
I Phil Alexander and Greg Lawson late ('owaeitoi. Rll\\t.itl (illlltlldi ('entre. W \lbron \treet 5< i ii" {I \lexander tpianoi and l .mxon ixiohni help l flitel it\\.tt hot». telehrate their ninth i‘llliltid}. pretriiering .t programme ol lll|l\l\ trorri around tlte \korld with a \ltttllL' Klelirier llllitlL‘llLt'

‘tpin Hi


I Jack Beck and Sandy Stanage Wee I'olk ('Iuh. Roin ()ak. lnlitinai’) Street. 557 3076 3 illprn B Song\ and \toi’} lt‘lillt I)ttntertnline\ .laek Heel \kith guitar iii/.tidr} ttoin Sandy


I The Hairth Llili £lr3 it'55 L57; ll l5 _\t'.ll\ UH; tinder llx treei Kttoelxengorroeli l'arrn. (';it\pti;tir'ri. ('axtle “litigitix “Hi-ll ~1(ill(i(i3 See in I-i


I Kuupuu and Hockyfrilla lit‘ltt'} ‘\ (‘ellai Hat. 3 Ilia Morrison Street. 333 «NH ’7 illltttl. [the l'iideiground tree lolk lioiii l'inland


I Shona Kipling and Damien O’Kane Stirling l-olk ('ltih. Stirling ('otiiit} Rttgh) lioothall (‘Itilx lit‘idgehaugli l’ai'k. (litixt‘\\;i}ht‘tid Road. (ll 35‘) 3|X53l. 8pm Young duo t'eeentl} nominated lot the Radio 3 l'olk Awards.

Tuesday 18


I Ceilidh Club the lot. 4 (iraxxtnatket. 335 33‘”). 7pm. Ur. See line i I

I Guy Clark and Jace Everett ()iieen‘x Hall. HT h") (‘Iet'k Street. 608 3llI‘). h‘pni. [the 'le\an tolk singer/song“rrter eonteinporar) ol 'loutiex \'.iii /.atidt \xhoxe \ongx hai e been emered b} the likes ot .lohnn} ('axh tittd l.) lt‘ I .ti\ t'ii.


I Enrolment Dance l-'l‘ll ('rnerita. l‘alktrk 'l‘oiiii Hall. West Bridge Street. lll.‘\3-l -l7|‘)7~t. 7. illpin [the Hate a go .it hoog) ing. Seotttxli \t_\|e. \\llll a ehariee to \ign up tor Seotttxh ('ounit'} |)anee t‘iaxxw at the end.

Wednesday 19


I Katie Targett-Adams littlht‘ tor an Art I,o\ er. Bellahoiixtoti Park. Ill ihlitihl‘t‘t‘k Road. 555 4770 7pm. (-1750 line tour eourxe dinner) Internationth t‘eno“ tied (‘eltie harptxt arid \tnger.

I Michael Simons 'l'eliai ()\na. ltiit Dettlhltitt l)i'i\ e. 04‘) 7358. h‘pm. 1.3. See Wed l3


I The Scottish World lidiiihtirgh l-olk (‘lllll ('gihtit‘t‘l Bat. (ill The i’lt‘.i\;itit‘t‘. Ml) 3-158 8pm I" iflii. Night ot lttlhlL‘. \tor} and \ortg trom Bill_\ Ka) and members ot' Jock lattixon'x Bairnx.


I Magpie Music St .-\ndre\\ ‘\ in the Square. St Andre“ 'x Square. 55‘) 5003. Spin 1'7 ((5) traditional roots and folk.


I Kate Rusby l-‘extnal 't'heatre. 13 3t) Nieolxon Street. 53‘) Mill) " ilipm “(1.5” f l 3 5H. ()ttt‘ til. the Bt'tti\h littlk

\‘eene'x best |o\ ed tlt'lt\l\.


I Haggardash Falktrk l-‘olk (tub. The Polish Club. .-\rnot Street. 338 H55.

8 30pm. .-\ t‘olk roots celebration mm the bo_\\ from Stonehouxe.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least 14 days before publication to Listings are compiled by Suzanne Black and Carol Main.

Thursday 6


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kelxingr‘ox e .'\l't (iallei‘) t\‘ \llht'tltti. .-\r'g}|e Street. 37b 05‘)” lpiii l-ree l-ree lunehttttie organ i'et rials e\et'_\ d.i_\ h} ditletent ltt'g.tlll\l\

if: Nicola Benedetti with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra Roin (‘oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Hill)“ 5llpttl £13.50 [ill Nominated tot three ('Iassteal Brit '\\\;tl‘tl\ earlier lill\ _\e.ii. ineluding llhlt'ltlttt'tllttlhl. \Ibutn and Young lit'llhll l’ertorinei ot the Year no less. Benedetti pertorrnx a pr'ogrartirne to ineltide lirueh'x \iu/tn (int. i l/t' \u / Ill (1' minor ()p 5-1. ttltHljJfltlt‘ tlte RS.\'().

