Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or aroundtown© for all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.

Activities 8. Ivohts

Paddle Steamer Waverly Excursionshlttxgoxx Stu-nu- ( 't-nnt: SH I’uulir (Jun). tlxfll 5-Ill Illlltl \ll .lI‘l'JItI .l\ the I.l\I stun gomg [\IiItIIt‘ stunner ill the \xoiItI u'lt‘httttcx Itt'l tlmntontl intuh't‘ ('quscx hxm- I‘cgulnil} liom IIIK' ( iI.t\;'o\\ Syn-nut (.k'llli'k' hook onhnt' .lI \\\\\\.\\il\k'lIL'\\‘\\'Ill\lUll\ to uk oi t .lII nsti I to tot“.

Rock Karaoke. Iut' 3| \ug. ( '.it‘.\.ilk Rock I otmgt'. ”5 I mon Slit-VI. j-IN (moo. ‘lpm L5H [‘ll/L‘ mont') .IIIlI tht' \\II|‘I\' ol lurk Ill\tol"\ lo t'Ilooxt‘ llulll. (in on. unlmsh tout IIIIIL‘I \Imtloal


Suzi Quatro Ihu 3* \ug. Iioitlt'tx Iiookx. ‘Ih Ittn'lmnan Snort. 233 MINI (rpm. Iltc \t‘\_\ "le tot‘kt‘t. mm m ht‘t 5.\'lh )t'ut. IL'II\ .lII m .ttitohiogt‘.ipli_\.

I ngi/i/u'tl. Soc \ll\\\cl \Iathmc. page IN Anne Perry, Joyce Holms, the Mulgray “wins and Ruth Wade Hill 2‘ \ug, \\;|lct\tonc\. I5: I5“ Snut'lut‘hnll Slim-t. “I ‘IIH5

o it) “.~i5|\m. I'rt't' iut'kctt'tll \ \Itxtt-tt \\omcn mcnl cnllllml ‘( ‘tnnt'. “omen .mtl \\ iong' .l\ no“ and old II.|IllI\ .II t‘iimc lit'tion \u‘ltmg thxt'uxx IIIt'II cult

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market ()uct'n's Path. 53” l .mgsttIc I’.nI\. 3V ““3 ‘Lun 3pm Ioml plothtt't'. tiom


What sOn



Cyclists all over Glasgow will be saddling up for the sixth annual

Bikeathon to raise money for Gartnavel Hospital’s Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre. If you’re a wee bit out of puff, choose the 13- rather than the full 26-mile option. All routes start and end at Kelvingrove Park. Call 0141 330 8007 to get yourself a sponsorship form.

Politics NOZID Meeting line .‘,I \ug. \Iono_ I.‘

kntg‘xtiomt. I\III_L‘ \tit't'l. 55‘ Jitllr Rpm.

I Ik'k' I tn‘ntllt. IIIIHIIIMI tottnlghtl} Int't'tmg .m UHNHIUIIII} to meet .IIIlI \II\\II\\ \HIII otItt't IIK'HIIIK' IIIIk'I\'\I\'\I III III\' [notation ol pout}. tn II IIIK‘IIIC\ .mtl human Ilj_'IlI\


African Song and Drumming Workshops with Jerry Boweh I)o\\.quII I’Imi.n_\ \‘hooI. Hun-Iot'k Sut'ct. I’.u‘ln'I\. Il.un Ipm L5 Souhtml incl .mtI /uI\.i liontnmn .lt-H'} Iioxwh hauls .i win-x ot thunmnng and song \\UlI\\IlH|\\ ()pt'n to muttont'

Looking at Landscapes \\L'\I 3.3 \ug. Hurlt'll (‘oIIt‘t‘tIoiL IIWI I’ollokshtms Road. 3h" 35!)»1 I ~Ipm I’lt‘t' I'II\I Ich .II \HIIIL‘ I.llltI\t‘.t|X' paintings I\_\ (iv/.umc .IIItI \ixIc} lot llI\|lll.tllHll tltt-n l.lI\\' to the park to Il_\ ll out lot imI Itt‘gmnt‘is .uc welcome but .III must hook m .nIxmt’c

ir(( ' .T

.gqv'ftn‘ .. . .

Stories of Scotland and South Asia

Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.

(MI, (‘I.

I;.‘n' .-‘I ;L

Activities And Fun

GOMA Youth Fest I'hu Io .-\ug. 'I'Imt'x mi). I’rlt‘t‘x nu} (ittIICl) ol \IotIt-rn An. Rotal I \t'hangt- Square. 33‘) I‘Nh. .’\ uholc \wt‘k ot II'L'U Hunts .md \MH‘IxxIIUIh lllll h} _\oung pcoplc tor _\oung people. I’lmw \L'L' \xuuglttsgou muscumscom to we the hill pt'ogttmtmc.

