Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 1 6


. Chris Clark Trio x\tl th (all. i llt' ()ltl Shcrtll ('out't lituldtug. lirunxuick Sttcct. 33.3 0344. 7 30pm l'rcc .la// \‘tl\ and hlucx} \kat ltou) llll\ \tugct/gmtarixt I Real Live Jazz Session th) (".itc. 27 ll}udlaud Strcct. 334 000‘). h llpu). l'rcc. law \xcckl} \L'\\lt)ll lcatutiug a changing hucrup ol \ll'dllell ahcad. uo tucsxin' handx.


I Leana Zaccarini 8. Jenny Clark Trio Art dc ('al. 'l'hc ()ld Shcrtll (‘ourt Building. llrunxmck Strcct. 333 0344. 3 l0.30piu. l't'cc. lilllt‘\. luuk} pop. lattu and xxxiuging la/l.

I Michael Simons lL'llttl (h ua. 43 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2 (ilaxgou-haxcd gtutarixt pla}tng lolk. hlucx and hc}ond.

I The Easy Orchestra 'l‘hc littttct'll) & thc l’tg. I53 Bath Stt‘cct. 22l 77l l. l0pin. l'rcc. 'l’hc liuttcrl'l} and thc l’ig‘x llUlht‘ hand \xith coxcrx ranging lrou) lirauk Sinatra to Rick} Martin.


I Joni Keen Quartet Dunhlauc Hydro. l’crth Road. (ll-786 82255 I. i) I l..l()pu). l‘rcc. laas} lixtcniug ja/x standards.

Saturday 18


I Allan Glen Quartet lhcl. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lauc. 342 4‘)(»(». 3 opiu. l'rcc, (ilasgou sax pla)ct' hack hoinc lrotu thc Bcrklcc Ja/l (‘ollcgc in Boxton.

I Big Bob’s Blues and Ska .-\rt dc ('at‘. 'l'hc ()Id Shcril'l' ('otu‘t Building. Brunswick Strcct. 333 0344. X l0.30piu. l‘rcc. Mix ol‘ hlucx. _la// and call} \ka.


I Joni Keen Trio But-r (‘al'ca 7X (‘andlcriggx 552 0815. 5 7.30pm l-‘rcc. Mellow ja/I \taudardx.


I Sunday Sundowner Jazz l’latl'ot'u) l. l Stow c Brac (Ull ('aual Strcct). Sh") 3693. 4 (1pm. l-‘rcc. laid hack. cax} listcuing jal/ l'rou) \ocalixt l.cana Zaccariu).


I Real Live Jazz Session Rio (nut. 27 ll)udland Strcct. 334 W00. 8 I lpiu. l‘TL‘C. Scc Hit) It).

wv. fr—q

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore and Norman Chalmers.


I Jim Malcolm l.i\c at the Star. St Andrew‘s in the Squarc. St Andre“ \ Square. 559 5902. 8pm. £7 (£5). Singer. moothic maestro. guitarist. songuritcr and cx-vocalist with 0ch Blind Dogs.

as THE LIST s23 Aug 2007


I Mull of Kintyre Music Festival Various \cuuc\. 015M) 551053 luucx \ar} l’ricc\ \at'} (‘ouccrtx ccthdlh. \L'\\lt)ll\. outdoor cxcutx and chtIdtcu'x actt\ lllL'\ ccuticd on (‘aiuphcltou u \llhlc ltou) \cootct \luxc. lad \ltllct. .'\tchtc \lc"\lll\lc'l and Jtl (hatuhlcv. x\rthtu _l<)llll\lHilL‘. 'l hc \ltattglctx Box 0' Bauauax. l)altiada (‘ouuccltoux (‘ouccrL Satiilxoahatiiha


I Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham -\lhcrt llallx l)tuuhattou Road. lll".\o 47354-1"30ptu.£lht£l2 £l4) l\ \ l.t\t)t)ltlL' lttllklc‘\ haxc tun \kllll ho\ aud iltltllc


I Michael Simons 'l ch.” ()\ ua. ()tago I auc. 35" 4524. 3pm £2. (ilmgou haxctl :Jlllltllhl p|a.\\ lt)ll\/l\lllc\.


