
Suicide Prevention Week

Heyy Babyy ( IJA) (Sajid Khan. India. 2007) Akxhay Kumar. Vidya Balan. litrdccn Khan. Hitiiin. Hollywood comcd) about thrcc Sydncy bachclorx having tlic timc of thcir lifc until a ncw baby roommatc lttlltlx on tlicir doorxtcp

grcatly complicating thur carcfrcc dating llvcx. Si'li'i‘li'tl I't'lt'tLW'.

I was a Fireman (U) mo (llumphrcy Jcnnings. UK. 1942) Philip Dickson. (icorgt‘ (iravctt. l'lrt'tl (irifl-Illh. Johnny lloughton. bSmin. A lyrical culog) to thc rcxilicncc and liL‘rUhlll of thc National l-‘irc Scrviccs during thc London blitl. Shown licrc with Jcnnings' slitinx 'I'lic Firs! Dun and ll'c'l/kirc’ oft/iv lliirki'n. I‘iliiiliouxi'. I'kliithitrgli.

it’s a Free World . . .(lb’) (Kcn l.oach, UK. 2007) Kicrston Warcing. Julict lillis. l.c,\|aw Zurck. 03min. thn \inglc tnum Angic finds hcrsclfioblcxx. \hc xcts tip a rccniitmcnt agcncy with licr llatmatc Rosc. placing migrants from abroad iii casual labour. But shc is \oon forch to dccidc whcn cutrcprcncurialism bccomcx cxploitation, in this cxamination of \ocial frailty and injusticc. Kcn l.oach and Paul Lavcrty will tll\Cll.\.\ thc lilttl \‘itt li\‘c satcllitc aftcr thc \crccning. (iluxgnu‘ I'i/In 'I‘Iii'utn'. Glasgow; ('unii'o. Inklinliurgh. Klimt ( l8) «0 (Raoul Riiil. Atistria/Franchicrmany /l7K. 3000) John Malkovich. Saffron Burrows. Stcphcn Dillanc. 97min. Malkovich attacks with gusto a lavish biopic of thc Vicnnckc Paintcr Gustav Klimt. Bcginning with hix dying days in a sanatorium. lhc film aspircx to thc llaiiiboyancc and stylc of Klimt'x own work. film/rotor. Edinburgh.

Knife in the Read ( I8) (Rt-inhartt llautf. (icniian); I978) Bruno (ianl. Aiigcla Winklcr. Hans llonig. l l3niin. A biogcncticist ts accidcntl)’ shol In thc hcatl by policc. but although hc \urviwx. hc loscs his mcmory and ix brandcd a tcrrorixt A chilling psycho-imlitical thrtllcr. with a tremendous ccntral [X‘rfortttancc b) (ian/ its the man trying to piccc togcthcr hl\ past life. Part of (icnnany. Autumn W77 season. Filliihousi'. Edinburgh.

46 THE LIST 6—20 Set) 2001'


Two very different films drawing on themes of personal desperation and suicidal feelings form a part of this commendable initiative that seeks to stem the huge rise in suicide in Scotland in the last decade. Eric Steel‘s uneasy documentary The Bridge about the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world will be followed by a discussion by Edinburgh’s Choose Life coordinator Sandra de Munoz and Professor Stephen Platt, director of the research unit in Health, Behaviour and Change at Edinburgh University. A few days later the Frank Cottrell Boyce scripted allotment therapy comedy Grow Your Own (pictured) will be followed by a discussion led by members of Redhall Walled Garden, 3 mental health initiative based in the capital. This screening is free.

I Ft/Ilt/tOt/SO. Ed/nburg/i, 6pm, Wed 72 80;) (Tho BHUQO) X. I’p/t). Sat 15) Sop (Grow Your Ont/u,

