
Darilng l l5i lRani (iopal Vanna. India. 2007) l-ardccn Khan. l'.\lttl Dcol. l\lla Koppikar lfl5tnin (iroundbrcakiiw Indian loinbic horror “lllL'll hax bccn a huyt- hit across Axla ()(lr'lill ."l! I/lt' Qiuii. (i/irizwii David Gllmour Remember That Night llzi ll)a\c (iilinour.l K. Zinfi l2llllllll lll) L'lllL'lllilllL PTL'llllt'lt' of (iilmour'x ncvi l)\'l) Rr'ntr'nt/H'I Iliur \rulit

IJH' (1! (hr anu/ .-’l//u'rf Hull (iilttiout mll also pcrlorni onc \rinj: ll\L‘ ironi [mu-std Squaw. lftllhllllllt'tl \la \atcllitc link ('unu'u, l'J/IIl/Hl/L’ll


*itii a": 'wv l" fig;; :

Shane Meadow's remarkable new film about life. love and racrsin in a small Northern town at the time of the Falklands War is one of the best ensemble acting films since Tra/nspott/ng. Optimum Releasing are about to release the film on DVD and The List has five comes to giveaway. To be in wrth a Chance of Winning one. simply send an email marked ENGLAND to promotions<a> stating your name. address and daytime telephone number. Usual List rules apply.



New Films New Talent is a very exclusive Scottish Screen DVD featuring all that is new in Scottish film shOrts. The DVD is not usually for sale but in a once in a lifetime offer Scottish Screen have given The List ten copies to give to you. To find out how to win yourself a copy see review on page 42. For more information about the films on the DVD and much more vrsn wwwscottishscreencom

44 THE LIST 6—20 Sep 2007

Death Proof lM iQut-ntin‘, l S. 3”le Kurt Ruwcll. Row \ldimxan. Roxario l)a\\ wn l l-ltnin \llalp-lalklllg' \ ncnx litid lllk‘lll\t'l\t'\

taunted b} pyhho killt'r \luntinan \likt'

lxxotarloadx of

lRll\\Clll, but \llll liiid lllllt' to dixtuv old llll>\lt'\. \latt' bad l\o_\ltit'nd\ and pt'ttoriii the odd din-run}: lap dantc. ax“\ hall of lll\ (ilirirllirrrm proit'tt \titli Robt-rt Rodrigut'l linall} _‘,.‘t'l\ an .llllllj,’ \att'llitt' th -\ \xilh laianlino .lllt'l\\.lltl\ Rt'xit-ut-d tlt'\l l\\llt' (r/tl\'.fr‘l‘. li/ni Iliru'i'ri (min-qua (ti/11¢ u. lt/llll’ll/Lfll

Death Sentence l IM 00. “an. lb. jllll"i Kt-Hn liaton, John (ioodinan. Kt‘ll} l)l\'\ll‘ll lll‘niin \lild lllilllllt‘lt'tl buxint'xxiiian \itk illatoni llllll\ into a gang: hunting: \l}.'ll.llllt' \Kllt‘ll lll\


L'ltlt'\l \oll Ix ltltlttlt'tt'tl lll llll\ good old

l.t\lllHllL'tl criiiic draina baxt'd on lllt' wquc to “Hit” (iarlit'ld'x book Hurt/i “(\ll, \xhit'h l\ diru‘tt'd \Nllll inaturit) and intt-lligt'ntt' b} “all (It'llr'l‘tl/ /('/(l1\(

