Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black.


Actrvrties and Fun

Science Fundamentals l'iiiil Sun in Sep. Illain 6pm ‘l5 1U ‘)5i (ilasgnu Science ( 'cnIre. 50 Pat ilic Qua). l)S7I 540 l000 See the Hubble Wall. l’lttSllltl (ilan'. lletnnulli lllmxer. l’edalling Skeletnn and \N'lnilpnnl while learning lMSIL' \cience Burrell Family Club Sat S It IS Sep.

2 4pm l‘lt't' lliiirell ('nllecIinn. 2000 l’nllnkxliaxix Rnad. 2S7 2S5l) Regular lunn|_\ dinp in \t'\\lt)ll leuturing lun .‘tL'llHllt'S including \Ini}te|lmg. ltitlr\.;tl1\ and cialIx liuxcd nn Ilic llurrell\ (Ullt‘tlllillS

Saturday Art Club Sui X it IS Sep.

10 illuiii lpm l'iec (ittllel} nl Mndern .»\iI. Rn};il laxcliange Square. 22‘) WW) l'llll art ilt’ll\lllt‘S lni children aged i I | relating In the art nn tll\[)lil_\ \\ iIh drgmmg. cnllugc. \L'Illpllllt' making and gaincx. l’ai‘enlx canch \lttck Ill Inn

Kids at Citz Sal & Sun. lllllL‘S tut}. L5. ('iIi/enx' 'l'lieatre. | l‘) (inrhalx SIreeI. 42‘) 0022. Weekl} drama L‘lttSSL'S L‘llt‘k‘lx \\\\\\.k‘Il/,L'l).lli\ lnr lull inlni‘inatinn.

The Big Walk Sun ‘) Sep. lllllL‘S and [)l'lt't'S Ihc Rixei KL‘l\ Ill and Allander Water. l)ig nIIl Ihnxe \ialking lXNilS hit an Al” da} lilke tilting the Rner Kclutl. l’lintie Hill 76% lSIii In hnnk a place nn Ilie \ialk and liiix lnr tlie return inuine}.

People’s Palace Poetry Sun ‘) Sep. Ham 2. lllpni. l‘iee. l’enple'x l’ulace & \‘l'intei (iardenx. (ilaxgtm (iieen. 27l 2062. (‘i‘cute _\nttt' nun ptK‘ll'} ahniiI the l’cnplc'x l’alace building and IIS cnllectinnx III llIIS ltttllll) \e\\ItiII.

Hitherto Craft Workshop Sun ‘) it In Sep. nnnn. L {50. llithenn. Mclnty‘e llngg lluilding. Iliinugh ‘l'indeilmx. l4/l Ingram Street. 552 56‘) i. Design and make lk'dllllllll. cnnIeinixnur) cialtx aiid

acccxxnriex \\ llll Ilie lielp nl lliIhertn ttlitxlx.

Special \ini'kxlinp nn ‘) Sep lnr lllfl' lllaxt nll (iIIISgim (ii'een, Ages t' l4. litmlxlllg' t'SSL'llllill.

Big and Little Yoga Mun l0 & |7 Sep. l.-l5pin. L4 per adult and child pairing. (iallict' Ill (ilusgim. 37 Ruthx'en Lane. ()7‘Hi7 l.\'t\'5 l 3. Weekl) )ngtt SL‘SSlllll designed lnr adults uiid children aged IS lllUlllllS 5 )eui'x In enin} Ingether.

Drama Group line I | it IS Sep. 4 6pm. H IN). The (hunt Wiirkxhnp Space. l2l Sultinarket. i57 5000. Drama games. inn\enienl and \tnr)tellmg lnr budding lllL‘Splttlh aged 7 I l.

The Knit Parade the l | it IS Sep. 3.30pm. liree. 'l'hen'x ('nllee and Phi). 380 Great \Vextern anl. ‘3‘) ‘ll 7 I. learn ln knit. \liare skills and Slit)“ nll )nur cralt) creatinnx al lliix \\ eekl) alter-\clinnl meet» up.

