
Fllms screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Amazing Grace ll’(i) so (Michael Apted. l'K/I'S. 2006) Inari (irufludd. anola (iarai. Ynussnu N'Dnur Ill-(min To mark the 200-year celebrations of the abolition ()l slavery. this solid biopic details how William Wilberforce ((iruffudd) persuaded the House of ('nmmnris to end the slave trade. The film is however derailed by an irrelevant love interest ((iarai). staid dialogue and the presence of only one black character (N‘l)nur). .Sr'lr'r‘lr'd r'e/euve Barnyard (Hi) 00 (Steve Uedckcrk. LS. 3006) voices of Kevin James. ('ourteriey‘ ('ns. Sam l‘.lllt)ll. S‘lmm. ('tllIlPlllL‘FgL‘llL‘rillCtl animation feature centered on the single unfunny premise that farriiy'ard animals do mad things when no one is watching. With the cast and writers involved. this sliotild be half decent. btit it's actually very poor. More manure for minors. (ierrer‘ul r‘e/euse.

Beyond Partition (t’( i) 0.0 ll.alll Mnhan Joshi. l'K/lndia. 3006) 66mm. A cniiipassioiiate dm‘uiiieiitary using footage from India's film archives to examine the treatment of Partition in popular film. Preceded by a 20min talk by the director. Part of Partition and Beyond. (ilmgnvc l'i/rrt Thrall/1'. (ifusgrrii:

Black Gold (t’) 0000 (Nick Francis/Marc l‘i‘aricis. l'K. 2006) 77min. A riveting attempt to underline the paradox that joins the Stillbn global coffee industry with the impoverished birthplace of the bean: Iithiopia. l-‘ollnwing (‘nffee ('ooperative spokesperson Tadesse Meskela on a mission tn save struggling coffee farmers from bankruptcy. this excellent documentary left audiences cowed and the local Starbucks empty at last year‘s Sundaiice Film Festival. ('unien, Iz'di‘nburgh. Blood Diamond ( )5) oo (lidward '/.wick. US. 2006) Leonardo I)i(‘aprio. l)jiiiion Houiisou. Jennifer (‘oniiellyz 143mm. Against the backdrop of civil war in 1990s Sierra Leone. an ex-riierceriary from Zimbabwe (I)i(‘aprin) and a Mende fisherman (Hounsnu) cross fates and their lives are changed forever. (‘oiitriv'ed pseudo-liberal tosli with an embarrassing script that's only alleviated by decent performances. St'lt't'lr'd I'l'lt'llM’.

Brando ( l5) .0. (Mimi l-‘reedriian. US. 2007) l55min. Documentary providing a rare insight into the mad life. times and work of Marlon Brando assembled from a mix of archive clips and new testimonies from colleagues and admirers such as Al Pacino and lid Norton. Part of Marlon Brando season. I-i'lnihnuve. Edinburgh. Bridge to Terabithia (PG) .0. ((iabor (‘supo. US. 2007) Josh Hutcherson. Aiiiiasophia Robb. Zooey Deschanel. 95min. Artistic kid Jess (Hutchersori) is getting bullied at school and at home until outsider Leslie (Robb) moves in next door and the two begin tn build an imaginary world in a nearby wood. This faithful adaptation of Katherine Paterson‘s coming of' age children‘s book is worth a look for adults and kids alike. .Sr'lt't‘lt'd I't’lt’rls’r’.

=E= Brief Encounter (PG) 00.

(David Lean. L'K. 19-15) (‘elia Johnson. Trevor Howard. Stanley Holloway. ts'6min. Stiff upper lips and emotionally charged brushes of the hands are all that Johnson and Howard will allow themselves as their estra- marital ‘affair’ doesn't develop much beyond unspoken longings at a railway station. For sortie. the tears will still liovv; for others. the urigiv ing morality is esasperating. (iiveri the rigidity of this



22 THE LIST 2—9 Aug 2007

Iznglish romance. the Rachmaniiiov soundtrack is unfittirigly sweet Part of the Summer of British l'lllll Selu red Ir'leirvr' Cash ( ISA) (Aiiubhav Siriha. India. 300“) Ajay I)evgan. Ritesh l)eshmukh. /.ayed Khan l50mm. An intricater planned diamond heist fails to go smoothly and two rival gangs of thieves are left to deal with treachery. double-crossing and murder in this Hollywood action thriller (int-world deinburgh. ladiriburgh. (‘irievvor/d h’errlr'evv .Slr‘r'r'l, (i/uvgrrii

Die Hard 4.0 ( l5) 0.. (Len \‘r'iseriian. IS. 2007) Bruce Willis. Timothy ()lyphant. Maggie () IZSiiiin Renegade cop and one man destroyer of municipal property John Mc(‘larie (\‘v'illisi steps up to the plate. older btit not much wiser. to contend with a bunch of iibei geek terrorists who have kidnapped his estranged daughter Lucy (Mary lili/abeth \Viristead). (iood nver llte lop action pIeL‘Cs and lots ()I reactionary quips make this a worthy inclusion in the franchise. (it'm’l‘rl/ I‘r‘lr’rlvt'.