Deep Sea 3°1l’(illllil\\.tlil llall. ('anada/l ’8. limit Vort't'x ot Johnn_\ lh'pp. Katc \Vinxlt't -1liiiin -\ i l) tllf.‘ L'\plltl‘.’llltlll ill lllt' ou‘ati\ tlt‘pllh and II\ t‘rcaturtw l.lI.-l.\' Illttlllt', (i/iixijuii Dhamaal l l3:\i ilndia Kuriiai. India, Iflll7i Santa} l)ult. Rllt‘hll l)t‘\llllllll\ll. Sohail Kha l35niin l’opiilar lloll_\\\ood (Ulllt'tl) bawd on a \llUl‘l \tor} b} ll\lll_L‘ \lai l’aritoxh l’aintt‘r. ('irii'iiurli/ lx’i rilri'ii Slim I. (rluiumi ,' (’i/ii'iior/i/ [dill/Ullu/l. [din/vinyl] Disturbia t l5l 0.. i|)J ('aruxo. l S. lell7i Shia lallcoul. (attit- -\nnt' \li)\\. l)a\itl .\loi\t'. lll'lllllll, St't' lt‘\ it'w [ragt- -lll (rr'IIt‘Irl/ It'lr’tlw‘.

Eagle vs Shark r lfli 0000 l l‘aika ('ohcn. l'S. lllll7i lort'n llUl\lk"\. Jt'niaint' ('lcint'nt 88min. I)cli;_'lttlii|l) t]llllk_\ roinantit‘ conicd} chronicling; lllL' da} to da} \inall ltl\\ll \hopping mall llllllllllilllttlh of \h) lthl lootl Cttxlllcl‘ l.ll} llllll\lt'_\ l and \lUl'L‘ clcrk Jarrod l('|t‘nit'ntl (tum u. lit/Ill/HII'L’II.

Ecoute Ie Temps l lfli i.-\l;iiiit'- K.t\.‘tllt‘. l-tancc. 2007i lainilic l)t'qut'nnt'. .\lathicu Dom}. l.udniila Mikacl. Jacqui-x Spicxxt-ix 08min. l'rcnt‘h thrillt'i’ about \ound circuit-vi

(‘harlottta \xho rm l\ll\ thc \ illagt- \xhcrc lit-r

lrcccntl} inurdcrcdi inothcr liwd. \\ liilc uxing \ound cquipincnt to cart) out hct oun in\ t‘xtigation into hci' niothcr'x dcalh. (‘harlottc tll\L‘U\ yrs that \llL' can hcar and rct‘ord \oicu from tho paxt. Rn icu Cd nc\t Ixxuc. (i/uyuriii l‘i/m 'I'lii'irfri. (i/uwriii. Evan Almighty WM 0 than Shad}at‘. l'S. 3007i Stu-w (Kilt-ll. Morgan l‘TL‘L‘lllilll. l.aurcn (irahain. 05min. ()nc tokc L‘Ulllt‘tl} about a humblc t'ongrt'xxnian ((‘arclli \\ ho l\ \ l\llL‘tl b} (iod ta painlull} \mug: l‘rccrnani and told to build an ark. With animalx lining: up l\\o b_\ [\to. lawn l\ l‘orccd lo {lllt'\ll0ll lll\ inakcr‘x lll}\lt‘l'ltlll\ \\a_\\ during hix (Ull\L‘l‘\lHll lroin \traight» laccd mil to in} my \agc in llll\ tt-pid l‘L‘llfillUlh ltll'CL‘. Sl'lt't'lt't/ I‘r’lr'llu'.

Fanny and Alexander t l’( il oooo (Ingmar Hcrgnian. wadcn. 1032i (iunn \Vallgrcn. Jarl Kullc. lziland lowphxon, IX‘hnrn. Man) of [how laiiiiliar licrgman lllL‘lllC\ rcligioiix doubt. a puritanical tathcr. thc inatcrialixation oi (iod arc prcxcnt in thix turnail-Iliuccntur} litlllll) \aga. \Nlllt‘ll “ax 3le lllllllllt‘\ long in ll\ original TV l‘ortnat. 'l‘hc harxht-r \t‘llll- autobitigraphical rcltrcncu arc \oltcncd b_\ thc fact that it capturu \onic of thc t‘lllltlhll to} of II\ )oung protagonixt. particulail) in thc da/lling (’hrrxtinax \t‘cncx. Part of licrgman waxon. l'l/Ill/lnltu'. lat/irr/ruru/i Film Discussion Group Nit-cl up uiili lilin “l‘llCl‘ liddic llill‘rhtill and lolx of other film bulk to \“ap tlpllllttlh and pcrccptionx of both an houxc and big blockbuxtcr rcccnt rclcawx. llcld on UN \L'Cllllkl \\ cdnmda} ol cwr) month. (i/muuii I'll/II I'Iruirn: (i/mgrm.