I Mull of Kintyre Music Festival Variotix \cuucx. 0|5No 55|053 'l‘uucx \ar_\. l’riccx \ar}. Scc 'l lll) lo.


I lnnerleithen Music Festival Vartotix \cuuc\. 0l72| 725777. ’l‘uucx \at‘}. l’riccx \ar}. 'l'hc u cc lL‘\ll\;ll )u thc llordcrx prcxcutx Martin (Ruth). 'l'auuahill \Vcawrx. Rcal 'luuc. Kl'h Drum. and Rachcl l’uthauk and thc \Viulcrxct.

Saturday 18


I Mull of Kintyre Music Festival \arioux \ctttlcx, 0l58o 55l053. lllllL'\ \ar}. l’riccx \ar}. Scc 'l‘hu lo.


I lnnerleithen Music Festival Varioux \cnuc\. (ll72l 725777. 'l‘itucx \ar). l’riccx \ar}. Scc l‘ri l7.


I Melrose Pipe Band Championships 8. Highland Dance Contest St Mar} \ School. .-\hhc} Park. High Strcct. 01800 754751.

Illau) 4.45pm. £5 t£2 £4). (ha 50 pipc handx. dauccrx li‘Ulll thc l'S.-\ and Auxtralia and a linal grand march through lltc lttxlot‘tc‘ \lt‘cch.


I Luminescent Orchestrii (‘alc (‘oxxachok. Rll\\ltlll (‘ulttu‘al ('cutrc. .-\|hion Strcct. 553 0733. 0pm. u). .\ Balkan llocdomt tron) l‘amuritc \cwx York hand a ho pla} g}p\_\ tuucx mm a punk acxthctic.


I Mull of Kintyre Music Festival \‘at'ioltx \cuucx. 0|5Xo 55|053. 'l'itucx \ar). l’riccx \at‘). Scc 'l‘hu lo.


I lnnerleithen Music Festival Variotix \'cuuc\. 01721 725777. 'l‘iiucx \ar}. l’ricc\ \at'}. Scc Hi 17.

Monday 20


I Yaman ’l‘chai ()\ ua. ()tago l.auc. 357 4524. .\‘pu). £2. :\ coutcuiporar} takc on clavical Mar and llutc.

Check out the



I Lauren MacColl Stirling l-olk (‘lulx Stirling (hunt) Rugh) loothall ('luh. Hrtdgchaugh l’aik.

(‘.tll\C\\.l_\ llc'dtl Rt‘dtl. lll 2.2" 2 l \§:| Kpu) l'L'l\l_\ _\oung tiddlct. hac kcd h} piano and gtutat

Wednesday 22


I Kati Burns lclta) ()\tta. ()Iago lauc. 35~ 4524 Rpm £2 lluugaitau llltl\lc on \oicc and \xoodu )ud lll\lllllllt‘lll\


I Devendra Banhart lllt‘ :\lc'llk‘\. .\l‘_1_‘_\lL‘ Sttcct. 0370 240 "52.5 "put. £|o50. l‘lUlll lc\a\ \ia iuncr \pacc. thc p\}ch~lolk rock pmc \l\ll\ out \hot’cx I Dick Gaughan St .-\udrc\\ '\ Ill thc Squarc. St .-\udrc\\ \ Squarc. 55" 5002. Hpu). £|0 t£.\). Scotland'x \ctctau act)tixtic/clcctric gtutarixt and political \Iltgt‘l' alM) tlt)c\ a littc litttl l‘illl.l\l.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 16


I Organ Recital Kch ingrmc :\rt (iallcr) & .\ill\L‘tllll. .-\rg_\lc Strcct. 270 959‘). lptu. l'rcc. Mtixic lroiu (ilaxgou organist (Bordon l-‘ncr.

