
lat /~’,l’ CUP/1t [J/ DAVID THEWLIS The Late Hector Kipling it" i t r 000

When Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker came up with Nathan Barley on Channel 4 a couple of years back, many people were perturbed that its main sticking point was in poking fun at a group who seemed no longer ripe for satire. Surely ripping apart the leftfield end of the style mag revolution was just too 1997? So, when David Thewlis' main characters discuss the work of the Britart crew and namedrop the likes of the Chapman brothers, Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin, a similarly self- satisfied and rather pointless exercise in media-baiting appears to be looming. Well yes, and, actually, no. For Thewlis has an eye for grotesque minutiae and, unsurprisingly for an esteemed actor, a real for feel for dialogue and wordplay.

Hector Kipling is largely a frustrated artist, jealous of his friend Lenny's success in getting a place on the Turner Prize shortlist and scathing about most of his peers' work. When his most valuable creation is demolished in a freak accident and another contemporary announces that he has little time left on this planet, things don‘t look as though they could get any worse for Hector. But they do, viciously and bloodily. The shift in tone from amusing resentment to terror-laden malice is slightly jarring while the artistic context isn't beefy enough to ease this diversion on its way. However, the latter moments of tension are aided by Thewlis' deft handling of his characters inevitably miserable fates. (Brian Donaldson)


SID WADDELL f3trudiile‘. to help the (mo Sputtimann n 1- .. ; . Bellies and Buuseyes upon to .ir,r,eptarir,e llltill(l(}i:‘; to :rnpli» at«- " . '- i' Mi iv “hm”... lealurelaidoaudo hiriruelliria'tiii, if” H . ,_ ir TRAVEL eyevntnew; ehur,kiiir} l(:\.’()l‘.'llt'l around ' *ff ', ° " -' o z" t 't' " r i: i , FAPERBACKS Certainly among; the out time ll:lllllllf,(;i,‘ll(l(,’_‘; Holmhevik ', lll.’ tw t .rv 5:" .r 'w‘ ROM“ carver most quixolir,‘ :;port5; ol itf, glory days. all iii imolutirinane‘.~ thi- - o . - x . - -_-. l'l :w' , 2’ 1 /)«'t’r'1"1’~'it' WW’ ~(3t’ll’0’l’3 lllt,‘lll()ll‘; to have heen the pleasantly power of the nut Mart. . r 'i:' r. 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PUWJUW f)‘1”’l""”«'1/ Waddell if; a lil rowing; loi BENNETT expenenve ol ‘.‘.’lr iriritul t ' t' I: wt ' ,- Felipe FernaNdel' lilltf; oi the man and the Zugzwang Illlllll‘,(llllllt,‘lll. tho» now AmeSto I”’”””"""’~'r sport(althoughit't.niqh (lgkflflngiuuw... ‘illlllt‘tiillllfi‘t’l‘Jlil ;. mi.” :f‘.~- " i, r , T r, .: “WUW'UM “WWW ()li Illip():;:;il)le to [)T3y‘;h()'()(}ll,{i| (ii-pittir )H‘, ,'..r t. -,'~ ,' l‘ "i: .m- " ire. r ,_ 'i u, “l (fleI‘WmUH' Whmh separate the two). and llltlllltqif‘. to ti'wia' ll .' t ' t ,‘ r. 1 in ‘i "' ~i “WW3 m" ‘3‘”“0'5‘ f3kll)l)llt<) over tilt; early N" in, I - ‘,iir:i;i:f,‘,tii|l\,' rigwiriati; .;:,. 1 , ,i' 1 a; ' .--; w " 1 " WWW“ “"‘lm‘m'Vi '0 year“. and career .it. a the ()l)‘.’l(>llf; «,r )l‘iiléfll ol :i-ar w w «l an i .2' ,f-,-r p a, ri‘w- "‘0 "'5 33 “WNW 0‘ broadcaster lthe latiiian llllkllltl [)UIITH’H to «hem; l‘.'.illi l, it'l' The r r "'h t" rmtr. tir' t WWW"? ”‘ ""3 70‘“ poet peruona is. lielied :;trata<;erii_ l)l()‘.’lll(l the 2; .ti'tfllt' mat ’l°rii'ii :' ,M ii -. ir' -; t" . ‘i‘f’lllll‘r’ “Up by the tart that Waddell adage that it", not radii." r'r‘ at r .? i' i '.ri. t .. L") Ke'ly W'er‘LeWis llilfiéldtfttlitirll()lll [)girulunglllIllij‘,'lfitt(‘:1||\, ilk.’ -~ 'wi,‘ ,' "w; , r ,1 i. :‘.:l j “Ni/()5ifMUHH‘3HI' ()amhndiii‘. and started after you. I‘, irardow- rtli l -' u r t arr» (“mm ""4 I'V‘VV‘NVWJ (tlll lltéikllltl lESii/anne HIIHJFI _'ii'"l it i. eu-v' ;‘ l' r -2‘ t . UV 540W 0‘ SHUCVI‘W)“'3 (l()(7tllll(?lll(lll(ft$ With fr- «, .r r. r, ';.1' r' ;' .f' v, 393'. R033 3"“ llan‘f Michael t);tlklllf3()ll), he 50”“ [Am E 8 ,g’ ,',.,-.i .y, ;,v ,; ix ; : ,v ,r r i. 1 :r , ftfiitllll'ml ""3 drum take:; up hit; story lroni timing. 3 "r .- r,» :i.-i h ,r fr ,' ‘v’ll’r WU“: 0” "if! the days; in the mid /()f; The Stone Gods ",ti‘r.- E-:,,t °r ' i,” a ,1r 1r, 1 ’1‘“ , TiiIlJlJIY Still) AUWM. whunhpprruliiimij[hp {HmnmhHmmlthm ',.v -. z 4, 2. rip Hi , ,r} y], ’l},. WlIIClIWif;f,iritllflf:dlll light entertainment :;how .. .,~:..rv ; ~ it ~_.. ; ,r, i i he“. 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""3 Wt” be it Bonfire of the Brands , , . v. the thrall ot fillitlllléllh ftl these ‘.‘.",~rl«, twttw 1M, , it.” ... real "(I’dt- 3‘) "3 the power‘tul men. the than other; mitt. 093‘ Of "103‘: emf'e-‘i- Bolshewks; and Jews \“Jiritepmn ilat Hint-:17 1 r" .' ' .w ' , " .-. Aurum are enemies of the state over €:X[,ritii."17i't{Mir/RV : r : . l x ’l .r marge GW’Qina Howe" and the only llllllt} more and othwr xvi tr wtiar . .' 1 "':;,.t ‘r Daughter Ofme 0939" important than the ir‘. lit‘.’ :1,#;tur u tutu» E3 , ,1' a we. the VlClO'lan BUY More of the nation is; The :iia‘irigtu’: r: utter“ r ' 2 I. " arChafi‘O'OQ'SL A’ab'3t~ the upcoming St forced and unnatur'u . .' " '3'”. 'x, f' e aUthO' and ‘NCH’t’Od Peterstnirg ehess and r‘eterenwef; t , g ' ' ' '1 e' if; "a‘Jel'e' Gen’Ude 89“ tournament. current political i:;‘;ues. ‘: rm 1' an 1 "4,- lS "‘8 SUbleCl Of this An apolitical, nominally are unsuhtle and add '.' r I: i, (wt-3!} one Pan- JCWlSl‘i psychiatrist. Dr little to her owr‘ target; / ' en .’ 'r ': ' " e“.

.' ,',-'-:, j/ THE LIST 27