Making hay

Tom Dawson meets Marina Hands, the French star of stage and screen who is keen to overturn the clichés with her portrayal of DH Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley

hoxxiumpiug'x ltt\\ ix eiueuta'x gain. .-\x a

teenager \larina llaudx \\;t\ a \ul‘l'ieieutl}

aeeotuplixhed etpiextrieuue to leature in the l't'eueh iuuior national team. aloug \\ith tlte luture aetor direetor (itttllauute /i'// .\o ()Ilt' ('auet. '\\'e \\ L'l'L'll‘l gtttttl t‘llttllgll ltt ltL‘t'Hlllt‘ [it'ltlt'\\lttlt;tl.. \llL' \tl} \. letting out an tuleetiou\ laugh.

.\eting turux out to he in tlte 33 )Ni‘add llaudx‘ hlood. ller lather 'l‘err_\ ix the littgll\lt \tage direetor. and her mother ludmila .\likael ix a l’reueh aetrexs. llitherto ttto\l ol .\lariua\ \xork has heeu eoueeutrated iu the theatre \he i\ a memher ol the ('omedie l9raueaixe _\et her imprexxnel} uuaueed lead pet'l‘ormauee iu l’awale l'errau'x lut/i' ('liuili‘r/i'r. l'or ultielt \lte \\ott a lle\t .\etre\\ (‘exaip \uggextx a hright l'uture \\ ithiu lilm.

llaxed on UN l.a\\reuee'\ ltllle—kmmlt \eeoud \er\ion or his ouee—eoutrmerxial no\el. /.(1l/\ ('liutli'i'li'r ot'l‘erx a tender. l_\rieal portrait ol the paxxiouate lo\e allair het\\eett the \h_\. )otmg at'i\loerat |.ad_\ (‘onxtauee lll;tlltl\l and the \olitar). middleaged garuekeeper l’arkin tne\\eomer .leau~l.oui\ ('oulloe'hi. ultieh graduall} tt'athliu‘tth the Ines ol~ hoth partieipautx

'l didn't klto\\ muelt ahout the hook het'ore making the lilmf admits the tall. hrunette llaltdx. ’although I had heard the goxxip ahout the \e\ual axpeetx of it. In l-tauee there had heen an erotie \erxiou \xith S)l\ia Kt'ixtel ill the earl} l‘l.\'ll\, \\ltielt to me \\a\n'l \er} interexting. \Vltttl I didn't realise. until I read thix \eeoud \erxion. \\a\ ho\\ deep l.a\\reuee\ \tor} goe\ into human heingx into men and \xomen. and into loxef

She eontinuex: "l‘o rue (‘onxtanee ix in an ama/ing eharaeter. She\ not a \oetet} \\it and \he doesn't lta\ e lotx ot~ lo\er\. She a louel}. \er} )tititig \\ttlll;lll \\ ho has

aeeepted that \he l\ gttlltg‘ [it take eare til~ ltL‘l' tll\;tlilCtl

ltuxhattd. She e\perienee\ a period of depression. And then \he meets thix man and undergoex a rebirth. \Vhat \\ e reall_\ named “as lor people to identil} themselves with (‘onxtanee and l’arkin. We didn‘t \\ ant them to he eliehed eharaeterx. hut there had to he a sense of truth and realit} to them.‘

l’l‘lttl' lit the \lttittl. llttlttl\ \peut \l\ \\L‘L‘l\\ l’L‘ltL‘ttl'xlng \\ ith her eo-xtar ('oulloe'h and the direetor l‘erran. \\ ith the trio pa}ing partieular attention to the hall a down \e\ \eeuex that punetuate the \tor}. ‘We all thought it “as important to \lttm \e\ dillereutly' e\plain\ the aetrexx. '\'er_\ often in lilmx _\ou ha\e thew l'antaxised lo\ e \eenex het\\eeu these beautiful llig’llt’ models. who glixteu \\ ith \\\ eat. ()r _\ou ha\ e these trash} sex scenes. \xhieh are often \iolent and e\plieit. and lime nothing to do with leelingx e\eept perhaps re\enge or thtlttllitlllttll ttl‘ ptt\\L‘\\lttll. \VL‘ l‘Cll lllL'l’L‘ \\;t\ it \paee ll] [iii/r (‘liuiti'r/igi'. \\ here \\ e took the time to llk‘lh on thme heautilttl momentx ol‘ intimae} hemeen (‘onxtanee and l’arkin.‘

lla\ing alread} eompleted lilming Julian Selinahel's (IA/lo Hiring lie/l um/ l/ii' Butler‘in l‘lt‘x pm a \lllllll part. though I'm \er} proud to ha\e been in it' i. Hands i\ ahout to hegin \xork on another period drama. \Villiam l‘riedkin'x ("oi-o uiii/ Igor. about the relationxhip het\\een the l-reneh designer (‘hanel and the Ruxxiau eotttpowt‘ Strax inxk}.

"lo rue it\ not enough just to tr} and look like a eharaeter that e\i\ted.' \he \a}\. 'Yex the elothex and lotth and attitudes are important. hut it'x \\ hat she had iuxide her that I'm looking tor. l lime to eapture an

ewenee. d \ ll‘l‘dlltlll.‘

Lady Chatterley, GFT, Glasgow 8. Filmhouse, Edinburgh from Fri 24 Aug.

Hit >l<


>l< Knocked Up Hilarious unwanted pregnancy comedy from the team who made The 40 Year Old Virgin. See review. page 23. General release from 24 Aug. * Lady Chatterley Intelligent and compelling adaptation of DH Lawrence's once scandalous novel. See interview, left. GFT. Glasgow from Fri 24 Aug. Filmhouse, Edinburgh from Sun 26 Aug.

=l< Breach Gripping and complex political thriller based on the true story of the biggest breach in the FBI's history. See Chris Cooper interview in Festival Film. page 80. General release from Fri 37 Aug.

* No Days In Paris Julie Delpy's playful romantic comedy closes the EIFF and opens nationally. See page 79 and review. page 22. Selected release from Fri 31 Aug.

>l< l'lallam Foe Flawed but still impressive Scottish voyeur drama starring Jamie Bell. See review, page 22. General release from Fri 31 Aug.

>l< The Bourne Ultimatum Bourne finds answers in the third and final part of this excellent franchise. General release.

=l< My American Uncle Long overdue DVD release of Alain Resnais's superb 1980 film developed from Henri Laborit's behavioural theories. Resnais uses these ideas to look at the lives of three individuals at key points in their lives. Gerard Depardieu stars. See review, page 24. Out now (Arrow).

* The Who That tildes From Man Fascinating re-found 1970 documentary following a deadly tribe in to the Amazon available on DVD for first time. See review, page 24. Out now (Network).

2'; A ig—r'; ser. 2307 TN! LIST 21