Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin Inncs.

Activities & [Vents

Magic at Mono .\lono. l3 kiiigr'x ( 'ouit. King Sticct. 55i j-lllll, " illltlll l'icc luhlctop ingigic .ill night. \\llll c.utl carrying incinhci ol lltc \I.tgic ( ‘nclc l)c;in Sc\ton lhc lmcl} llchhic \lc( icc hull not conliiinctl Itci .ittcntl.incc .it tnnc ol going to [ll\'\\. l'll Ill .\ug

Open Museum Workshop in lo \ug (iluxgou \Vonicn\ l.Ihi.ii}. Still I loot. .\l l’;u'nic Slicct. 55.‘ Xi-l5. Ilkun, l'icc llclp cictitc ;i uniquc ti;i\clling c\hil‘ition \\i|l cclchintc thc \xoincn \\llil chtingctl (iluxgon.

Paddle Steamer Waverly Excursions ( ilgtxgou Scicncc (‘cntto 5H l’.‘icilic ()ugi). HXW 51“ Hill” \ll .iho.iitl. ;l\ lhc l;I\l \cn going pntltllc \tc.inici lll thc \xoi'ltl cclclu‘;ilc\ hci tlitunontl iululcc. (‘ruixcx lctnc rcgultu'l) tt'oin thc ( il;l\_L'U\\ Scicncc ('cnti'c hook onhnc ;it \x\xxx.“uxct'lc)c\cui'\ninxcouk oi| (l.\’~l5 Ill) 4047. l'hroughoul .\ugu\t.


Robert Douglas 'lhu to .\ug. \litchcll 'l‘hctitrc. h ( it‘;in\ illc Strcct. 35" PM” (Lillpnt. l't’cc 'l‘hc c\ prixon otlicci' ollcix up thc thii'tl lll\l;llllllL‘lll ol lll\ lllt'lllitlh. lt llt'l' .lltl/(WH .\ I'lr'u'wlli'.


Glasgow and the Commonwealth .\litchcll lthinr). Jill \oith Sticct. IN“ 30"”. l'ntil Stu I Scp inot Suni.

Mon ‘l‘hu ‘luin Spin; l’l'l & Sat ‘Lun 5pm. l‘t'cc. :\n c\|nl\ition uxing llL'lll\ lioni thc urchncx to \hou (il;l\}1ll\\ \ plticc .lllkl intlucncc in thc luxtoi'} ot thc ('onunonucgillh.

Science in the Dock l'ntil Sun 1" .-\ug. (ilttxgou Scicncc (critic. 5t) l’ttcitic Qua}. ll.\',"l 54H lllllll. lt),un opin. inc in ;ltlllll\\ltlll. .-\n L‘\llll‘llltlll ch.i|lcngc\ \ Ntoix‘ \;llllt‘\ .llltl cncouigigcx thcni to think about contio\ci\ l\\llt‘\ Ill \cicncc Treasure of the Month: Doon the Watter Mitchcll\t‘.u‘_\. Jill \oith Stt‘cct. 38" 30‘“). l'ntil l'l'l .‘l .\ug «not Sun). Mon 'l‘hu ‘kun Spin; l‘l'l & hut ‘kun 5pm. l‘t'cc. l-i\,inunc tlic originx ot thc gt‘cgtt (ilnxgou tradition,

Food & Drink

Glenfiddich Whisky Tasting Hut 0 .-\u:—'. Urun .\lor. “3| "35 ( \\'c\tcrn Road. 35“ (\lell. "pin. l‘rcc. \\ lnxk) munpling ix ‘.l tlclicutc l‘ll\lllc‘\\. .tnd _\ou nccd ti good noxc tor ll. l.c;un lto\\ .it llll\ Piping Inc c\cnt. llooooochl

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Stu l l .-\ug..\\ticltl l’ut'k. l’ut‘ticlx. (ll "35'

