=11 Transformers 1 12A) .00

(Michael Bay. LS. 2007) Sliia 1.;1heoul'. Megan l"ox.Jos1i Dulialiiel. 143mm. See

rey ieyy. page 42. General release.

2:37 (15)... (Murali K Tlialluri. Australia. 2000) Teresa l’almer. Joel Macken/ie. l'rank Syyeet. 98min. A documentary -sty1e explication ()1 life in an .-\ustraliaii high school where dark secrets huhhle under the surface then hoil oyel‘ into the ‘hest days ()1 your life. '1'lialluri's youth (he was only 19 when he made it) provides a unique closeness to his subject. l’art oi" London Australian l-‘ilm l‘estiyal on Tour. I’lliii/iuuxe. Edinburgh.

La Vie En Rose (La Meme) 1 12A) 0.. (()liyier Dalian. lirance/l'K/(‘Iecli Repuhlic. 20117) Marion ('otillard. Sylyie Testud. l’ascal (ireggory. 140min. This highly stylised lillii ricochets between different lime periods 01' lireiich singer lidith l’ial"s ((‘ollilard) turhulent life. The brief alid oltcn oyeryyrought scenes are sometimes hard to grasp without prior know ledge oi~ l’ial‘. hut (‘otillard‘s central lip-sy nching perlormance is magnificent. Selected IT’lt'UXl’.

Welcome 2 My Deaf World (1’0) (lleleli (iaynor. Australia. 2005) 52min. Scott arid Bethany. two students lrolii the Victorian ('ollege ol the Deal". share their opinions and feelings ahout their litial months of school and preparing Tor adtilt lil'e. l’rogramliie includes short Me at .UT .lliirliiric' hy Tadlig ()‘Sulliyaii. Pan ()1 London Australian l-‘ilm l‘estiyal on Tour. (i/usgnu' l'i/m 'Iillt’llllt’. (i/tlsgrm.

=11 When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (1’(i) O... (Mikio Xaruse. Japati. 190(1) 11ideko 'l'akaliiilie. Masayuki Mori. Reiko Dan. 11 1min. lti the (iiii/a har district ()1 ilitilK'VU ll \y‘idtiyy (’l‘ltlsltttiittci sll‘1\es to maintain her honour and support her family \yhile Working as a hostess. \aruse's typical sloyy hurning style brings out the dark liielancholy hehind the situation iii this his most laliious 111111. New print. Part ()1 .\'aruse season. I’l/mlmuw. Izill'nliurgli.

:3: Wife (l’(i) oooo 1.\1ikio.\‘aruse. Japan. 1953) Mieko 'l‘akaiiiine. Ken l‘ehara. Rentaro Mikuni. 89min. A stilled \s-il'e ('l‘akaniine). married to an indolent

salary iiiali (l‘eliara). hucks the Japanese notion of suhniissiyeiiess alid rey els in a lit olidotticstic rchellioli. lltlhhy is tilit itttiocctil either and the discovery of his affair leads to greater recognition ahout their relationship. Part 01' .\'artise season. [film/muse. Iz'i/iiiluuje/i.

:2: The Wild One (1)111 oooo 11.51018 Benedek. l‘S. 1953) Marlon Brando. Mary Murphy. Rohert Keith. 120mm. Biker Johnny (Brando) atid his yy ild chums terrorise a small toyytt until the Slieril'l arrests riyal gatig leader Mary in 1\\llt)sL‘ supreiliely sarcastic litie 'Wah. they ~re arresting me' is one oi~ the hiin points ()1 the lillii). Minimally -p1ottcd. seminal hiker movie. which set the toiie lor the genre so well that many of its lilies and situations lltiW seem cliched. Part of Marlon Brando retrospectiye. I'll/)i/louse'. Iii/inlnug/i. Zodiac l 15) 0... (Day id l-‘incher. LS. 2007) Jake (iyllenhaal. Mark Rullalo. Robert Doysney Jr. 157mm. True lile crime thriller WlllL‘ll lolloyys Inspector Dayid Tosclii (Rullalo) arid alcoholic _|t)lll'11iilisl l’aul Ayery ll)l)\\liL‘} Jr) as they try to discoy er the identity oi the Zodiac killer. As the quest ruins the careers of all 111\l)l\ ed iii 11. Sali Francisco ('lironicle cartoonist Rohert (iraysmith ((iy lleiiliaal) begins to uiiray e1 the cryptic messages. This police procedural 1110\1L‘ is the $1719) director's liiost adult and mature. rather than his most entertaining. work to date. I'l/m/muu'. I’JIl/iliiu'g/i.

