

Atonement1151 1)aIly: 130. 4.10. 7.10. 1005. T'heBourneUltimatumIIZAI Dally 11.15.1111. 300. 4 45. 7'00. 7 31). 0.40. 1010

.I'\1\01.111-1‘r11&' 5.11. 13 30.1111. mmm 11’(11

Dally: 13.15. 345. 515

Breach I 13.41 1).111_\' 0.35.

AM) 1.111' 111 131' Sal. Death 1131 1).111y: 7.30. 9.55 Alw 1.111' 111 1% 5.11

13 10.1111.

13 35.00.


Dally: 11.35.1111. 155. 4 35. 715. 13.15. ‘150.

.'\1\111.111'1'r1& 5.11 ll 15. 13 35.1111. HairsprayII’In

1).111y: 7.35. 10.05. Alxu 1.111' 1‘11 1& 5.11: 13.40.00. Harry Potter and the Order of the


Daily: 11.00.1111. 3.30

Knocked Up1151

Daily: 11.10.1111. 3.00. 4.50. 7.40.

10. 30.

Ho ReservationSII’m

Dally: 11.30.1111. 3.10. 4.35. RiseottheFootsoldierIIM

l).01y: 11.05.1111. 1.50. 4.45. 7.30. 10.30.

Run, Fat Boy, Run112;\1

1).11|y: 11.30.1111. 110011. 3.05. 3.35. 4.30. 5.00. 7.30. 7.50. 0.4.5. 10.15. A101 1011' 1'11 1& 8.11: 13.15.00. Rushllour3113AI

1).11|y: 13.35. 3.40. 4.55. 7.10. 11.35. .I\l\0 1.111‘ 1‘11 1& 35.11: 11.45. Shrek theThirdIl'1 |).01y: 11.00.1111. 1.30.

TheSlmpsonsMovieII’m Daily: 11.35.1111. 3.05. 4.35. 7.05. Surf’s Up11’(;1

Daily: 11.45.1111. 3.311. 4.50. hanstonners112m 1)aily: 3.45. 7.00. 10.10.

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(irii'i'rn Aycnuc. 1’1101'111\ l3ll51111‘5\ 1’ark.111i‘11 .1011 1100111034: 0871 331) 1000. £5.75 (£4.00 Mun 1‘1‘1 111'1'0r1‘ (1pm; Sat I& 8011 111‘1‘11r1‘ 1111111. (‘111111/( LAP/810111111: £4.50. '1'01‘ .111 lickclxz £4.50.


The Bourne Ultimatum I 12A) 11.14.1111. 3.00. 4.15. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. 9.40. 10.10.

BratzzThe Movie11’111 1111011. 3.30. 4.55.

M113A1 5.10. 7.45. 10.30. DeathSentenceIIXI 11.05.1111. 1.50. 4.30. 7.30. 11.55.

Fishtales112.-\1 11.15.1111.

14081151 11.35.1111. 1.55. 4.35. 7.15. 0.50.

HairsprayIPUI 11.30.1111. 3.00. 4.40. 10.05.

HallamFoeIISI 12.111. 2.30. 4.511. 7.15. 11.35. HarryPotterandtheDrder otthe

Phoenix1|2:\1 7.15. 10.15.

Knocked Up1151 11.10.1111. 3.00. 4.50. 7.40. 10.30.

No ReservationsII’I‘n 11.40.1111. 2.30. 5.0.5. 7.35. 10.115.

Run, Fat Boy, Run I 12.-\1 7.25. 0.35. Rush Hour3112.-\1 2.40. 4.55. 7.10.

0.35. ShrelttheThh'dIUI 11.40.1111. 1.55. The Simpsons Movie 11’111 11.35.1111.

13.05. 3.05. 3.35. 4.35. 7.05.

Sufl‘s llp (1’(‘11 11.45.1111. 3.30. Transformers I 12A) 11.30.1111. 300. 7.011. 111.111.

YearottheDogIPUI 4.51). 7.10. 11.50.



Daily: 1.30. 4.10. 7.10. 10.05. TheBourneUltimahlm112.-\1 Daily: 11.15.1111. 3.00. 4.45. 7.00. 7.30. 9.40. 10.10. 91150 laic Fri & 8.11: 13.30.00.

