Round RSAMI). I00 chl'rcyy Strcct. 332 5057. l0am. £10 (£5). '[hcy‘d all likc to win it. btit thcy hayc to gct through thc climination round to bc in with a chancc. Find out who makcs it lirst hand.

2;: Organ Recital: Dame Gillian Weir Kcly'ingroyc Art (iallcry & .‘yluscum. Argylc Strcct. 276 ‘)5‘)‘). 7.30pm. £l0 (£8). 'I'hc \VUI’ltl-I‘CII()\\'IIL‘tl organist opcns thc Incorporatcd Association of ()rganists' Annual ('ongrcss 2007 \\ ith a pcrt‘ormancc including \yorks by JS Bach. Stanlcy‘. Arnc. Purccll. Matthias. Bridgc. Parry. Langlais. Bossi. Franck and libcn.

Tuesday 24


I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Lunchtime Recital RSAMI). I00 chltcyy Strcct. 332 5057. 1pm. 'l‘hc linal lunchtitnc rccital ot' the lPAS' 2007 mccting. giycn by onc of Britain’s l'orcmost and layouritc pianists. John Lill.

I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Masterclass RSAMI). I00 chl'rcvt~ Strcct. .32 5057. 2.30pm. £10 (£5). l’olloxx'ing his Itmchtitnc rccital. pianist


John Lill stays on to ol‘lcr sonic words of u isdotn and guidancc to thc participants.


I Lunchtime Concert St (iilcs' (‘athcdraL Royal Milc. 2260673. 12.15pm. l‘rcc. With thc ()ncida Arca (‘iyic (‘horalc. Visiting our fair land from .\'c\s' York city.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton llousc Picturc (iallcry'. Paxton. til 28‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £5 (l‘rcc). Young artists l’caturcd at this ycar’s lt‘sthztl in a spccial shmy’casc ol talcnt l‘rom .\'orthumbcrland and thc Scottish Bordcrs. as act] as thc award-winning Alba Quartct. (‘omplimcntary' intcryal rcl‘rcshmcnts.

Wednesday 25


I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Competition Final RSAMI). l()() cht'rcw Strcct. 332 5057. 2pm. £l0 (£5). lixpcct somc cxccllcnt pcrl'orntanccs (and a fair hit of nail biting) as this ycar’s contcndcrs \‘ic tor thc prcstigious titlc.

Paxton House, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Fri 20—Sun 28 Jul.

Not that far from Edinburgh sits one of Britain’s finest 18th century Palladian country houses. Well worth visiting for its stunning setting overlooking the majestic River Tweed alone, Paxton House now hosts an annual ten-day music festival which makes the reasons to take a trip down

to Berwick ever more compelling.

In a mix of home-grown talent with international artists, chamber music can be heard in the impressive Picture Gallery, where paintings by Raeburn, Wilkie and Lawrence hang on the walls. For festival manager, Helen Jamieson, this is the second year of Music at Paxton and even she seems surprised by its rapid success and growth. ‘From three concerts over one weekend last year, we've grown to nine events over ten days. It’s big growth, but there is lots of demand for it.’

Demand has partly stemmed from a previous summer festival held at Paxton House. The local community didn’t want the gap to be left unfilled and got together to work out how they could build on what had gone before. ‘It is a different sort of festival now, with different types of artists and we are hoping to bring in even more different types of music and to take concerts outwith Paxton House itself,’ says Jamieson. This year, in association with Live Music Now, people in residential homes in the surrounding Borders area will experience festival performers in their own

environments, and that is just a start.

‘We’re thinking that we might even take the festival outside the summer months,’ says Jamieson. Another new development is the Young Artists Platform Concerts. ‘There are quite a number of young people from the Borders area that are extremely talented and attending St Mary’s Music School and Gateshead’s Sage Centre, so it made sense to give them their

own concerts.’ (Carol Main)


I Jane Watts St (iilcs’ (‘athcdraL Royal .\li|c. 2260673. 8pm. £7. 'l'hc cathcdral's (’clcbrity ()rganist Rccital scrics continucs with onc of thc l'K's lcading conccrt organists pcrl'orming JS Bach’s l’i'i'lmli' (HH/ I’ugm' in (i Bill 54/. Buxtchudc‘s l’tlssrlt'ut'llu ill I) Iiiilmr. (iuilmant's .llm‘i‘t'im (Iv ('nni'i’rl. Durutlc's .S'uili' ()p 5. Bonnct's (‘luir (Iv I.llll(’ and \Vitlot"s St'iii/iltnnr .\'u .5 ()p 42.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton Housc Picturc (iallcry. Paxton. 0128‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £5 (l‘rcc). .‘ylorc young artists in a tmiquc lcstiy'al shotscasc. This cycning it's thc turn ol~ a talcntcd crop of local tnusicians \s ho arc currcntly' studying at St Mary’s .\ltt.sic School.

