Around Town

Events are listed by type, then date. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Activmes <8 Events

Edinburgh Tattoo Presentation inc 7 Aug. (icorgc Squurc. I lilluin, l'rcc. l'llltl out uhut thc} 'rc tnuking \uch u luxx uhoul Ill lhc cuxl. ux thc lll;l\\L‘(l plpcx .llltl tll'llllh ol thc lztltnhurgh 'l'uttoo tlcwcntl Hit lhc cll} L‘L'llll'c. ’url of l’l/tmg' l.ll("

Family History Open Surgery Thu 2 Aug. Mitchcll l,lllf;ll'_\. lel .\'oth Slrcct. 237 3‘)‘)‘). 5.30pm. l'rcc. 'lrucing )otu' lunul} lll\l()l'} I' ’l'hc cxpcrtx urc on hund ut llll\ droprtn cxcning \urgcr}. Kilmardinny Capers Sui 5 Aug. Kilniurtlinn} llouxc. Kilinurtltnn} ('I‘L'WL'IH. licul'xtlcn. 9.560.530

l5” lillplli. l'l'L‘C. .\ (it!) til Ullltltmr (lL‘ll\lllL‘\ including loch dipping. \xillou \xcuung und nunihcuxt hunting ttx \xcll ztx ti chuncc lo nicct lhc Rungcr SCH lL‘L‘.


Christopher Brookmyre Hi 3 Aug. Mitchcll Library 201 North Strcct. 287 300‘). 7pm. l’rcc. Scotland's \L‘L‘Hlltl liltixl prolilic criinc uritcr ltttlllcltcx lli\ lutcxt llt‘llll} llllL‘tl lttltllx. silltlt‘k Ill l/H’

I 'mmku/tlr Ru/rlu'r lhu/u.

Guardian First Book Award - Reading Group Recruitment Meeting Mon o Aug. \Vutcrxtonc‘x I53 l57 Suttchichull Strcct. 332 ‘llll5. 7 7.30pm. l’rcc. l’op ulong to thc \liop l'or thc ch'uncc to plu) litcrur} critic. llc purt ol' onc ol' \c\cn rcutling groups in thc l'K to \clccl thc \liot'lli\l liot’ thc (iuurtliun l‘irxt Book Award 2007. Radical Independent Book Fair Project Sui 4 Aug. Kinning l’urk (‘oinplc\. (‘ormxull Strccl. 4 It) ()32‘). noon lllpnt. l‘rcc. Supporting \inull prcxx puhlixhcrx untl intlcpcntlcnt protluccrx. and circulating rudicul rcutling llllllt‘l'lill\ und inl'orinution. thi\ inini-luir [tl‘ttllll\t‘\ countcr-culturc puhlicutions. c\citing \ixlltllx. \ l\l(l lillllx und \liinuluting politicul tlixcotirsc.

Food 5; Drink

Glenfiddich Whisky Tasting \\.-.i \ -\u;_'. lhc \utionul l’iping ('cnuc. :H 1‘1 \lcl’hutcr Sin-ct. (‘oucuiltlcnx IV 55': l

J Wth lrcc ()pportunit) it‘iL'.tll1llH‘.\ to \tllll‘lc \klll\i\_\ I’m: wt l’ipmg lint \lw on lhu ‘l

Queen‘s Park Farmers’ Market \ti .1 .-\ug. ()uccn'\ l’uik. 5:“ lungxitlc l’uik. IV "2“ ‘luin :l‘lll locul ptotlucc. llI‘lli it\.:l pgtiply


N02") Meeting Inc 5 \ug. \lono. l: King‘x ('otii‘t. King Slim-L551 lino \pni l'rcc \n oppolitllill} to 111ch untl tlt\c u“ \kllll otth pcoplc intcrcxtctl Ill lhc prolcclion ol pmuc}. cnil lihcrtitx untl htnnun rightx.


All Nations Cup Festival \.ii .1 \un i .’\ug thhcrcruigx Sport (‘ontplcx iltl (‘orkcrlull Routl. it‘ll!» ‘ltll‘ltt5

ltlunt opin. l-rcc. .-\\ purt ol thc ‘l-oolhull l'nucx. Ritchlll l)i\ulc\' cuinpuign. l3 lL‘tlllh. inutlc up ol rclugccx. u~_\ ltllll \cckch untl incinth ol tic“ L'tllllllltllllllL‘N plu} oil in u totirnuincnl 'l‘hc \xcckcntl lL'.tltllt‘\ u curntxul opcning ccrcinon}. \\ ith lllll\l\'. tluncing untl \pcciul gucxl .tppcul.tlicc\