52 THE LIST 6—20 Sep 2007


11.01} 11 30.110. 300. 435 Breach112.\1 H.111} 1005

I\1\01.111' 1'11 1\ 5.11 13 40.110


l).111y '3 30. ‘155

'\l\111.111' 1'11 I\ \.11 13 35.1111 14081151

1).111y 1135.101. 155. 415. "15.

\1x01.111' 1'11 .\ 5.11 13 35.1111 Hairspray 111111

1).111y 1130.00. 300. 4 40. " 35 HallamFoeIIM 1).111_\ 715. ‘135

.-\|\111.111' 111 I\ $.11 11 55

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 1 l3.-\1

1).11|y. 11.00.1111. 3 30 Knocked Up I 151

1).1I|y 11.10.1111. 300. 4 50. 10.30.

No Reservations 11’111 1).11|\: 1130.00. 3.10. 4. 15.

Rise oi the Footsoldier I I.\'I


Hall}: 11.05.1111. 150. 445. 7 30. 1030.

Run, Fat Boy, Run1121\1

1).111_\: 11.30.1111. 110011. 305. 3.35. .1111. 5011. 7.20. 750. ‘1.15. 1015

.\1x0 1.111‘ 1'11 1\ $.11: 13 15.1111 Rush Hour 3112.\1 11.111}: 12.25. 2.10. 4 55. 7 10. 11.25 .I\|\01.111'l'1'11\ 5.11. 11 45 The Simpsons Movie 1110 Daily: 11.35.00. 3 05. 4.35. I) 15'.

.I\1\01.111' 1'11 1\ 5.11: Surf’s Up 11’111 Dally. 1145.00. 3.30. 4 30. Transformers I |3.-\1

11.1111 7.011 10.111.


3311111111‘ .511'1‘1‘1. 11111111111ng 0.570 7.55 1331. 13.11. (3111'. 3411001 1010101011011 1101‘: 0131 333 3.500. 51011100111113: \1‘1‘1‘1'11111}_'\: £11.10; £5.10 1111' 111111-1011- 51110. ('0111'\: £4. 10 111-1011‘ 511111. £4,110 .0101: M01111‘x1‘1'pl 13.11111 110011.1ny .111 11111-0: £4.10. 80011.0 1)0011|1- 11111\: [(1.111 (134.901. “1'11: lll‘\1 \1111\\\ 1111‘111‘11 \1‘1‘1‘1‘11 £1.50 1111'1‘11111‘1‘\\IIIII\. 131g Scrcam '1'110 £4 (£31 101' parcnlx/carcrx .11111 11.1111cx 0111y. 1"1‘11‘1111x 1‘01‘111101111'1‘ \1‘111‘1111-x arc axailahlc .11 £35 111-r y1‘ar. 0111‘1‘111g 111\L‘1111111\ 101' .111 \1‘1‘1‘1‘1111132x. N13 S1‘1‘1‘1‘I110gx 011 W011 1k ‘1'110 011' \01111'1‘1 10 1111xxil111‘ 1.111'1‘.1111‘1‘11.1111111. (111111 011 1111‘ 11.1y 1'01'111'I.111\.

13 05.1111

111URSDAY (3

David Gilmour - Remember That Night 1111 7.30.

EaglevsSharixII51 1.15. 3.45. 11.05. HallamFoeIIxI 1.30. 3.40. 4.10. (1.10. 15.30. NotllemtoBeLovedIl51135.

The WalkerII51 11.35.

1'RIDAY 7 THURSDAY 1.1 Atonement1151

Daily: 13.50. 3.35. (1.30. ‘105. .-\1\01.111‘ 1-‘r11k 8.11: 11.35.

Catch and Release (Senior Screening)

I 13.-\1

.\100: 11.00.1111.

Death Prooi1181

8011: 7.30.

Hallam Foe I 115’)

Daily: 1.10. 3.55. (1.411111111811111. t1.10. :\1\0 1.111' 150 1\ 8.11: 1 1.30.

lt’sa FreeWorid . . . I Is»

1110: (1.30.

