Festival Film

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I.eiine thext kntmn here a\ .luanne Multixaiiti in The SHp/‘tlllrtxl. \xhu puxhed ('uupei' intu making I'ilmx and kiek-xtarted hix I‘ruitl'ul \\’tll'l\lll:_‘ relatiiinxhip and eluxe I‘riendxliip \\ ith Saylex. In l‘)(\’7 (‘uiiper and l.eune had a sun. Jesse. \x'hu “as liiirn \\IllI eerehral pahy \Vlltl died I‘t'tiltt eatt\e\ related It) the diwuw t\\t) _\L‘;tt'\ ttgti. aged hittxt l7. .lL‘\\L‘~\ parentx. “lltl nim' |i\ e in Kingxtun. .\Ia\\aehu\ett\. \et tip the Jesse ('titiper I‘iiundatiun and \\iii'k tirelessl) ax adx'ueatex Itir ehildren \\lIlI \peeial needx ttu

that end (Empei and leniie are eiii‘ieiitI} eiillalmratiiig tin .i tiliii almtit a iiinther'x relatiiiiixhip \\llll her \e\eiel_\ dixal‘led daughter. Hurt/i ma l/itii i

l‘l'HlII IlII\ liaekgi'iiiind \keteh )uii'll perliapx ll;t\L‘ g‘lL‘dIIL‘tl Ill.tl ('HHPL‘I'. \\llil \I‘L'.tl\\ like .I eimlw}. eiiiidueh llllllu‘ll \\llll the eiiui'te\\ HI a gentleman raneher. and hax e\perieiieed \iiiiiethiiig III the l‘tilICIlII‘alI lite ax \\ ell ax great perxiiiial In“. I\ a \xtirld .iua} triiiii tlie deeeitttil hut titliei‘\\i\e \ll‘;II:_‘lII*l.teCtl l-III iiiaii Riilieit llttll\\L‘lI. (‘tmpei‘ tlk‘\L‘I’Il‘t‘\ lIl\ mxii Piilllle\ ;t\ 'lL'll Ul lL'll.. Sa}le\. \\llti llltl\l reeeiitl} ea\t hiiii ax a dim“ itted piilitieian and lllllIl}-tll\g‘tll\L‘tl pre—\\'hite Iltiu\e (ietii‘ge litiin iii the piilitieal \atii'e Xi/it r (in. eallx him a Ite\\\ junkie.

'.’\\ \tltlll ax I \\;ike up.‘ ('iiiiper \‘tllllII'IIh. ‘l lI\IL'II to National l’uhlie Radiii tiii' the earl_\ emerage «it \xhat'x happening that da}. and I'll take a Ititik at ('\\ thrtiugliiiiit the da_\. 'l‘hat i'eall} kieked iii alter OH I.‘

(‘tmper talkx etinl'ideiitl} and I'i'ee|.\ almut l‘iilitiex and eurreiit alilairxz ‘l I'eel [‘i'ett.‘ CtlllliltlL‘llI \\e'|| get a I)eiiitieratie tItllIllIII\Il‘illItllI iie\t tiine riiuiid.‘ he \a)\. ‘htit \\llttl litixh hax dune tn uur \\iirld llL‘L‘tl\ a lot ul' pateliiiig iip.‘ .-\iid: '\\'e"\e \peiit w nitieh iiiiiiie} tin llii\ um um hridgex are I'alliiig dtmn. .'\\ tar ax the iiil'i'axtrueture giiex here. healtlieare \lltlllltl lie dealt with in thix iie\t eleetiunf x\lltli ‘l'iii glad [u we \li' Briiun i\ nut \tl eiiiiil'iii'tahle \\ ith l’I‘L‘\lthIIl lliixli. I think he take\ a \truiigei‘ \litlltl iiii tliiiigx.‘

’I‘he aetiirK 24/7 interext in ne\\\ and piilitiex

Far left: Chris Cooper and Ryan Phillippe; below left, Laura Linney; and bottom. Phillippe and Linney with Breach director Billy Ray

