Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sporthistcomk for sport or aroundtownGlichomk tor all other events. Listings compiled by Kirstin lnnes.


Activities & Events

Behind the Scenes at Scottish Ballet Sat 8 Sep. 'I‘ramyyay. 35 Albert l)riye. 08-15 331) 3501. llaiii ~1piii. liree. lnteractiye yyorkshops_ tips on lioyy to make your own tutu. a riiinrshoyycase arid a chance to meet Scottish littlltls dancers. See preyieyy. right.

Tour of the Mitchell tire I I Sep Mitchell library. Jill North Street. 387 39‘)”. 2 3.30pm. l'r‘ee. “L'llllltl the scenes oi ( ilasgovy 's laiiioiis library. Meet at (irany ille Street.

Rock Karaoke layery ’l‘uesday 'l'he ('atvyalk Rock Lounge. 95 l'nion Street. 3-18 not )(i. Upiii. £50 pri/es ey’ery night and the yyhole ol rock lttslory' to choose lroiii. (io on. unleash your inner Mcatloal‘.

Doors Open Day 2007 Sat ISSiiri to Sep. Various Venues. 321 (ytlbl. 'l'iines yar‘y. I'i'ee. (let a sneaky peek inside some of ( ilasgoyy 's most interesting theatres. venues and ciy ic buildings not otten open to the ptiblic.

See yy'yy yy.gbpt.iirg/dtxirsopenday tor a full programme ol‘ where you can go.

* Glasgow Tower Charity Abseil Sat l5 Sep. (ilasgoyy' Science ('entre. St) l’acitic Quay. ()S7l 541) It“). Are you brave enough to dangle y'oursell oil (ilasgoyy ‘s tallest littildittg'.’ (in on. it‘s lor cliarity. Register at yy'yy'yy'gIasgtiyy'

Animal Awareness Day Sun to Sep. (ilasgoyy‘ Botanic (iardens. 730 (ireat Western Road. ()3: 030‘). I 4pm. Free. l)t'op ill to the Lecture Room in the Old Stable ('ourtyard and learn something IIL‘W about animals. Meet inyited guests I'rorn conservation groups and a selection ol animals.


Science in the Dock (ilasgoyy

Science (I‘lllt't‘. 50 Pacific Quay. ()S7l 510 I000. ltlam opm. Admission applies {p.05 (£4.05). An eyhibition that challenges y isitors' yalues and encourages them to think about controy'ersial issues in science.


Homes & Interiors Scotland Sat s— Stiri 0 Sep. Sl{(‘(‘. l"innieston Quay. 0870 0-10-1000. Bored ol lKliA‘.’ Yeah. lls too. l-‘ind an alternatiy e at the annual interior desiin shoyy‘. We‘re not sure yy hetlier they do meatballs. though.

The Scottish Wedding Show Sat

l5 Stiii lb Sep. Sli(‘('. l-innieston Quay. (l.S'7() t)l.’~ ZbSZ. ltlarn bpni. From L"). Acrylic nails at the ready. as Bride/illa Mecca reopens its doors.

Farmers’ Markets

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Sat .S' Sep. Manslield l’ark. l’artick. ()l 738 449430. ‘lani 3pm. l-"ree. ()rganic yegetables. hand-iiiade brooms and happy bacon. You can buy anything on Dumbanon Road these days.

Queen‘s Park Farmers’ Market Sat l5 Sep. Queen's Park. 520 l.angside Park. 287 7273. ‘lani 2pm. local produce. from local people.