Monty Python’s Meaning of Life I 1.51 1011‘ 1'11 1k 8.11: 1 1.40. Paris Je t’aime 1 151 111. 8.11 1\ 5100 11111: 8011: 11.50.1111.

Small Engine Repair 1 I51 15r1.5.111& 51011 1110: 4.00. .555. 5011' 3.30. 5.00.


Tell llo One (HeLeDisa Personne) I 151 111. 5.11 .\ \1011 \\1‘11

Clnevvorld Edinburgh

100111.0001111. 1100111-1~\111'1'I 34111 11110111101100 1\ (‘11'1111 (.1111 1300111113; 1101' 11571 300 3000 (3.111‘ 13.11 \11011 10 30 I15 511\1011111111-1011'5111111 ('111111\10111'01.10011'w1011 £4 30 1-.111y1\11111.111p1'110110.1011‘\111'1011' 0110111 £4 .\10\11‘\10110010015101011 £ 1.111111y 1111.11 11' \1‘.01y 11.1“

11101110111'111110\11'x11'111‘1‘1111‘1 111011111



The Bourne UltimatumII.‘\I 311), 51511411. 81111. 1130

11 30.110.

Breach112\1 1305. 1011. (1311 01111 Death SentenceIIxI 125. €55.1110_ 11115

Evan Almighty 0’10 11 011.1111 14081151 11151111. 150.420.1105 51%

HairsprayI1’111 2 20. 515

Hallam FoeIIxI 1345. <05. 510.510 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 13 \1 1140.110 KnockedUpI1511215. 115. (115.

No ReservationsII’III 3.40. (1.15. .545 Run, Fat Boy, Run112\1 110011. 2 20. .1 .10. 7,00. 0.30


1100.110. 1 30.

Rush Hour3 I 12.I\1 2 10 4.45. “011. *1 15

The Simpsons Movie 1110 11 20.1111. 1 40. 4.00.

TranstormerSII2.\1 11.25.1111. 5.05 “no Days in Paris I 151 11001111. 1.40. .1 111. 11.10. 0.10

Year 01 the Dog 11’(11 1105.101. 1 15.

3511 (115. .\' 35

111111AY1' 111111381 )/'\Y 14%

Arthur and the Invisibles 111

5.11: 10.00.00.

Atonement I 151

Dally: 0000. 3.50. 5.40. 15.30 .-\l\01.111'1‘111k 5.11: 11.30.

The Bourne Ultimatum I I2.-\1

Hall}: 1310. 3.45. 5.35. .510 .-\|\01.111'1'r11\ 5.11: 10 55.

Bratz: The Movie 11’( 11

Daily: 11.50.1111.

Breach I I2.I\1

l).111_\j 3,55, (13011111111116). l1.5010111 \5'1'111.

Bridge to Terabithia 11’111

Sal: 10.00.1111. Death Sentence I 131 Daily: 11.00.

Mm 1011‘ 1'11 1k Sal: Dhamaal I 13.41 Dally: 11.40.1111. 305. 5.00. 7.55. .I\1\0 1.111' 111 1k 5.11: 11.00. Disturbia1151

Sal 1k .500: 4. 30. (1.45. 9.10. 111015001



14081151 l).111y: 1.55. 4.30. (1.45. 9.10. .'\1\01ai1‘1-r11\; 5.11: 11.35.

Hairspray (1’(11 1).111y: 11.30.1111. 1.~ Hallam Foe I 1.51 1).111_\: 13.45. 3.05. 5.30. 3.10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I 13.I\1

1).11|y: 11.35.1111.

Knocked Up I 151

Daily: 13.10. 3.00. 5.50. 15.45. Meet the Robinsons 111

Sal: 10.00.1111.

Ho Reservations 11’1‘11

Dally: 11.10.1111. 1.40. 4.10. (1.4515; 0.1511101 8.11 & S1101.

Rise otthe FootsoidierIINI

Dally: 13.55. 3.30. (1.10. H.511. .I\l\01.111'1'r11& 8.11: 11.35.