Save money

see page 22 for details


Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

350 Sauchieliall Street. (1141 352 4900. Bookings: 0141 352 4900. Prices vary.


TheAmerican Astronaut 1 15) + The Guatemalan Handshake 1 12A) 8.1)0.


The Magic Lantern Short Film Night (ii) 7.30.

Cineworld Parldiead

The Forge. l’arkhead. (1871 200 2000. Aditlt £5.71) (£5 helot'c 5pm Moti Thu. (‘hildz £4 (£3.70 Mon Thu). Student: £4 (£3.50 Mot) Thu). GAP/171340: £4. liamily ticket £10. All tickets heiore liooti: £3.70.

THUBSDAYig Die Hard 4.01151


Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’(i) noon. 2.15. 4.30. 0.45.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ( 12A) 10.40am. 1 1.40am. 1.51). 2.51). 5.111). (1.01). 8.11). 9.1)1). Hostel 118) 9.1)1).

Ocean’s Thirteen (1’0) 2.30. 8.45. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End 112.-\) 11.00am. 5.10.

Shrek the Third (1') 1 1.00am. noon. 1.21). 2.15. 3.40. 4.30. 5.50. 0.40. 8.20.

La Vie En Rose (La M6me)112;\) 8.45.

12.30. 3.15. 0.10.


Die Hard 4.0115)

Daily: 5.50. 8.50.

Also lil'i. Mon 1% Tue: noon. 3.00. Firehouse Dog (1’0) l'i'i. Mon & Tue: 0.11). Sat. Sun. Wed 1% Thu: Sat). 12.50. 3.30. Hairspray (Pt 1)

Daily: 10.30am. 1.20. 4.00. 0.40. 9.10.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 12A)

Daily: 10.30am. 11.00am. 1.30. 4.30. 5.00. 8.30. 9.00.

The Last Mimzy 1P0)

Matinee Sat: 10.00am.

Pippi Longstocking 1 t ' 1

Matinee Sat: 1 1.30am.

Shrek the'l'hird 11')

Fri. Mon 1% Tue: 11.10am. 12. 11). 2.20. 3.40. 4.30. 5.50. 0.41). 8.00. 8.45.

Matinee Sat 1% Sun: 10.30am. The Simpsons Movie 11’( 1) Wed 8; Thu: 10.30am. 11.00am. 12.30. 1.00. 2.30. 3.00. 4.30. 5.00. 0.30. 7.00. 8.30. 9.00.

TMHT (1’0)

Matinee Sat: 10.00am.

Transformers 1 12A)

Sat & Sun: 11.10am. noon. 2.10. 3.00. 5.10. 0.00. 8.10. 900.

Thu: 3.00. 0.00. 9,00.

Cinewond Henfrew Street

7 Renl'reys Street. into and ('(' hooking: 0871 200 2000. Adlilt £0.40. (‘hild/studelits/concessions: £4.40. Family ticket £17 (Sun Thu: £15.00). liarly hird (all tickets helore lpiii): £4. l'iilimited ('ai'd: £10.99 per month.

10.40am (not





Apne112A) 5.30. Dead Silence115) 4.20. 9.41).

