I Baby 00" .il l’n .\.i .\.i l lplll itllll l-icc hclnic ll illpiii. L5 .ittci “cc-kl). \ gliiiiininus illltl scx} night nl linu~c uhcic .ill .iic V-L'lullllc' tn iniii lll. liniii Ilic inlating l)J imtci nl “ainci l’n'wcis. l)c.iii .chxlnn. (lax (ii.iiil. lniiiiii} Ra}. l)cick Martin. llair} .tlltl Basil l\il.t\\

I Back to Basics at him ( ant-

7pm *aiii l‘lL'L' “cc-kl} Rclin (lilllct' .inil tlINLH liniii l.iii \lltlk‘lVlll .inil lll\\llll I)

I Booty .il \lciliiia iiiiiltiiglll iiiii Li \Vcckl} l\l.t liligc igctlilil 'l. l).l l).i|c l.ll\ll giiiil Siinliinnc lilack pinxiilc thc llll\ nl Rikll hip linp. \iilll .llltl lunk at llll\ Suiitla} \nt i.il

I Easy Sunday .ii lllc' .l.l// ll.”

llprii i.iiii l-icc \M'ckl} Inungc iiiuxic. citiiillt'l\ .iiiil cax} lixlcning liniii Salli .lnxc i\cg.i\l

I Hellraiser’s Ball/Neon .ii lllt' ll|\k' llpiii Liiii licc \\cck|_\ .-\ inck'ii'inll |iltllllt"\ with all lhc licst clllx li'nni

c l.i\\ic iiicl.il tn ll.iiil inc k llllntlgli ln hlls glain .iiiil gnlh

I Hobo .it lllL' llniign ('luh. lllpiii idlil Li \\cckl_\ ‘l i\c lllll\l( aiiil .illcinatn c tl|\\(l lill lthllllc‘tl \lllllc‘l'N. ;l\ llnl‘il lL'llllll\ .iltcr .i \icc l‘L‘SllHtl l‘lL'dix. llic Mauricquiiix l‘) Scpl and .\l_\ llll_\ Rnltnlx l In Scpl ai'c thc llH.‘ gucxts.

I Kayos at ()piurn. llpiii iaiii l-icc \Ncckl}. A iiictal and rock \nuiitlliack pltls [l tllllllKS kccp thc crimtlx .i innxhing.

I Orange Street at (’iirus ('liili llHllpiii iaiii. l'i'cc hclnic Ilpiii. 5 iUl altct'. \Vcckl}. Ska. ilancchall .iiiil rcggac li'nin thc ()r'angc Sti‘ccl l).l cicu

I Playgirl Mansion iii l.lllll.

Spin iani £5. \Vcckl}. .-\ night nl laiil hack lniiiigc lllll\lL‘ and guilty plcaxuics ('utting cilgc clccti‘niiic tllSL‘ll and L‘lltxxlc lltlthc bringing a lntlcll nl Stutlin 54 in latlinhuigli c\L'l‘_\' Sunila) with DJ ’l'i‘cntl) \Vciiil} .iiitl gut-xix.

I Pushin’ Buttons at Red.

lllpiii Kain. l'i’cc hclni‘c l lpiii'. £2 al'tci'. chkl}. Shnucaxc nl clccll‘n tllSL‘ll. plllik lunk and hip linp hicakx li'nin llL‘l‘USS lzilinhui‘gh'x cluh lanil l'caturing lltlhht‘x l'l‘i‘nuhlcl. Mcltli'utn (Xplicitl. liahcx lSnatchl. Spckti'uin (Mnthcrl'unkl and DJ l‘ahiiln/ (Diggityl.

I Shake at Shanghai. ‘lpiii .iain. l-‘i'cc lk‘ltll’c‘ I lpni; U al‘tcr lli‘ccl. \Vcckl}. Snull‘ul \ncal\. xc\_\ tllSCU and lunk laccil hnusc part} anthcins l’i‘niii Jnhii lllllt‘lilllStlll l'l‘nkyihlul antl PL‘l'L‘ll\\lttlll\l l’cpc Santa Maria.