Glasgow Ongoing

Activities and Events

Paddle Steamer Waverly Excursions (il;l\;_‘tt\\ Scicncc (CNN. .5“ l’ucilic ()uu}. (MI 540 lllllll. .-\ll uhouttl. ;l\ lhc luxt \cu going putltllc \lcumcr lll lhc \xorlil cclcht‘ulcx hcr tliuinontl lululcc. ('rtuxcx lcuxc rcgulurl} ll'ttlll thc (iluxgou Scicncc (‘L‘llll'k' linttlx tilillllc :Il

\\ u \\ ,\\u\crlc} c\ctu\ittnxcouk or cull

03-15 lfill 4hr.


Science in the Dock ( iluxgou Scicncc (’cntrc. 5U l’ucilic ()uu}. UVI 54H ltllitl, Illuin opin. inc tn Altlllll\\ltill. .v\u uhihition thut chullcngcx \ ixitorx‘ \uluc\ untl cncourugcx than to think uhout conirox Cl'\l;ll l\\llL‘\ Ill \L‘lL‘llL‘c.

Treasure of the Month: Doon the Water \litchcll |,ilu';u"\. NH North Slrcct. 287 200‘). l'ntil t-‘n 3| .-\ug tnot Sum. .\lon 'l'hu ‘luni Spin; l-ri tk Sui ‘luin Spin. l‘rcc. .-\ look ut thc origin ol thc (iluxgou linr.

Never hiowiitjy understated Ch"s‘°"“e' B'°°"'“V""'

Scotland’s second most prolific crime writer, launches another weighty tome with an infuriatingly clever, wordy title: this time around it‘s Attack of the Unsinkab/e Rubber Ducks. Good news: he’s finally killed off his seemingly indestructible serial protagonist, smart alec journalist Jack Parlabane. Hurrah! Bad news: Parlabane is narrating the latest novel from beyond the grave, with the help of a charismatic psychic. How very Ghost of him.

I Mitchel/ Library. Fri 3 Aug. 7pm. free.

12 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 20C.“


Events are listed by type, then date. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to suzanne©| Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


A(:ti\.'ities Ant’i Fun

Kids Yoga Sessions \lon o \ug.

5 hptn :5 (iuthct in(ilu\go\\.l ppct l-loot. V Ruthxcn l .inc. ttfl‘lo“ l\.\5li \Iictch .lllkl pmc )ollt \\.t} to u hcultluci lllllltl .llltl hotl} .it tlnx \xcckl} _\o§_'.t \t'\\li‘ll lot ugcx5 l3 )cuh

GoMA Summer Holiday Programme l'ntil lhu lo \ug. lttncx \ui_\ l-tcc (iullcl‘_\ ol \lotlcin \it. Rotul lxchungc Squurc. 33‘) l‘l‘lo \l\ \xccl\\ ol licc tun \tlllllllL‘l \\Hli\\llt\[‘\ lot ugcx l\ Manx (io to \\ \\ \kgluxgou lllll\t‘lllll\ coin lot lhc lull piogiuininc \ll lll.tlt‘\ \klll hc \upplictl (‘hililicn llll\lk'l l.‘ must hc uccoinpunictl h} un .ulult

Sail Back in Time l lllll lhu ‘l .\ug inot Suthun I. 'l nncx \.ti'_\ \tlllll\\lllll upplicx {-1.05 iti.‘)5i 'l'hc lull Ship ut (iluxgou llurhotu. llltl Stohcrim Routl. 3:3 35“ Suil huck Ill tintc to II” )t‘.ll\ ugo \xhcn thc 8V (ilcnlcc look hci inunlcn xii}.igt' .\lccl \oinc ol hcr crcu untl c\plorc thc \htpx. Stntuhlc tor ull ugcx.

Stow West College Summer Art Camps l'ntil l'l‘l Ill .'\ug. llllltN \ut'} l’riccx \ur} tuppro\ [05 ("it pct uccki Slow ('ollcgc. \chl (‘unipux ".5 lltthlttll Strccl. 5‘5 Will. \\cck long \ununci ul'l\ \xorkxhopx lor 5 l5 )cur llltl\ L'llt‘ltlllpihflllg lti.ltl\ lll (Hill .lL‘ll\ lllt'\ puppct inuking. l;l\llltlll. ununution. tlruniu. tluncc ;llltl llllllt'. (in lll

\\ \\ u.unpucturhcu uk to find otit \\ hut\ on \xhcn.

