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tsAthIiAtnnwt "Ill/04“ ltll'l'tt lttlll MMiN It rt(i

Optimum Releasing have just released three prevrously hard to get hold of films starring the most famous French actor in the world. Gerard Depardieu. Camille C/audel. a biopic of sCulptor Auguste Rodin, Jean-Luc Godard's Greek island parable He/as Pour Moi and Bertrand Blier's blacker than black had luck comedy Buffet Fro/d. The List has five sets of three to give away. To be in wrth a chance of winning one simply send an email marked DEPARDIEU. wlth your name. address and daytime telephone number to by no later than Thursday 2 August. Usual List rules apply.

48 THE LIST 19 Jill»? Aug 2007

Hostel: Part II t t8) .0. tlili Roth. IS". 3007) Bijou Phillips. l.aurcn (icrman. Rogcr Bart. ‘Hniin. 'l‘hrcc young :\incricans in Romc sct oll lot" a \\ cckcnd trip and hccomc cinhroilcd in thc grisly lantasics ol thc sicls and mu ilcgcd. Roth t('u/n’n l'i't't‘l‘. Ilmrr'lt ups thc antc hcrc u ith sonic trul} shocking slashcr gorc and grotcsquc pornography It's dil'licult to scc thc point but at lcast this pushcs thc gcncric cmclopc. Sr'h'r'lr'r/ I'('/(’(l\(’.

>3: Husband and Wife lI’(il coo t.\likio \arusc. Japan. 1953) Kcn l'chara. Yoko Sugi. chtaro .\lil\uni. 87min. .-\l'tcr moving housc a husband tl'charal noticcs his \\ il'c (Sugil is \cr} takcn \\ ith thc tic“ landlord. Ilc thcn disco\crs shc's prcgnant. Narusc oncc again c\plorcs tlic Inc of a sccludcd lapancsc \\ ilc. hut thc linc hctwccn poixcr and cntrapincnt is hlurrcd. Part of .\'arusc scason. I’r/m/muu'. Ifrlinluu‘g/r.

The Illusionisttl’(i) COO i.\'cil Burgcr. (‘Icch chuhlic/l ‘8. 200(3) Iidixard Norton. I’aul (iiamatti. Jcssica Bicl. ltl‘hnin. 'l‘hc sccond film in as many months about magic in call) 30th ccntur} liuropc. 'l‘lu' ///Ir\iuIIi\I is oddcr and inorc romantic than ('hristoplicr Nolan's supcrior 'I‘lu' I’I'r‘xllt'r’. tclling an old lashioncd stor} ol a mastcr magician liiscnhciin’s (Norton) attcinpts to hcat tlic \ iolcncc and corruption oI‘ lItc agc Itc Iiu‘s in. .S'r'lr'r'lr'r/ I'¢'/(‘(I\(’. Iron Giant tl’t 0... (Brad Bird. [8. l‘)‘)‘)t Voiccs ol' .lcnnilcr .v\niston. Ilarr) ('onick Jr. Vin l)icscl. 80min. In this animach film adaptation ol'lcd llughcs’ classic childrcn‘s stor) about a ho} who hclricnds a 50“ rohot l'rom outcr spacc. 'l‘hc action is transporch l'rom rural lingland to small-town Amcrica in thc latc 1950s. 'l‘hc rcsulting lilm is a last-mm ing thrilllcst l‘caturing hongo-hcating hcatniks. a grcat rockahill} soundtrack and c\plosi\c dcstruction on a grand scalc, 'l‘his hcing a lsids tilin. through. it's \‘iolcncc \\ ith a conscicncc. l’art ol~ Books Into l’ilin \Vcck. I'i/m/iuuu'. Iii/in/mrg/i.

Jour De Fete it) 0.00 tJacqucs 'l‘ati. l‘rancc. I‘HSt Jacqucs ’l‘ati. (iuy Dccoinhlc. 30min. :\ rural I’rcnch postic sccs a film about thc cl'licicncy ol' thc .-\incrican mail scrx'icc and dccidcs to smartcn up his act. This dchut t'caturc h) 'I‘ati. CI-I‘ttt'lICssI)‘ builds \ istluI \L‘I-PICCL'\ and cstahlishcs thc amiahlc dul'l‘cr ol~ a ccntral rolc that “as latcr to hccomc thc unl‘orgcttahlc .\I llulot. l'i/mlmrm'. [ti/III/HII‘QII.

Knocked Up ( l5) tJudd :\pato\\. I‘S. 200(il Katltcrinc Ilcigl. Sctli Rogcn. Paul Rudd. IZOmin. 'l’uo strangcrs ha\ c a onc night stand and accidcntall} makc a hah). Slackcr Bcn (Rogcnl and carccr girl .'\Il\t)ll tllcigl) dccidc to makc it a go ol it and hilarit} cnsucs. .\ prc\ ic“ scrccning. ()r/r'un :II III/Ir' (Jinn; (I/rnunti’.‘ Illr’ Iii/I'H/mrg/I (hum. [Jilin/Hugh.

Kokoda t l5l 0.. t.v\Itlel‘ (iricrson. Australia. loom Jack I‘instcrcr. Inn is .\Ic.\lahon. Simon Stonc. 95min. .\ mm ing trihutc. \\ ith an c} c tor rcalism. to thc last Iincs ol Australia's dctcnccs during WWII. This lilm lollous thc iII-traincd \oluntccr soldicrs on thc Kokoda 'l'racls campaign in l’apua .\'c\\ (ininca. I’art ol' London Australian l‘ilin I‘csthal on Tour. (i/uwmi' I‘ll/II 'le'rlll‘r'. (i/(Iwrm.

The Last Mimzy lI’(il 0.. Slut} c. [8. 2007i Jocl} Richardson. ’l‘iinotlt} Ilutton. Rainn Wilson. ('hris ()‘Ncil. 94min. .\ hrothcr and sistcr dmclop spccial ptnu‘l's attcr thc) lind a lit} stcrious ho\ ol' to}s. Soon thc} lind thcnisclxcs draggcd into a strangc and tcrril'} ing \xorld. .>\ho\ c mcragc childrcn's adwnturc \\ liicli kccps things niccl} incongrous and odd. I’art ot' Books lnto l’ilm \Vcck. Sl'lUtlUr/ I'('l(’(l\(’.

=3: Last Tango in Paris t IN» 00000 thrnardo Bcrtolucci. I5rancc/Ital). l‘FZl Marlon Brando. .\laria Schncidcr. Httniin. A )oung l’arisicnnc niccts a middlc agcd man \\ ith “horn sltc dc\clops an incrcasingl} \iolcnt and purcl} sc\ual rclationship. ()nc ol thc kc} lilms ol its dccadc. Bcrtolucci's poncrlul drama is a nicditatton on tlic c\prcssion and connnunication ol' pcrsonal idcntit} through intcnsc sc\ual contact. I’art ot'