Evan Almighty (PG) 0 (tom Shadyac. LS. 3007) Steve ('arell. Morgan lireeinan. Lauren (iraharii. 05min. See review. page I”. (ienerul I'r'h'rlvr'.

Film Summer School Screenings ll'.) (Various. I'K. 2007) Students ol the RSAMIYs four week summer school screen their original drama and dnctiiiieiitary for the first time. RSIAMI). (ihrvgnvi. Firehouse Dog (PG) .0 Ilolland. l'S/(‘anadtL 2007) Josh Hutcherson. Mayte (iai'cia. Bruce (ireeiiwoml. I l lmin. Re\\\. the canine star of movies sticl) as .lur‘uvsu Ilur'h and Imm- 1113!),(NNII'i't’I. lalls Inlt) tlte life ()I schoolboy Shane (lliitcliersnn) when a stunt goes horribly wrong. and gains a more tiseful metier as a mascot at the local fire station. Shoiiky Ilnllywood satire. mismatched stunts and cutesy (‘(il place this firmly in the poop tray of modern multiples cinema. (ierter‘u/ I'r'leuvt'.

=§< Flanders (Flandres) ( IX) oooo (Bruno l)umorit. I‘rance. 2006) Adelaide Lernux. Samuel Boidin. Henri ('retel. 91min. See interview. page I‘) and Also Released. page 20. I'ilrnhnuse. Iidrnburgh. Floating Clouds (Ukigumo) ( 12A) 0.... (Mikin Naruse. Japan. 1955) llideko 'I‘akamine. Masayuki Moi'i. Marikn ()kada. lsao Yamagata. I33min. Yukikn ('l'akamine) searches the bombed ruins of Tokyo for Tomioka (Mort). with whom she had an affair during the war. Like clouds. the two characters are adrift in constant motion. yet rendered immobile by the iiiirx'diments to their relationship. Part of Mikio Naruse season. I'i/nthnus'e. Iz'di'rrburgh.

Gandhi, My Father (P( i) 000

(hero/e Khan. liidia. 2007) Akshay'e Klianna. Bhonmika (‘hawla. Shefali Shah. 134mm. The true story of Mahatma (iaridhi's rebellious. alcoholic son. set against the backdrop of racial unease in South Africa and colonial humiliation in lndiaii. stars Shilpa Shetty’s younger sister (Shah). ('irrevv'or‘ld Iz'diriburgh. Edinburgh; (ineu‘or/d Kerr/few Street. Glasgow:

Garm Hava (PG) .0. (MS Sathyu. Iitdia. l‘)73) Balraj Sahiii. Hanna Shaikh. (iita Siddhanh. l36min. Indian Muslim Halim moves to Pakistan. leaving his family in India where they are marginalised and forced to rely upon the good will of the ruling majority. A poignant and sensitive insight into the consequences of' Partition for Indian MUslims. Part of Partition and Beyond. (r'lus‘govi I'i/m 'I'hr'uln'. Glasgow: The Godfather ( l8) com (lirancis Ford Coppola. I'S. l‘)7l ) Marlon Brando. Al Pacino. James (Xian. l75miri. Mafia epic that follows the collapse of the ('orleoiie empire under the old Don (Brando) and the struggle for power this caUses between rival families and his own sons. Al Pacino is magnificent as the good son w ho has to turn bad in order to regain family honour. 'lhis hugely enjoyable. violent movie is a landmark in American filiiimaking. Part of Marlon Brando season. l-ilrnhnuve. Edinburgh.

