
IlJIIIJ/‘./ ’/.‘. ’1",i",:)/~/ 3'

The Bourne Ultimatum I 13.4)

I).'11I_\ Il.20.‘1111. I2 50. 2 l0. 550. 515. 015. S00. 000 AIM) liiIL' I'ii IK Sal l0 50. I l ~10

Bratz: The Movie 11:01

l)a1|\ ll 55am. 2 201110Il'r1Ik Sat). 550'

Chair de india I I2.-\)

Mun 'IlIu S 55

Die Hard 4.01l5)

S1111 'Iiliu S40

Evan Almighty I I’( it

I).'llI_\ 13.10. 100.

Hairspray 1 Mi)

I)ai|}‘ 5 20. S 20

.'\I\(I M011 'lliu II l5a10. 2 15. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 13m

l)a1|} II”. S I0I001'luei ,’\I\(l.\1(lil,\\i'(lt\ II I10 I )0. :\|M)'l11e: S45

Knocked Up I I 5)

l)ai|_\: ll.i0aiI)I00tl'1‘11. 2. i0. 5. i0. Sill.

AIM) Itiit' I‘I'I IM Sal: Lady Chatteriey I 18) l'rI & S011 'l'liu: 4.001001Sun). 745. :\IM) \H't'ktl;1_\\i 110011.

Meet the Robinsons 0')

Sat: I0.00ani.

Mr Bean’s Holiday II’( 3)

Sat: l0.00ain.

No Reservations (I’( i)

Wed&’ll111: 5.20. 8.00.

Open Season Il’(})

Sat: I0.00am.

Rush Hour 3 I 13A)


Hail}: I l.40;un. 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. *).l5,

:\IM) Itllt' I'll I& Sill: lI.~I0. Sherrybaby I 15)

Sat IQ Mun 'l‘hu: I240 Ik 3401001 Sat). 5.40. 8.05 AIM) I'I'i IQ Sat: I050.

The Simpsons Movie iI’(i1

Hail}: ll.20ani. I40. 4.00. 0.l0. S40. AIM)MI)11& lite: Surf’s Up Il’(i) Dally: Il.00:1111. 0.l5.

.’\I\ii.\IUII 'l’ltu: l.20. 3.50. Transiormers I 13A)

l"1‘i& Sat: 2.40. S40.

Sun 'I‘liu: Il..i0:101. 2.40. 5.00. 815

IS \euhatlle 'l'errace. 0| 5| 447 477 I. IIlIiii 0|.il 447 2000 and 447 S450. ('(‘ l)00k0133; 0| 3| 447 477l.;\dul1: Standard £5.70. Stlpet‘IIII’ £0.00. ('inema .5/4 £0.00. liel‘m‘e 0pm. .\100I-‘ri: Standard £4.70. Supermr £400. (‘inema .5/4 £5.00. (‘I)0ee\MI)11\/('hildren: Standard £4.20. Superiur £5.00. ('Inenia 5/4 £4.20. I’llllliitiih: .-\l'ter000n £0.00. I-'.\ e010}:

£l l.50. SIii'ax/Reelinerx: Altern000: £7.50.I{\e1110}_' £l2.50.('10e111a2 S0iaxt .-\l1e1'n0011£7.50. liwmng £S.50. Students ISun5l‘hu) £4.00 ineludex a drink. l-‘alnil_\ ticketx 0010 £3.40 per perMm. Parent and baby M'reeningxz £3 i501 each aeeonipan} in; adult.

5.00. 7.50.

LHLJBSDAXZS Copying BeethovenI13.-\1 3.10. 5.00.

8.00. Hairspray il’(il 3.15. Harry Potter and the Order of the

PhoenixI13.-\1 8.00.

Hush Hour3I13.-\) 5.15. 8.35. TheSimpsons MovieII’m 3.00. 4.00. 0.00. SIS.

Surf’s UpII’III 1.30. 3.50. Ande Did you Last See Your Father?II-1) S00.


Copying Beethoven I 13.4)

l)ai|_\: 4.l5.

Hairspray I PG 1

Daily: 5.50. 8.20.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 134)

Daily: 0.50.

34 rue LIST 23 Aug—6 Sep 2007

Rush Hour3I13.-\:

I).1|I_\ 4511. 050. 850 TheSimpsons MovieII’III I).'lll_\ 150. 550. "50 :\IM)S.’1[ 200

Suri's Up I l’( i)

Hull} 2550

x\IM)SaI I50

Edinburgh College of Art

l..tllll\l(|ll Place. 0| H 221 0052 Streeningx 111 the “mind 11) l'1l10 \t'llt‘\ .tlt' tree and ltlIIIL‘kt'lL'II. I’IL‘aM‘ M'L'

\\ \ux eta an ulx/eealiiml I01 lull [)1'I)}:1.01110e LIL'IIHI\


Warhol In Film: Day 20 I12) 10.00.00

I HIDAY ."l‘. IIIIJHSDAY If) Warhol in Film: Day 21 II-.) III: |0.00am.

