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I Duo Alba i’.ii\lt". \ll\( t'llllt' \t'v. \llt‘t‘l. V‘ “ll” "I‘llt L"'f."‘ \“l‘l-tlllt

[Lug i't'lltlt'l wit .ititl lmiituiit- \lt".t'll

lam-lit". '.-.i|l lu' .ltkl'lllPJlllk'tl hf. [\l.tlll\l llc'it-l (I l.:il_ lniiiz'ht \ pin:'i.itiiiiit' ‘.‘.lH Hit liltlt' «iii.» .tllil «luck liuiii lllll\lt.tl\.

.Ix- .m-Il .I‘ \l'lllt' .llllll'.'lltk' t li.illt't

Wednesday 1 2

(ilél(i(}(1// I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals kt-l'.iii:'tu\t' \it (Lillt'ijx t\ \1ll\t'lllll. \tt'}|i' \tit't't. 3V) ‘5‘)” lpiii IIt't' \t't' lhii (i I The Merchant Voices ( it} H.l”\. (".iiitllt‘iit'ux 3* Hiltltl ‘piii l'tt't' \L'\\ tuiiiiiiuiiit} \llttll V-llll \tt't'kl} t|;i~\t'\. lt'tl it} lt'lltll .Illtl \l'lll’llt [HI Huntimt' I’m l.|i.iiii .lIltl \ t‘\t'lll|}_' .i htimtl \ntal lk'l‘k'lltlllt‘ ()llt‘ll tn Jillill‘ ul .1” .I_L‘L'\. tin [Ht'\ IHll\ “lll\l\-II t‘\[lt‘l'lt'll\ t” l\ lt‘tlllllt‘tl |ll\l lutx nl t'iithtmmtti' I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ( 'nntt-ii ll.il|_ I<\ \.\H l. “3 Silfi" l 15pm .iiitl (I 5pm l'lt't' \liut' 3 Rt*t‘il.il\ \1.l\lt'lt |.l\\t‘\ \Kllll \wll knimn [ll.tlll\l\ .ititl [‘tllllk l[\.tllll_‘.' ptipilx iiniiiiii.itt'tl hx lllll\l\ \t'lltltl|\ .iiitl t‘uiixt'natniit‘x iii thc l K .Illtl l'iiinpt- MT 'I hit it


I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra \t \l.ii’} '\ l’;tii\h ('htnt'h. lllt' Sitit'pult'. lllh3ll HI V {N Hpiii. L15 ttlf. \llltlt'lll\ 25; t’lllltilt'll ll't't'l. Stt'lgiii Suhuiii t'ntitltit Ix .I\ “IV nit'ht'xiigi itt‘tlniiiix \in/;iit\ .\\III/I/IHH\ \u "Ii/i. '. Hittlt'ii‘x lc'x ///mmmiliuii\. \tith wpiutiu Stimniiiu .\iitlt'twii. .ititl litulttttx‘ .\\Hl/’/IUII\ \u /,

Thursday 13

GI; isgow

I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals lx'ch lllleth' .\tt (l.l||t‘l_\ & \llht‘lllll. .\i;:_\|t' Stivt't. Tit ‘H‘N. lpiii l'tu'. Sm" Hill (r,

I Eighth Scottish International Piano Competition ‘\lt'\illlt|t'l (iihwti ()pt'm St'html. RS \N‘l). H3 5H5”. Illuiii. l I5ptii. 5pm undo-15in” t8 ((5 li‘t‘t'i \ tlit) (ll “trikxhiipx. iii;i\tt‘it‘l;i\\c\ .llltl It't'ltii‘t'. St't' ill“ I».


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kt'h iiiprmt' ,\tt (i;i||t'i'_\ t\ \Iim'tiiii. .\l}.‘_\lt' Slim-t. 3W) ‘5‘“). lptii. l'i‘ct‘. Scc lhti tr,


I Carmen l’l.i§litiiixt-. IX 33 (Ilt‘t'll\lllt' l’lJt't‘. “Hill litilll 7 Nl

Nil‘lll. L8 3* [USU ltllt-n Kent [‘lt‘\t‘lll\ Iii/t-t‘x t'luxxit‘ operatic tult‘. Ill \xhit'li t\\u Illt‘ll :it't‘ l‘t'“ itt'lictl .llltl dutngml h) :i tl.lllf_‘t‘l't\ll\l} \t'nxuul \\Ulll.tll.

3:1 Mr McFaII’s Chamber with Valentina Montoya Martinez Hl'llllltlll lilt'illl'k'. l .lti}\\t‘“ \\’;t_\. \ltixxt‘lhtiigh. (‘05 3340. t‘l.1 it'l l t, the lat out lllll\l\‘ :Jltllll‘. lni'iiictl around :i uric \ti'ing quartet limit [Ilt‘ Scuttixh (‘hiitiilwi' ()i‘t'hmtm. [‘ll\ll hack tiiut't' mtmt‘ul hutiiitlai’it‘x. lt‘lllt‘tl h} \;t|ctiliit.i .\ltHlIU_\.t .\l;ii‘titic/.


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kchingi'mc .'\I‘I (killer) tk Muwum. .4\t‘:_'_\ IC Sllk'k‘l. 27‘ "5"". Hill]. l‘l'L‘t‘. SL‘L‘ 'l‘hti h,



76 THE LIST 0 .‘ 3 . 91‘ .“


Some of the world‘s most talented pianists descend on Glasgow this month. Entrants to the eighth Scottish International Piano Competition arrive from as far afield as New Zealand and China. Open to musicians between the ages of 18 and 28. the competition is held every three years in Glasgow and offers a first prize of £10,000 plus a Bluthner grand piano. The 34 pianists who will take part have been selected from hundreds of applicants.

