association with the Traverse Theatre. Film Festival and the Book l-‘estival aimed at exploring the relationship between performance and visual art. Artists include Mel Brimiield. Adam l)ant, llrian l)ewan, John llegley, lidwaril Ward and performer Doug liishbone. [Afsl



7% Behind Road. 624 (i200. Illam Spin. Picasso on Paper O... Uittil Sun 23 Sep. A selection ol around l2t) graphic works spanning across 70 years of l’icasso‘s prolessional lile. (‘oiiiplex passions concerning women. politics, roguish love allairs and rutltless war strategies run deep, but at the same time are beautifully expressed in the simplest of grapltic lines. A remarkable collection. Run in conjunction with the Picasso: Firm! with Passion exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland.

Georges Hugnet Until Sun 23 Sep. l’ree. Some ol the gallery‘s collection ol over It)“ books, papers and collages that llugnet was involved in.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 74 Lauriston l’lace, ZZI 0000. Mon 'l‘hu l()am Xpin; l~‘ri ltlam «1piiizSat

Illam 2pm.

No More Stars Until Sun ‘) Sep. l’olarcap presents seventeen international. established. emerging and new artists. lASl ()llANCl l0 SH

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 Union Street, 557 247‘). Tue Sat ltlam ()pm. l‘ree.

William Kentridge Prints ooo Until Sat 8 Sep. lirom monochrome costume sketches to nude sell" portraits, this is an intriguing look at a small part of the well-known South African artist‘s body of work that leaves you crying otit for a lull retrospective. lASl ()l lANCl l() SEL-

Scottish Arts Council


45 Market Street. 235 213* Mon Sat llain (ipm; Sun noon 5pm". Illam 7pm. Alex Hartley .... l'ntil Sun 2i ()ct. l‘ree. 'lhis exhibition begins on the outside. on the facade ol the l'rtiitiitarkct (iallery (clad in an image ol itsell‘i vyhich Hartley. an enthusiastic ‘builderer‘ (climbing on buildingsi. marked Willi routes that he ltas climbed as preparation tor the exhibition. Inside the gallery. Hartley's photographs e\amine the relationship an indiyidual can haye \yith architecture.


'l‘he Mound. 624 (i200. Mon Wed 6';

l‘ri Sun ltlain 5piii;’l‘hti ltlam 7pm. Andy Warhol: A Celebration of Life and Death ..... llntil Sun 7 ()ct. £8 (Hit. l’riiits, paintings. sculptures, drawings and liliiis characterised by Warhol's love of celebrity and the glit/y trappings ol capitalist culture. An excellent retrospective ol his work. a celebration ol lite and death that takes your breath away. Part of I/tr' Int/inbureli I'i'slii'u/ Fringe 2007.

William Blake Until Sun -1 Nov. liree. Works on paper by one ol the most gilted and iiilltieittial ol all romantic artists. This exhibition has been planned to celebrate the 250th anniversary ol the artist‘s birth.


(‘hambers Street. 347 4.122. Itlam 5pm. l‘ree.

Picasso: Fired with Passion oooo Until Sun 28 ()ct. A newly created exhibition of Picasso‘s ceramics. inctalwork aitd lithography. limit the period I‘MT WSS. 'l'lte ceramics themselves are not as overly imposing as the sensationalist title might suggest; the exhibition is instead dominated by a succession ol biographical texts. which

can leel uncoiiilortably inyasiye Run iii conjunction \Mllt I’lt rtyyu on I’ll/NT at the Dean (iallery.

Weaving Words: The Art 01 Anna S King l'ntil Sun SH ()ct l'ree Words are Anna's inspiration they otten hide \Hlltlll the texture ol her tapestries or are concealed \Hlltlll baskets. all waiting to be discoyered by some iiiqiiisitise soul


l’alace ol llolyrixxlhotise. 55b ilttt). l)aily 9.30am (ipm; Villain 2pm [5 1H 5th Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age at Discovery l’iitil Sun tr. Sep. £5

tlrec £45”; latitily ticket {I it (mated by the Royal ('ollection in collalmiatioii vyith Sir l)ayid ."\ttcnboiough. this exhibition brings together the work ot loui artists Leonardo da Viitci. (Kissigiiiii ilal l’o/Io. Alexander Marshal. Maria Sibylla Merian aitd Mark ('atesby ysho liaye helped shape contemporary understanding ol the natural yyorld. lAf$l (ill/\N(Ll lt) fSl l

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnycrleith Row 552 7l7l l)aily

ltlain llllpm.

Classify Until liri l-l Sep. lllaiii 5pm. l'ree. An iiiteractiye exhibition eyploiing how we classil'y nature. diayying on the research and art that takes place at the Royal Botanic (iardens. lAfil (Ll lAN()l lt) Sl l


(INVERLEITH HOUSE) lny‘erleith Row, 553 7l7l. ’l'ue Sun Illam Sillpm.

“no Voices llntil Sun l-1()ct. Images ol

the garden portrayed lroiii both blind aitd sighted perspectives. created by Rosita MacKen/ie and Rebecca Mair. l’uri o] Iitli/i/mrgli :‘lr! l'l'.\ll\'(ll.

William Eggleston - Portraits 1974

..... Until Sun l-l ()ct. A lirst

Visual Art

shoysing ot these stunning large torinat colour photographs taken by l‘ggleston iit his natiye Memphis oyei thirty years ago. btit not printed until yery recently ('olour’s burst and pop at eyeiy tiiin. ttiiitiiig into a a gorgeous hyper reality that nudges liggleston‘s portraits trom the nut ot the mill eyeiytlay into the giooyily sublime lulu/1hr I't/iIr/iiueh \I! l‘l'\lll'(11 300‘

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. 335 m7] Mon Sat

ltlam 5pm. Sun noon ipin

Recycled Lives: Ian McCulloch l'iitil Sim it) Sep .\ ciiiatetl t‘\lill‘tllttll tiom the studio ot Ian .‘ylc('iilloch tnot the licho and the liuniiyiiien lioiititian). looking .it the deyelopinent and reworking ol ieciiiiiiig themes in a career spanning 40 yeais


7R llelloid Road. (if-l h.‘t)tl l).tll_\

lllain ipiii

Richard Long: Walking and Marking .... l'ntil Sun ll Oct Hi (Ll) As one ol this countiy 's most important land artists. I oiig takes user the SN( iMA ysith ysoiks that record and ielate to his ticks around the ysoild l’aintiiigs, photographs and sciilpttiies spill otit into the surrounding landscape. ysith itiiid and rocks limit the surrounding countryside Used as rays inateiials loi his installations


l Queen Street. 02-1 “3le Mott “it'll (i: I‘m Sun lllaiii Rpm; ’l'ltii ltlaiii 7pm. Painting in Crayons t'niil Sun to Sep. ltxhibition lociIssing on \soiks iii pastels lroiit the (ialleiies' peiiiianent collection. ranging lioiii eighteenth century vyorks like Maurice ()uentin de la 'lotii"s l’rinu- (‘liur/i'y lat/mm] Mutt/I t I743) to John liyt'tte's sltttly' ol llts yytle. [ill/ll .X'ii'tnton tltiolt.

Funding opportunities for visual artists

We support visual artists in Scotland to realise their creative and business potential. Our next deadline for applications is 1 October 2007, for the following schemes:

Creative and Professional Development Awards

Visual Artists Awards

Scottish Arts Council/Location One New York Residency

How to apply

For detailed guidelines, an application form and back-up information please contact our Help Desk or phone 0845 603 6000 (local rate)

The pack is also downloadable from our website

b 2’) bet) 2(/)/ THE LIST 87