Warhol in Film: Day 24 I 1:) M00: l0.00.110

Warhol in Film: Day 25 11-.) Tue: l0.00an1.

Warhol in Film: Day 26 I1.) Wed: l0..i0am.

Warhol in Film: Day 27 (III 'l’hu: I0.0Iian1.


Warhol in Film: Day 28 0-.) Hi: 01.000111.

Warhol in Film: Day 29 0-1) Sat: l0.00:1111.

Warhol in Film: Day 30 Ill) S1111: l0.00ani.

Warhol in Film: Day 31 Iii) 5100: 10.00am.

Warhol in Film: Day 32 1151 line: l0.00:1111.

Warhol in Film: Day 33 I 1 Wed: l0.00:1111.

Warhol in Film: Day 34 I121 I011: I0.00;1111.

SS I.01I11an Rnad. 0|.il 22S 20SS. liar. ReMaurant. livemng M‘I‘eeningx 1000) 5pm): £0 I£4.501. Matineex Ihel’0re 5pm): £4.501£.ii; l-I'Ida} hargaln llllillllL‘L‘SI £3.501£2).

The Edinburgh International Film Festival runs until 26 Aug. For more information please see the Festival section of the magazine, or

SUNDAY .90 AUG 1. Lady Chatteriey I IS) 7.45. MONDAY 22/ AUG

1. Lady Chatteriey I IS) 3.00. 7.45. Distant Voices, Still Lives I 15) 5.45.

2. The Wild Blue Yonder I Ii) 3.30. S.l5. Little Dieter Needs to Fly IIi) 0. I 5.

3. The Golden Door (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I l2.-\) l0..50ani.

The Golden Door I 13.81 5.15. 000. S50.


1.Lady ChatterieyI18) 3.00. 7.45. Distant Voices, Still Lives I 151 5.45. 2. Little Dieter Needs to Fly II-LI 3.30. The Wild Blue Yonder II-LI 0.15.

The Wicker Man I 15) S45. 3. The Golden DoorI13.-\I


1 (r00.


1.Lady ChatterieyI18I 3.00. 7.45. Distant Voices, Still Lives I 151 5.45.

2. The Wild Blue YonderIli) 3.30. 0.15. WheeiotTimeII-i) 8.15. 3.TheChumscrubberI15) 3.15. 0.00. TheGoidenDoorII3A) 8.30.

1.LadyChatterieyI1.\I 200. 7.15 Distant Voices, Still UvesII5I 545 2.WheeloiTimeII-I =10 TheTerence Davies TrilogyII8I 015 Distant Voices, Still LivesI15) 845 3.TheChumscrubberI15I I15. 000 The Golden DoorI13»\I 8 i0

10.).“ -

1.1VvoDaysinParisI15. 300. 415. f) 50‘ 545

2. Lady ChatterieyIIM 2 I5. DarattII’III 550.

3. Private Fears in Public PlacesII3.-\I 300, 000 S35



1.1Vvo Daysin ParisI15) 300. 4.15. () iii 5.15

2. Lady ChatterieyI18I 1.00_ 4 )0. 8.00

3. DarattII’III I :0 040.

Private Fears in Public Places I I2:\i

‘45. S55 SIJNI >AY L" ESE P

1.TheWizard oi OzII') 100

Mo Days in Paris I 151 1. 10. 010. 8.45.

2. Lady Chatteriey I IS) 1.00. 4.30. 8.00.

3. DarattII’m 1.30. 0‘in.

Private Fears in Public Places I I3.-\1

3.45. S35. MONDAY 3 SI P

1.TheWizardolOzI1'I I0500111.

Mo Days in ParisII5) 3.10. 0.15. 8.45.

2. Lady ChatterieyI18) 3.15. 8.00 DarattII’III 5.50.

3. Private Fears in Public Places I 13.41 100. 845.

The Lost Honour oi Katharina Blum I 15)


1. Mo Days in Paris I I5) 3. i0. 0.15. The Dam Busters II'I 8.10.

2. Lady ChatterieyI18) 3.15. 8.00. The Seventh Seal il’( 11 5.50.

3. Private Fears in Public Places I 13A) 300. 0.00.

DarattII’III 8.35.


1.‘l\vo Days in PariSI15) 3.10. 0.15. 8.45.

2. Lady ChatterieyII8) 3.15. 8.00. The Seventh Seal II’III 5.50.

3. Private Fears in Public Places I 13A) 300. S35.

DarattII’m 0.30.


1.1Vvo Days in PariSI15) 3.30. 0.15. S45.

