Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Sian Bevan.

Thursday 23


The Reverend Obadiah Steppenvvolte lll’s Pick of the Fringe 'I‘hc Stand. 3.33 \Vnmllunilx Ruzul. 0870 (>00 0055. 9pm. LN IL7 L4 mcmhcrxl 'I'hc Rm \clx up lll\ pulpll III (iluxgim. and hrlngx ll\ Inn} hm. And} Whllc. Mucw Illgginx and ('Iin Martin.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Junglcurx. I'(i(‘ Budding. I I chlrcu Slim-l. 0870 787 (I707. 24an LIE. A lmcl} lineup oI' mnicdlum who wuml like llic} could he \nnukcr plu}cr\: Mark Walker. Rnnnic Iidwurdx. Mike Milligzm and Mick l‘crr}. lmprobabble 'l'hc lirunw Ick Ilnlcl. I06 I08 Brunswick Slrccl. 553 I553. 8pm. £4 (£3). 'I'imc I’nr man imprm Ixcd \hcnunlguns.

The Reverend Obadiah Steppenvvolte lll’s Pick of the Fringe 'I‘hc Stand. 333 \Vomllundx Road. 0870 600 (»()55. 9pm. L I0 (LIN. 'Ihnighl. Rnnnic (iuldcn. Jim Mc('uc. Jurlzuh chun and “'llllc Whilc kickxlurl lhc

Vi L'ckL'nLl.


Ricky Gervais \I H ‘. I mmcwm ()u‘inIh—‘IIIHIIJINNI _‘< In. (Win and / mm ggn} lakcx Inna" HIII ll'HIIl continuing IlIL‘ \\\‘llkl Iw Imnc le lame

Jongleurs Comedy Club lunglcun. I‘( i(‘ IiUIIIIIng. I I chlrcu \le. 05‘“ "3‘ IVII" Spin L I 5 Mr I n _‘l Comedy®The State llI'.‘ \mu- 0.”. 14.5 Holland ~\llu'l. 33: :15" “pm L5 'l'hc Rum (ll l’nnl}pinld Innm'll. ( 'Imx Hrnnmllcld L'HIIIIK‘I'LW ilk” Malt l3.” lmwmcnl. Inlrmlngmg llk' \mw \cil \It'l'gu'lunt'.

The Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe lll‘s Pick of the Fringe lht' Stand. 33‘ \\(\H\H.lll\l\ Rum]. (mm mm m“ Uplll L l S Hwy l()\cllIIL‘\\ aunt-x \\Illl Illu Rk'\k'lk‘llkl [001ng III Ihc \lldlk' nI \Imlinm \Ic'lmlxh. .lnn \le ‘nt‘. .\nlun} \lllll.l_\ and Izrlt‘ Inlm.


Michael Redmond’s Fringe Sunday! ‘l'lit' Stand. 3 3 3 \\1N Hlltlllil\ Rlliltl. “37” hi)“ (i055 UPI” L5 {LXI Incnlhcrxl. llk' linul I-I'Ingv 00mm): Irmn Rulniond. and lIt"\ culling; Ilk‘ cclchmlmnx \\lllI Runnu- ( lllltlk'll. .lnn .\lc('uc. Karyn Mu} It'} and Inn I’.I1l\

Thesday 28


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 333 \Mimlluntlx Road. 0870 000 0055. .\',30an L3 0;] IIIL‘Ilth‘I‘\I. .\'c\\ (mm-II} lulcnl I\ gum a \uIL‘ plucc In Ir} pcrlm'nnng \\ IllIHlll \Iuhilin. \ulc in Ihc kmm lulgc lhul lhcrc ilI'L' :i cuuplc nI pmltxxmnulx on hand [0 pick [llk'lll up and gcl Ilk' gmwl nul oI’ Ilicir knu‘x i! ll you mung.

" 30pm L

Revealing the fetishes and secrets of real people in

their own words, this acclaimed character comedian delves into our views on sex. An adulterous accountant and a celibate therapist are in Peccadillo Circus, which enjoyed success at the Fringe in 2006 before its West End run earlier this year.

Tron Theatre. G/asgow. I'l/ed 29 Aug.

20 THE LIST 23 Aug—6 Sep 2007

(~ 3\ V

Lizzie Roper: Peccadillo Circus

llwl‘. Inga": '~‘ l'w' ..;h' “. .' \Mt. ' L“ \L L

Best of Irish I‘m \’..'wi ~~

\\~~\:..-x;1\ Run. w mam ~~

"':‘r: t. w Ila-“ulnar Vivi .' u I!» ‘p‘ ,_.,‘ I». H

llcmpxc‘. L . ( 112ml:er .zltlt "tht \l:_ 31.:5. Rt'lff'u‘

I r12r‘lmii" Out to Lunch - Live! IF1.-\x.;:«l \l‘ll. I’lJtt'. §;\ 2‘ 5? ‘ll‘ \\;\Y.