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ('it_\ ii.ill\. (‘atidleriggx i5: Klilili l'ntil l5 Sep. itltlt‘N \ar'_\ .\ textual ot piano p|.t_\tiig aitd inuxie. in \xhteh gitted _\oung pltllll\l\ than all o\ er the uorld eotnpete tor tnore than £35.llllll ol prr/es. Tonight‘s operitiig t'eetlal at 7_3()pin lt‘tlllllt‘s 3l)ll-l \\ inner. 'lan_\a (iahi'ielian. See pre\ ie\\. page 7o


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Highlands Tour Stirling (mile. ()ili limit. (it 780 ~15lilillli 8pm [to

l“ i L l 5 i. the orehextra embarks oti ll\ liltttl tour ot the Seotiish lilgllltlllth this summer led b) Xuelei Yang oti guitar playing Rodrigo'x ('utrt Ir’IltI tli' (trail/(HT. Also on the programme. under the baton ot' .t\le\andet' Slielle}. l\ laure'x Pitta/u. Slim ltl\i\_\ \ Hunt/titrth Hub and llaylii'x Si‘ni/i/ur/ti .\'u 90.


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kehingrox'e :\rl (iallet‘) tk \ltixeuni. .-\rg_\|e Street. 376 05‘)”. lptti. I-t'ee. See 'l‘hu (i.

I Robert Irvine and Graeme McNaught (it) Halls. ('andler‘tggx 353 8000. 7.30pm. L‘ I0 The eello and piano dtio pla} \otne ot the ltlll\lt' lroiti their t'ortheoniing ('l): Bloeh'x l~mm .lt'it [\ll I.l,’r'. .b‘kUlt ltr'\ IHI‘ ( It'l/l' rlllr/ l’irutrt. Shoxtakm ieh'x ('i'llu .bl’lltl/tl III I) Ililltul' and Raehinaninm ‘\ (‘i'llu Sit/trim in (1' mirror.

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ('tt_\ Halls. ('andlet'iggx. ‘5‘ h'lilili l.|5pin and b.45prti. Stage I Reeitals, See ’l'hu (i

Saturday 8


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kehtngrme .'\rt (taller) tk Museum. .'\rg.\|e Street. 37b “599. lpm. l't'ee. See Thu (i.

I Organ Recital: Gordon Frier l’at‘tiek \lt‘lltl‘tihl (‘hureh. Durttbarton Road. 3pm. flee the (iltixgtiu tit‘}_‘.tltl\l pla) \ a programme ot \Vagner's Pilgrims ' ('liurux. Vaughan \Vrlliamx‘ l’n'lui/i' UH R/iuxinu'i/rt'. Hti\tehtide\ Prelude & l-ueur' Hi (i .llutur. Vaughan \thltaitiV (twirl. l’eetei‘x' .‘llttlkt'. .l/i Hertt'l. ll’rllt (I/(l(/’l(’\\ and Haeh\ I’n'luile & I'ueui' ut I) .Urtiul‘ Hill .5}? 33: BBC Proms in The Park (ilasgoxx (ireen. (ireenthke Street. 0870 till) (Holt, 7.45pm. liree ltieketedi. Pack _\our picnic and prepare for an unforgettable ex'ening as the last Night til the Proms i\ eelebrated north ot‘ the border in true Scottish shle. An

international line up it: lllll\le.ti \\ \till be touring the Hill \eottrxh \}ttiphoti\ (tithextia, perlottning .in uphtting programme to end the Proms \e.i\ort tn tine suit-

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ( in li.tii\. (Xitidieitgg‘s. ‘5‘ NW” 1 i5prti .ind li-15ptn \tage l i\,k'\ll.ti\ \ee lhrr h


I The Salomon Chamber Orchestra ( iie_\\ kttk. ()indleiriaket Rim lit ketx at door

" 5lil‘llt t I” u 1\ heel \ \ hante to hear some unuxual repertoire .tit‘ll‘.‘\ttit‘ iriote \lendelxwhti .ittd ll.i_\dn l.itl\ i‘Hh teiittru llutt h \ ornpoxet lohannex lit'ttlattllh \.in Htee \\lii he .i ne\\ name to tlttixt. \\ltlit' Hamlin (h. min in in: I rte/tilt ll/n ttt l\ .ttiothet i.ittt_\ not Hllt'tl llt'dltl


I Organ Recital: John Kitchen Hteehttt ( Lithedial. (‘hutt h l .rne. “I 5M W331“ l3 5llt‘lll l'iee ltdinhutgh litgdlthl Kitehen lk'l'ltillth ttltl\l\‘ h} \Valthei. l\’1i\\e||.\\'t'\lt'y lili\\t'll\ and \Vttltil