Wht Sn

3 1

': lit}. 3 Eek show

The Glasgow branch of Doctor Sketchy’s Anti-Art School is relaunching under new management, and rumour is that there be changes a-coming. Of course, they‘re not messing

too much with the tried and tested formula: for those of you not in the know, Dr Sketchy‘s is a life drawing class with a cafe atmosphere and open bar, where the sexless, anonymous nude models are replaced with burlesque performers in various states of undress. Don’t get too pervin comfy, though the new regime is mixing up the

cheesecake peep-show format with a parade of ‘circus freaks‘. Now, really. We’re sure there's got to be a more

politically correct way of putting that.

ll‘ll ill. ‘Lun ipin. l‘icc ()ig.titic \\lc\. ll.lll\l Iti.tilt‘ luooinx .intl lupin l‘Jctlll. \ott cult till} tutti/1111;; oti llllllllMl'lUll lx’oml thc\c tl.i}\,


Film Discussion Group “at l5 \ug (il.l\_‘_‘H\\ l'lllll lhc.itic. l3 l\’ii\c Xttcct. “I HIZN \lcct up \Kllll lilin \xritci lztltlic lltuiixon .llltl lotx ot othcr lilni hutlx to omit opinionx .llltl pctccptionx ol hoth .nt houxc .intl lug hlockhthtci rcccnt i'c|c.i\c\. llt'ltl Hll lllk' \t'c'tllltl \\t‘tlllc‘\tl.l) til t'\L'l} month.


African Song and Drumming Workshops with Jerry Boweh S.” l t \ug l)o\\.inhi|| I’iinmi} School. ll.i\clock Sttcct. l’,uticl\. ll.un lptn, L5 .\ou||.un inci .intl /.ul\.i ttontnmn .lcii'} llouch lL‘.ltl\ .i \ciicx ol tli'uinining .intl \ong \\i\ll\\llltl‘\. ()pcn to cwryutc.

Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Sun 12 \ug lltc .\tchc\. 35l \ig} lc Sticct. Hth

3-14'5535 ll _[\lll L5 to Inc lltthlc'. |t\c

gnlx .llltl li\c .n't' lhc hutlcxtiuc lilc \ll.l\\ ing c|.i\\c\ \ll‘ tlnngx .i littlc

tltttcicntl} lll thc\\c\t. \\lll1.t hit ot .tcdlt‘

lccl tot )otn Suntla} .ittcrnoon Dru Yoga Teacher Workshop Sun I: \ug (idlllc'l in (ilmgou. l ppct l‘liml. ‘5

lx’utlncn l .tnc. HI ‘~_‘~1 Blitz”: noon iiun.

£135“ \cc'c'\\ \cicnit}. .llltl llllkl out uh} _\oui tloxx llltlllt'l\. .tl .i htilt tin} \xoikxhop l’lctixc \\c,u lomc cointottuhlc clothing .llltl NH]; .1 cuxlnon. l‘‘.l\L'l .tntl \\.itci Ron Thaler Drum Workshop \loti lKintl l’uc l~l \ug. lx’h}tlnn Hmc. 5 ‘l (‘onunctcc \ticct. >13" 15"”. 5pm. lhc trtigglc-lmnccl .\c\\ \‘ork tlruni lcgcntl to.u\ luck into thc l'lx tot .i l\\\"\ltl'\ in.i\tcrcl;i\\ in thc tight \\.l_\ to llllltl )our flick» Scc \\ \\ \\.t'otttlt,ilct'cottt

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

Activities And Fun

Burrell Family Club Sat I 1 Aug.

3 Jinn, l't‘cc. llut‘tcll (‘ollccttotL 3W)“ l’ollokxlmxu Rlltltl. 337 355i). chulur t.uni|_\ tliop in \C\\ltttt lctitui'ing tun .icti\ lllL'\ l‘lht'tl on thc llut‘rcll‘x l;l\\'lll.lllllf_' collcctionx.

Back to the Drawing Board Sun I2 .\ug. ll..ill;llll lpin. 2pm tk i.3ll;iitt. l'icc. .\lu\cutn ot lllllhlllll'l. Kchin Hall. I llunhothc Road. 28" 3(i5l. Drop-in ctc.itt\ c \kot'lwltnp.

