Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Atonement 1 1%1 11111- 11111111 I 11‘ 31111". \.1111'\\.1I(1‘1I_:'I.1\1'. K1'11.1KIII;’I11I1'_\ J.11|11‘\ \11.1\\11} |31111111111111 \1I.111I.1I11111111 |.111 .\I1I;1.1..111\ 311113111111!111st111I1.11111|1I1'r 11.11111.1II lI(1'1!_L'I.1\1'1 Illl!\l'\ 1111 .11111111' \Ilt' 11111111111I1'1I .1\ .1 1I11I1I I’rmrms 1'.1I.1 s1r1'1-r1111y1111l} II11\ 11I111 11.1II I11' 11'1111'111-1! 111 [/11 /1\I\(1S1-11I1'111I11'1 1ss111' I111 I11/1101111141 (Mr/11. Ill/IIl’tlllf/I

3% The Bourne Ultimatum 1 I.‘ 1‘11 .... 1I’.111| firm-11:14“. l S. JIM/'1 H.111 I).11111111 JI1I1.1 \llh's. I).1\11! SIr.1Ih.11111

| I I111111 S1‘1' 11-111-11. 11.1;71' 311 (11111'111/ I1'l11l\1

Bratz: The Movie mm 0 181-.111 \11 .\.1111.11.1_ I S.JIX1'/1I,11j;.111|$111\\11111L'. Jam-I I’.1111\I1. \.1II1.1I1.1I<.111111\_ SMIH \Il.‘1)1‘ I IlllIIIII 31'1‘:\I\11I<1‘I1'.1\1'1I.11.1}:1' III (11 I11 I11/ I1 /11l\1

Bridge to Terabithia 11’( 11 0.. ((1.1I1111 (\111111. I S. 311117111141 II1111I11-1s1111_ .1\r111.1s11|1hr.1 I<11t1t1. /.11111') |)1-\1I1.1111'I ”5111111 :\111s111 I111! J1'\\IIII111I11'1\11111 1s 111-1I111}: t111llr1'1! .11 s1I11111I .1111! .11 I1111111' 111111! 1111Is11I1'1 |1-sh1‘1R11I1I1111111\1's111111'\11111111 .1111!1I11'1u11l11'13111I1111111|1I.1111111;13:111.11} \1111I1I11111111'111t11 1111111! IIll\ I1111I1111I .11I.1|1I.111111111I K.1II11'11111' l’.’111'1s1111\ 1111111113.} 111.1;_'1'1I11I1I11'11\I11111I1is 11111111 .1 look I111 .11I11I1s11111! I111I\ 11|1I11‘ lam/1111' ( I11/1I11111l. (111/(lurid

Chak deIndia11.T.-\11811111111 v\111111. I111I1.1. JIM/'1 SI111I111II1I1 KI1.111.\'11I_\.1 M;1|\.11I1-. S1'g.111|1.1(il1.'113:1- 15111111 I111|I_\\111111Isp1111s1lrg11111111t11111l 1I11‘ 111st l111!1.111 |.11I11‘s' I1111'I11‘} 111111111111! .1 I1III1‘ Sikh 1:11! \1I111111s1 \1.111I\I11I11-.1I1111 111‘} 11!.111'1 51/11 [11] I1'/1'11\1'.

Copying Beethoven 1 13,11 00 I.1\j.11111'\/I1.1|I11!I.1111!. l’S/(i1'1111.111)/II1111_:'.11_\. 3111111111! II.‘1111\. l)1.1111' tiring-1.1111- 1\111|1'1s1111 Ill-1111111 31'1' 1011‘“. [1.11'1' .‘ll ('II11'1111I/1/ [1’1 III/1‘11 \II1'1'I. (1'/11\1:1111

Dear Green Place Film Club 111 I\'.1111111\1 |31I111111 I-11111 sI111rl IiI111s [111-s1'11111133 1I1111'11'111 .111111'11.11'I11'\ I11t111\\ 1111I111.11_\ 1111I1\11!11.1Is 1 .111 11-sp11111l I111'11\1111111111'11111| I\\tlt'\ I11111111111'1‘1I I1) .‘\I.11'II1.1 \\.111I11111.1111I

L1,; 1 ‘A‘. .1-p1’ug-fiufiigar'Wé

11-II11'.1.1'-I I1. .1 111s111w111t1 111 111111711 32111.:f1' 1I1.111j.'1‘ 1.111111.11:11\ (I l (1 11\'.’1I1'.