L... 5" lzllj. :Illlllzlux ml :02; I‘llglllcn Izl‘ ‘mzll llllh l‘. llwllr, until‘ \' \IIIIIIIIW lwul I'll wilt-r

Thursday 30 .


David Benson: Nothing But Pleasure lIHII Ila-ally. h; Ilwnml; 55.‘ 1.305 \l‘lll LI.‘ L'w \I~~Ich~;w:\.:i

\Illlk‘ .Illtl .x lIU\I ml \clclmlx mm .\ lTI'Ill

HIV l IIIIi'k' I IN \‘-IIIII|II‘.' IIIII‘I\'\\!~‘III\I The Thursday Show Ill; \mnll. H; \\innll‘1|)\l\Kim‘LIl\‘ll(\llllhll\5

\ 30pm 9 'ILh L 3 Illx‘llllk‘lv \l.‘.ll jmm \\k'k'l\k'll\l\ mil» )wn tllwlx} \\.Illll‘\ I\l\ I\ all Illuxc lilngnm .lll\l In my Inn] \Imlt'. \lt'w ( .lIIIIIIllII\. \ Int c l llllx .Illil \I(" \nmn ( fillnmn

Brick Wit House Illc 01an .‘H' lmll \lln'l. _‘ I.\ III; "I‘III L l u!__‘l lllk’ I’llh l~ \\ ll lll‘ll\k' I\ lxuk .11ch HIV llulllliw \HIII \l( \ I\ (l\'\' Inlimlln 1111' HIV I.Il\lllu11\ l.l|l\‘_\ (imllct. \tull \p'llcu. |.:_\ |.IlInl\

.IIIil llx‘JllIx'I KII k\‘.tH ul

I (lllll)lll(]ll

Out to Lunch - Live! lllt- \mnll. 5 MM I’LM. “x 7‘53 III5 I 55pm [3.5” SUV \\C\l 3"


Heresy Iln- .lt-I.§ll !\ II_\II\‘. ll.‘ H.IIIU\\'I \llt't'l. 33.5 .3033 .\ 30pm L3 \Inlc Il.ul\ .llltl Ilcpmwll nllcllng'x xx Ill] \HIIIC annully l.l\lk‘|‘ll\l\'l\ \.IIIIII\‘III1‘.'IIIIH

The Thursday Show lllt- \mml. \ \m'kl’l.1u'.55<\ 535.3 “pm L ' «LI» 2; nlcnIIu-le lhuu' I)c\ lIII \lll\l\ lmnwll ull and hulk lurk onlu lllt' L'nlnpt'nny punt. Inllmlnt'lny Itn-ndw |)\'llll‘\\"\. .IIIII

\lt‘( 'nc .llltl ( inx l.I\\ w

G asgow

Impmbabble lllk' Hillnxulpk llnlcl. lllh I03 linlnxuit'k \lm'l. 55.? I553 Spin. L-I 1L3» 5w I II II

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lHII‘,‘lx'III\. l'(i(' limltllng. I I I\)k'llll‘\'\‘v Min-1.05 '0 55" 07V 5pm L If lulllf._'lll\ tum! Ik'\lL'l\.IIL'.lHllll \\.Illmllnn. l)HIIl(5.1IIHll. I’dul Kclcnm .ImI l\’\'\ lilml

The Stand lllk' \lantl. 333\\nmll.1nllx Rimll. 03W n00 (i055 .\ Nip.“ u) 1x e_< nicnilwrxi. 'l ILIIK II \llL‘lhl l\ mu \\.m- [alum-II In \umnm \\ lllI IIIc 201‘:ch loin Slmlc. 0mm HI Ilk' l‘cxl IIIL'Jl lulu; (\L‘I. \\Illl Kcllh \llklk'lMlII. \lk'\k' ('nnnnnlx .Illtl lllk' It'llmgu \ Intc I lulu


Out to Lunch Live! Iht- \mml. 5 \Ullx I’l‘u‘c. 555 "I": I 05 I 55pm L25”, SL'L' “ml 3"

Jongleurs Comedy Club .Iunglcun. ()Innl (‘cnntz (il‘ccnxlllc I’liitt'. INVI” N'qull" 5pm LII ll )«uu‘n- IIHI almuxlul Iwnl \mltlnnyg lawn Rump. .lnhn \nnnnl .lllkl lilt'ntlan lx’llc}. yin “:11 Imw .1 \wc tlangc .xllt-luanlx

The Stand lllc Sldlhl. 5 MM. I’LILu. 5“ "3‘: “pm L” I L5 L5 nicnllx-Iw llk lllc \nnc llnu 11pm )t'xlcllla} l‘lll 11ml. :I'x lllc \\ Ck'lxg'lltl