Run, Fat Boy, Run 1 12.-\1

Dally; 11.00.1111. 1 30. 3.30. 3.40. 4.40 11.10. 7.00. 8.40. 11.20. .-\l\01.111‘ 1'11 1k Sal: 11.00.

Rush Hour 3112.-\I

1).111y: 3.30. 4__301110IS.111'1; Sun). (1.45.

The Serpent (Le Serpent) I 151

“1'11: ‘100.

The SlnpsonsMovie 111.1 11.01} 11 55.111111101511111. 1 55 Surf‘s Up II‘Ii.

11.111y 1100.101

hanstormets I 12.-\1

11.111_\ 11 05.101 MDaysinParls115I

I).1|Iy 4111‘ (135, “(ill

1.5 \1‘“ 11.11111‘ 1101;111:0131 447 4771 111111 0131 44" 3000.1011447 .5450 (‘(' 11001.10}; 01 ‘~1 447 4771. :\11011 81.001.011 £5 70. 5111110101 £0110. ('1111'10a 3/4 £1100 131'1011' 01110. \100 1-11 810011.011 £4 “0. 50111-1110 £-4‘10.('1111'111.1 3’4 £5 (10 (‘0111'1-01010/1'11111111'0 81.001.011 £4 30. 511111‘1101'£5110.('1111‘10.1 3/4 £4 30 l’011111.10\ \111'10000 £0 ‘10. 1111-1111134

£11 50 $01.1x/R1'1'1101'1x \111‘111000

1" 50. 1:11'0103: £13 50 (11111101 3 801.0 :\111'r11000 £7 50. 151111113; £8 50 510111-00 15011 111111 £4 00 011‘10111‘x .1 1111111 1.11011_\ 111'11'1x 11010 £340p1'r pawn 1’.111'111 .1111111.111y \1‘11‘1‘11111gx‘ £3 101 c.1111 01101011011110}: .1111111

111111181110 TheBourne Ultimatum112.-\1 215.

515. 3.15

HaliamFoeIIHI 155. 3.55. 555. 750

No ReservationsII’UI 150. 5.15. 7.40 Run, Fat Boy, Run I i3:\1 1. 10. 11.15. 3.40.

TheSimpsonsMovie11’111 H0.

11311)AY / lllURSDAY 113

The Boume Ultimatum I 12.41

Dally: 3.3011101 .\100& 101‘). 5.15. 3.15

Hallam Foe I 1.\'I

1).11|y: 3.3011101 511111 & 101'). 5.40. 7.50. Knocked Up I 151

1).111y' 1.3011101M011&’101‘1. 15.45. No Reservations 11’(11

1).111y: 4.15. (135.

Run, Fat Boy, Run 1121\1

1).111_\ 3.0010111 M011 1% 101'). 4. 30. (1.50. 11.10.

Run, Fat Boy, Run (Parent 81 Baby Screening) I 12A)

111: 0111111.

The Simpsons Movie IP10

5.111% .5011: 1.35

Edinburgh College of Art

1.0010100 Maw. 0131 331 (1033. 511111111115 111 1111' Warhul 111 1511111 \Crit'x .111' 1111‘ .1011 1111111'111'11'11. 1’11'.1\1' \1'1'

110 v».1'1‘'1‘01111111 110 1011 prugrammc 111‘1ailx.

11101'1SDAY (5 Warhol in Film: Day 3411-11 10.00.1111.


Warhol In Film: Day 35 11:1 Fri: 10.00.00. Warhol in Fihn: Day 36 11.1 5.11: 10.00.00.

141-1 1.01111an R111111.0131 33X 308%. Bar. Roxiauranl. 1iy1-n111g screenings 11111111 5111111: £11 (£4,501. Malina-s ibciurc 5p1111: £4.50 (£31; Friday bargain 01a00ccsz £3.50 (£31.


1.111voDaysinParis1151 2.30. 6.15. 11.45. 2.LadyChatterieyII>02.15.x.Ix1. DaraflIPGI 5.50.

3. PrivateFearsln PubllcPIDOOS113A) 3.00. 8.35.

KnitelntheHeadIIm (1.00.


1.Atonement1151 11.40.

13.50. 3.35. (1.00.