
Adventure Sports

Adrenaline junkies ean satisfy their ei'ay ings at the ('raiginillar .t\d\enture l’roieet. :\bseiling. gorge \yalkiiig. miiiintaineering and L‘itlitk‘lllg are lltsl some Hl the daredey il aetiy ities open to all through beginner sessions. residential e\perienees and team btiildiiig eotii'ses. Cn’itwrir/‘l’ir x'irf/ertfo'r: Put/Ir f. Petr/3r Plane, 0 ' '3 m.“ , unwary/1 Mr}. (M Diving

Deep Blue Seuba offer a range of pool and oycrsetis trips to get you from seuba diy'ing in a pool to instriieting in no time. {My} H/i/e Sui/m, ()ozites Mace, fti'fz‘l (Pf) (roar); VWNLrtrxirili/t/e.‘;r:trhino.ilk


With this eoiiipany yoti book a yyeekend tlien eliase the surf. so you \yon't knoyy your destination until you meet the instruetor in his or her eamperyan. The fully qualified instruetors get up early to L‘liL‘L‘k‘ the weather reports then take you to \y‘liereyei' the \y‘ay‘es are. l.oeations ineliide Mull ol‘ Kintyre and Aberdeeiishire and (ill loud and aeeommodation is included in the weekend trips yy‘hieli eost from

L' l 25. Sudan Snot/(ind. it'll/ot/s vent/es, 0/98 ()(54 7/35).

mew. st 1/ far/5a ,‘( War it I. t it in 7



\\'li;ite\'ei‘ ley'el you are at. whether it's tentatiy'ely grappling with the

easiest courses or sealing the oyerliangs and erags. there is something for yoti at (ilasgoyy (’limbing ('entre. ()utdoor eyents run through the summer months so you \yon't get bored yy ith the same liltl l'tttlllllcs. 37:2 .' / "‘i’


lily through the air with the greatest ot'ease at this eentre \\ liieli ol‘l'ei‘s beginners eourses in aerial. trape/e and eireus aerobaties in a relased and professional atmosphere. l’riees \at'y. Spinal Clio/(1', / (trio's/101‘. tie Clio/(tn, (i/et'it l'i/este/ri Hoar}. .‘)t)< ik or l/// M? wow. 5;; )I/ )(i/( if it in ft :t i: i i


Going Green: Cut Your Carbon Learn tips for more eny'ii'iinnientally friendly living with this course which eoy'ei‘s ey ery'tliing from yyaste reduetioii to green transpon and shopping. Your eai‘bon footprint \\ ill be measured at the stait ot' the eoiirse and again at the end to see just llti\\ mueh you haye improy ed. tiff). see Err/r if )t 119/ i, (rem/i i/(is.

Wine Appreciation

'l‘lie only entry requirement for this eourse is an enioy ment of yyiiie lt \y ill help you to identity styles. interpret and eyaluate different

yy ines and the features of different

L'lXIPL‘ \tll‘lk'llkW. .’ f I' .' .' 1"

Life Coaching

Reyanip your lite \\ ith this

intensiy e eotirse in meditation. time management and aehiey ing goals. Intended for anyone \\ itli an interest in the subjeet. the eourse \y ill giy e you an insight into the skills and techniques ll\L‘tl by llle c‘titte‘llcs [ti lltipl‘tn e ;t person's tltltilll} Ul~ lllt‘.



learn to sediiee \y ith some of Seotland's best performers at ('ltib .\'oir. ('reate your burlesque alter ego and learn a lull routine at regular day long \yorksliops. (flu!) Nora irir/ot Wig/(PS. ft,".'i<1<i,'t z: WM”.

trot/k. xiii/ohmtirt


liy'er yyondered it" you are distantly related to an aneient king or queen. or a member of the aristoeraey '.’ 'l'liese inti‘odtietory eourses yy ill help you map your family tree and my estigate your roots. (,‘t intro ft >1 life/(trig / ear/twig. Strut/Vt atria Writers/tn. George fit/wit. (ll-1’ ">48 438?). 1*.i‘.".*..’i//,.‘;tr(it/i,;itgtik Circus Skills

'l'his yyoi'ksliop style elass eoy ers

juggling. tiniey eling. stiltyyalking.

poi and diablo among other things. .-\ll equipment is proy ided and your first session is free. (Blasgoi'; Juggling (I/t/b. Kelbourrie Street.

(ll-J .l 0-1.") ()38/ 0/873 517/ X-lfi.

HIH‘. . g/asgr )‘.‘.’/t rgg/rr igc/i if ). co. t /l«

Novel Writing

Take your shoit stories to another ley'el with a ereatiy e yy riting eourse. .lust bring a pen and your sense of ady‘enture for eourses ranging from ereatiye writing for beginners to noyel yyriting. \\i[li lots ol‘tips about finding inspiration. structure. plot and eliaraeter deyelopnient. Centre to," f ife/ong learning, saw,- G/asgoe.; r jer i(,‘<'1/()(}f.


Access Courses

Returning to learning alter a break can be daunting. especially sinee it may hay'e been years sinee you last set foot iii a classroom. .-\eeess or (‘redit for Entry eoui‘ses can boost your confidence and refresh your essay writing and researeh skills. It will giy'e you a taster of u but to expect at uniy'ersity' and help prepare you for independent study.


l'niyersity of lrdinbui'gli proy ides eomprelienso e open eoiirses \\ liieh alloys freedom to elioose yy liieli stibieets you \yant to study.

Access Courses

(ilasgoyy l'niyersity is among institutions HllL‘l'lllg‘ eourses to get you bae in the learning mode.

I "ri' ' , v in ,g‘v‘a '

Amman“ Wertsm Collegeendmwksese

freelance photographer

I'd always been interested in photography as a hobby then I decrded to take it further. I'd had loads of different Jobs before I went back to college. I was working in a book shop and I was starting to get bored. I really wanted to do something different. Photography JUSl seemed the perfect thing for me to do.

i Signed up for an HND in Photography at Stevenson College. I heard about the course through a friend who had already enrolled to do it. The course lasted three years although you could have opted to do it in two if you had the time to do that much study. I did a degree foundation c0urse before it.

It opened up loads of opponunities for me. Before the course had even finished I started work as a photographer's assstant. So the course allowed me to do that. and wrthout it I wouldn't have been able to go into a working enwronment. It was fantastic for that and that‘s where my photography really took off from. I'm now a full time photographer.

l'd absolutely recommend going back into education, whether you are looking to change career or just to take up a new hobby. It‘s been the best thing that I could have done by a mile. I'm really, really pleased that I did it. www.alanmc.co.uk

6—2”. 30:. ' THE LIST 97