Die Hard 4.0 ( 15) 10.30am. noon. 3.00. 5.00. 0.00. 8.20. 8.45. 9.15. Edmond118) 7.00.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’(}) 10.40am. 1.00. 3.30. 0.00. 8.30. The Flying Scotsman ( l5) 11.10am. Harry Potter andtheOrder of the Phoenix1t2A) 10.00am. 10.30am. 11.00am. 11.30am. 12.30. 1.00. 1.40. 2.10. 2.40. 3.10. 4.10. 4.41). 5.10. 5.40. 0.10. 0.50. 7.50. 8.20. 8.50. 9.10. 9.30.

Hostel: Part ll118) 9.40.

Molierettzm 1.30. 2.21). 5.31). 8.30. Haqaab112A) 11.00am. 2.15. 9.11). Ocean’sThirteen1P(1) 2.30. 9.1)(). Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (12A) 11.00am. 5.20. ShrelttheThirdltfii 10.00am. 10.30am. 11.00am. 11.30am. 12.40. 1.11). 1.30. 2.11). 3.10. 3.40. 4.10. 4.40. 5.40. 0.10. 8.20. 9.00.

Tell Ho One (HeLeDisaPersonne)115) 1.21). 0.40.


Dead Silence 1 15)

l’ri. Mon & Tue: 3.50. Die Hard 4.0115) Daily: 11.20am 8; 2.20 (not Thu). 5.30 (not Tue & Thu). 0.00. 8.40 (1101 Thu). 9.15 (1101 Wed). Also late 1"ri & Sat: Edmond (18)

Hi. Mon & Tue: 4.40. 9.30.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (l’(i1

liri Tue: 4.00. Firehouse Dog (t’ti)

Daily: 10.40am. 1.10. 3.30.

Hairspray (H 1)

Daily: 11.00am. noon. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00. 0.0(). 8.00. 9.00.

Also late Hi 8; Sat: 11.00. 11.50. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 112A)

Daily: 10.00am. 10.30am. l 1.00am. 11.30am. 12.30. 1.00. 1.40. 2.11). 2.40. 3.11) (not Sun). 4.10. 4.40. 5.10. 5.40. 0.10. 0.50 (not Mott). 7.50. 8.20. 8.50. 9.10. 9.30.

Also Hi 8; Sat: 10.15. 11.30.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Subtitled) 1 12.-\)

Sun: 3.10.

Mott: 0.50.

Hostel: Part II 1 18)

l'i'i & Sat: 10.30.


liri. Mon & Tue: 2.00. 0.45.

Haqaab 1 12A)

1-‘ri: 1.00. 0.10. 11.10

Mon 8; Tue: 1.00. 0.1011101 Mon) Ocean’s Thirteen 1P0)

l"ri Tue: 0.30. 9.30.

Partner 1 12A)

Daily: 1.00. 4.30. 8.00.

Also late 1-‘ri & Sat: 1 1.30.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (12.-\)

1'11 & Mon Wed: Tue).

llama Shama Bhama 1 12.-\)

Mon: 8.00.

Shrek the Third (17)

Fri Tue: 10.00am. l 1.00am. 12.20. 1.20. 2.50. 3.30. 5.21). 0.00 (not Sat & Sun). 8.00. 8.30 (liol Sat 6’; Sun).

Wed & Thu: 10.00am. 12.20. 2.50. 5.20. 8.00.

The Simpsons Movie (1’0)

l.ate Tue: 12.05am.

Wed ti; Thu: 10.00am. 1 1.00am. 11.30.1111. noon. 12.30. 1.30. 2.00. 2.40. 3.20. 4.00. 4.30. 5.20. 0.00. 0.30. 7.00. 8.00. 8.40. 9.1)0. 9.30. Tell Ho One (He Le Dis a Personne) 1 15) l‘l‘i & Mon Wed: 2.30. 9. 11). hansfonners1 12A)

l.ate l'TlI 12.05am.

