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‘4.“- m:- DUTY MANAGER A 0 SINGLE? fz'ssazfi:r°rztr'”:: "775.31%?

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[railing acitvrites

The Hub Is a landmark lIsted buIldIng at the top of the Royal Mlle In 00d r'ri-(I'l-O Ur Edinburgh and the home of the Edinburgh lnternatronal Festlval It areal COII’lPany! m homes a 450 capaCIty perIOrmance area for Festrval performances 1.587 PERSONAL and Is also a thrrvrng. yearround events and hospitalrty busrness DEVELOPMENT Glasgow We now reQuIre an enthusiastic Indrvrdual to assIst the Operatrons I.I‘JII :nurargH /. r .‘l; G l;/— Larsrijw Manager In the day-today running of thIs LIanue venue, You should Shawlands, Glasgow. have at least two Years' experience or CQLIIvalent In venue " H I"W‘Lhwl‘gmlm L "MEL ll' '3—‘l‘l- ‘I‘M "‘“‘- “V” I‘“"“""~l management and In the conference and hosprtaIIty busmess Therapy room '1‘” “h 3 ‘l‘H'l‘h' l“"l““"”‘~ .IxaIlahle III centrall} Iut‘atetl l‘.llllItIt\IIl \lll‘\\l'l .llltl Ialgge

E in ' t'lIIIIt' l‘,a\\ l’aIkIII: .\\.III.Ih|e lxllt'll'lltlllllllll‘,‘ ImIIII *lllli‘ I For further 'nfo'lm‘mon please coma“ 00' 473 2087 \\ thIIIltlli‘firfintfifif't‘pgnztt' (III .I tl.lll\.. \xeelxlx ‘nr Inunthh k plus l‘lll\ h H 0" 0mm 'eC'Uitme"t@eif'C°'Uk the lllIlll-Hl \IIlL‘lllj.‘ great Illll\lt' 7 l‘.l\l\- 7 Call 07734 428 584

lrum llte lhrh In the SIIIII t't'll Tel: 07894 541 393

ClOSllig date for applicatrons Is l2 noon on Friday 3 Ist August 2007 IIII‘} \\ llll one nl I-,tIIIIIIIII;:II leatlrne ehmts' .IuIII latlIIIhuI'L'h

Haeh ('IInII' ('tIIIIe along: to - 'llIe l'.tlIIll‘lII_‘._'ll ;\eatleIII_\. enIII

Illt'llt‘lllL‘ 'l tIestla) -lth ~\‘eptern

heI ;\Il \ntt'e\ “elenIIIe Double room ('tIIItaet l)a\ Ill Rll\\t‘ll PROPERTY TO LET lIl \IIIIII}. IIIIItIeIII llal Inst till III il “5 Silllr IzIIIaIl: tla\ Itl. 'ACCOMMODATION leIIlI “alk .I\.Ill.ll‘lt' lIHIII Isl Illl'll\\L'll(” htnpermIII'ItleuIII (It'tulier I’Inlessrnnal IIUII

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Enjoy a new social life

“"‘l' “VI "‘ ‘5 ‘3 " " " V " “'~' ‘1‘“ \\Illl (ll;t\;jti\\ l\'(‘, \\’e organ Bright, spacious

l"r' .'.< r' ‘- "I .' I" " :’ 1E. "‘ :i I I’I‘t" I“ I' I' r' :(I"‘,-‘ he ptIli IItL'llls. meals. llIettlI't‘. :lltl lltmt llal [up ml l'.;l\lt'l RIILItl.

r t . ( 7 . , Q U . M M ( lIIll walking. sports and more. One hetlrunnl. lHlIlIL'L‘. kIlt'heII.