Deep Sea 3°1I’I11III1M.111III.1II (.111.11!.1.l S 31111111\11111-s111J11I11111_\ |)1-1111 11.111-“1111111 11111111 \ 1 I)1I1_;'II.1| 1-\11I111.1111111111 II11' 1111'.111 s1I1'11II1s .1111! 11\ 111‘.11I111‘\ III I \ NH .1111 (11111.71n'

Die Hard 4.01 11,... 11 1-11 \\1s1'111.111.l S, .‘IMW I111111- \\1II1s I111111II1\ ll|111h.111I \I.1_~.'_;'11‘ 1) IJNIIIII I11-11113111.- 11111.1111111111'111.1111I1'slr1111-1111 111111111 111.1! [1111111111 J11I111\11(‘I.1111-1\\1II1\1s11‘11s1111111 1I11'11I.1I1'.11I1I1'1 I111111111111111I1 .\1\1‘I 111 1111111'111!\s1II1.1I111111I111111I11'1 v.11. 11-111111s1s \sI111I1.1\1‘ I111II1.111111'1I I|I\ 1's11.111:~.11 11.111;'I111‘1 I111}1\I.rr) I I1/.1I11-II1\\111s11'.11I1 (1111-1111x1'1 II11'I1111.11111111[111-11‘s .1111! I111\111 11'.11I11111.11_\ 11111|1s111.1l11‘1h1s.1north) 1111 |1111.111 111 1111' I1.1111I11\1‘ \1/11111/I1/11111

Dreamgirls 1 I: \1 0000 111111 ('11111I1111. IS, 31111111 I.111111' I-11\\ I11-1111111‘ K111111!1'\.I11I1I11‘Murptn. I1'1111111'1 II111Is1111

I 111111111 I1.1s1'1! I111111-I} 1111II11'sI1111 111 “11' 811111111ch[)11111111:11l1I1.1s111.111} 1.1r1I.1\I11 .11111I11111's ItrthanI11111s11.1|1111111I11-1s11111I} I~11\\ II1111111I1'1s1.11111111'11111111.11111's 1II1-_\111111' sI11111sI11‘1 1I111l\\l .1111! s111111' .1111.1/111j_' 1.11111-1.1 111111. .1111! 1'1I111111: 111.1!11- II11s 1I11'1I11-.1111I11I11-11111:1‘1_\1111II111111;'I1II11' 11111111 11111111I1s “1111111 l1lml1111ql1

=£< Eagle vs Shark 1 Is. 0000 1 1.111.. ('11I11'11. l S. .31111'1 I 111111 ||111sI1-1. _I1'111.11111' ('I1‘1111‘11I 35111111 S1-1-11111'1\11-\\.[1.1331‘ l‘l \1/11/11/I1/11111

Eragon11’1‘1100 1S11'l1'11I‘.111_1.'1111'11'1, l S} 31111111 I'1I\\.111I 81111111» S11'1111.1 (111rll1111. (1.111111 Il1'1II11111I Ill-1111111 I1.1\1'1I 11111I11‘s11111‘sx111l111111'lt1} ('I111sI1111I11‘1 I’.111|1111, linen/11sII11-I.1|1-11I .1t111} 1S111'II1'1'1s1.1111Ihis 1I1.1;:1111.1_1:.1111sI II11'1-\1I K1113: (1.1II1.1I1111\ 1.\I.1|I111\11I11 II11' s111'11.1I 1'111‘1ls .111' 11111111'ssn1' I1111 111111'1111s1' I|11s 1s .1 1.111!) |.11111-11|11'111'1 I111 1I11s1111111-111.111I.1s_\ 11.1111I11s1- I111 l1l111/111rgl1()111111. l1h/1l11111:/1

Evan Almighty 11’111 0 1111111 SI1.11!).11.I S. 3111171 811-11' (Km-II. .\l11r).'.111

I 111-111.111. I .11111-11(11.1I1.1111 95111111 ()111‘ 111111- 1‘111111'1I) .1I111111 .1 |111111I1|1‘ 11111;,‘11's\111.111 1(‘.111-|I1\\I1111\ \1s111'1! I11 (111111.111.1111111|I} smug I'11'1'111.1111.1111II11|1I11111111I1I.111.1II1 \\'1II1.1111111.1Is hiring 111111111I1} 11111. I:\.1111s 11111‘1'1!11111110111111his111.1I11'1's111_\sI1'111111\

\\.'1_\\ 111111111'I11s 1'1111\1'1\111111111111s11.1rg:I11

To mark the centenary of his birth, this selection of short films by the great British documentary filmmaker Humphrey Jennings celebrates the propagandist wartime talents of the man Lindsay Anderson called ‘the only real poet that British cinema has yet produced‘. Jennings’ films were rooted by his involvement with Mass Observation, a UK-based social research organisation that recorded everyday life in Britain through the maintenance of hundreds of diaries and open-ended questionnaires. The short films on offer here - Spare Time, Words for Battle (pictured), The Silent Village and Listen to Britain - are a time capsule of a different, more community-based age, and of great interest to anyone fascinated by the history of British cinema. Critic Mitch Miller

will introduce this selection.