ix i‘eIleeted iii lll\ eliiiiee til lllllI\. \\lII\'lI .iie tilteii di\tiiigtii\hed Ii} \Ulllt' degiee tit ptilitieal edge: the Iliiui'iie lIllII\ “till then Illtltellllt‘lll wt the ('I.\; Saiii \leiidex‘ \\.ii‘ I\ idiiitie (iiilt L'tllll-llk‘l di‘aiiia .lt/l/Il ad. the till l‘ll\lllt'\\ eiitixpii‘ae} tale Mutt/iii; and the tiiitlieiiiiiiiig .\Iiddle Izaxt \et iiiiirdei llI_\\lL‘l'_\ I/It Alum/um .-\iid iiim Hl't'tli /1. HI \xliuxe ie.i| \\t‘ll\l l‘.t\|\ ('tiiipei‘ \a_\\: 'l ieiiieiiiliei' piett} tle.iil§ that II \\a\ quite a hig pieee «it Ile\\\. ()iil_\ .iItei tIiiee or thin da_\\ iiI iiiedia eiixeiage it tli\.ippe.iietl \Vliat l‘\e \iiiee dixemei'ed l\ IlII\ tiiiiied iiiit Iii he a real t‘llll‘.ll‘l';t\\llleIll hit" the I III. I tliiiik the_\ gut a liiild «it the iiiedia aiid \lIIll the \tiiii dtmii."

llix great \tieet'\\ iii pla_\iiig iediiiilitalile piilitieal. iiiilitai'} and timer .iiitliiiiitx lllellL‘\ and. IIIL‘I‘L‘IHIIIgl}. iiiiirall) L‘Hlllpltillll\t'tl eharaetei'x \iieh ax Ix’iiliei't lltlll\\t'll ll.t\ ine\ italil} led Ill ('tmpei' heiiig xteietitiped to a degree h} the Iiliii l‘ll\IIIL‘\\. Yiiii \iaiit a t't'tl\l§ eiiliiiiel iir a \eereti\e \piiiik eall (‘impeiK agent. 'Iliiiiextl}.’ \a}\ ('tiupei'. ‘aii aetni iea|I_\ eaii't I'tii‘ge lti\ tl\\ll path. 'I'liexe \ellpl\ eiiiiie iii} \ia} une at a time. and it I‘m iiitei’exted lll \\llLtl I'm reading that tlL‘lel‘llIllIL‘\ the eiitll'\L' til e\eiit\. lt’x \er_\ linear. But I'm xiii't tit putting iiiit there a iiiiiratiii'iiiiii iiii iiiilitai_\ iiieii. I'Ill tIgL‘III\ and the like. I'\ e lieeii there. diiiie that.‘

('tiuper'x Ititikiiig t'iii' iieu paxtiii'ex. ll|\ lllti\l eii_iii_\ahle aetiiig e\pei'ieiiee In date. and the tine Iiir \ihieh he \\a\ gixeii the gi’eatext ainiiunt uI~ ei'eati\e I'i'eediiiii. max pIa_\iiig .ltillll l.ai'iiehe in .lt/(l/lltllltlll. 'lt uax all \llell .i ltl}llll e\pei'ieiiee.' lie t‘eeall\ hint“). 'and iii lllttll} \ia}\ a unique \ituatiun.’ (‘Iiarlie Kaiiliiian’x \iildl} iirigiiial \eript. ahtiut a \ei'eeimritei tr} iiig and tailing Ill \\ rite a lIlIII aliiiiit a pirate like pui'\e_\iir til rare I‘Iimerx. ga\ e (‘impei' aii tllItl\tl;tl degree til |ee\\a_\ tii interpret the L‘llttl'ttL‘lL‘l‘. :\eetil'tllllgl_\. (‘tltlllk'l' g;i\ e tlll‘L‘L‘ItiI‘ Spike .lun/e Ii\e diI'Iereiit IIIIL‘I'pl'L'IttlIHIh at a highl) uniii'thiidii\ auditiiiii. and nailed the part \\Itlt l1i\ \edtietixe Ill ltltlllllL'\\ litleettlteet’ \erxiun.

'h \\;t\ \ueh a dil'l'erent eliai‘aetei' lI'HllI uhat I'd pla}ed.' ('tmpei' \a}\. 'l \\;t\ Iiirtiiiiate tii reeei\e \tilllL' i‘eeiigiiitiiiii IUI' that. .'\t the \aiiie time that \\a\ the IIIt)\I eiiiiiieal ehai'aeter l‘ie e\ei' pla)ed. and I'm limkiiig Iiir that upptii‘tunit} inure. a lighter \ide. Dunn the road. I‘d Im e tu lime the iippiirtiiiiit} tii pla} a real euinedie eharaeteit'

It'll eume. nu diiuht. And (iii the haek «it the \uiiihre lleCx (ll Ruhert llitll\\ClI. (‘imper duing euined} \xill he a genuine and pleaxiii‘ahle e} e— opener.

Breach, Cineworld, 23 Aug & 24 Aug, 7pm, £7.95 (£5.50).