
ANN PATCHETT Orange prize-winner advocates clear thinking

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(Latt‘rulr' run at t.‘ runntlrrit. (worst rr' It xY‘YI’ ans wtuaitf, (IIIII Irtr'lfr' (I HTI‘I’ ‘. I'“ ‘t 1"‘:‘T. ‘;I:r"rtiT from a ,rrxrrlr- o'.i,2".'. Ith The a‘reavt. traurnatrseri rirr m; of r rrarrrr‘tm‘. '~ her latest hove: lifting rrurfv ma'i, not: at -,rrltt ‘rlltf. tr“. uss thar‘ pages r‘ertar'1lr,ar‘ :"ttrrtrous t' IIIII‘ Arrtr-rrr‘ar‘ rxr' II?"

‘I .'.’I|It: aim at Iltt: thrrxzu that are (Lorripellrng to me.‘ shr- sa\,s_ 'l (tare very (lee-oh atiout my ~harar:ters antll ham to Ire engagetl '.-v.rrtl‘ characters arztl ideas rn orrler to stay wrth them tor so long ran wrrte a rriagaxrne artrr:le about something I‘m not II(}(It?E§S§IIIII\,’ interested in Iretause rt only takes a couple of riaxs out a novel (:an tame me years so I haw M reallv care ahout the ssues.’

Though a tan wrt the t:orr\.olutetl Henry James ‘I lust ran't get enough of hrm' her approach rs almost Journalistrtt. ‘I

don't like things to he (IIIIICIIII Just for the sake of herng difficult. I'm a clear thinker, a clear wrrter' In order to address prett‘. much all the (toricerris ot rrrodern Amerrtia rn a srngle book, It's the only way to he. (Kat'e Gould) Recommended Reading: Be/ Canto. the Orange irrrJe-mnnrrig novel about a complex hostage situation,

I . ‘o Aug tart.“ late/re ,‘Ir'artrrrr, (Igl‘tmrrr.

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BIYI BANDELE Characters come of age in torrid circumstances

Br» Banaeie rs a Lorxior‘txtsea plaxxxrrght. poet ar‘a author. His adaptatrort 0t Chrnua At‘hehe's ciassrc Atrrcan noxel. 77w:th all Apart. has been publrshea as a Penguin Classic and hrs plats haxe been perte flied at top \enues. including the National Theatre. Rmal Cetrrt Theatre am’ the Barbrcan. Bandefe started thanking ser'rotrsl\ about theatre atter watching 3. telexrsed \ers:o.n or John Osborne's LOOA Back rr‘ Anger. \‘rhrlst growmg up in Katanchan. a ton n in Northern

Festival Books

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Recommended Reading: ' l'."‘:r (Iarrw trot“ r”? it ~ "; ‘tm (MIMI t‘rt‘."I .'."r_t"‘ “all ,t: .

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EWAN MORRISON Getting reconnected through extreme choices

For any writer who spends most ol their time away all on their own rn a darkened corner, its essential to have a release and to get some thoughts on the” work from people they know (tIICI trust. For an author such as Ii‘.‘.'(Ilt Morrison. (luhhetl notorroush as a 'purveyor' of eruurte Irlth', getting that second oornron hasn't proved as Illtin‘, as you'd think. 'A friend of mine rtalled up one night and said. “I really neeri some pornographic material; you got anything in your I)ook':’"'. he recalls: 'So_ I sent her over a (toot and she called later: "well tried to read that thing and rt was really horny hut l enuea‘ up UIVIIIQ ht the end of rt'T'

Whethw this was one of Morrrsor‘s intended effects for his debut IIOMFI Swang rs unclean Exploring ISIXXTIIILTHIh. hrs key rnessea-up charactms DJIULI and Ame riar‘ ose

I'M?” \'.'a'. anti frnti that their ser‘se of

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80'? has heer‘ shot to News :s a “I ,re certain amhrtron. ‘As a .'.rrter \ot: ",Air} ham Trorf‘» aet'p'tt: 't‘;\1z=t(?i\. o\<:'“t>.'“e

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rerr‘row.’ "0 News "It‘rs :: A re}: conditro". :i'fit s"e fee :1 vxe sl‘e's "Of Quite part of tie yet That makes l‘é?’ plunge deeper “to "‘o'e :axtreo‘re experience to aha ‘ee cormetittil;:fi' rBrran Doha'dson Recommended Reading: The LES: 00A You React "c Other Stones s '1 s debut collection of stories about nodern relatrons set if‘ Amen-ca tang: Scouand. I 35 Aug mt" Ron But/rm 8. Da" Rhodes. 830cc: ~33


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