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Documentary film Run Granny Run is about a 94-year-old lady standing as a Democrat candidate for the senate. Here are five other great film geriatrics

Don Ameche In the 20 or so years before his death in 1993. Amerihe had become the Uber OAP in huge box Office hits Trading P/aces and Cocoon. His best late great perfOrmance was as shoe

STARDUST (Matthew Vaughn, UK, 2007) 130mm 0.

Lym‘ This Danish/US co-production is the first authorised Sh'ne' COme 899mg mafia do” in documentary feature about the great enigmatic filmmaker UaV'd Mamet's hugely enloyable

David Lynch. Shot in highly stylised black and white, the film offers 3 Things Change-

glimpse of Lynch at work behind the scenes on his last film Inland Jessica Tandy Veteran London-

Empire while also offering a Iikeable and amusing portrait of this great born actress of stage and screen

surrealist artist who refuses to quantify or explain his work. This film will Tandy was the oldest person ever

be showing with Allan Holt’s poetic animated short Canvas. to Win an Oscar. for her

I Cameo, ($.73; {-i‘iifz‘fl, .".i‘ Aug, .' . " rm. .t‘, .fi" ‘5 iii‘ performance in Driving Miss Daisy. Melvyn Douglas Legendary actor DOuglas is best remembered as the

man who made Greta Garbo laugh

Chantal i'tkerrrzari A; ‘1’ that; w z'ii;

[his British till ii‘khuster adaptation of (Pedro COSIa/Chantal . Vanna». fltltt‘htl! and Ansha Ati'ahanr, m Nmotchka but hls portraits of Neil (‘iainian’s inanellous [.nglrsh figerwan/X/yangthg/AY'Sha ‘.‘.il|f'lt are intriguing hut rri it a‘l.'.a1.s elderly corruption m The Candi-date i, .- raam icene fantasy llii\.'t'l inks fantastii‘. it s . enearirn; .As '1 ex mat. a tii‘. “if a 4 ‘i rroull rn irri d h ) (\t r' h '1 Fe" AplChatpong weerasethakw' ‘urfite‘ '1 i t it 'it i " ‘hi 'i f( r * and Of course Being There are It} It. ( .3 (kl/IX}. ( ' \I. t 3‘» II f .< ‘.'((_tl ,i "if t ‘) \ Portugal, 2007) 101mm 000 t l U ecually unforgettable.

lai‘klustri: si‘ript iio written by Jane t‘ioldnian iMrs Jonathan Ross; and tfirei‘toi Matthew Vaughn. Despite fine art (firetitiorr make up and i‘ostunles. and an iniriressite transatlantii: east that ini‘ludes Sienna Miller; Peter

0' lodle. Hutiert Herett. Claire Danes. [\iIlt‘t‘a'ltt‘ l’feiffer and Robert De Niro_ t3arrnan's flight of tantas\ into the

are protein ri<;t‘.. l<>ri,l\.i1r‘i<it;tiirtr I i] MIN/7t infra}. (SIP-1X3"; .’-o' flag,

fiat);er ."(ix'ili i:‘-i..'i_">i.

Julien Guiomar The prolific French film and television actor seems to have been playing old

Ex DRUMMER men in the background for his

(Koen Momer whole life but IS hlS role as the 104mm ....' ' mysterious bed- or bath-bound

grandfather in French Canadian Jean Claude Lauzon's 1992 surreal masterpiece Leo/o that makes him a contender.

Edith Bouvier Beale In their remarkable documentary Grey Gardens. the Mayles Brothers

Basel on the degenerate noxel of the saint,- lldllli: h. the hugei, rioriii|ai heguiling niagii‘al land of taerie is all hut grounded and then huned ~ in the ill t‘oni‘eixed idea of treating the rnaterial \‘.‘|IIl the same 'rrioitkrie\'

F'lernrsh rio‘.'elist and poet Hernia.“ Bit sselrnans. I - [J'ux'nnie' is like a (:heifiklist V)? the Belgian '.‘.‘rlti-":.