I Taste .it (‘aharct \nltairc llpiii 3am LS itli inciiihcix. t5 hclnic ll illpini \\cckl_\ l l\llt‘l ck l’iicc suppl} .i piiigic'xxi'.c llll\ nl hnuxc .llltl garagc at llll\ llll.tllltlll\ Sunila) iiightci. \xilli .\l.iitin \.tlc'llllllt' liiiiil} lll chatgc nt lhc hack inniii

I Tipsy .il .\l.i\\.i llpiii iaiii L-l \Vcckl} Rtkll .llltl hip hnp liniii lL'\l\lt'lll\ Nick (i .tlltl l’lia/c 3 .il \kllal lhc} pi'ninixc \xill hc 'llic lltlllc'\l Sunila} night part} III timii‘

Chart 8 Party

IVoda .it l‘\l‘lllll.l}_'c' “pin iaiii l'lc‘t' “cc-kl} Night nl chart lllll\lt and “annual \nilka

Edinburgh Mondays


I Happy Mondays .it P.» .\.i Na. Ilpiii ialii L i iticcl \M'ckl} ("luh night lll\l|lj._‘ NC“ and \l.l\\lc llltllt'. i'nck. liiiik. hip hnp .iiiil .\lnln\\n

I La Vida at | ulu ‘lpiii idlll l icc hclnic lllpiii. U .illci “cc-kl} .\ hcail} llll\ nl clcclin pnp. classics and ilixcn liniii .lc/ Hill

I Latin Quarter .it Malina

lllpiii kiln l'icc \M'ckl} l)J .l.iiiic\ (‘niiihc \\llll ical ilcal \.tl\.i .llltl unrlil lllll\|L' Nim Ill Il\ lniiitll _\c.ii and still gniiig stiniig l ikc .i linc \xinc.

iiiipinx ing \\ illi .igc

I RIM .it \lnnil Ilpiii .iain L5 it? with l|_\cii \Vcckl} chx ga) night ilimii at .\lnntl mlh lict- hiihhl} nii cult). li‘cc glim \llck\. llllllL'\\ \xaitci'x. dancing hai stall and [llc'lll_\ nl cncktailx

I Rope at ()p.il l.nuiigc lllpin iaiii. l'lt'L' hclnic I lpiii. {5 (L4) .iltci \Vcckl}. l)lli_\. iippcil tip. lllllk} hniixc .intl icc cnnl clccti'n.

I Sounds Good at l’i\n ('allc.

7piii iain. l-icc. \\c'L‘kl}. l‘hc lincst rum and lutuic \nul. |.t//. lunk and i'cggac l‘i‘nin .'\\ll’til‘il} and liicailiiiai‘k.

I Trade Union at (‘ahai‘ct \'nltairc. Ilpiii Rain {2 \Vcckl}. Night tn gnc xniiicthing hack in thc bar and cluh



'Ai'lkc'lx '.\llll cxci_\lhiiig cucpt chccxc lli‘Il‘. lll liqct} .tllkl \\n|tia//

Chart 8. Party

I The Professionals .ii l'.\[‘lillltlgc “pin iaii. llcc \\cckl_\ l'i\cllnnt\nl \‘\c‘l_\llllllg' lii'lll RA” in \llL'C\L' ISiglo .il \igli- J illpiii iarn l'rcc. \\.'ckl} Sc; lllu

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Antics .it lllc lli\c Ilpiii iaiii l‘icc \Vcckl} Rnck. cinn. punk .llltl iiictal tllSPJIcllt'S liniii l'tliiihuigh‘x .ilt \ccnc I Code Blue at ()piuin lllpni iaiii l‘tcc \\cckl_\ l’uiik intk cl.l\\lc\ \\llll listtuls nl ciiin .inil ska chuckctl intn tlic pnt tni gnnil lllL‘.l\lllL'

I Indie Mix .it l’ixn (".illc ~piii iaiii l‘lc'c' “cc-kl} llltllL'. .iltcinatixc and lll.l\ll ups linin Nick .-\l\',-\ .llltl thc l).i|ck

I Lulu .it lulu Spin iain. l-rcc hclnic lllpiii. H .ilch \Vcckl} Snullul. cclcclic \cl\ taking lll cwi'}lhing li'niii llc'\\ uaxc in raw ginnxc liniii ltilinhui'gh'x lincxt uiitlciginunil l)J\ llnhhcx l linuhlci .llitl l).i\.i illcatlxpiiii