It’s Alive \lon it ill I” .\ug.

lituin 3. input. {Hill I £"5i 'lton 'l‘licuuc. (t3 'l'rongutc. .553 Do". 'Ihc 'lron 'l‘hcutrc. in conninction \\ ith thc \Vcc (iiunt l’uppct (‘onipuin .lllll lhc lzlcpliunt in lhc Room. prcxcnh ll\ lirxt \ununcr \cliool. introducing _\oung pcoplc to thc .u'l\ ot xlor}tclling. puppct inuking. unnnution .llltl pcrlortnuncc. .-\gc\ l3 lo.

Summer Art Workshops: Mackintosh Kids Club lhu 3 .\ug. lluin lpni. £5 pcr cluxx. \luckintoxh ('hurch. ()uccn'x (tow Vt) ( iurxcuhc Routl. ‘l-lo (\(illll. l)r;i\\ inxpu'ution lroin lhc hcuutil'ul \urrouiulingx u\ thc church. Him u lcutling \xorltl hcrilugc \itc. plu_\\ lltixl to u \ununcr ol crcutn c cluxxm lor ugcx 5 1" including cul'toottx. puppch. to} \culpuuc. puinting. tlruu mg untl inorc. Booking cwcnltul.

Hitherto Craft Workshop Sun 4 .\ug. lioon. Lthc. llithcrto. .\lclnl_\rc llogg Building. through 'l‘intlcrhm. lJ/l Ingruin Sum-1.5.53 5N)? l)c\ign untl tnukc hcuulilul. contcntporur) hultonx untl hutlgcx u ith lhc hpr ot' llithcito uitiux. l’ul'cnh cun C1110} u coltcc lll 'I‘intlcrhm «luring thc “orkxhopx .\gc\ 8 l4. Booking cvcntiul. Bang or No Bang l'ntil Sun ll) ;\ug. noon. 2pm tk 4pm. l’ricc inc. Ill udiiinqoii. (iluxgou Sclcncc ('cnll‘c. 5H l’ucllic ()uu}. li.\‘"l 541i looo. llu\c tun \Hlll lhc clungcroth \ltlL‘ ol \ctcncc und lcn c\pcrnncnt\ thut mu} or mu} not rc\ull in u hung.

Mackintosh Kids Club: Puppet Mackintosh Thu 2 :\ug. l lum lpin. £5. \luckintoxh ('hurch. ()uccn'x ('roxx. Vii (iurxcuhc Routl. 9-10 Nil)”. l’crlccl lhc un ol pupcr \ctilpturc h} inuking ptlppch oi (ilil\:_'tl\\ ix moxl lttliinth tlcxigncr. ('hurlw chntc \luckintmh. und lllx mic \lurgurct .\lucl)onultl. .'\:_'L'\ - l: )L‘dh.

Children’s Tour with Little Lizzy the

Puppet lit 3 .-\ug. l lum t' _..‘~ltpm. l-‘rcc.

l‘xi“;‘i\‘5\ l‘.'.l.1\\‘ \\ i'ilxii (ii.l\:i‘\\ input. I": 3"“: \o;1t‘.;1c.'

c? \' cz‘. '.\:"' \c' i"1".' .l'f‘otzt thc cztxk ;‘.~.\‘. uttlt littlc l .1\ tfit“: guitlc «‘i‘. Zl‘m {limit (our oi Zf‘c I‘.‘.'.i\‘i;f‘.‘.

Pollok Family Day \u'. l \i;-.:.

2".z'ti 59:1: I'cc l‘ollok t .~..:i'7\ l'utk lit‘iii‘h\ii.i\\\ l\‘\\.l\i "1: “AW” lil‘i'l‘k lu::‘:l\ llu\ otlcn .: ‘3in of .‘r11.":~.:'::tx.‘ti: uch .irtii .:.t1\ IlltN to \ut'.\3\ ct: :ltc :nmt ticttzutitiin: tuttiilx iiictiihci tilii '\c\'. of

.ill i'x tzcc'

Family Picnic Time at Crookston Castle \il l.\ \t1n5 \lljJ. l intt l'cc ('zowkuon (flixtlc. lt‘li\l\‘\\ l‘utk. .‘51'p \\&'li\ll«‘l Rikki proxitlcx \toiicx ur‘ul \ongx to .ltti‘llll‘ull} \i‘tll picziit

Miss Baxter‘s Back to School \uu \ \llf_'.: ll‘lll Li ‘5“ \tt‘liulltl \llt't'l \\l\ll‘\‘i \lti\ctiiti. \lllu'tllll ot l \lll\.illi‘ll_ \otluntl \ttcct. IV 05”“ loin \lllxl