ohs :ssrons. ll(iil<Zt’:étt)l. aiciihoi. sex

attitude that informed the Gm Rittthre- Portrnanteau films are always hard to LIIE$£1IJ||!I‘,. iorrxlirni, ~.ioleiiwe. riiink , , _ . t I. I I , .. ,t spend time With mad US aristocrat tillt't ted INITIEal‘. gangster illnis 3':th nu.l off. AlItEl the carbohydrate riith. l()(:‘r\{tlilI inernost (1(III(I||(I(III(I sordid .. . r . . t . ' ) _ i . . ., ., Beale. the great aunt of John F ‘..iil( h \iaughn as a I‘Httiti‘t er made ais protein poor dish that was Far/5.. ,e m ‘.l()l(,‘l‘.t,f: intatiriiat n,- \ . .. . t ,t , Kennedy. at her crumbling nan.e .asiiie. this six short film look at the \.'.hr:r‘ '%/;.i:irsr [flies WNW“) i/a't , _ t I . , _ y , Hamptons manSion where she lives Tans. the tale of a \oung ( ountr‘i. state of the world is much more Heger‘. as arioriaeaiwt tr, .tiw; . l _ , .‘ \ , . . , ._ , r . . wrth her daughter Little Edie . Beale lads guest ante a niagit realm to demanding. No film more so than disable: 'niisii,:ans and asked to he I , _ i h A h bl ‘. .r U « ISBVISIODOCGflsa e gather some of the ifitllttl tair\ dust \Jang Bing s Bi'iita/m. Payton the drummer r" Their nan/r iii: is . . t . , H , , t,‘ y , , eccentricin - all fur coat and "Hill a ltlllt‘i't star Tor his sweetheart toieturedi. a .'.'ir‘it‘:ngl\. trad aertount of intrigued and agrees Lat; r). tai: . . . . r . . 4 ,, , I y ,, headscarves. (Paul Dale) I‘tit k horne ttet enies a teoious senes torture methods in China during we band members ham heir ';.'.'t z’,|I1!‘:T) . . , . t . " I I r _ . x I Run Granny Fi’un, Fi/mhouse, of ent ounters ‘.‘.i.h taneus Illt’SOllltPI‘. (,ultuiai Revolutson that also shay-.s aeri1sj.(;ftr>sisanrrurinal, dries begins -~ - ~ i ~ . . i .i . . _ r i, . , 623 8030, 23 Aug, 4.30pm, £7.95 H‘lOUtiUl \l'ld'lttx the Litxul'ltel Lens ai tire it)€l().’\ as it is today. to enio, IMNI'HI in this .‘Jrrr d as in: (£5 50 I tIKNIIt). II'itt G(}’777\('i'w(\ 1/], - )- witt‘hes lead M Pfeitter, De Nira's lighter work. and .et .vrth a ser‘iixis end ali i; as. I\iiilt‘11!dli\ excruciating closet case subtext as Braleiar‘ ‘ishern‘en go intix it‘s a bunkers. Ti"?‘l‘§>‘ti’,. «alt, irrerr‘iise director Koeri I/IUFIIC‘T is more than up tia\ captain or a gang of ski. pirates. deeper waters than usual. and. after befitting the film's ‘}',‘.l.",‘,‘, r, it tr, ;,:.H to the task as E/ Drummer is inventive, \“aughn, who made his directing :t'et‘u't The engine cuts out iiiit‘ttr at: agamst su'rh ii‘ and "ea-fess , waver/nu; f;iiiit,, nightmarish anyt brilliantly With t‘e asSured gangland thrilier a huge Russian tanker. Huang. and .eria‘ national «2“ takes ;: dire/7!)" realised Omng a certain debt to Late' Cane should ha\ e hired a (tr-"tans .T‘tili‘i{\"("t3fV7185.. swat“, tr‘ 5; a" sirigurar ..f5l’,". E'nrm'kxig on pioneering .york in a similar field by decent st‘reen‘.'.‘rrter and staXetl .'.el! is ne.e*t"eiess a tut. >a::l‘r<;.e’>'r she". frst ‘r;ati.r<: a; .s':rr;r;".'.i':ter adaptor f‘:li0.'/ corintryr'nen and brothers Remy awn t'er‘t the ‘M‘Htt‘dfd hirnseif. gate. iii/tan Bites Doqi and Lucas (Trilogy: iMiles Fielder» Pea'e Costa's fis'ris are atr“1:st One. Two. Tit/eel Bell/aux, Ex I C"‘t’ltt"‘t7. 0:3 80.90. 33 Add. u"i\.'ta‘.'." t? Brita". st: '1 s gbtgt if .ya‘. Drummer is, however. not fOr everyone I JOLW‘. £595 £550 to see er a "‘ir‘utes 3’ "us snow. and really should be amide!) by Ivan a med tame son at ‘ates anyone of; squeamish disposmon. for other FILM LISTINGS caught it textured 'g‘r‘t as t iPaul Dalei in Glasgow & Edinburgh through the Characters IttGu‘LVt‘IS and I Cine-world. 623 8030, 2.3 Aug. see non-Festival magazine obser‘atiOrts exe'tts .h Cat):- \."er: e's 700m 3 24 Aug, QSOpm, mm [795 past. There are also firms here by. IE5 50/.

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