I .\luI‘eII1lnnn \IImer mum. ll.lll. I-Itmrlmartlx

’” l “l” "'" ' *' "1 L' ' " 1 '1 " " \\\\\\.:_'lil\f_‘tl\\HLXUI'EIIIL III‘ throughout (ias. llHl eeIItI‘aI

I 'I . :IVI »' " we? I z" :I : .-" I phone 07050 248 164 llt'ullllL‘. .-\\aIIah|e llHlll I Sep teIIIlIeI \'Ie\\ IIIfJ\ 3W ill August

lt l' ' t rr‘ r ( t ' l )I I ' l’lltlllt' llfi—‘(ill

(‘3 II I I I ' Ill“ ) (t I h POIO ' ' y 8 m ( It s not as e\peII\I\e as _\Ull

tIIIIIlC liegIIIIIeI's uelenrne. \u

' . I Flatoharos ." I" lvw' “I t‘ :' u' . ".~ WW I‘ v I: HI I “new : I'ItlIIIL' k‘\I‘CI'lL‘llL'L‘ IIet'essaI'} ;I\ For info call

the ponies are hmnhpruul. (iIlt C arole Smith/Anne Goring on asgow

\tlllL'lIL‘I'\ a\aI|;Ihle ltll' presents,

M H l l l l \H U ‘Q l ( SL‘L‘ Ulll' \\ L'l‘\llC lnl‘ llll‘lllt‘l' llL" 01620 810620 K“ I ‘7 “T '~' *‘ I "' ~‘-< \" 3“ tails \\ \\ u.steuar‘tnnpnlncn.tIk emu": fesma‘5@a°l-¢°m or call 01560 483 41 1 / I Flatmate wanted close PersonneL The List Ltd, 07974 706 045 to en) (la) lI‘IeIItIl} IIImIeI’II . . \\ ell llll‘lll\llt'tl llat llllL‘tl ItIIeheII I4 High Street, Edinburgh. EHI ITE lmmwm l,nm_l\h”m.l “Hm,

eII lltmrs. tlnIIhIe L'la/etl. Internet access. I double lllll} IIII‘IIIsIIetI l'tNIllI. 2NIpeIIHtlepmtt.(‘all Abbe} [It-l; 0791‘) 5 iii l7‘l I Pollokshields - double mum Ill \IIIIII}. \paemus Ilat \Nllll npeII outlook. to share \I. Ith one leIIIale. Wireless hmatlhantl '“... (line In eales and transport cm, c N/srriuker' I; ill” pun lllL‘llItlL‘\ e.ta\ pltIs tlL’pl)\Il. ’lel; 077W) I)“: llhll

, . : C . Small furnished

' Double. BrlL'lll eIeaII student

--: lIat lllt'ul Stilt-urges (‘I'ms _ l IItlerggrnuntII Modern kIlehen

McCallum Medla Momtor r . .. .-- ,,. , .. & hathrnnrn. \\(Illl(l \llll tItl} 4th " l 1 . ' ,. r 3 AT u R D AY I s E PT E M B E R 2 - 6 P M firm/mm

I : 29 August 2007


www.| UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE I GROUP CLASSES - SPORT & -.g . ;,,_, , H,.. “a ,n LBSURE

" "1 fr, "l? l'm' Ie\eIIItIIIIg_' hlll\l Ist Sept. 'l'el: y (IT'WMIIUWT’

I Hi I am IrmkIIIgg lnr~ a ya}

II'IeIItII} Ilatshare close to the

en} centre near hus mules.“ Ith

tlnuhle room. an} area. Izas} gn-

lllf.’ mature photograph} student.

Wood 55. sione carving. gloss fusing. mt L35II+hIII\'It-I:I;7xzx jewellery making costing and more. fl‘ljgmate wanted“ NO NEED 10 BOOK. JUST TURN UP on THE DAY ,‘l‘filtiiii?i§flflii.'li‘l.‘2Slim” 013i 551 4490 KillT3113It'llliriifflirir'fili'i;, pets. £250 pem + share nl hills 4 M W, m a?

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Excellent remuneration package including subsidised gym membership. For more details email careers @press-cuttingsxom

2'1»: XII-"4 30:, ' THE LIST 109