Burlesque performers strip off for these cheeky art classes


Picking up

th bath

Scottish Opera appoints new music director. Words: Anna Millar

ollou'ing months ol spcctilation. Scottish ()pcra has

announccd thc appointmcnt ol‘ Italian conductor

l’ranccsco (‘orti as its ncn music tlircctor. 'l‘hc appointmcnt l'ollous a scason ol' commcrcial and critical sticccss l’or thc compan}.

Spcaking to 'l‘lii' 1.1.x! l'roni Scottish ()pcra‘s (ilttsgtm ilc‘;ttit|tlttl'tcl‘.\. (‘ttl‘li \ttiti Itc‘ litipcti t0 hlliiti (HI thc l'otintlations alrcatl} in placc antl plannctl to strikc a halancc hctwccn more popular \xorks antl lcsscr—knou‘n oncs.

‘l was honourctl hoth pcrsonalh antl prol'cssionall} to hc askctl to hccomc thc l‘onrth music tlircctor ol Scottish ()pcra. \thn l canic hcrc as a gticst conductor lor Min/(mm Hurti'ifli‘. I \\ as \xclcomctl \xith rcspcct and ti'tist. In an opcra compan}. thcsc arc the basic ingrctlicnts in aiming l'or common .sticccss. 'l’hc l'otintlations arc in placc. and I am rcatl)’ to commit m_\ scll‘ totall) in this important stcp.

'l hayc thotisantls ol' itlcas to put on thc tahlc. .\l_\ job is to crcatc a halancc hct\\ccn morc popular works logcthcr with picccs that arc lcss popular hut cquall} intcrcstingf

(‘orti i.s currcntl} music tlircctor ol' Magdchtirg ()pcra in (icrnian). In 3004/05 hc matlc his [’8 clchut conducting // Bitrlirt'n' (It .S'i’i'I'g/iti l‘or San i’rancisco ()pcra. ('orti

rcccntl) madc his [is conducting tlchnt with Scottish ()pcra in tlic Spring \\ ith Hut/unlit lint/crib;

(‘orti \\il| \xork aloiigsitlc Scottish ()pct'a‘s gcnct‘al tlircctor .v\|c\ Rcctlijk shaping artistic policy and will conduct hall' ol‘ thc conipan} 's l'till-scalc opcra scason.

Rcctliik said ol‘ thc appointmcnt: 'lt has hccn important to takc thc timc to lint] thc right pcrson l‘or Scottish ()pcra and \\ c \scrc tlrami h} l-‘i'anccsco‘s innatc musicality It is a ~io} to ha\ c soniconc ol his stattirc. c\pcricncc. L‘lllittlslilsltl Ltltti \\ I\titllll.i

~Btitit 0i tls ha\ c it similar \ i\iUll illlLi arc kccn [0 hit thc ntimhcr ol~ opcras pcr _\car. 'l‘hc appointmcnt ol' Itranccsco

as miIsic tlircctor is thc final step on our iournc} ol

rcttirning to l'ormf

'l'hc appointmcnt comcs in thc \xakc ol rcccnt ncxss that thc opcra compan} has brought to togcthcr such high prolilc talcnts as .-\lc\antlcr .\lc(‘all Smith. Ian Rankin.

(‘raig .-\rmstrong and Patrick [)0} lc l‘or l‘ii‘t'.‘ IS. a scrics ol'

IS—minutc opcras. to hc shoucasctl nc\t _\car.

How immincnt highlights l‘or thc upcoming scason includc 'l'hc Barhcr ol' Scxillc. \xith tlircction li'om uorltl-t'cnimncd opcra singcr Sir Thomas .-\|lcn. and NIH/alts Shrug/in.


I The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is to hold an arts sale in aid of breast cancer charities across Scotland. One hundred artists from Scotland. Canada and Prague will showcase their work on Thursday 30 August. with sale prices ranging from £100 to £3000.

Works will include glass sculptures by Ruth Spaak, paintings by John Mackie, Ronnie Ford. Joe Hendry and Basia Roszak, as well as jewellery by Judith Kenny and Dianne King. Scottish author Christopher Brookmyre will also be there, to talk about his latest book. Elsewhere, the Glasgow galleries have launched a series of free, informal 30-minute talks looking at the city through its various museum collections. Places are limited, so phone 0141 276 9599 to book a place. (AM)

T ,A V) 77 V31”.

COCKTAIL PARTY Oran MOr launches new music strand

lt introduced a whole new audience to theatre with its popular A Play. A Pie and A Pint series. Now Oran MOr is preparing to set its stall for something more 50phisticated With an all- new A Concert. A Cocktail and A Canape concept.

Starting on Monday 3 September, the Glasgow reSidence will build on the success of PPP, which allowed peOple to enioy innovative theatre during their lunch hour.

For the CCC series, 12 concerts will merge muSic from the traditional chamber repertoire With seldom-heard works. Highlights include Vivaldi's Seasons which Will be showcased alongside mUSIC by Gorecki and Philip Glass. coupled with Elgar and Holst. Featured soloists include Scottish Philharmonic's leader, Justine Watts. together with Jane MacKenzie (Violin), Davrd Flack (French horn), and Simon Johnson (trombone).

Series producer David MacLennan said: ‘I am delighted to introduce this new strand of programming at Oran MOr. I hope Glasgow mUSIC lovers will enjoy these concerts as much as theatergoers have taken to the plays.‘

The programme will run concurrently with PPP, which starts its new run on Monday 27 August. Its evening counterpart. A Dinner. A Drama and A Dram, will open on Wednesday 3 October. (Anna Millar)

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