IGFI. Glasgow. 5.30pm, Sun IQAug.

I.111'1I s11111111111s111 \.1;‘1‘ 111II11s11'1111I IL'IIL'Ith I.1l11' f11’.‘1'1..'1.1..\1

Finest Hour: Films by Humphrey Jennings I’( 11 .... 1II1111111I111'1 I1‘1111111‘.‘\ I 11‘ 111111.111\11111111 I11111 \I11111 1111111 1'111111113; I11-1111s111 111111111-11-1 11.11 .1111! 111‘.111't1\11111-111 Itr1l.1111\ s1-111111.1I 11.11111111- 1I111111111'111.11_\ 1‘1I111111.1k1'1s \II 111111 .111- 111-111‘. 11'sl1111'1I.1111I1111\1'1111‘11111I11;'I11!.'11111111~11 1I11_'11.1I (1.‘..\.'11.-. [1.11; [5:111:11 (1.'..\.'1111 Hairspray1l’1. 0.00 \.I.1111 \t1.111k111.111 l \ .‘IIIW |11I111 I1.1\11II.1. \1kI11 I1I11r1sk1 .11I.111I.1111111111 II11- I1111.11I\\.11 11111s11.1I 1.1II11'1 II1.111.111'111.1I11-111 I11I111\\.1I1‘1s I‘l\.\ 11I111 \IIIIHIIL'II 1I.11I11'1 1‘I1'1111-11ls 111 1I11' 11.111 .111'

\111.111II.1I11111-s | I11111111 I.111I1111I

I11sl 1111111rs1111111 11111.1111I.1 111.1111\111‘.1111 .1111111'1111' II11s .1II s111;:111;.' .1I| 11.11111111'11'1'11 1I11I1 sl11111's.111111I.1s111111111-r11111111“

I1I111 I1I111s11*1 \1'11111‘|\ I1.1\11II.1\ s1111111s1111'I1 1'11111-.111111_'111-11111111.11111'1111111I|1I1.1§_'1.1s I1!11.1 I11111l1|.11I1s1I11'1I11-111 111111111 (111111.1/ I1/111\1

Happily N’Ever After 11 1 O.

1|’.111|J ”1111311. \ \1-111' Is’aplarr I S’( 111111.111}.

.‘IM '1 \.11.1I1 \111I11'II1- (i1~I|.11. I 11'1I1I11' I’1111/1‘ .I1..I11I111I)1 \I.1j:j.'111. 511'11111111'} \\1-.1\1'1 511111111 I\\11 1111111I1I1113: s11111-11-1's .1111111-111111‘s. .1111): 1.1!!1'1I \11111111 1\\.1|I.111' SI1.1\\111.1111I.11.1I1.1II1'1I \l.1111t1111-\111l}

I)11 I11.11111I1'111.1II) .1II11\\ 1'\ 1I 11111 I1 I 111'1!.1 1S1;_'11111111-_\ \\1‘.1\1-11111.1|I1'1 II11- t1.1|.11111-111 1.111111! .1111! cu! 111II11' 111.1911 11111131111111 I)1s.1[1p111111111;'l_\ 1.11111I1.1r 1111111'1111111r.11_\ 1.1111- HII HIIIl' I.1ll} I.II1'\ \1/11 [11] I1/11l\1

Happy Feet 11 1.00 1111-1111111 \Illlci, \11sII.1Ii.1/l S. 31111111R11t1111\\1|I1.1111s. II1113I1I.11I1111.111.l'I1|.1I1\\11111I Ill‘l111111 ,\ 1I11111s1I1 [1I11II1-1I I111I I111.1|I\ 1I1.11111111;.' .1111111.1I1'1i11111s11.1I 11111111I11'111.1I11'1s111 [111/11 .1t111111 1.111111111111113.1111I\1113:111;,' 111-Hymns 1I1'1‘l1 111 .-\111.111II1.1 \\11I1s11|11ls11113_'\ .1111! s111111' 131-1111111111 1‘\11'|I1‘111 \11111'1111'1 l11'11111111.1111'1'\. l/11/1/11 I11/1sl1111t1.1I1I\ II11' I11'sI11I II11'(‘I111s1111.1s1.11111!) IIIll|\ ('1111'11111/1l Purl/111111. (1/111141111. ('1111'11111/11 l1/1/1/1111e/1, I 1/111/111111/1