\ l\lt‘ll.lll Ic.uhct \ll\\ liuUci li‘l.tll\1ll}f lnxton \ luxx Hooking \'\\\‘llll.tl_ .ull HI 1i :\~ “‘5‘” \g‘tN 5 li‘ .lxltllr

GOMA Youth Fest luc 5‘ lhu lo \u:.‘. luncx \.it_\ l’iiccx \uit (Lillcrx ot \linlcin \it. lx’o_\ul l \thunz‘c \tiuuic. .‘.‘" l‘Nh \ \\ltolc \\cck ol ltcc ltllt c\ctll\ .uul \wthhopx lllll h} \i'lllif.‘ pcoplc lot \ounz' pcoplc l’lk'.l\k' \t't'

\\\\\\ 1.‘l.l\‘.'H\\lllll\\'tllll\ \l‘lll lo \cc thc lull piogiununc

Blooms’n’Books \\t-tl \ \n;‘.

ll illuin l3 illl‘lll licc \lll\ll\'ll l Il‘l.ll\. .‘lll \oith \ttccl. .‘V‘ .“"l" \ltll\ .lll\l \lull cwnt \gcx 5 l.‘

The Magic of Masks \\t-.l \ \u:'.

l il‘lll l-icc \t \lungo \luwtnn ol Ix’cligioux l tic untl \tt. _‘( uxtlc \ttcct. 55‘ :55“ llc tnxpnctl hx thc um Icnt .ut ol lll.l\i\ inuking Stun tout ltllllllt'§ ul tlic cntiuu'} \l\'\l\ (‘lnltlicn lllll\l hc .utontpunictl hi un .nlttll littttlxlllt'


"n: no; (tutu lluz'kin


Family Fun Day \lon o \u:'.

Iluin -lpin L.‘ 5” pct .ulull unil clultl. 5llp cuch c\tiu clultl l'hc \utionul l'll‘lli‘.‘ ('cnttc. ill z-l \lcl’hutci \ttcct. (oucutltlcnx. IN“ 551 l Uni/AN. totux ccrlnlhx lliglilund tluncing .uul tun lot ull thc lunnl} 11/! mi l’i/iiugg IIH'

Theatre & Dance

His Dark Materials Part One I uul \.il l .\ug Inot l'lll. lhu 5 “Hull. \.it I i‘ll‘lll till i t5i ('iti/cnx‘ 'l hcuuc. ll‘l ( itlll\.ll\ Sll't't‘l. ~13” Hill: St‘c lllt'ullt'. l‘.tj.'t' in

His Dark Materials Part No l 'qu \ul ~l .\ug. ". illpin thi 1 Hi (‘ili/ciiV lhculic. l l‘) ( itlll‘.ll\ \‘ll'L'L‘l, ll” will: \t‘t‘ lllt‘Jllt' Pdf_‘t' 1—.

Danny the Champion of the World lilllll Sut -1.\ug. 3 illpin t\’ fil‘lll LI 1 NJ)» 'lihcutt‘c l<o_\.tl. :3: llopc Slit‘cl. llhfill “(ill not". Stugc .uluptution ol Roultl |)uhl\ cluwic \tor} uhout u lilllc ho) who l.ll‘.t‘\ on u locul l.llltlll\‘-llk'l in u l‘ltl to \u\ c lll\ lunul}\ honic

The Gruffalo’s Child lhu ‘I \un l3 \ug. Ill .illdlll iulw ill I illpin. \ut/MIH

l2 illpini. With. lultitl} tickct L it): 'l’hcuuc l{o_\ul. 353 llopc Sticct. UV” will not“ lull Stortcw pt'cxcntx lll|\ likt'l} utluptulion ol .luliu l)onu|tl\on\ \tor}l\ool.

Books 8. Storytelling

Art Alive lhu 3 .\ug. Ill ill ll {Hunt l'rcc (iullct'_\ ot \lmlcrn .-\rt. RHin l'.\clt;mj_'c Squurc. ZN" W50 Sitfl'flL‘llCI l‘crgux \lcNIcol \plll\ }.tlll\ to illunnnutc thc gullcr} \ itl'l\\<)rl\\ uiul hrtng thcin to litc tor )oung llllll\l\ .-\§_'c\ ‘) l’lcuw hook in utlxuncc

Journey Through the Commonwealth Thu 2 Aug. "pm l'rcc. Mitchcll\r;ir}. Jill \ortli \ltcct. 3H7 39‘)”. A poctr} c\cnl tot chiltlrcn ugctl 5 l2.

