Reflecting society's swathe of prejudice COO.

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;iiui «1‘ mm, ' z n f~- TRACHTENBURG FAMILY ditties are set against the backdrop of their ‘200 square

\‘.’:in .i 'i t" I l ’» ‘i f ' » SLIDESHOW pLAYERS foot apartment‘. The Family begins the show with a

lbw. i‘. < M In : i. 2 z . : Shamb'mg thr'fi Store mus'cal mag'c .... stagey ‘sitcom‘. set in the room they‘ve rented for the

(i' um l‘ it .v ' ' Having visited the Fringe in 2004 and 2005, last year month complete with a buzzer-operated laughter track an. Lilli! mu... :.' . . a" v in: : i wasn‘t quite the same without the Trachtenburgs around, for Papa Trachtenburg‘s jokes. It‘s a loose setting that is (M, in .i am. w 1' :.l. ' " - sporting their thrift store chic. There seems to be no real quickly ditched for the most important elements (the

< 7' an. . m .i: . H 'v ' 2 barrier between the onstage and offstage personalities songs) and. of course. the endearing shamblings in

mm: >iiu M if -, i .t w' ~ of Jason, Tina Pina and Rachel Trachtenburg. Laid out between.

.ittm all M. in .4 2.2" l win l for all to see without any fake showiness. the retro Here you‘ll find dad on guitar and piano, mom on the maxi-a! «om. ll). 3‘ v :w l‘- . i clothes are theirs and they openly take breaks while the slide projector and daughter on drums performing

lwt mi oil 2".» . :" banter (mainly from dad, Jason) flows freely. The show is classics such as ‘Look at Me‘ - a testament to friendship mm (H w M. i«:-- w " s- f" z as homespun as the ethos behind it. The family members - and the more random ‘Don‘t You Know What I Mean?‘ .iiu lit-nit: (x: .: ~' '.‘ s 1 take slides they find at yard sales and second-hand alongside new songs such as the quite beautiful ‘All Over at wilt l‘.i.‘ri;:' f i. -' .._; .' shops and make up songs about them or. as Jason puts the World”. Jason cracks that it‘s their number one single piwiiiiiuw. M i i viz: ‘- '* ' it, ‘interpret the lives of the strangers.‘ of summer 2008. And in a perfect world it would be.

(ill (‘:;()t*<‘i.i§'. m .t' w- : .'. u a : Foreign holiday snaps become “European Boys‘ and a (Marissa Burgess)

:‘Jll‘k‘. Vigil .ii~1...:i . iiimu ., _. ti" l .: fast food marketing presentation morphs into a rock I ’w (1 ~ .. ." . I . : '- : « .~

.im’ Illlliix (Saw l‘ titi» is P opera. This year a mixture of old favourites and new .- -- .- v

I/‘i’u..«...:iu wian wier . .'

Add. 64..\‘:>;v':,: 5‘

,‘k’llf‘llf7' {i )n ' i vi“: f") . | ' fil'i" . ANDREW O’NEILL . .i . .. .H . , Theatre or comedy? Funny or ; v z . .; i

unfunny? CO

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RHONA CAMERON v m £1134}. ,v ,v r: z .:

Chucking in some chucklesome ,. . , 7 .o w ; 1,

long lmir .ll‘lj f‘ldt‘lx llgilllt‘tl ‘:)ldflf;tn‘§ ammumt'on .... IV‘N' .‘.~',~ " ."i’l‘"; Hf?" ' ' He liar: .i \* xii. (WK) (Mimi. liiit it'u i ' » r' ' .;' f .’ «z-x’w i .1 r ' 2 ‘i

dCUHSIIt‘ illleiu.) Al vim IM‘. Mi‘rv o" ' ' i’ ' l ' " " «‘t" . l“ i' t'li" .“ 1' 1 lll)))()l1.lllll\. in Tim; .1 .‘yiitmi, :;l‘i.\‘.'. iv .v .: i ' i i' " I C I “i ' W " ' Slllft‘.dllt§' Tl‘.i‘.il'~.“ ll‘it' .a":;.‘.'vrt .1 w? ' 1 ' t " .1 w u"

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