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 13,110. 111.11111


\.111‘\,l I\ l \ .‘1N1'1I).11111'IIx'.11I111111~ R11111‘II (111111 I 111111.1\\.11s1111 I I\111111 \\11I1II.111\\1111I111'111111I11II11_~.'\\.11'.\ 1111111'sII11'11‘.1!1s.11111111l1.11 \11I.I1~1111111 s 11'1111111111111'1s1'1 1s11111 1111‘1111I\ 1.111111 II1.11 \s1III11111I1I1*111111.1111II11‘1s 111111-1111- 111111111111.11I1111‘I1'111 111111'1I1.11 111.11.111'sl11s ;'111\\111:'11.1111s I\'11\\I111;"\11111\1 11111111I1‘\ .1111! 11111‘\1'11 111111 I1.1s 11111\1‘11 111111‘111.~ 11111\I 1I11111I1II 111.11I.11‘I \Il\\111_‘.' II11' 1.1I1‘11Is 111.1l111:11.11111‘1I111‘1I111II11s sI1|I 111111.1111s s111111'1'11111\.1t1|1' 111111111'11Is 111IIII1\\ 111 111-\11111111'1 I1111'I1!.1\1.1111111111 11l.1\111_:' II11' I.1l1'\lI)1'IL‘1111‘ \1'.IIII\I III1‘ “Mk \II\ I1'.11I11'1 \.11I|\ 1'\1111\11111r111\1'1.111111111s 1111s11|111'\11'.1I 111111111111: 1111:1111. 11.11111 Henry V1l I... 1! .11111‘111 1‘ I I|1\11~1

I I\. 1111.11 I .11111‘1111'III1111‘1 I1'111111 \I.1|1‘s111 [111111.1x'.1111|.11'11111111I1111'1I111l11‘I.1111I ‘MIh (II1\11'1 I11.1\1'|\ :‘.1II11111111,' .1111111111 \\1II1 .1I111111I11sI11.111111'1s 1I1111I1|111-_' .1s II11' 11111111 1111I11'I11'111I1.1111II11:'I1\I11111I11|11\ II I111I1I\ .1s111'11.1|11!.111'111s111‘1‘11111\1h11l111_1\ II11\1\ .11Il;‘ll.1II}11‘\I1111'1I\1‘l\1111111I(II|\11‘II\ .11I.1111.111111111111'l1'I11.1II1111111 I11s 11‘1111‘11.11\ I)1;'11.1I11111111111111 |’.111111II11'\111111111'1111 I11111sh I 1I111 (11’1111'1111 l1/m /l11.:111 (I/rHL'IIH

The Hoax In .00. II.1I|\1111111,l S. 31111111 I1’11I1.111I (11-11~ \I111'1I \I11I111.1. II11|11‘ II.1\1\ I I11111111 I11|11\.1I1|1‘

I .1\\1'

.1111! 1I111111'I11111I1.1111'1 11111\11- I1.1s1-1I11111I11‘ 11111'\I111\11111111111.1l1sIl I1111111II1\111_:'\\I111 111 I‘li'l 1.1Is1‘I\ 1I.111111‘1II11'I1.11I11111111111111 1\1111'111.1'\ 11111x1 11'1I11s1x1' 111.111 I11|I11111.1111- II11\\.111! II11;'I11-s \\1II1.1111\\I11‘1'|1~1 s 1'1111'11.1111111;'1111111111‘l1'I111I1 .1111! 1111'1I1.1 1111II11s.1s 1111111111: .1111! 11111\11111111.' .11 111 111111.11'1111rsl \1I1111xl1l.1\1‘1Is11111‘1I1I1 I1\ (1111' 111s111111'lI1111y111.111-1111111111111111 (1111 111111.1' /\'1I1//111 \1111 I (1I111111111. ( 111111111/1/ l1/IIIl111/e/1, /1/111l11111jl1

Lady Chatterley 1 IM 1I'.1s1.1|1' I 111.111 I1.11111'. 31111111\l.11111.1|!.1111l\. I1‘.111 I 11111s ("1111II11'1I1 |(1.\'111111 |’11'\11'\s s111'1‘111111'11l IIII\ 111'“ \1‘1s11111111 III! I .11111~1111-\ 1'111111 I.1|1‘ I’11'\11'\\ \111'1'11111;' IIII\ Mm 111” I11‘ 11'111'111-11111'u 1ss111- 1 111111111l1/I1'111/1111 31/11 I (i/1l\'."1IH

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1642': #11; 20’)? THE LIST 23