I Motherfunk .it ()p.i| l.niiiigc

lllpiii iaiii l‘icc \\cckl_\ (iiiin .iiiil l‘l}L‘l .ii'c hack \\llll lhcii‘ liic'\cl;i_\ lll\lllllllllll as thc} \[llll talc and classic lunk} .lSSL'tl. llnnt shaking (ill\ and 7ll\ ginnxcs. tlccp liiiik. l..itiii. “ml and so much llltll'c',

I Split al (‘ahai‘cl antati'c l lplil iatil. I-icc \\c‘c‘kl} l)iuiii i\ hass. clccti'n. tcchiin .inil liicakhcal \\ itli Shailniixkill. lhc l)i'npnul l)J\. l)ngiii.i and .i \inattcring nl \L‘l} lalciitcil lncal gucxtx. l)i'uin & ha\\ and hicakx cnllcctix c liilinhurgh Bil\\L'tl takc caic nl thc main room cxcr) nthci' \icck.

I Tuesday Heartbreak at lllc Ja/l Bar. ll.3(lpin 3am. l'ii'cc \Vcckl). l)J Aki plays licin \nul. lunk. Rtkli. hip linp. gnspcl and blues.

I Vibe at lign. llpiii iarii. H. \Vcckl}. Nn-lrillx ga)‘ club night with JillllL'\ l.nng\\nrth spinning lil\ chccs} tuncx upstairs and cniniiici‘cial liniixc and hip hop dim iistairx.

Chart & Party

I Casino Royale .ii laxpiniiiigc. 7pm 3am. l'l'c'c. \Vc-ckl) Ncu \lllthlll 'l‘ucstla) \ till“ ll szpinnagc

I Siglo at Sigln. J illpni iain. l'ic'c‘. \Vc‘c‘kl) SL‘C ll lltl

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Apocalypse .it Opium. lllpin 3am. l‘lL‘L‘. \VL‘Ckl) .\ll\ of. gnth. inctal. lllclu\ll‘l;ll .llltl punk

I Chambles .ii Opal lounge

lllpiii Rant {4 £5 \Vcckh Night nt \c\_\ lllll\lc‘. l.llll.t\llc‘ cncktallx and tabulnus pcnplc. l)lL‘\\ tn llllprL‘\\

I Dance Disaster Collective Fanzine .it thc linngn (‘luh l lpiii ‘~.iiii £5 it'Ji l2 Scp .-\ltcrnati\c/clcctrn/punk tau/inc part} with thicc hands thc

I The Good Groove .it Pm» ('allc 7pm ‘niiii l‘icc \Vcckl} BTL‘.ltllll.lll\ and .ltlllllll} (\ixhhack \uppl} thc part} lunk. .-\linhc.it and l .itin \innclcrs

I Hard to Find .it thc Ja/l liar iiiiilnighl iain l-rcc \Vcckl} DJ Rntiicn [‘l.l}\ puic. unatlultci‘atcd Icggac. tlaiicchall. \nca .llltl Jamaican \Ullllle

I lndi-Go at lhc liquid Room.

In illprn iain £3 lLll \Vcckl). 'l‘hc latcst iiiilic night tn hit thc capital \Nllli lhc lk‘Sl iii new liltl\lL‘ laiiil thc l)J,\ arc happ} tn lakc icqucxtxl.

I Juice at Massa. lll, illpni 3am. £5 iUl \Vcckl} 'l‘hc original l'rcshl)‘ \qucc/cil ‘l(l\ and (ills \tuclcnt night lL'llll'tt\.

I The Pit at lhc lll\L'. l lpiii 3am. l‘rcc. chkl}. Rnck and metal night by rnck and inctal lanx t’nr rock and inctal fans. I Roller Disco at Lulu. Spin 3am. lircc hcl'nrc lllpin'. £5 al'tcr. Wot-kl): Past and l'uturc clcctrniiic L'lilSSIL‘S ll'tllil Maxh anil Jnii l’lcaxcil and gtlcxl l)J\.