MindLab Family Games Night Hi 14 .Sep. 7.30 ‘)pm. [20 per Ieuni nl lniir. lllen‘x (‘nllee ttlltl l’ltt). 5X“ ( ireat Western Rnad. 33‘) ‘)l 7 l. (iuther a team nl lnur plu) er\ and learn him In plu} a range (it rich guinex l‘rnni urniind the \wrltl. Supper llll't)\\ll in. llnnking ilkl\l\t‘tl.

House to House Sui l5 Sep. I luin. l-‘ree.

l’nllnk (\Hlllll'} l’ark. l’nllnkxlizmx Rnad. 632 ‘)2‘)‘). A guided \xalk ll‘tllll l’nllnk llUllSL‘ tn llnlnmnnd llniixe with the (‘niintn \ide Ruiigerx. l.ea\e\ lrniii Ilie Rixerxide (‘ur l’ark. Bring a packed lunch. llnnkmg exxenlial.


Music for Early Ears Sui .S’ 6; IS Sep. 'l'iniex \ur). in lnr \i\ \wekx. (it) llallx. (‘andleriggx 353 8000. A new \i\-\\eek hInck nt' these creatix e lllllSIL‘ classes lnr )nung children and their parentxlcarerx. Agex 2 3 _\eur\ uI l30pm. 3 4 iean at

2. l5pin and 4 5 _\ear\ at 3. l 5pm.

Mini Music Makers with HYCOS Tue 1 l & IS Sep. Timex \ar). L'l2 lnr xix \ieeks. ('it) llalls. (‘andleriggx 353 8000. A series nl- .\l\ Iiin Sexstnnx led h} ('laire Mc('iie and cnmprixing \nngx. ganiex and simple rhynes. |0uin lnr ages 0 IS

lllUllllIS. lluin lnr lH ninnIli\ Hears

Books and Storytelling

Story HourUngning. dull} I it) 2 itlpm U It2i l‘he (iiant \Mirkxhnp Space.

l2l I27 SalIinarkeI. i57 5000 lnteractne \lnr}lclllilg llSllifJ xenxnr} drama. innxeinenI. music and \ixual .lflS llierek a He“ \liil‘} exer) Week Agex i S An Audience with Mairi Hedderwick Sat H Sep. I lain {l2 (‘iIi/enx‘ 'l‘heulre. ll‘) (inlltalx Street. 43‘) llll22 llIc lX‘SlSelllll‘J children'x aiilhnr recnuntx innie nl Katie Mnrag'x adxenturex Ages 5+ Heroes and Villains Sui x A Ii Sep. lllain nnnn l; *2 Int S \xeekx it {Iii llie (iiant \Vnrkxlinp Space. I21 I27 Salltnaikel. {57 500i). \Vnrlx with a filmmaker In create Slit)” lillllS huxcd nu (ilaxgim \ inedieiul past Agex ‘) I l

Earfy Years Story Time the l I & lh’ Sep. 2 lpin U per \L'letill (L2) The (hunt \Vnrkxlinp Space. l2l I27 Sallinarlxel. i57 SINK) Miilti xenxnr} dnrfiellmg and gentle inmemcnt \t‘SSltIllS dexigned lnr yutng children and their parents/carers Agex 2 4


Activities and Fun

Connect: Super Science Shows I 'iiiil 'l‘hu 20 Sep. Sat/Sun ll.-l5am. l2.~l5pin. 1.45pm & i45pin. l‘ree. Nutinnal Nliixeuin nl' Scnlltilitl. (ilialtilX't’S Sheet. 247 4422. :\ re\nl\ing \ei'iex nl laini|_\ \cience \liimx: ."l/i'i ‘x xlnuijme slrli'i'nlun'; l'unlmlu I'm/rm; ni' Simmh Alluring" l.iinIIed places. :\ge\ 5+.

