All-too recognisable figure of irritation 000

there's something hauntingly tarriiliar ahout lvan Brackenhur'; It could tie the fact that this inapprcpriately roll; hospital radio DJ if, so lllltiéillltl',’ accurate a creation, Or it might Just he that, With his headphones on, foot firmly lodged down the hack of his throat. he hiings to mind a certain other social inadequate: watch the red tracksuit for sports casual and North Derhyshire tor Norvvrch and it could so easily he Alan Partridge making people wait impatiently on the line only to be insulted or playing tunes which are meant to ease the pain but merely heighten their anxrety: Coldplay's 'Yellow' for a iaundice sufferer is Just one of a myriad of daft dedications. Considering some of the ticket prices floating around the Pleasance. this relatively low cost show may reflect Ivan Brackenhury's charitable nature but is Just as much of an indicator that the hour could easily be trimmed by a quarter. The repetitive Jingles and the predictability of the set- ups make this show. like the most insincere of DJs, irritating all too quickly. (Brian Donaldsoni I Pleasance COU/‘tl’d/(I, 550‘ (5:350, MW 27 Aug. -J.-lf'>p/ri, E‘B—E‘S) (£56.50 75750).


Finding mirth in the mundane COO

Michael McIntyre has the look of someone vOur mother would like. Unashamedly middle class in his dress. mannerisms and speech, it's easy to see why he is being heralded as the latest thing in ‘posh comedy '. In terms of demeanour and delivery. McIntyre is undoubtedly one of the most talented comedians you wrll see this August. and wrthin seconds he has warmed the audience up and brought them onSide wrth his beaming and infectious smile allied to a


A labour of love for comedic innovator 0000

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Fiftysomething comic at ease with the crowd if not his material 000

After a decade away from the stand-up circuit, you’d think that quite a fuss would have been made of Frank Skinner‘s Edinburgh return, back in the exact same room where it all started for him with his Perrier-winning year of 1991. Yet when the lights go down there is no big drum-roll or fanfare, just the sight of a 50-year-old chat show host from the Midlands sneaking out from behind a curtain. And when he does join us, what is his material mainly about? Yep, you surely guessed it, it revolves around being a 50-year-old chat show host who’s returned to stand-up after all this time.

Given his vast experience of handling crowds (whether it’s boozy hecklers in comedy clubs or leery lads in England tops), he is most at ease when chatting to the front row (a Paisley woman is tonight’s main focus for his banter) or making caustic remarks to mid-show toilet-stoppers. On the downside, it could also hint at a lack of complete faith in his material and it’s really only in the last third that he gets truly motoring, with some pleasingly jaw-dropping material about his current tastes in pornography.

Given that he‘s 50, there is much musing about his favourite tablets and his friends’ overly-concerned reactions when he takes a tumble in the street, while he proudly shows off his gold tooth which may or may not makes him look like a gangsta rapper. For some, Frank Skinner may be best remembered for his role in the ‘Three Lions‘ Euro 96 hit, but now back doing stand-up, he only occasionally makes us roar with laughter. (Brian Donaldson)

I Pleasa'ce Courtyard. 556 655C, 0"? '2’Aug. 80”. 37 750537250 [70—57 ii.


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iii“ "v‘ 2' 1:: ° N ° 9.. , 4.x “j,” 1. o i ii ii w i: ‘. ix t 1 v H i x, H i , a mi." Ll' l wer'n: " ' » xi iii ' .i ,, [in v v i 3 IFMi i' i «a: i i ‘1", 'i .’ 1, '. ' i‘ 9M) i ALEX HORNE Leaving you twitching with laughter 00.0

A|(}XII()H1(‘I(“.(?ITSIHII\y|Ii()T(lii‘I comedy in the most llllilkt'l‘y iii corners. It's one thing to iriaki- ttin out of ancient languages; ithi» absurdities of l atin war; the ipit of his last full fringe run) but hi3. llt moved on to the inherently initiinn, pursuit of liirdwatching, lhi- tii »,' clearly likes a challenge, hi it". n it even one of his true passionu. the show heing engineered troin Ill‘. dad's favourite l(,‘|filll'f: (ltltl‘.’li',

ln Dave Gorrnan esriue nt/le. Horne set hirriselt the task of adopting this hobby and aiir.ed to spot more hirdt; over the course of a year than his father, Adriiittedl,, tlii'. raw Synopsis makes the show sound less than hilarious. jut Home's Wideeyed appetite for knowledge shines through. and uncovers the naturally ridiculous elements of his findings. He's certainly helped aIOrig The ‘.‘/a/ h/ stumbling across sorr‘ie genuine eccentrics :n his audience lperhap‘, this was part of his strategy in doing the show; and his rriaterial alrrioet takes second place to the leftfield banter. And who on the Fringe can Wield a better PowerPOint presentation? (Brian Donaldson; I P/easance Courtyard. 556 6550. unti/27Aug, 7.40pm, [9.5041050 (EB—E9).