2. Lady ChatterieyI18I 3.15. 8.00. DarattII’III 5.50.

3. Private Fears in Public PIaCOSiI2:\I 5.00. 8.55.

Knife in the HeadII8) 0.00.

Odeon Fort Klnnaird

Kinnaird Park. New eraighall Rnad. [100 (K B00k10g: IlS7I 22 44 007. U). (‘hiIdren/xtudents/i).-\l’\: £4.50.


The Boume Ultimatum I 13A) 1330. 3.30. 5.30. 5.10. 0.10. 8.00. 9.00. Bratz:TheMovieIP(;I 1.30. 4.00. 0.30. Evan AlmightyII’U) 13.41). 3.00. 5.30. 745

HairsprayIPIII 3.40. 5.40. 8.30. Harry PotterandtheOrderotthe PhoenlxIIZA) 1.10. 4.30. 7.40. UcensetoWedI13A) 8.50.

MarigoldIPG) 3.50. 5.50. 8.40.

HushHour311:\v 131). 150. .\.I<

ShreittheThirdIl I 1.10. 110 TheSlmpsonsMovieII‘I‘.) 100. 1:0.

000. S 311

f) :i l_

Surt’sUpII’III 1350. 110. 5 =0. ‘50 Tianstonners113.\» 150. 500. 810

107:0 'II,':;;:; a.

The Boume Ultimatum 13\» 0.01) .‘10. ;20. 510 010 800. 000

\IM)S.11.\ S011 II Wan). l2 ‘0 Bratz: The Movie II’I‘II

I).III_\ 1511. 0 30

\IM)\.11.\ S00 III 50.011. l 10

Evan Almighty II'II.

Hall} 5 50

.-\I\0 Sat I\ S1111 I2 20

Fracture (Senior Screening) I 15. Inc ll 00.011

Hairspray II’III

0.01} 100, S 30

Harry Potter and the Order oi the PhOOfllX I I2:\)

Hall}, 2 50 I001 \M-d .\ lliu). S III Heyy Baby I 13.x) I);I|I} 500. .\ it) .'\I\ti Sal I\ S1111 Hoodvvinked II') Sat .\ S1111 ll 00.1111

KHOCKBd Up115)

I).1ll\ 2 41). 5 40. 8 40

.’\I\() Sal .\ Sun I l 40:00 Knocked Up (Subtitled) I I5) 'I‘ue I l 00.00

License to Wed I 1341

In 'l'ue: 745.

No Reservations II’iiI

Wed .\- 1110. 4.00. 0 )0 000. Rush Hour 3 I 13.-\I

l)ail_\ 4.|0. 0.45. " l0

AIM) Sat & S1111" ll_.‘0ani. l5 Seraphim Falls I I 51

Hall}: H0. 0 50. ‘) III

.*\I\i) Sat & S1111 I2 50. ShreittheThirdII')

I'1‘1 'lue: 0.00

AIM) Sat 0‘ S110 I2 40.

The Simpsons Movie II’(iI I)ail_\: V40. 000. S l5.

.'\I\i) Sat I\' S110: ll 50am. I20 Surf’s Up Il’(i1

Hail}: II". 5.20.

.'\I\ii Sat Ik S110 Ill-40:101. Tlanslormers I I3.-\) l)aIl_\: 2.20. 5.50I0I)1Wed1. 350 AIM) Sat IQ S111): lI.00ani. Waitres5I13AI

I)ail_\: S45

I IN I.I)iIiI;111 Riiiltl. 0| ll 22| I477. IIIII) and ('(‘ l)00l.1033 087i 22 44 007, liar. Adult: £5.50 I)elI)1‘e 2pm; £0.50 alter. Student/i).-\l’/(‘l11|d: £450.




The Boume Ultimatum I 13A) .1. I 5. 5.45. 815.

Harry Potter andtheOrder oithe PhoenlxfllA) 5.00.

Hush Hour3II3A) 4.15. 0.10. 8.45. The Simpsons Movie Il’(i) 3.40. 4.40. 0.30. 8.10.

TranstonnersI13A) 3.00. 7.45.


The Boume Ultimatum I 1341

Hall}: i.I5I001l"r1&'Iue). 545 I001 Sat (‘t 5100). S30I00t Sun &'l‘h11). The Boume Ultimatum (Subtitled) I 13A) Hi ('1; Tue: 3. l 5.

Sat ('1' Mun: 5.45.

Sun (t 'I‘hu: S30.

The Boume Ultimatum (Parent 8. Baby Screening) I 12A)

'lue: l0.30am.

Fracture (Senior Screening) I15)

Tue: ll.00am.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I IZA)

Dull): 2.00.

Knocked Up I15)

Dail}: 2.l51n0t l'TIK-L Mun). 5.00 (not Sat 0; Tue). 8.10 I001 Sun 6: Wed).