* Merchant City Festival ’lliu 20- Sun 23 Sep. Various y'enues. Merchant (‘ity. 3-11 084-1. Times yary. l’rices yary. (‘ilasgoyy 's y ibrant cultural quarter holds its own once again. yy ith four days ot‘ theatre. fashion. gigs. clubs. food. yisual arts and comedy. Highlights this year include a celebrity fashion slioyy t‘rorii AllSaints. aprxuirances from some top comedians. yy'orkshops with Scottish Opera. street theatre. and a Show

24 THE LIST 6—20 Sep 2007


As Scottish Ballet gears up for a move to its new permanent home in

Tramway, the company is throwing open the doors and inviting the public in to see exactly what they do when not putting on performances. As well as demonstrating how they intend to make use of the Tramway space, the company will be hosting workshops in stage make-up and offering tips on designing and making your own tutu. The dancers themselves will be on hand to answer burning ballet questions like ‘going up on your toes doesn't it hurt?’, the Scottish Ballet Orchestra will provide background music, and there will be a series of showcases

throughout the day.

I BUN/lid the Scenes (if Scott/sh Bit/lot. Ira/7min. (i/(Ifitfl in. iii? So;

performed inside a giant ma/e in the middle oi (ieorge Square.


"02") Meeting 'l'ue ltS' Sep. Mono. l3 King's ('ouit. King Street. 553 3-100. .S'pin. liree. l-‘riendly. int'oriiial t'oitnightly meeting an opportunity to meet and discuss yy ith other people interested in the protection ol' priyacy. ciy il liberties and human rights.


UEFA European Championship: Scotland v Lithuania (Football) Sat 8 Sep. llaiiipden l’ark. l.etherby l)riye. (do 0000.

Tour of Britain Sat l5 Sep (ilasgoyy (it‘L‘L‘Il. (irL‘L‘tldy kc Sll‘c‘c‘l. llS-‘l 200 i040. Times yary. Be one ot' the tirst to tind out yyhich team ot' elite professionals competing in this epic seyen-day cycle race yyill reign supreme as they cross the tinish line iii (ilasgoyy.

Pedal for Scotland Sun It» Sep. (ilasgoyy' (ireen. (ireeridy ke Street. tlS7l 200 3940. Yet more death-defy ing

displays ol pedal poyy er as the annual race across lllL' (.L'llll'dl lit'll klc‘lss oil Ill (iltisgoyy. \Vho yyill make it to ladinburgh lii'st‘.‘ It's 50 miles. you knoyy.


An Audience with Hick Nairn 'l‘liu b Sep. ('iti/ens‘ llk‘dllt‘. l l‘) (iorbals Street. 43‘) 0032. 7. illprii, {I}. The alliteratiye Scottish cliel shares slot‘tcs l'roiii his glittering culinary career. 'l'here's a thA session atteryyards. so you can tind out yyhy your Ilans alyyays turn out tlabby. See prey ieyy. page 33.

An Audience with William Roache Sat S Sep. ('iti/eiis' 'llieatre. l l‘) (iorbals Street. 42‘) 0022. ". illprn. L‘ l 2. Ken Barloyy talks cardigans and ('orrie. Thank you for the Music: Karine Polwart Mon lll :\ug l’acilic Quay. ne\t to (ilasgoyy Science ('entre. (r31 lpni. l'ree iticketedi. l’olkstress and lay! layourite Karine l’olyyait is this yy eek's leatured Scottish songyyriter on the Radio Scotland programme audience tickets tor the recording ayailablc at MSW) 4| I IS l0. See preyieyy. right.


Knitty Gritty Meetupl yety lhtirsday. lheo‘s ('ottec .iiid l‘lay. ‘~.\il (iteat \M‘stctti Rd. 1;" "l ‘l b .Spiii l rec (iatheting tot knitters yyith tree cottee .iiid “the

Voicebeat Multicultural Singing Group I yeiy lhtiisday lhe \niie\e. ‘la Steyyarty :llc Street, l‘artick. i‘ b 1'

l" ‘lpiii {1‘0 liiid yotit yoicc and lilt your spirits .it the iiitilticiilttiral singing group open to all \o eypetieiice necessary

Japanese Paper Binding Sat .\ Sun ‘t Sep H l l' l‘apcr \rts \\orkshop.l int l'. H l‘tiidon St. i" .‘S 1.‘ L I III l sing traditional techniques. seyying patterns .iiid Iiiie papers. partic ipants yyill iiiake .i tollettioti ot tout hand stitched books_ .is \yell as an attractiye lolio style boy in yyhich to keep them