I Festival of British Youth Orchestras RSAMI). I00 Rcttlt'cu Strcct. .32 5057. l'util 2 Scp. lllllL'x \ttl'}. £5 £3 lll‘L‘L‘ £4); \cawu llc‘kc‘l £25 £50. 'l'hc l‘cxtixal ol' British Youth ()l‘c‘ltcxlt'ttx \lttm L‘;t\L‘\ _\t)llll) <)t‘c‘ltL‘\lr;l\ and L‘ll\L'lllhlL'\ l’roin ttL‘l‘()\\ thc l'K \\ ith occasional iutcruatioual gucxtx. l’lcasc \cc \ux u.ua_\ l'or tuorc dctailx.


I Organ Recital Kclx tugt‘m c Art (iallct') & Muxcuu). .-\i‘g}lc Strcct. 276 959‘). lpm. l5rcc. Scc 'l'hu lo.

I National Youth Choir of Scotland Training Choir and National Boys Choir - Changed Voices Section RSAMI). lot) Rcul'rc“ Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £3 ll'rcc £4). l)oiuiuic l’cckhaiu and (iordou Jack conduct thc t\\o choirx in a progratutuc ol' llcur} \'lll'\ l’mlimr will) (imu/ (lint/mm. (iaxtoldtK .S'unult'mi (HI Iirl/lt'lltl. 1.1) Hr) (I Rth' l-f'e'r Blooming arraugcd h} liuuucrxou and Sal/(w (fun/rm arraugcd h} (iorntlc'). l’ur! oft/1c 201/1 l'l‘\lll'(l/ of Brim}: )imt/t ()n‘lu'xn'm.

Saturday 1 8


I North Ayrshire Sinfonia RSAMI). I00 Rculrcn Strcct. 332 5057. lput. £5 tl‘rcc £2.50). ’l‘hc Siut‘onia ix iuadc up of thc tllt)\l mpcricuccd pupils lTHlil thc North :\_\r\hirc Youthuorkx l’roicct. Rouan Watxou coudtlctx a \aricd \clcctiou ol picccx including classical. lihu and popular lllll\lL‘. l’ur! of (hr 201/: l-c'xm'u/ of British limth ()n'lu'xlrm.

I Organ Recital Kchingrtn c Art (iallcr) & .\ill\clllil. :\rg}|c Strcct. 276 959‘). lpu). l-‘rcc. lt'x Duncan Sinclair'x turn on thc uuixcutu'x hcautilhl pipc organ.

I North Ayrshire Schools Senior Choir and Orchestra RSAMI). i()() chl'rcu Strcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £8 tl'rcc £4). And} Rohcrh and Mac

\lutra} conduct a \attct} ot lllll\lc ranging trout Bach to thc llcatlcx lcadiug a \ hoit tuadc up ot \C\\‘ll\l.ll_\ \cltool pttt‘llx I'm: u' fin .‘Hri: It \.'l\..'.'

I’lli’Ii'1\;l)I'lii'jll),l;:( \fuxx


I Organ Recital llttuhlauc (lililt‘tlldl. l'llc‘ (~l\'\\. Hl “Mi .ll)l|l.\l \oou l‘tcc \lll\l\ tiotu local otgauixt \latthcu llcctxchcu


I innovation RS \\ll). loo Rt‘llllt'“ Sttcct. 332 505" lpu) £5 Illt‘t‘ 1.‘ 50' l‘\\'llllljJ ltddlc group ltotu \kl\llllt'. \pccialixing tll contciupotarx at'taugctucutx ot (‘clttc lllll‘k trout aiouud thc \xotld llucttcd lo \ll\l.tll \lc(‘t)l|och I’d/I of 1/1. flit/1 I. mm! M [ill/HI] lulu/1 ()It 11. \{It;\

