Urban cowboys

Sandra Marron catches up with Twitch as Optimo decamps to the country for their very first barn dance

ti you ha\c heen lucky enough to enjo} one ol'

your l'aVouritc cltrh nights‘ hoat parties o\'cr' the

summer. you will alread} know how good it l'cels to dance to _\ottt' l‘a\ouritc tunes in the open air. ()ptimo may have exhausted their sllppl}‘ ol hoats htrt. worry _\‘e not; a roll in the hat} may he an option instead as 'l‘witch and Wilkes invite you to their tirst httl'n dance. to he held at at secret location outside ol- (ilasgow this l‘ortnight.

'l'hc cluh is hussing sc\‘cral htmdred people otit ol‘ (ilasgow tor a marathon dancing session in a hig cow shed that the} are conserting into a cltrh tor the duration. lt‘ that isn't enough. on ar'rnal. guests will even he treated to a harhccue hcl‘ore the lroedown hcgins.

.-\ccording to resident 'l‘witch. the idea to ptrt on a ham dance came trom a l'riend ol the duo. ‘()ur l‘riend. w ho‘s a farmer. said that e\cr‘} summer the} ptrt on proper harn dances in his ham and o\ct' the course ot' the erening the} hare hands pla} ing. so we went round to lta\e a look at it and just thought it wottld he perfect; the location is rcall} heatrtitul. We used to do hoat parties e\er_\ summer htit we ran otrt ot' hoats. The} wouldn‘t allow us hack hasicall_\.'

The hoys are accustomed to pla}ing all o\er the world at l’estiVals and cluh nights htrt this c\cnt ls completel) sell-organised and one that 'l‘witch is reth looking forward to.

‘lt's just like a totall} dit't‘ercnt atmosphere. I think people ha\e a completel} dit‘t‘erent spirit and attitude when the} are actuall} otrtsidc darrcirtg. lix en though


it‘s a ham. the walls are prett} open and I just think heirrg ahle to see da} light and wander around outside proper outside. in the cotrntr} I just think people get a lot more relaxed and a lot more triendl} and exeryonc interacts in a completel) ditl’erent way‘

It ma} he taking place iii a harn. htrt rrrakc no mistake. this is going to he an ()ptimo night through and through with a l'cw little surprises thrown in. ‘I think there will he a l'ew hocdown moments throughout the course ot' the night and we also hax e a httckirrg hronco and some other harrt acti\itics that ma} work.~ re\cals ’l‘w itch.

The harn dance is just one ot‘ a long line ot' special cxents ()ptimo lraxc planned this _\ear. including their int‘amous llallowe'cn part}. their tenth hirthda} part} and a hig llogrnana} part}. which the} are alread)

planning. l'arts will also he ahlc to breath a sign ol

reliet' as Iii/IF list can linall} la} to rest the incessant rumours that ()ptimo intend to call it a da_\ at ten. '\\'hcn we first started w c ne\ er cx cr (’l't'l' imagined it would go this long. Alter it had gone ahotrt si\ wars. we al\\a_\s said we would stop at ten.‘

\Vh} ten‘.’ "lien seems like a good ntrmhcr. But tor me the cltrh is as good as c\ er and we are enjo} ing it a mtrch as e\cr. So _\ou cart categoricall} sa} it is not going to stop on the tenth hirthday' Yeeehaaa?

The Optimo Barn Dance takes place on Fri 3 Aug. Buses depart from outside the City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow at 7pm, returning from the barn at 4am.


Ivy Bank Holiday Weekender Another stellar line up at the ivy including Boom Monk Ben. Hudson Mohawke rprctutredt and i reg Dds. lhe IVt: Glasgow in 3~Stlli :3 Aug.

Numbers Good music and a good sense oi humour go hand in hand when rt comes to Numbers. lhrs time. as well as Marcia Blaine School for Girls and the return of DJ Bobby Cleaver. the night teatures ‘an anonyrrrous local guest so highly regarded by his local peers that no one knows his name'. The Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow, Fri (3 Aug.

Optimo Barn Dance this rs going to be udder ly brilliant. It's goodbye cows. hello dancing. as the Glasgow instrtutrorr buses revellers out to a cowshed to party. Secret Location, Outsrde Glasgow, Fri 3 Aug.

Boho First Birthday Party it's been a year since rt opened and to celebrate 80er are having a proper first birthday celebration. Watch out for clowns. cake and party poppers galore. Boho. Glasgow. Sat 4 Aug.

Kaput! New wave. rock'n'roll. Krautrock and geek~ heat from Kid Twist and the gang. The Admiral, Glasgow. Sat 4 Aug.

Off the Record 8. Animal Farm Techno and electro from these great residents as they share the stage with a whole host of local talent. Soundtraus. Glasgow. Sat 4 Aug.

Subculture After all these years it's easy to see why Saturday nights at the Subby are still kicking. Guests like DJ T whose mix of funk fuelled disco and Chicago influenced beats keeps proceedings fresh every week. Sub Club Glasgow, Sat 4 Aug.

14 THE LIST Q :‘I Add