yhank Sports ('cntrc. I39 London Road. (ml 5351. 10am 4.30pm. L'I ll'rcc). (in on. hayc a ruminagc. Watch out for l)ayid Dickinson lurking bchind thc china ligtiriiics.


Race for Life llopcloun llousc. Shore Road. South Quccnslcrry. 33l 245 I.

I lain 1pm. Donations. ()nc ol' the higgcst localised charity cycnts oi the ycar. as \y'omcn of all agcs run to t‘aisc moncy l'or (‘anccr Rcscarch l'K.


Filmhouse Movie Quiz I-‘ilinlioiisc. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2(i88. 9pm. Test your lilm knowlcdgc at the phcnomcnally succcssl‘ul and uniquc monthly lilm quil. (irab a [cam ol up to cight pcoplc and gct thcrc carly to bag a scat.

Tuesday 10


Leaving Makes Me Sorrowful: Songs of Scots Gaelic immigrants in Australia National Library of Scotland. (icoi'gc l\' Bridgc. 226 453 . 7pm. lircc. Dr Ruth Martin. llcad of




, é; Heritage