3Z1 Nicola Benedetti with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (and Hall. ('tt_\ Stiuate. HI ‘33 ~l ‘MI‘HH Klipiii L3H i LI“ it). St't‘ 'l'hti (i


I Inspired by Birds i'.t\lj_'.tlt' 'l'lieatte t\' ;\rt\ (‘entr‘e. liaxtgate. lll 73| 535 7’7. "K H)piti, L") Seottish Horderx (‘otniiititiit_\ ()r'ehextia ptexent an e\ening ol tllll\lL‘ Ilhpltt‘tl h} birdxong and danee rh_\thrn\. rneludtng ltt'ahinx‘ l/utieitruur Iliuii m and Hai'tok‘x RHIIItIII/(III l)lllll m.


I Gaita Medieval Music Ensemble Stirling (‘axtle. ()iti 'louri. 55.7 33W? l3.~t5prn. l -15pin. 3.-l5prn tk i.»15pin. I'i‘ee \\llll tltillll\\ll\lt to eaxtle Medina! \titltlti\ iii .i inedie\a| setting,


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kehitigrme Art (ialler‘) tk \litxeum. Argyle SII'L‘L‘I. 37h 050‘). lpiii. l'tet‘. SL'L' ‘l‘hu (i.

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition (‘rt_\ lltills. (‘aiidleriggx ‘5‘ Sill)“ limes \ar_\ l.l5pttr and (i-t5pm. Stage I Reettalx. See till! (i.


I St Giles’ at Six: Michael Garrett Ensemble St (‘irlex' ('athedral. Ro}al .\li|e. 33b “07 i, ltpni tree. A eoneet‘i ol ehainbei‘ ltllt\lt'

321 Nicola Benedetti with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra textual 'l'hegiti'e. l i 3‘) .\'ieol\un Street. 530 (ililill 7 :iipiii UH £33 50 \ee [int n


I The Salomon Chamber Orchestra Town House. Haddtngton tickets: at door. 7,3llpin. {Ill iLH/treei SL‘L‘ Sat 8.

Monday 1 0


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kehingroxe .-\rt (taller) & \ltixeurn. ,\r:_v'\|c Sin-er 27h 959‘). lpttt. l-‘ree. See Thu (1.

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition Alexander (iihxtm ()pera School. RSAMI). .533 5057. l.l5pm and b.45pm.£t< i£5/treei. Masterclasses mth u ell knoun pianists and partteipatmg pupils nominated b} mlth \L‘htitih and C(tll\Cr\&llUer\ in the [K arid Europe See Thu (w

Nicola Benedetti with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra She goes from strength to strength and in this tour-date tour of her homeland. Nicola Benedetti plays music to tie in wrth the release of her third album (out on ’24 Sep). which includes the deservedly popular / ark Ascending by Vaughan Williams. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Thu 6 Sep; [dinhurgh Festival 7heatre, Sun .0 Sep :1 BBC Proms in the Park What a mix cellist Julian lloyd Webber. the National Youth Choir of Scotland, the voice of Jonathan lemalu and the Peatbog Faeries are all part of this annual date with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra. Rain, shine or both, it's a line way to bring the Proms to a rousing finale north of the border. Glasgow Green. Sat 8 Sep.

:2: Mr McFalI's Chamber with Valentina Montoya Martinez A new classrcal music programme starts at the Brunton with a visit from one of Scotland‘s most unusual and innovative ensembles. They've played everything from Pink Floyd to Schubert, but tonight‘s repertoire includes work by Frank Zappa. Pia77olla, Fernanda? and Raymond Scott. Arrive in good time for a complimentary glass of bubbly. Brunton Theatre. Musse/burgh. Fri 74 890.

Tuesday 1 1


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kelxtngrm e '\rt (i.liit'l'} & \luxeurn. '\I'}_!}it' Stteet. 370 050‘) lptn New See “in (t

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ’\it'\.tlllit‘l' (ilhvtll ()[it't'lt ht hunt/i .Hllt t'i‘t Hall. RS.-\.\ll). H3 5H5’ Illairi. l |5ptn and (t 45pm l‘ree l’ertorrrianee wirkshop iii the morning and Stage 3 ret lliil\ in the alternoon See 'I liti 6


I Organ Recital: John Kitchen St ('tithhert'x ('hureh. 5 Lothizin Road. 33‘) I l-13. l.ll)pm {the ('rt} lirfJilan John Kitchen PrL'\L'lli\ 'Iiltr' (Hurt 0/ SI

Sill/m r' b} \\'ttlrir as part ot the l'sher Hall (iet ()rganrxed Series