I We are . . . Electric at ('ahai'ct \'nlt.iiic. l lpiii 7lain. l‘rcc hcl’nrc iiiitliiight; £3 altci‘ tlt‘cc tn lllL‘llthl‘\). chkl}. lilccti'nnic punkel'uiik. clcctrn and unilcrgrnund acid-house li‘nin (iary Mac and Mn. inincil h} 'l‘all l’aul i ll Scpl and Dam lc Funk 1 ll) Scpl.

Chart 8 Party

I I ‘heart’ City iii (‘in Nightclub. lllpni 3am. chkl), 'l'hc inlaiiinux \tudcnt ilighl at (it) Willi a \clcclinn nl chart. chccsc. indic and R&B.

I Mission in Espionage at lixpinnagc. 7pm .iain. lircc. chkly. Willi cninpx tn win i Hill.

I Siglo at Sigln. 4.30pm 3am. l-‘rcc. chkl). Scc Tim.

I Wonder at Shanghai. 9pm 3am. lircc hclnrc | lpin; £3 altci' llrcc). chkly. Rcti‘n pnp and chart with [)1 Dan. Stiiilciit Lllxc‘tiulllx nn all drinks.


Club venues

I El Barrio

119 Rose Street. 226 4311. Spanish fiesta every night of the week. now on Rose Street.

I Berlin

3 Oueensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

I The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road, 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details. I Cabaret Voltaire 36-38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house and techno to drum & bass and indie. See listings for details. I The Caves

Niddry Street South. 225 5440. Great subterranean venue (as the name suggests) getting more and more popular due to its unique atmosphere. See listings for details.

I CC Blooms

23-24 Greenside Place. 556 9331. One of the city's most enduring gay clubs. with hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

I The Citrus Club Gnndlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk. new wave and 805 clas5ics. See listings for selected highlights.

I City: Edinburgh

1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest 0.15. See listings for selected highlights I Club Pivo

2-6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night for tree

I Ego

Picardy Place. 478 7434, Home to some of the capital‘s best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details.

I Espionage

4 India BUlldlngS. Victoria Street. 477

7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey acflon.

I Henry’s Cellar Bar 8-16a Morrison Street. 228 9393. Eclectic and experimental night form surf rock to electro. See listings for details.

I l-live

15-17 Niddry Street. 556 0444. New home for most of the Subway Cowgate’s nights of rock. indie and electronica. See listings for details.

I The Hudson Club Hope Street Lane. 247 7000. Quality eclectic nights from big house to student nights from some of Scotland's best DJs.

I Jam House

5 Queen Street. 226 4380. Primarily a live music and jazz venue open until 3am. but home to the odd club special, including Club Noir. See listings for details.

I The Jazz Bar

1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. Cool beats from global sounds to

straight ahead Jazz. See listings for details.

I The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live muSic. See listings for details.

I Lulu (under Tiger Lily)

125b George Street. 561 2245. Cool funk. house and other grooves from the people who brought you the Opal Lounge.

I Mariners CommerCIal Street. Leith, 555 5622, Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details.

I Massa

36-39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop and R88 on a Sunday With Tipsy.

I Medina

45-47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back Vibes With cool hip hop and other sounds. See listings for details.

I Le Monde

16 George Street. 270 3900. New slick and stylish venue in the heart of Edinburgh.

I Mood

Omni. Greenside Place. 550 1640. Chart and party tunes.

I Opal Lounge

51 George Street. 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd.

I Opium

71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal. no messing.

I Po Na Na

43b Frederick Street, 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats. house and more. See listings for selected highlights.

I Patten-ow

Teviot. Bristo Square, 650 9195. Student heaven.

I RED Vodka Club 73 Cowgate, 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details. I Siglo

184 Cowgate, 240 2850.

Charty. party, indie nights until 3am.

I Stereo

King Stables Road, 229 7986. More big party tunes and drunken dancing.

I Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758. Down and dirty club nights. specialising in techno and rock. See listings for details.

I The Subway West End

Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd. I Time

243 Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

I Mist

26b Dublin Street. 538 7775. Gay bar with a club space in the basement.

I The Wee Bed Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set including dub and techno. See listings for details.

I Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 805 to last week.

6—20 Sep 2007 THE LIST 35