Kids’ Film Club lllll 6. l3 «k 20 Sep. ()plll. l‘ree. linttlel'x lilK)i\\, l'iin Kiiiiigiiril Retail Park. 657 401 l. .-\ ne\\ liliii cliih Speciall} tlL'SlglIed ltil' L'lilltllell ln tlixctlxx lV prngraininex and nexx llllli\ nn l)\'l). llnnking essential.

Flying High! Hi 7 Sep. H0 3. illpin. £2. llerinilage ()l Braid VlSIltll' ('entre. 6‘) Brand Rnad. 447 7l45. Wnrk \Hlll \iillnii and cnlnui‘ed papers In design )tilll' Imn kite. then test it nn Ilie \Inpe\ nl lllacklnrd llill. Under |6x lllllSl he accninpanied. Bring warm and \iulerprnnl clntliex. llnnking essential. call 0| H 447 7l45 nr email cecrangerm Fantastical Magical Forests Sui .S' Sep. l0..i0ain l2.30pin & 1.30 3.30pm. l-ree with e\hihitinn lickel. ('it) Art ('entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Stephanie Walker leads a drnp-in \L‘SSIUII \\ here )nu can use a grid template and printmaking techniques In create and recreate a pattern. Toy Making Sat .S' Sep. l0.30ain 3pm. One parent and nne child £45. l-nur Winds lllSPll‘tIllUll ('entre. The PM ilinn. lll\t'rlellll l’urk. .»\rhnretuni Place. 332 222‘). Reim ent tradilinnal In)\ iixing \crap llltllel‘lillS. Burdiehouse Burn Fun Day Sun ‘) Sep. nnnn 4pm. liree lSllitlll charge lnr Superdng). llurdiehnuxe Burn Valle} Park. 447 7|45. l’un and games lnr exerynne and their dng. \xilli guided \uilkx. deninnxiratinnx and a Superdng cninpeIiIinn. Meet at The Hip near Ilie \kalehnard park.

Ditsy Little Bags Sun ‘) Sep.

l0..i0uin l2..i0pin it I 3pm. £4. Laurixtnn ('axtle. 2a ('ruinniid Rnud Snth. 52‘) 3063. A l'iin unrkxlinp it here adults and children can make a handbag niiI nl crul'I materials. Sunday Science: Insect Eaters Sun ‘) Sep. nnnn 4pm. l-‘ree. Rn}ul Bntunic (iurden. lnwrleilli RIM. 248 2‘)6S. l)rnp in In lind nut which plants haxe Ilie inan bile. Agex 5+.

Magical Arts and Crafty Tales Sui IS Sep. ll)..5ll;tlll l2.30pin (& l.30 3.30pm. l-‘ree \kllli exhibitinn ticket. ('Il} .-\rl ('enIre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 39‘)?» l.i\ten In lll}lll\ that inspired the Arts and (rails rnmement hel’nre creating \ninething ynurxell'.

The Prince and Princess of the Castle Sat l5 Sep. 10.30am lpin. £4. luurixtnn (listle. 2a ('rumnnd Rnad Snuth. 52‘) 3963. Make enchanting 3|) princes and princesses l'rnm handmade l‘elt. Bnnkmg req u i red.

Toil and Trouble Sat 15 Sep.

l0.30ain ~lpm. £4. Lauristnn Castle. 2a (‘ruinnnd Rnud South. 529 3963. Find nut jUSl \\ hat it was like In be a serum in Edwardian times h) making lemonade and

Hid-Ti Till »'~i RE


North Edinburgh Arts Centre. run ended oooo

As anybody who has shared an auditorium with a crying baby will know. dissatisfied infants and theatre don‘t mix. So when North Edinburgh Arts Centre (NEAC) launched its Starcatchers project for under-threes in October, more than a few eyebrows were raised. How do you create theatre for babies unable to grasp plot. narrative or even dialogue?