Sat & Sun: 10.30am. 11.00am. noon. 1.50. 2.20. 3.30. 5.10. 5.40. 0.1011101 Sat). 0.30 (not Stilt). 7.00. 8.411. 9.10. 9.3(11not Sat). 10.00 & 10.30 (not Stilt). 11.15 & midnight (not Stilt). Thu: 10.30am. 1 1.00am. 1.50. 5.10. 0.00. 8.40. 9.20.

9.00 (not Mon).


11.00am. 1.30 (not Mon).

1 1.00am. 5.0011101



Film .

Clyde Regional Centre. (‘lydebank 08714 714 714. £5.80 (£4.801ie1'ore 5pm). (‘1iild/().'\1’/Students: £4.30. Family ticket £10 (£14 before 5pm). liliipire juniors (specitic i'ilnis Sat 8; Siili): £1.

Th UB§DA£9

Are we Done Yet? (PG) 10.50am.

Die Hard 4.0115) 2.20. 5.30. 0.30. 8.20. 9.20.

Fantastic Four. Rise of the Silver Surfer 11’(i) 12.50. 3.10. 5.45. 8.10.

Harry Potter andtheOrder ofthe Phoenix ( 12A) 10.45am. 11.30am. 12.15. 1.15. 2.00. 2.45. 3.30. 4.30. 5.15. 5.45. (1.00. 7.45. 8.00. 9.30. Hostellt8) 9.41).

Ocean’s Thirteen1t>(1) 8.51).

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (12A) 11.20am. 2.50.

The Shaggy Dog (17) 11.00am.

Shrek the Third (1.') 1 1.10am. noon. 12.40. 1.30. 2.15. 3.00. 3.50. 4.45. 5.31). (1.15. 7.15. 8.00. 9.31).


Die Hard 4.0115)

Daily: 11.50am. 2.30. 5.21). 8.20. 9.20 (not Thu).

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (1’(i)

liri. Mon & Tue: 0.20. 8.50.

Sat & Sun: 1 1.05am.


Daily: 11.40am. 2.20. 5.10. 8.00. Harry Potter and the Order ofthe Phoenix112A)

Daily: 10.45am. 11.30am. 12.15. 1.15. 2.00. 2.45. 3.30. 4.30. 5.15. 0.00. 0.45. 7.45. 8.30. 9.10.

Mr Bean’s Holiday (1’0)

Daily: 11.00am.

Ocean’s Thirteen 1 Pt 1)

liri. Mott & Tue: 2.41). 9.00.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (12A)

liri. Mon & Tue: 11.10am. 5.30. Shrelt theTliird (1.”)

Fri Wed: 11.20am. 12.40. 1.50. 4.40. 5.40. 7.00. 8.10.

Thu: 12.40. 3.00. 5.40. 8.10. The Simpsons Movieth

Wed & Thu: 10.40am. 11.15am. 12.50. 1.4(). 3.10. 4.10. 5.40. 0.30. 7.50. 8.50. Transformers1t2A) Sat & Sun: 10.50am. 5.3(1. 7.50. 8.40. Thu: 10.50am. 2.10. 5.30. 8.40.

Glasgow Film Theatre

12 Rose Street. 0141 332 8128. (‘al'e/bar. All perl‘oriiiaiices hookahle. liveniiigs: £5.50 (£4). Fri (before 5pm): £3. Tuesday special iiiatiiiees: £3. (ii-'1‘ (‘ine(‘ard holders: £1 off all prices. (il’l~ savers: £25 (£17.50) to see 5 films (Valid for three months).

11.05am. 1.40. 4.00.


1.10. 2.10. 4.45.


Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing 1 15) 2.1)1). 4.15. (1.20.

Moliere112A) 2.30. 0.00. 8.25. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (18) 8.30.


Mollel‘e112A) 2.31). 0.00. 8.25. Private Fears in Public Places 1 12A) 3.00. 5.45. 8.15.

For films showing between

see m.list.co.ult ' ' .

19 Jill-~2 Aug 2007 THE LIST 51