* Knocked Up ( l5) 0... Linda Apatow_ [8. Zoom Kathcriiic llcigl. Scth Rogcn. Paul Rudd. ll‘lmin. \Vritci/ducctor Apatow'x rcmarkablc ncw comcd}. in which two \trangcrx l).i\c a onc night \tand and accidcntall} concicw a balw Slackci llcn (Rogcn) and carccr girl .-\ll\t)ll illcigl) dccidc to makc a go of it and lularit} cnsucx. A \upcrb llll\ ol lmniu/ Houu' \tylc groxx out humour and low Mon \cntiiiicntality. that \lttntl\ out. not iu\t bccatixc tlic iokcx arc \idc \plittingh lunn}. but bccauxc ncarly t‘\t‘l'}llllllj_‘ that liappcnx to thc couplc rings \o truc. (ii-until n'li'uw Lady Chatterley l IX) .00. l‘crran. Bclgiuni/l5rancc/lirrtain. 2000) Marina llandx. Jcan loiiix ('oullo‘cli. llippol}tc (iiradot. loh’min. An lllltlt‘HldlL'tl _\’ct compclling l‘rcncli adaptation of l.awrcncc\ oncc \candaloux nox cl lischcwing iiiclmlrama. thc ducctoi loctixcx on how thc \c\ual I'L'lillltilhlllp tranxlormx thc li\c\ of tlic |o\cr\ (i/munn I‘ll/II 'I'Itc'utri'. (i/uwon; l‘l/Ht/tittlu'. I‘t/m/iurg/i Laura’s Staril‘) O. (l’lcl l);- Ryckcr/l'hilo Rothkirch. (icrman)/liulgaria. 3001) 80mm Slt‘kl} \wcct animation about a \cxcn _\car old girl who lltitl\ a luck) \tai which \hc muxt rcturn to thc \k} bcforc it tllt'\ (i/mmm [Vi/m "Hiram: (i/muoii

* The Legacy (L’Héritage) ll'l O”. ((icla Babluanifl'cmur liabluani. l"rancc/(icorgia. Zoom S)l\ ic 'l'cxtud. Sldnhlth Mcrhar. ()Iga l.cgrand 77min Scc l’rofilc. pagc «ill and Alxo Rclcaxcd. pagc 4|. (i/urumi I't/m I‘hi'tmi', (i/tiwoii The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) l IS) .000 (l‘loi'iati llcnckcl \on Donnctxmarck. (icrman). Zoom Martina (icdcck. l‘lricli \luchc. Scbaxtian Koch I win”) l'.\ccllcnt cold war thrtllcr about \ur\cillaiicc and cultural frccdom in liaxt llcrlin undcr lhc Staxi ixccrct policc). .~\ film that managcx to bc both horrit_\ing and humoroux lll_‘_'lll_\ rccommcndcd. (Mum .-lI l'ht' Qum. Glasgow.

Madagascaritfi O” ii-ch Danicll & 'l‘om Mc(irath. l’S. 2005) licn


Stillci. (’hi‘ix Rock. l)a\ id Schwiminci. .lada l’inkctt Smith Nbiiiiii Upt‘lh with \tcak lo\ in}: Iron -\lc\ t‘li|i)_\lll_‘.‘ lll\ paiiipcrcd c\i\tcncc in \cw York'x ('cntral /oo lll\ lricndx. \lait_\ llic /cbia (Rock ). (iloiia thc hippo iSiiiith) and \lclman tlic lopochondiiac guallc

(Schw immcr) tll\t‘t)\t'l that lhc craft} pciiguinx arc planning a bicakout. and wt oil for \lrica Io ic L'Ullllt'tl with thcii innci .lllllll.il\ Hut inlcraction with a tribc of lt‘llllll'\ unco\cr\ thc bittcr truth about -\|c\\ L'.ll'lll\()lttll\ iiatuic 'l‘hoioughl} cuiiwablc. lilackl_\ comic llicaniWorkx animation mimcal lit/In/iurg/i.

Meet the Robinsons ll ') 00. tStcphcn Andcrxon. l'S. 3007’) \'oicc\ ol Aiigcla llaxxctt. l)anic| llanxcn. Jordan l-r} llll min I t'\\l\. an orphan. tll't'dllh of finding a lamil_\ \Vlicn lll}\lt‘l'litll\ \trangci \Vilbur Robinxoii lakcx him to thc luturc. nia_\bc hc will find onc l',ll|t)}.ll\l_\ iclctctitial \cicwball animach coiiicd} with

lftltliltfilu ill

liu' li/m/iuru/i ()1 mm.

good \oicc work (ll/It'llltl'ltl I’urL/irml, (i/mguu, (‘mruoi/t/ Izt/iit/iurg/i. I't/m/itug/i