The answer lies in Little Light, a beautifully crafted show tailor-made for tiny ears, eyes and noses. Creators Andy Manley and Vanessa Rigg conducted extensive research in nursery schools before creating the show - and it’s paid off. The eponymous Light is a tiny ball, emitting a soft glow of ever-changing colours. Little Light goes high. low. fast and slow. gently introducing the young audience to these basic concepts. Using songs. movement. shadow puppetry. fragrance and musical instruments. Rigg and fellow performer Matt Addicott keep babies and toddlers entranced with 30

minutes of wonderment.

Plans are afoot to tour Little Light throughout the UK next year, but with the entire future of North Edinburgh Arts Centre hanging in the balance. Starcatchers is also in jeopardy. Faced with serious financial difficulties. NEAC has been forced to cancel its entire autumn programme leaving a giant hole in Edinburgh’s children and families arts provision. With work as high quality as Little Light coming out of the centre, not to mention the venue’s extensive range of workshops and classes, a rescue package for North Edinburgh Arts Centre must be found. (Kelly Apter)

paxlr} and decnrating cakes. Bnnkmg L‘\\L'llllill.

Enchanted Woven Landscapes Mun l7 Sep. Illain nnnn. l‘ree \iiIh exhihitinn ticket. (it) An (‘t-iiire. 2 Markel Street. 52‘) .i‘)‘).i. l)rnp in lnr a innrning in Ilie galler} and make enchanting little umen lundxcaix-x llSlll‘.’ lilirex. threads and puperx. Sunlight and Shadows 'l‘ue IH Sep. l0ain nnnn. l'ree uiIh exliihitinn ticket. (’it} Art (’entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) .i‘)‘) i. Make \hiininering innhilex and \llk painted \un catcher»


Talking Trees Storytelling Sun I6 Sep. 2 3pm. l-‘ree. Rnyal Bnianic (iarden. 20a lmerleilh RIM. 243 2968. The 'lalkiiig 'l'rees \Inr}Ielling IS hack In Iranspnn adults and children alike In a magical land l'ar. liar d\\;t_\. Suitable lnr uii_\nne MIh an iinaginatinn Iagex 5+).

Outside the Cities

Activities and Fun

Scottish Geology Festival l'niil Sun 30 Sep. Times and prices \ar}; Vul'lUUS Venues. 'l'nnnex nl rnck-related exents. including mine and quarr) VlSllS. genlngicul rumbles. gold and Sll\L'r

panning. \ialkx and much iiinre l'HI Itinre Inln gn In

\Hk \\ \ciilllsligenliig}.cnIII

Day Out With Thomas Sat |5 a; Sun In Scp. l0aiii 4pm LES lln‘ncxx tk' Kinneil Railua}. l'ninn Street. lln‘nexx. (H.506 322298. langinex with lriendl} laces and children‘\ enIertaminenI lnr llininax Ilic 'lanl. langme lath 'lrainx depart lintii Ilie Slttlll)“ litilll'l)

Pirate Weekend Sal I5 he Sun In Sep. l0aiii ()IHII Lll) IL7 50. children £7. lttllill) ticket L i i) Deep Sea \Vtilltl. .\'nrtli ()ueenxlerr}. 0| {Si 4| IXXH. l'un. lrnlicx and hnrdex nl Iiaullcttl acln Iltex. lantr} IS liee lnr lKItlS in lull pirate aIlire Raiders of the Dean Park Sui IS & Sun In Sep. llain 4pm. l-rec Dean (listle. l)can Rnad. Kilinurnix'k. 0| 56% 522702. ln celebrate Sciilltxli .-'\rchaenlng} .Vlnnlll. l)ean (‘axlle \\ Ill litixl llS min Indiana .ltilleS-xl}lt' met”. with replica \CIS and a pit u here )nu can pertnrin _\nur (M n excuxatinn

Theatre & Dance

Phil Kay's Gimme Your Left Shoe Sui l5 Sep. llain (K; 2pm Macinhen. l7nixerxit} nl Stirling. Stirling. 0|7X6 466666. ('hild-lriendl} lun in the hands ()l (ilaxgnu '\ lumurite surrealisi.

5; 1/", '30:) Z/H' THE LIST 55