Thursday 26


I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Student Concert RSAMI). I00 chl'rcyy Strcct. 332 5057. 5pm. £l0 (£5). 'l‘hc pcnultimatc conccrt in this ycar‘s scrics.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton llousc Picturc (iallcry. Paxton. ()l 28‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £l5 (£7.50). ('anto \'i\o. a dclightl'ul duo ol' soprano and guitar. 'l'hc lirst is .\laltcsc born (‘lait'c l)cbono. \cry much a rising star on thc intcrnational opcra sccnc. and hcr partncr is Simon 'l‘hackct'. thc Scottish Vit‘ttittstt classical guitarist.


I The International Piano Academy in Scotland: Student Concert RSAMI). I00 chlrcyy Strcct. 332 5057. 5pm. £l0 (£5). :\ linal pcrl’ormancc from thc studcnts as thc ll’.-\'s stay in Scotland ncars its conclusion.


:1: The London Schools Symphony Orchestra St Mary's lipiscopal ('athcdral. 23 Palmcrston Placc. 225 029.3. 7.30pm. lircc. Pctct' Ash conducts London's prcmicrc youth orchcstra in a programtnc inspircd by rcdcmption and rcncyyal. including l)cbussy's “(l/ism .\(l(')'(’(’ (’l profit/2c. Strauss' 'Iin/ um/ \i'i'A/urunc and \Vagncr's (iiilli'n/(tmmr'rtui u.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton llottsc Picturc (iallcry. Paxton. (ll 28‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £l5 (£7.50). 'l‘hc Primt'osc Piano Quartct in an appcaling mix of .\lo/art and Schubcrt. l‘aurc and l-‘rancaix.

Saturday 28


I Classical Guitar Recital: Sean Shibe St .‘ylark's l'nitarian ('hurch. (‘astlc 'lcrracc. 662 406-1. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). 'l‘hc young pcrl'ormcr play s thc \sorld prcinicrc ol' l.liam Patcrson’s I’urlilu for (int/(tr as \s‘cll as music by JS Bach. l)c Palla. Villa-Lobos and [co Brouyycr in a tiundt'aiscr l'or l)li(‘ (l)arl'ur and ('had ('risis .t\ppca| ).

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton llousc Picturc (iallcry. Paxton. (ll 28‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £l5 (£7.50). 'I‘hrcc of thc Primroscs rcturn. continuing thc l'cstiyal‘s Schubcrt thcmc \\ ith thc magniliccnt Piano Trio in If. alongsidc sonatas by Strauss and l‘ranck.


I St Giles’ at Six: Da Camera Singers St (iilcs' (‘ailtcdrat Royal .\lilc. 226 0673. 6pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hc

:2: The London Schools Symphony Orchestra Described as ‘one of the capital's most valuable musical assets'. the LSSO exchange their usual home for Scotland’s capital under the artistic guidance of their American conductor, Peter Ash. Be ready to be impressed by this potent symbol of the talents and achievements of London’s youth in this powerful programme. St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh, Fri 27.

3?: Organ Recital: Dame Gillian Weir The grand doyenne of organists worldwide, Dame Gillian is unlikely to encounter the large problems with small organs as described by innocent Victorian writers. A renowned expert in her field. she‘ll put Kelvingrove’s magnificent recital organ through its paces in a hugely varied and virtuosic selection of music. Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Mon 23.

('anadian choir. l‘rom ()ttoyya. pcrl‘orm a programmc including sclcctions from Raclittianinm is .‘l/l .Vlg/tl l'lt'l/ and lilg:tt“s I’mm l/It' Iliii'urimi High/(mils alongsidc works by Brucknct'. Durullc and lilcanor l)alcy'.

Berwick Upon Tweed

I Music at Paxton Festival Paxton llousc Picturc (iallcry'. Paxton. 0l28‘) 3862‘”. 7.30pm. £l5 (£7.50). In thc company of tnorc than 70 paintings from thc National (iallcrics of Scotland collcction. thc lidinburgh Quartct bring this ycat‘\ lcstiy'al to a closc \yith thrcc mastcrpicccs of thc chambcr music rcpcrtoirc.

Wednesday 1


I Culross Music and Arts Festival Various \cnucs. 0l383 88034‘). 'l‘imcs and priccs \ary. l-‘iy c days packcd u ith cy cry thing from drama and comcdy to opcra and blucs. :\ls0 includcs thc (‘ulross Mcdicyal Burgh l‘air on Sun 5 Aug l‘t‘oni l2pm.


I Culross Music and Arts Festival Various \cnucs. ()l383 88034‘). 'l‘imcs yary. Priccs vary. Scc \Vcd l.

1.9.)“: 9 Aug Rot); THE LIST 77