The Golden Doori 12A) oooo (Emanuele (‘rialese. Italy/(}erriiany/I’rance. 2006) (‘harlotte (iainsbourg. Vincen/o Amato. Aurora Quattrocchi. l20min. ()n a


steamship inurney troii) his Sicilian village. widow er Salvatore Mancuso -\ntato) encounters a ravishing. mystery shrouded Iznglishwoman. lucy ((iainsbourg) Ar) unesiwcted love story unfolds all the way to Izllis Island and the golden door to the l'riited States of their imagination

Thrilling. magical and rather soulful romantic drama Se/ei It d r'eh'irvr Hairspray (P( i) 0... (Adam Shankman. LS. 200") John lravolta. Nikki Blorisky. Amanda Bynes ll6mm l‘aithful adaptation of the Broadway musical rather than .i remake of John \\aters' INNS filrii Altliniigli darkei elements of the story are lost in pursuit of fun .iiid .i mainstream audience. this .tllrslllg'llig'. all dancing teen flick shines amid a summer of noisy blockbuster sequels 'Iravolta's surprisingly endearing rx-itoriiiance (in full drag) .is l‘.(lll;l 'I'urnblad is the cherry on top (ii-rural /A('/('il\('

Happin N’Ever After ( t 'i so

(Paul J Bnlger. Yvette Kaplaii. l'S/(iermany. 3007) Sarah Michelle (iellar. I‘reddie Prin/e Jr. John I)i Maggin. Sigoumey Weaver S6min. See review. page 30. (ienerii/ I‘r'lr'uvr'.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ( IZA) .. (l)a\ id Yates. l'K/I'S. 2007) Daniel Radcliffe. Rupert (irint. limma Watson. liSmm. With Harry's liftli return to llngw ans. comes the realisation that Voldemon's return to pow er is not the only factor that will trouble him and he is forced It) confront a different force that matches his growing pains. Rowling's most comples and uneven book has prov en to be the most difficult to adapt. Missing the talents of a big name director this still contains some enioyablc iiinments courtesy of new comer Imelda Statinton. play mg the latest l)efence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Sadly exposition nv er action is this dreary. utilitarian film‘s real undoing. (It'm’ru/ I't'lt'rlu'.

Highlander ( l5) 0.. (Russell Mulcahy. I'K. I‘)S6) ('hristnplier Lambert. Beatie Izdney. Sean ('nnnery. l I lmiii. (‘omedians prov ide the armchair heckliiig to another so bad it‘s good film. This time it‘s the daffy adventure irivolv mg a handful of iniiiinrtals battling through the centuries to win a mythical pri/e. ('urrren. Iidi'riburgh.’ (r'hlvgrrii' I'i/m 'I-hr'ulrt'. (i/uvgrrii

The Hoax ( is) sooo (Lasse Ilallslron). LS. 2006) Richard (iere. Alfred Molina. Hope Davis. I 16min. See interview. page IS and Also Released. page 30. .Sr'lr'r'lt'd I'¢‘/(’(I.\(’.

The Imam and the Pastoro’m 0.. (Alan ('hanner. l'K. 3006) «ft-innit. l)ncuiiieritary about the rivalry between Nigeria‘s (‘hristiaii and Islamic communities and two men (an Imam and a pastor) who tried to bridge the gulf. A

mov iiig and hopeful story of grassroots peace building. Part of the l‘estival of Spirituality and Peace. I’r/rnhrruve. Iidi'riburgh.

Jindabyne ( l5) 0... (Ray Lawrence. Atistralia. 2006) Laura Linney. (iabriel Byrne. (’hris Ilatwood. l23min. Based on the Raymond ('arv er short story. So .llueh ll'uler‘ Sir (love In Home. this fascinating. emotionally truthful drama shows how one boy's fishing trip brings on the complete erosion of (‘Iaire (Linney ) and Stewart's (By me) already troubled marriage. The third film in 20 years from the feted Australian director is a beauty matel. (iluvgnvv I‘ilnr Theatre. (iluvgnvv.

Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten ( l5) 0... (Julien Temple. l'K. 2007) l24min l-‘rom diplomat's son to hippy to punk revolutionary through to his untimely death aged 50. Temple strings together a phenomenal cast list of faces. archive interviews and archive footage to tell the story of the (‘lash frontiiian. This loving film by a passionate filmmaker is a fascinating trove of unseen nuggets for fans that manages to capture Strummer's ragged. free flowing energy. (ilusgrm l'ilnr 'I'heurre. Glasgow.