Tell Me About It: Business Forum lllt‘ ll \t'l‘ lllk't‘.\ (it‘llt'k‘ .llltl :51) (iteat \\cstein Rd. W" "l “I t' l * Inspiration lot small business oyyneis in an iriloiiiial setting lhe eyening' includes ideas. .idyice. tips. netyyoiking and dinner Hooking essential l'lease phone tor titties and more iiitoiiiiation


Activates S l vents Exhibition Guided Tour l'll Sep \ational \lusetiin ot Scotland. ('haiiibeis Street. 31“ 113.‘ noon lptii lice (let some estra insight itito the iiiiiseurii‘s current eyhibition. I’it tiuo lim/ nil/i limo/i. oti a guided tour liee yyitli .i yalid eyhibilion ticket I’lcasc meet at the loteiii l’ole in the Main Hall Storytelling Cate: High Jinx and Thrills \\ed If Sep Scottish Storytelling (i‘llllt'. -1 i -1R lllg‘ll Sllt‘t‘l. 5‘!) 0‘7” "pm ti Storyteller \lichael Kt‘lllllS hosts an t‘yt‘lllleJ til l.ll\'\. lllllSIc .tltil stillg'. \\llt'lt' you can contribute oi sit back and rust enioy the tales


Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery 'l‘he Queen‘s ( iallcty. l’alace ol lltilyloiitlltotlsc. fig“ alllil l'ttltl .Stltt lfi Sep. |)ai|y ‘) Wain bpiii. ‘). illaiii 3pm i(‘losed I U iliee [-150.1ariiily ticket

[I it (mated by the Royal (‘ollection iii collaboration yyith Sir |)ayid \tteiiboioiigh. this eyhibition brings together the yyoik ol tour artists

leoiiardo da \itici. ('assiaiio dal l’o/lo. .\le\ander \latshal. .\1.iria Sibylla Merian and Mark (‘atesby yyho haye Iielped shape coiiteiiiporaiy understanding ol the natural yyoild

Classify Royal Botanic (iaiden. liiyerleith Royy. “I ilal [mil in l1Sep

lilarii 5pm l'ree \ii iriteiactiye exhibition eyploring ltoyy yy e classin nature. drayyiiig on the research and art llial takes place at the Royal Botanic (iaideris

Commando Country National \y‘ar .\ltiseuin ( )I Scotland. ladinburgh ('astle. 33‘ 7* 41 [mil Stiii 3-1 l'eb.

‘l-15arii 5. illpni. .-\driiission applies lzyhibition slioyying hoyy remote properties in the Scottish highlands yyere traiislor‘iiied into special training centres in \\ W” to lc'ttt'll Ilc‘yy lttc‘llcs \tlL'll its \Itlktldgc'. close combat and outdoor suryiyal

Exhibition Eco-Urbaniste Iristitui l'iancais d'l'.cosse. l i Randolph ( ‘rescerit. < Wt“. “t'tl l1) SCI} \Vc’tl ll ()c'l. ll llllt's yary l~ree. l he yision ot three photographers il'rench. Scottish and l’ohshi on the trilluerice ol nature on the (II).

It Didn’t Happen Here .\liiseurii ol ladinburgh. lluntly lloiise. HZ ('anongate. 530 am. l'ntil slit 2‘) .sm (not Suni Mon Sat lilarii 5pm. l'ree l'.\lllhllliill eyarnining ladinburgli's links yyitli the slaye trade,

The Legacy 01 Tim Stead Scottiin Storytelling ('entre. 13 ~15 High Street. 55b 057‘). Sat l5 Sep Sat 5 Jan triot Surii. Illani (iprn. l-ree. An exhibition ol tactile sculpture. poetry and turniture designs by the artist. designer and poet 'l‘im Stead.