‘This year. the quality of the entrants is amazing,‘ says Elise Sochart, one of the organisation‘s Board of Directors who organise the event on a voluntary basis so that as much money as possible can go towards the prizes and competitors‘ travel expenses. ‘Our music committee members lock themselves away for a weekend to listen to recordings of everyone who has appfledf

I Scottish International Piano Competition Final (it) Hullx. ('.iiitl|ci'i;_'g_'x. 353 Ntltltl (r-lipiii. £30. The linul til the llllt‘l'lhllltllhtl l’tunn (‘niiipctitinir lt‘tlllll'lllg lutii' Pl;tlll\l\ each play in; .i concerto til thcir t'huict- \\ ith thc BB(' St'tiitixh S}iiiphoti} ()i't'hwlm iiiitlci‘ ll\ ltii'itici‘ principal conductor .l.llllt‘\ Itiughmn.


I The Alevare Duo l)titi;ittl l ll‘lill}. 'Ihc lltih.('.i\tlchill. Ruin \lllt‘.~1~§ lllllll Spin, L". lhc thin. Ill.ltlt' up nl Rhiannon Slllt‘lnll :intl :\ll\iill Storm. :it‘t' initial h} it \I‘t't'lill gut-\t int .1” muting; nl Illlhlt‘. t‘l;i\\it';il illlti

Over an intensive period of 11 days. those who have been successful in selection compete in front of a jury of highly experienced musicians. chaired by RSAMD principal. John Wallace. After various stages of whittling down. four semi-finalists play a concerto of their choice with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra in a nail-biting atmosphere at City Halls.

Nerve wracking it may be. but competitions are an essential experience for young pianists.

‘This event is important because it brings them onto a world stage.‘ says Elise Sochart. ‘They get known by travelling around.‘ The Glasgow event also offers competitors the much welcomed comfort of Scottish home hospitality. and follow-on outreach work with Scottish schools.

‘It raises the profile of the piano among school- children and the kids are absolutely entranced.‘ 2004 winner, Tanya Gabrielian (pictured). gives this year's opening recital. As to a hot tip for her 2007 successor. Elise Sochart says: ‘Sorry. I haven't a clue. I'm in total awe of all of them.‘ (Carol Main).

I The Merchant Voices ( it} H.IH\ (Liiitllt'iijggrx. 3‘ Mill“ “pin llt't' \t't' \\CII l3

Thursday 20

G zisgow

I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kclunptmy \it (Lillt'ij. t\ \lim-iiiii. .\Ij_‘}h‘ \lit't't, 3‘“ WV)” lpiii llt'k' \t-t-


I Nabucco Pltl}htlll\t‘. l.\ 33 (it‘t't‘lhlth‘ Phtt‘t‘. “3"” “NH ‘3“. £5.35 £34.50. lillcii Kcnt pit-with \t-itli'x third opera and [llllL‘IL‘\\ l‘ll‘llt'dl \tiit'}. tlwtiiticnting thc plight of the Jan tlmcn li'nm th‘lI' hunk-Lind.


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals

Kt‘lx iiigimc .-\it ( iiillci} x \Itixcuiii. :\I'f_'_\ lc SII‘CL'I. 37‘ “5"”. lpm I'I‘L‘L‘. SOC Hill (i.


I St Giles’ at Six: Sinfonia Chamber Ensemble Si (hlm' (“.tthctlrul. Rt‘};tl \lilc. 23h lib-F (rpm, live. The cnxcmhlc pcrl'ni'mx St‘litihct't’x ()t It]

..‘l lpiii.


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kclx iiigi'm c .'\I‘l (inllct‘) tk \llht'tllll. .\t'§_'_\ IL' Street. 37» 95‘)” lpiii l’I'L't' Su- Hltl (i.

Tuesday 18


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kclxingi'mc .\I'I (killer) tk \llht'lllll. .\I'f_‘_\ It' Street. 37» U590 lpiii l'i't'c \t't' 'l‘hu h.

Wednesday 19


I Kelvingrove Organ Recitals Kch ingrmc .\i't (Lillci') .\ \Itiwtiiii. .\I‘:.3} lc Stt'cct. 3—0 “5‘!” lpiii l-i'ct- \cc Hill (w

Ihti fr

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Thursday Night Series (‘tl\ Hullx. (".ititllt'iiggx 3* Milli)

q ‘i’l‘tti U) L31 <ll .lniii urtitltit'tni ll.m \ulkm illltl HIL' lilit' \\( l .n the} [‘L'llt'llll BI‘IHUHb l'lu’IlH ( “Ht 4 III‘ Willi SIL'H'H “\l‘tittlt' ;t\ \Hlntxl. Hitl\l\ H14 l’i’um !\ .tlltl thc l'lx' pit‘iiiicit- ml K.tl|.t S.i.it'l.thit\ \\/t ["11] 4/ ~‘/ [I’ll/(It'l\ l hL'lL' l\.tplt' uttttt't'l l.t!h .il (l~1<PlHtIHt1.I [NM Utilgt‘l'l It'lltillltlll nl lii‘ittciik inn/11' .l/mi’lw h} \tcxcn ()\l‘ttlllt' .iiitl [ht' Hill \St) \lI'lllf;\


I Piano Recital: Young-Choon Park l'..t\lf_'.tlk‘ lllL'dllC it .'\Il\ (t'llllt'. l2.i\t;_'.itc. 01-3! "5 H" " zllpiii ill) 'I lit’ South KHIL'dIl [‘l.illl\l play llllhh h; Huylii. l.l\/I. (‘hupiii .inil Hut-thine“