Kanyini (PG) .0. (Melanie Hogan. AUstralia. 2006) Bob Randall. 53min. An aboriginal man. Bob Randall. who lives beside the greatest monolith in the world. L'luru in Central AUstralia. tells his tale of

indigenous wisdom clashing against materialist notions ot progress Part of Australian l'lllll season (iiirveou libv; [hind/1'. (I‘l"(1\(( )ti

Kireedam ( ISA) ( \I \iiay. India. 300‘) Ann) Irisha Krishnari. Raikiian A remake of the NS" Malayalarii film of the same title featuring the family struggles of an honest cop. his eager to please son .iiid assorted obstacles along the way (‘rrievior/d Rt'llf/t'll \rr‘eer. (ihivgovi

Klimt ( IS) 0... (Raoul Rllll. Airstri.L"l‘r.incer(ieiinany LR. 2006) John Malkovicli. Saffron Burrows. Stephen Ihllane ‘Vinin See review. page 20 (ihrvgoii I'll/ll Iheiitrr‘. (ihrvgovi

Last Tango in Paris ( Is) 0000. (Bernardo Bertolucct. l-rance Italy. I‘VE) Marlon Brando. Maria Schneider I illmm A young Par'isieniie meets .i middle aged man with whom she develops an increasingly violent and ptirely sesual relationship ()ne of the key films of its decade. Ber‘toliicci's powerful drama is .i meditation on the espression and ctimiiiunication of personal identity tliiotigli intense sesual contact lilrnhnuve. l-drrrburgh

Late Chrysanthemums (Bangiku) (l’(i) C... (Mikio Naruse. Japan, Fifi-l) Harukn Sugimtira. Sadako Sawainura. ('Iiikakn Ilosakawa l0lmm Bleak yet compelling portrait of a quartet of ageing geishas Retired Km (Sugimura) looks after the others with her advice and money. but things become complicated when Km's old lover (Ker) l'chara) appears. Part of Mikin Naruse season l‘lIIrl/lrtllu'. I‘.(llII/’lll't{/l Leith Film Festival A week ()I workshops and free film screenings. both short and feature length. with spiritual or moral themes. l‘llIIlS compete for the Audience Award and for the new ly introduced Mini Movie Award The festival culminates lll its signature 2 4 6.3 competition, I)ev!iriv ('hur‘r'h. Iii/lllhulgll, The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) ( I5) 0000 (lilonaii IIenckel von l)nnnersmarck. (iermany. 3006) Martina (iedeck. l'lrtclt Muelie. Sebastian Koch. I37mir). Iiscclleiit cold war thriller about surveillance and cultural freedorii in Iiast Berlin under the Stasi (secret police) A film that manages to be both horrifying and liuriinrnus. Highly recomriiended. Selected I'e/euve.

Love Wrecked (Po) 0 (Randal Kleiser. LS. 2007) Amanda Bynes. ('hris (‘armack. Jonathan Bennett. 86mm. Pitifully bad romantic comedy about what happens when Iiidenus teen Jenny (Bynes) becomes maronned w ill) her rock star idol Jason Masters ((‘armacki while on a ('aribbean cruise. This unfunny nonsense was directed. sadly. by Randall (ireuve Kleiser. .S‘t'lr'elr'd r'r'leuvr'.

The Magic Roundabout (t?) .0 (Dave Borthwick. l'K/I-‘raricc. 2005) Voices of Tom Baker. Jim Broadbent. Lee lavans. Joanna Lurnley'. Kylie Minngue. Robbie williams. Slmir). ('lassic 60s children's series gets a modern day make over. In this big screen verioii Dougal and friends embark on a dangerous Journey in an effort to imprison their oppressnr the evil wi/ard ZeeBadee (voiced by Baker) ('inevirrrld l’urkheud. (i/uvgrrvi.

Material Girls (P(i) 0 (Martha (‘onlidge. LS. 2006) Hilary Duff. Haylie Duff. AnJelica HUstnn. ()7min. Ava and Tan/ie (Haylie and Hilary Duff) are spoiled sisters. When their late father‘s cosmetics empire faces a takeover bid from daddy's old arch-enemy I‘abielle (Huston) the girls find their fighting spirit. Shallow. idiotic. deeply depressing ‘tween comedy drama. Iz'rripire ('Iydeburrk, ('Ivdeburtk.

Meet the Robinsons (L') 000 (Stephen Anderson. US. 2007) Voices of Angela Bassett. Daniel Hansen. Jordan Fry. llll min. Lewis. an orphan. dreams of finding a family. When mysterioUs stranger Wilbur Robinson takes him to the future. maybe he will find one. Iszoyably referential screwball animated comedy with good voice work. .S'eler‘red release.

The Missouri Breaks ( )5) 0” (Arthur Penn. L'S. I976) Jack Nicholson. Marlon Brando. Randy Quaid. I26min. Thematically similar to Michael (.‘imino‘s