Jongleurs Comedy Club .IHIIL‘IL‘IIIx l‘(i(‘ Hunltllng. I I chlrc‘u. \Irccl. 0V" "5- 0"0- \pm LI5 \uc l‘I'I ‘I

The Standl'. ~‘~’~\\ l< v w ‘\ l Jongleurs Comedy Club lw' L w

H \.| .l \t‘H . TheStandluV “x \.. l'~

Sunday 2 Michael Redmond‘s Sunday Service I'_ ###\\~~\i

KN”: ||\~l"\"1"\ll\\ \ when i \ l o' \I' I< :~ I v-‘ ..

‘\r" \ *‘ . \ \~' \~ I

Whose Lunch is it Anyway? l:~.

\I..:wt \ \wrl l'l.-,_y “‘ ;":. l'fz. \fmai l’l ‘1\ > l~ ll :" ‘l 'I '\.:I ;“ “" " ‘Mu u

The Sunday Night Laugh-In Ills \l.m\‘. ‘\~:l |’2.:..' \\\ '3 ‘I'I‘ll. 9541 'Ilrlclulx' \cf'Eq'zl‘m'h: links u'lllt‘ llit'IIIT‘ l"' \l.( ICJ'ItilllI‘II‘

twillytlmnx In M' .;2 I- .

Monday 3


Out to Lunch - Live! Ill; \l.:n.l \ \nll l'lmv. \‘\ I!” I “I‘ll.

e..‘ w \l-r \\.~.l “I

Red Raw lllc \l.lzml, \I-zl I’llt u “\ 3‘ Lullmlx Iran '.\..~I\I\Ic lu Ills” lcl'l, Tl\lll.' ~Illll .Illtl \“‘.I‘lHIIll.' lllt‘ .1” I»! \l.:lnI 0" \\ llll \II \mn Ilvmn .1ll\l\lll\\‘ l lulu

(3‘41 V )\..-V

RGd Raw lllt‘ \I.1l1:l 333\\\NNH.1H\3\ l<.».l.l. In 'nmwmw \ mp.“ v.21 \\.\. \Il'll

\ Wyn. 93



Out to Lunch - Live! Ills \mul \ \Hll. l’lmc “\ ‘3 .3 I!” l\\l‘lll \.x‘ \\.'\I ,“l

lllc \l.zll«l \ \Hll l'lmc “‘\

3‘“ illlvnllu‘lw \

\ 30pm final! Ill:'lll HI lugV \ willmlx l.llt'IIl IIHIII wml' 01 III; I‘m: It'llmlu tl‘llli'IlldIIN on Ills \ Ill ml. lll‘\lk'~l I5 \II“.III( .lllll.‘.ll .‘.lIlI \Imll \lllllt .zll. llml imcl‘. '.‘.llll lllk' Illll‘. llllllll

Wednesday 5


llll‘ \l.1llll. H‘ \\lNHll.Ill\l\ lel llx‘limuimhs \ 40““. H.191 9_{ lllcllllx'h \c.' III; 1

(millllu l.:


Out to Lunch - Live! lllt \mml 5 \Hll. l’ldu'. ‘§\ 3.‘ .3 l‘l‘ \\l‘lll 2.3 \H \l-l- \\.-.l ,‘w

Thursday 6


Brick Wit House Ills In]! I. 30" Ml. \llx'l‘l. _\ ‘ll‘lll !. ; »f_,‘r \IJII lit-mm IIIIIHIlllt lllx‘ III". Ill III; Lllx'llli'll l)_'\( {.1lll'.\l.:lnl w Idsll lmllil .Illil \I.:L'.‘ \lv' I'll .IIL' l l.:Il '.:l:. \l.IIIlll {c.llnc. l.:llll_'ll;‘.:llt':..1Illl [HIZI\1\(IIIIII



Out to Lunch - Live! Illl- \mrl, * \Hll. l’lm <<\ ".3 l”; I<*; 111 ;: <1. \x‘ “M :w Heresy Ills lul.:.ll .\ llpll- Hf, ILIIIlV-k'l \llccl. 2:5 3‘13: ‘IIIIIII L‘ \c:' “III 3‘ The Thursday Show Illc xxmll. 5 \Mll. Matt”. 55\ -35: ‘Ipnl L~ L’» L3 lllt'llllk‘lw Ilnlmll. lHI ll"-'\'l:- nlgllh HI Lulrmi} 5.411.!) \L-Imn l\ .0 III: llt'llll '.".IIll \Illg‘zr:.xlq\ l.:n( HIII‘II‘ISL'I. (m; I llllL‘.

\ Int: l lulu; .1lltl \lILl, \L'Iut'anl