
I Skyless, Kings Die Kings and The Dust Puppets 'l‘hc Ark. 3 7 Watcrloo l’lacc. 228 9393. 8pm. L'tbc. Rock.


I Saltcoats Rock 'l'hc l’t'otncnadc. Winton (‘ircus. 01294 324-188.

ttoon (rpm. l"rcc. .-\n al‘tcrnoon of family cntct'tainmcnt tcaturing thc bcst local tributc bands and acts.


I Cobramatics (‘lutha Vaults. Stock“ cll Stt‘cct. 552 7520. 5pm. lircc. Scc Sun 8.

I Captive Audio, The Fire 8. I, Black Carnation and Miss the Occupier Box. 4.0 Sauchichall Strcct. B2 54.”. 8pm. l‘rcc. Punch) indic punk rocking from Miss thc ()ccttpicr.

I Emma Jane, Are you Ever Happy? and Journey Box The Liquid Ship. l7l 175 (ircat \Vcstcrn Road. 33 l‘)0l. 8pm. l‘rcc. l.oca| song“ ritct' hcads this bill.

I Le Reno Amps and Sixpeopleaway ('otticr's. ()3 05 ltyndland Strcct. 357 5825. 8pm. l-rcc. Acoustic sct lt‘om ntclodic indic rock band at this \‘ix‘antclodica night.

I Levolora, Kurai Kotoro, Cardiac and Capulet ch .\‘otc (are. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 lo38. 9pm. Dancc-rock gcckcorc from Kurai Kotoro and l‘rcn/icd rock from ('ardiac. ‘3 Indian Summer Victoria Park. Victoria Park I)ri\c. Whitcinch. 08700 ()00l00. £05. Scc Sat 14. Edinburgh

I Pink lidinburgh (‘astlc. Royal .\lilc. 08700 o00l00. 7pm. £35. 'l'hc crimson- mancd punk} pop chick gcts thc party

starch at this opcn air gig at thc ('astlc. I The Sound Station Sunday Session 'l’hc Jam llousc. 5 ()uccn Strcct. 226 4380. 8pm. Scc Sun 8.

I V-2 Schneider, Richard Boa and Frankie Lowe chry's (‘cllar Bar.

8 16a Morrison Strch. 228 9393. 8pm. £4. lndic powct‘ pop pltts support.

I Hobo 'I'hc Bongo ('lttb. Moray llottsc. 37 llol)‘t‘ood Road. 558 760-1. l0pm 3am. £3. Scc Sun 8.

Dundee I Sunday Band Concerts Various \cnucs. 01382 433 40]. 2 3pm. l’rcc. Scc Sun 8.


I Saltcoats Rock The l’t‘omcnadc. \Vinton ('ircus. 01294 324-188. 1 (rpm. i'll'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Sill l4.

Monday 1 6


I Thank you for the Music: Davie Scott l’acilic Qua). ncxt to (ilasgms Scicncc ('cntrc. (i.30pm. l-‘rcc lliL‘lsL‘lL‘tl). In it sct'iCs t'L‘L‘UI'dCtl for Radio Scotland. cight \s'cll—known Scottish sottgut'ilcrs t‘cxcal lltcit‘ pcrsonal sottg\\t'ilittg jottrncys using a cotnbination ol~ \‘oicc. instruntcnts and rccot'dings. and guidcd b) Janicc i'ilti'S'Vlll. This sucks gtlcsl is Dan iL‘ Scott tl’cat‘llishct's). Doors UPC” at (t5llplll \\ ith rccording at 7.30pm so plcasc arrch in good timc. ('all SL‘Ulltttttl‘s Xiltstc‘ lL‘lcpltUtlL‘ liltL‘ (0870 41 l l8l0) to bc addcd to thc gucst list. 2: Ozomatli 'l‘hc Archcs. 253 Argyle Strcct. 0870 240 7528. 7pm. L'l2.50. World music smorgasbord from this dynamic l..»\ tcn-piccc who combinc hip hop. salsa and funk stylcs.

I Acoustic Jam Nico-'ri'Slca/y. 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0000. 8pm. l‘t‘cc. Scc Mon 9.

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5—19 Jul 2007 THE LIST 67