Monty Python’s Meaning of Life

i l.\') .0. t'l'cir} Joncx. l'K. I‘lb' i) .Iohn ('lccxc. (iraham ('hapiiian. \lichacl l’alrn. lat'ic ldlc lltimin Ragbag ol occaxionall} g‘roxx l’_\thon \kctchcx looxcl} following llll\ mortal coil from womb to gra\c Watch out tor thc c\ploding \lr (‘rcoxotc (ii/urn. lit/in/tul'u/t

No Reservations rim) 0 main lllt‘k\. l'S/Aihtralia. 2007i ('athcrinc /,cta .loncx. -\aron lickhan. l’atricia ('l.irk\oii lllimin \laudlin romancc in which /cta Joncx i)l.i}\ Katc. a lcttitX'ratiicntal cook

w hmc lt';t\.tll\ in thc kitchcn ot a \wank} \cw \ork rcxtaurant arc complicach b} hcr growing rcxponxibilit} tor hcr niccc /.oc illicxlin) (‘ould ccccntric chct \'ick Il'ckhan) poxxibl) pro\ idc thc cata|_\\t tor Katc to cook tip a cohcxn c tami|_\ tiiiit from \uch dixparatc ingrcdicntx Morc iiiirmnantl). can hc do it bcforc thc audicncc pawcx out from borcdom (ft'llt'fll/I't'll'(1\t'

Not Here to Be Loved 1 Ii) .0 Wtcphaiic liii/c. l'iancc. 300*) Patrick (’hcxnaix. Annc ('oxign}. (icori'cx \Vilxon ‘Hniin A dixorccd. t lit'ct‘lc\\ bailiff

t( ~licxuaix) I\ it'lllt)\t'tl lioin lll\ lilc ol lt'PH\\t‘\\lHll\. lauul_\ wocx and \llt'lll iiiixcr} b} tlic magic of 'lango and family fricnd l'i.iiicoi\c i('iiii\igii}) llii/c‘x maudlin allitiit) loi llil\ kind ol \l} cliaractci \tud} lcndx \uicty and control to what \lartx out a\ a drama of llll_\ \trokcx but t‘lltl\ a\ a clichcd agcini' iiialc lautayx (mm o. I ill/i/im‘u/i

The Painted Veil 1 13A) .00.

(John ('urran. ('liina/l 'S. 3007) Naonu \N'attx. lidward Norton. l lt'\ Schrcibci l35uiin 'l‘hc third \crccn adaptation of Sonicrxct Maugham'x nmcl about an lznglnli couplc tNorton and Wattx) in I‘L‘llx (’liina. (‘o prodticcd with thc (’hincxc gowrnuicut. thc production managcx to \tcp Ulll\ltlt‘ thc tltiltlt'xllt' ll\'L‘\ of thc [H‘Ulttg‘nttlxlx to bccomc a gciiuincly touching romancc and brcathtaking piccc of cinciiia (Mum -'lt I'lu' (Jinn: (iluwmi, (Mum, lat/iIt/imgli

Paris Je t’aime 1 IS) 000 (\iirmux. l'rancc. 300m Stcx c liuxccmi. (icna Rowlandx. Nick Noltc l30niin. A portniantcau work lcaturing foc-tiunutc \hortx (with thc \tarricst ol casts) from 3| intcrnattonal tllft'c‘ltih to crcatc a cincitialic lo\c lcli'cr to Part» 'llllt' rcuillx. cach \L'l tn onc of l’arix‘x lts’ adminixtratixc tlixtrictx. arc \cr} hit itlltl-llll\\ Vinccn/o Natali'x \ampircx and S} l\;llll ('homct'x mimc-artixtx dixappoint. whilc :‘xlcxandcr l’a}nc. thc ('ocn brothcrs and (Hon Schuiit/‘x cllortx \lllnc ('(mu'n, lit/Ill/HlfL'h

Premonition i IZA) O. iMcnnan Yapo. l'S. 2007) Sandra Bullock. Julian McMahon. Nia Long ‘)(imin llappy landa Hanson (Bullock) rcccixcx nch that hcr lilhl‘ulltl Jim (McMahon) has dicd in a car accidcnt. thcn wakcx tip thc following morning to find that hcr huxband is wry much alix'c, A blatant but uncrcditcd rcmakc of Norio Tsurutu's 2004 J-borror. l Watchablc nonxcnxc. Vlll’ Edinburgh ()t mm. [film/rurth