Cimue de Science I'nuI Sun I” .-\ug \tIIIII\\Ii‘lI applies to ‘35 «H "5) (ilasgou St‘tcnt’c (‘t'nttu 5“ I‘at'itit' Qua}. HVI 5-10 IIINI I'tgurt' out the \t'tcnu' IX'IIIIMI (ll‘t’th .it‘ts \ut‘h .l\ \IIII \mlkmg .mtI Illll\l\'.lI glasses .II IIll\ «hop m t‘\IllI\ll Funky Baby Sat IX \ug._‘ 4pm Adults I015. untlci Ix tu'c. tanuI} tit‘kt't {III liar Iiuthla. Ih \Igtc Stt't‘ct. Mo ‘IISI -\n- your \Ium .md I).liI \IU\\II mlh the kids ' ( ict thcm mmmg to \utllt' gtmn} IX‘.II\ .it IIII\ .ittt-rnoon mghtt‘Iuh tor the llIltIL'I ten t'ioutl

Farm Open Day Sun I” \ug.

noon i itlpm I'tcc I’oIIok (‘ountty I’.uk. I’ollokshanx Ix'outI. hi: ”2"” 'I‘hc tarm UPC” Il\ gates to ttmuht‘s lot ti tun tilled «Ln ot lllll\lt’. games. Imlloon \L'UIPIUIL'. law painting and cuddly t‘llIIt'l\ Hitherto Craft Workshop Sun I‘) .'\ug. noon. L'tlx~ Hitherto. .\h'I|lI_\IL' IIogg Iluihhng. through 'I‘mtlcrlxn. IJ/I Ingrnm Street. 552 5N“ I)c\ign and mnlw IX‘ullIlIllI. contrintmrur} buttons and hmIgt-x \\ III] the help ot Ihthcno tll'1l\l\. I’un'nts um onto} ti (UIIL'L‘ Ill ’I'mth'thox during the \xotkshopx. Agcx 3 I4 Hooking L‘\\Cllll;tI Drama Workshops Sun I‘) .-\ug. 2.30 4pm.

L' It). (iulhcr m (II;l\gU\\. l'ppcr I‘loor. i7 Ruthwn lung. 07007 IXN5I i. (iltisgou '\ ncucxt \wckl} thumu \xorkshopx tor :tgcs I2 lcnturcs lull} quahticd lllxll‘llt‘lurx “Ito t‘tilllhlllt‘ tun mth Icurnmg Hooking C\\L‘lill;tI. IilllillI \tcwnw thcutrchubt' IHI' turthci dctntls.

Kids Yoga Sessions Mon 20 Aug.

5 hpm. £5. (hither m (ilnxgtm. I'ppcr I‘Ioor. 37 Ruthwn lune. 07067 IXX5I3, Stretch and [XHL‘ )(lllr nu) to u hcultincr mind and bod} tit IIll\ \NCCKI) yoga \L‘\\IUII tot ;thx 5 I3 )L'urx.

Early Years Story Time Inc 3| Aug. 2 3pm. £3 till.’l‘l1c(hnnt Workshop Spncc. III I37 Sultmurkct. 357 501K). \IuIllvxcllxnt'} storytelling and guntlc mowmcnt xcxxions designed tor young children and their purcntx/cnrcrx. Ages

2 -l


Qt Iliilt It} III-’1’CIIHGS Fesuval

Scotland’s History Festival Sui 18 (s Sun 1‘) .-\ug. Ilium 5pm. I‘rcc. Rucc ('oursc. Lunurk. 424 I‘IW. Scotland's Iurgcxt authentic li\ing Illxlnl‘} muthcvul IL'\II\;II. lunark got-x hack In time to the

I ith t'cntur} \ch archer} L'Hlllpcllllnllx. tulconr} (IINPIQQM testers. lugglcrx and muhcxul lllll\lL‘l;tll\ and storytellers trom us Iur tmtt} in [IN ('IL‘L'It RL'pUhIIL‘,

Free Exhibition Saturday 30'june

1 Wednesday 5 September

www.11l s . u k

For over 400 years Scots have been drawn to India and the South Asian subcontinent, but what brought them there and what was their legacy? Take a Journey of discovery wuth the Scottish soldiers. doctors, missionaries. traders. polittoans. CIVII servants and travellers who made their mark on India. 0|3l 623 3845

National Library of Scotland. George IV Bridge. Edinburgh EHI IEW

National Library 0‘ (ff/'7' d

W22 Aug 2007 THE LIST 13