Finest Hour: Films by Humphrey Jennings il’(il O... illtiiiiplirc) .lcnningx. l'K. l‘H‘LJSi 80min. l‘our \hort lillll\ cwkrng llL‘l‘Uhlll Ill lllllt‘\ of mu and pcacc by onc ol' Britaink \cminal “.ll‘lllllt' dwumcntar} tilinniakcn. .-\ll tour arc ncnl} rmtorcd and prcwntcd in high definition digital. I'i/mlroim'. l'filrri/riirgli

Fishtales t l3.»\i t.-\lkt l)a\id. t'S. Soon Bill} Kant: Kcll} Brook. Willllll. \Vidou cd (ircck-llixtor) l’rolt‘wor 'l'homax BradIC}

Judy Garland: Gallant Trouper

Author and film historian Michael Burrows presents

this illustrated talk about the tragic Hollywood great. The talk will be followed by a screening of the great filmmaker and choreographer Busby Berkeley’s 1942 vaudeville set romantic comedy For Me and My Gal. This event will last three hours and is in support of The Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund (

I (if 1. Glasgow. ()‘p/n, Sun 5) 80/).

i/ancl I\ about to low lll\ it'watt'h giant “llk'll llt‘ .llll\t‘\ onin a it‘inott' (iit't'k l\l;llltl lot lt‘\k'tllt'll puipoxt'x l.ut'ki|_\ lot hint lllk' I\|and l\ lull of magic and low \pt'llx in lllL' \hapc of a int-inlaid ilhooki and L'\ il \t-a captainx \Ull\k'll\t' \.lllll_\ [‘llllt't'l loi llL‘\\l_\\\t‘tl\ /anc and “funk X/iiiiii rl\t' (TIM‘INH. (‘rrril/tI'Ir/ui'. (i/riigriii. Slimii an ('im mu. ’iux/i \_ ’riIx/i'i

For Me and My Gal il'i ooo

lliiisb} lit-rkclc}. l S. I‘Mli _lud_\ (iat'land. (iL'HL‘ Kcll). (it-orgy Morph) lHlliiiiii .-\uthoi and film lll\lt)l'l;tll \lithacl lliiiitmx Plt‘\L'lll\ an lllll\ll;llt'\l talk on Jud} (iarland. llllltl\\t'tl it} a \L'l‘L'L'ltlllj: ol [‘1'] .l/i' ile/ .W\ (ii/l. (iarland‘x l‘ll.‘ film about \.llltlt‘\lllt' .ll’ll\l\ dt'lcrinint‘d to axoid thc dtalt l‘t‘dltlfllljJ Kcll} in lll\ \t'rccn dcbtit. arid llltl\l(;tl lltlltllwh ‘ltallin‘ tht- Jack‘ and ‘l-or MC and \l} (ial' (i/mgim li/m l/lt’tlll'l'. (i/ilxuuii

1408 l 15! O. i.\likat'l llalxtrotn. l'S. lellW John (thank. .\lar_\ .\lt‘(‘orniat‘k. Sainucll'k\on. liliinin \likt- l‘.ll\llll t('u\acki lll.ll\k'\ lll\ loin; b} ~la_\inf_' in \uppowdh haunch litt’dllitlh and “ruin; about lll\ L'\PCllL'll(t'\ \ftcr a lll_\\lt'fl(tll\ lll\llL' to \th York'x l)Hl[‘lllll lllllt'l. hc tlclicx thc poitcntoux \xarningx of manager ()lin iJat‘kxoni and attcniptx to \tit‘k it out in room HHS. “hch int'rcaxingl} bi/arrt- thingx start to happcn until thc film Itlcandcrx lii\\.tltl\ ll\ tlll\.tll\lttt'lttr_\ (UllL‘llthll. (it Hi Itl/ I‘c'lr'tlu’