GoMA Summer Holiday Programme l'ntil l‘hu lo .v\ug. 'l‘uncx Mil}. l'tcc. (i.illct‘} ot \lodcrn .r\t't. Ro};t| l,\ch;ingc Squurc. 33‘) l‘No, l'un \uinincr \\Utl\\lliip\ lilt' .lch 5 l3 )L‘.tt\. (ill to \k\\\\ glnxgouinuxcunixcoin.

Sail Back in Time l'ntil \Vctl l5 .-\ug inot Sat. Sun i. l'nncx \tll'}. .'\tlllll\\lllll .ipplicx: {-1.95 «L1.‘)5i.'llic'l}ill Ship git (ilttxgou ll.«i'hotii'. llNl Stohcroxx Routl.

tljil‘ \\ ltcn thc 3V (ilcnlcc llkllx llL’l‘ intntlcn \o_\;igc. \lcct \oinc ol hcr crc“ tlll\l c\plorc thc \lllp\ Suittthlc tor llll .thtN.

Hitherto Craft Workshop Sun 13 \ug. noon, llithct'to. \lclnt_\t‘c llogg Building. through 'lintlcrho\. l-l/l lngruin \ticct. 553 5MB. l)c\ign tintl niukc l‘c'dllllltll. c'itlllL'lllPHl'dl‘} ltL'L'L‘\\Hl‘lL'\ mth thc hclp ol llithcrto umxtx. .-\gc\ 5 l4. Booking L‘\\L‘llll;ll.

Bang or No Bang l'ntil Sun 1‘) Aug.

noon. 3pm & ‘lplll. :\tlini\\ion tipplicx £0.05 W405 l. (ilttxgou Scicncc (‘cntic. 5“ Pacific ()uti}. “5'71 540 lllllll. ll.i\c lun \Hlll thc tlungcroux \itlc ol \t'lt‘llt't', Knights and Castles 'l’liu 0 Aug. Ilgun lpin & I Jinn. l'i'cc. lluricll ('ollcction. leoll l’ollokxhgmx Roznl. 337 2550. Incl} holitln} tictnn} \L‘\\li)ll lll\[lll't'tl h} thc Ultlt'ch on tlixplgi}. Family Picnic Time at Cmokston Castle Stu ll Aug & Sun I: Aug.

l JPIII. l‘t'cc. (‘rookxlott (~;l\llt'. 'lollctov l’nt‘k. 25-1h \Vcllxhot Rogitl. 70* Ith (icri‘) l)urkin prmnlcx \lHllL‘\ and \tilljJ\ to ticcotnpun} )our picnic.

Creatures of the Deep Sun I: Aug. llllllll 5pm. l't'cc. l'L‘\ll\;ll l’urk. (Emmi Rotul. ()3) 029‘). l)I\co\ ct thc prnnoithgil in} \lL'l'lL‘\ ol lltc purk\ pond. uhcrc tou'll lind \xtitcr \L'Hl‘pllllh. lccchcx lllltl \ticklchtick» \Vcllicx rccotnincntlctl. Traditional Games Sun I: Aug. noon a 2.30pm. l'rcc. l’coplc\ l’nlticc & \Vlttlct' (itll'tlt'lh. (iltixgim (it'L'L'lt. 37l 3062, ll;i\c lun \Hlll thc kintl ol outdoor guincw _\our grundpurcntx would hm c Pltl} ctl.


Marghanita Hughes Mon I 1 Aug.

2 4pm. l‘rcc. (iltixgou “UlillllL' (illl'tlL'lh. 75H ( it‘L’ttl \chtcrn Rntitl. 5 i4 242:. 'l llL' Scottixh author and Illll\lr;ll()r ot 'l‘lu' lluurrflx (iir/x. \tglh hookx tunnl n llurr} ot huttcrll} rcltitctl :lc’ll\lllC\.

Theatre & Dance

The Gruffalo’s Child 'l’hu ‘) Sun l3 .-\ug. 10.3mm) lulsl) l‘ri 1.10pm. Stat/Sun l3.3(lpini. U) «£3; tinnil} llL'le'l um. 'l'hctitrc Ro};il. 3X3 llopc Slrcct. 0870 um (yo-l7. 'l‘ull Storms adapt .lllllil l)(lll£lltl\(lll and :‘xxcl Schclllcr's zmzird v. inning chiltlrcn'x hook.