I Organ Recital Kclntlgtinc \ll (iallct) .\ \lll\t'lllll. \tch \ttcct. .‘ ‘h ”5"" 3pm l-tcc \ \uudax l’iorucuadc coucct‘t \\)th illll\l\‘ ltotu \lalcolu) Mu) I RSAMD Junior Academy Orchestra l\’.\f\.\lll. 100 Rk‘llllk‘“ Strcct. 332 5057 ' 30pm £.\' )ttcc L 4) 'l Illinlll} llcau coutlttclx \‘l.tllllt‘lll\l\ l'lorcucc Shicldx and Inn l t);‘.tll )u Kl'tillllllt‘l"\ (Mm/1): m I t/tzl It!) _‘ t/uum'n III a progiauuuc “lllk h alw lllcltltlc‘\ Stl‘t'llth. Ail/(/I11.\llli'l. .Illtl llo|\t\ cxci popular and thrilling ll). I’lttm'tx, ’ul/ of {In 2111/) /. \Hlil/ u! liIIIH/l lulu/I (ht/1min“

Monday 20


I Organ Recital Kclnugimc '\ll (iallct') tk \ltixcuiu. .-\ig_\lc Sttcct. 2,7) 050‘). lpm. l‘t’t‘c‘. \lttxtc liou) (ilit\\\L'f_'l;tll orgauixt .louathau lituhau I RSAMD Debut Recitals l<S;\.\l| ), I00 chlrcu Stt'cct. 332 5057 7pm l'l‘L‘L‘ lllckL‘lc'tl). llcat' lllt‘ \olct‘x atttl \ll'lllgN ol lt)lllt)l‘l't)\\ ax \l;l\lt'l\ \ttttlcttt\ \hou oll thctt‘ hat‘tl camcd \kt||\ ou troiuhouc. gtutat. \ioltu. ccllo and \ocal\. 'lottiglil. (iat') \lacl’hcc )\ on with lllx troiuhonc lolloucd h} Nicholax Rccx on guitar

Tuesday 21


I Organ Recital Kclx iugroxt- x\ll (iallcr) tk .\lll\L‘lllll. .-\rg}|c Sttcct. 2"!) 050‘). lpm. l'rcc. J;tlllc'\ lluutci plan toda} \ lunchtuuc acct)tupauuucut ou thc organ.

I RSAMD Debut Recitals RSAMI). 100 Rculrcu Strcct. 332 <057 () 40pm l'l'L‘c lllL‘kL‘lctl). SL‘L' Nit)“ 2U. lulltjc'lll. )oti can hcar llac .ltiug l.)u) on ccllo. (io l'.llll (‘hoi and Au) Hattkian on \iohnx.

I Organ Recital St .\luugo\ ('athcdt‘al. ('alhcdral Sqttat‘c. 7 30pm. l‘rcc. John 'lurucr pla}\ thc cotuplclc organ \xork\ ol JS Bach. part V“ 'l hc prograuuuc a|\o Illc'llltlc‘x \Villau‘x Ilium/m Hun, ’muu uu/m A" l-uzzm' III I. Nu! mumr.

Wednesday 22


I Organ Recital Kclx tugrox c A” (iallcr) tk .\lll\L'lllll. :\rg}|c Strcct. 270 959‘). lpu). l'rcc. .\lll\lc trout thc (ilaxgou orgauixt l)tiucau Sinclair.

I RSAMD Debut Recitals RSAMI). l00 Rculrcu Strccl. 332 5057. (l, 30pm. l‘rcc lllc‘lkL‘lL'tl). SL‘L‘ Nil”) 2“. 'ltmlglil. it‘s thc turu ol lhc \lllfJL'r\. thrcc \oprauox. tuo lilL‘l/t)\ and ouc \()lll;ll'} ”1;th \t)tL‘L'. lttlttLN (iccr. lL‘lNH'.


I Organ Recital Kc|\ ingrm c Art (iallcr_\ (Q Museum. :\rg_\lc Strcct. 27!) 959‘). lptu. l’rcc. An organ rccital h} Allan Mcl’hcc in the relaxing surroundings of Kclxiugroxc.