Grow Your Own il’( il 00

iRit‘hard l.a\ton. l'K. Illil"i Hunt-dict \Vong. lzddic Manon. ()inid l)ialili W'inin. l’rL'HUlhl} a docunicntar} protect. llll\ \tor} ol allotincnt \lrllt‘ has racc l\\UL‘\. thc thrcat of a llltll‘llL' phonc ltl;t\l and a nonc too \ubtlc nictaphor tor gontcrnporar} Billhll \tk‘lL'l} in placc Simplistit' t'llttrdt‘lt‘rhttlltill. prudidablc plotting and a prmait~ tclm txual \t}|c haw rcxultcd in a lllL'tlltK‘rL‘. triumph- agaiitxt-tlic-txldx Bfllhll corned} l-rcc

\t‘it't'niny Part of Sun‘idt' l’lt‘\t‘llllllll “ct-k Il/Nl/lnllu'. Izilrn/img/i

Hairspray ll’( il oooo l.'\tltllll Shankinan. l'S. 2007i John Iraxolta. Nikki liloihk}. ,-\nianda ll}nc\ lloinin l'aithlul adaptation of lllt' lltoadua) Illll\lt'i|l l.lll|t‘l than a rctiiakt- of John \Vatt-ix‘ l‘lk’H l'iliii Although datkt'r clt'int'ntx ol lllt‘ \toi} art- loxt in [‘tll\llll ot fun and a iiiain~trcaiii audicnu'. llll\ all \llllelljJ. all dantinL' tt'cn llit‘k \luncx amid a \uniiiit'r ol llHl\_\ blockbuster \t'qut'lx 'lraxolta‘x \utpiixinpl) cndcarinj: [wrloiinantc on full diai'i ax l2dna 'l'urnblad l\ tht' clicrr} on top Xi'lu ml I't'lt’rlu‘.

Hallam Foe i lHi ooo ll);l\ ltl Mackcn/ic. l'K. lllll7i Jainic licll. Sophia .\l_\|c\. ('iaian llllltl\ ‘lfimin. llallani flit-Ill mm 0 to lzdinburgh from a \lllitll [Hull uhcrc hc \pIL'\ on thc llL‘llellttitlh and lllt'\ to llllpllt‘alt‘ lll\ \tcpinothcr in lll\ inothcr‘x lll}\lL‘lell\ dcath lift in lhc (ll) l"lllf._’\ toinancc in my form of Katc l\1}|c\i. with \xhoin hc ltlrlll\ an lllllllL'tllillt' t'llllllt'tlllill l-lau cd but darkl} lllllllttrlllh. llri/lrmi l'ru‘ \tandx ht'ad and \houldcrx abow an_\thin§: clw that has LHIIIC out of Scotland Ill tht' l;t\l it“ )L‘atx. (it Ill I'tl/ I‘t'lr'uw‘

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix l l3:\i O. ll)a\ id Yatux. l‘K/l 'S. Illll'i'i Danicl RiltlLllllL’. Rupcrt (irtnt. lzinina \Vatxon l Winin With llarr). '\ filth rcturn to Hogwarts UllllL'\ thi- rL'tlll\£lllllll that \oldctnort'x rcturn to pout-r l\ not thc onl} factor that “I” trouble him and hc l\ lorccd to uriilriirit a dillcrcnt lorcc that lllttlt‘llc\ lll\ grown}; palm Rowling'x moxt complcx and uncxcn book ll.’t\ proth to bc thc llloxt tlllllL'Ull to adapt. Missing: the talcntx of a big: namc till’L'L'lUr llll\ \llll L‘Ulllitllh \otnc cttto}ablc momcntx L'llllnL'\} ol llL'V-L‘Hlllcr ltnclda Staunton. playng thc latcxt “cit-nu- Againxt the Dark Arts tcachcr. Sadl} L'\p(l\llllln owr itL‘llUn I\ this liltn‘x rcal UlldlllllfJ, (ir'rir'm/ rr/r'uu'