e meet iii litlinhtn‘gh'x l‘ltlllllldl‘le‘l

(ialler_\ (are in the middle nl the da}.

.\'nt heeatixe limma l’nllnek and King ('renxnte taka Kenn} .-\ntlerxnnl are |i\ing the rnek'n‘rnll lilext_\le and eniiltln‘t get ntit nl hetl lk‘k‘illht' Hl~ lL‘l'l'll‘lL‘ hangn\ L‘l\. ltlll [U gl\L‘ l‘Ulll perl‘nrmerx time In get here alter tlrnpping their I‘L‘xlk‘cllu‘ lxltlx Ull ttl \CllUtll.

l’nllnek hax enme li‘nm (ilaxgnu. .-\ntlerxnn l‘rnm :\nxtrtither in liile. thnxe t\\n lneatinnx haxing heen l'neal pnintx lnr tlteir quietl} re\nltitinnar_\ mttxieal aetixitiex during the paxt \lU/L‘ll _\L‘;tl'x.

linr thnxe tint in the knn\\. .'\llLlCl'\Ull ix the man hehintl l'ienee. a mtixieal enlleeti\e and reenrtl lahel haxetl iii the liaxt \ettk nl liil'e. l'inr tett Manx l’nllnek \\;tx a memher nl aeelaimetl intlie ntttlit 'l'he Delgadnx. and xhe xtill inintl} rtinx llltllC lahel ('hemikal l'ntlergrntiml. \xith her l‘nrmer hantlmatex.

\VL‘ lllCCl lk‘utllu‘ l‘Ulll ;tl'll\l\ lt;t\C 'lllxl l'L‘lL‘thL‘Ll xtttnning ne\\ alhtimx. l’nllnek'x xnln tlehttt llitli‘li I/n' I'it'rt'n‘nr/xx and Hum/ix/nl/ h} King (‘renxnte. and the) are ahnnt tn heatl nnt nn tnttr tngether. .'\llle‘l\Ull antl l’nllnek knnu eaeh ntlter \\ell alreatl}. ()ne nl l’nllnek‘x lirxt xnln xhn\\x \\ax at a l‘enee ('nlleetn e e\ent. \\hile xnme nl ;\ntlerxnn'x ne\\ t‘eenrtl \xax reenrtletl at (Item I".

link _


the \llltlltl rim h_\ l’nllnek‘x httxhantl l’anl Smage. linth artixtx alxn leattn’etl nn the li’i/Hm/x n! I/n' HI wk enllahnratn e alhtnn. and the l\\n \\ ere e\ en lneketl aha} lnt a \\eek in a lint‘tlet'x retreat tngether \\ ith nthei xnngurtterx lnr the Bnrnxnng prnieet. tnnre nl \xhieh annn. -\x the_\ xhare a pnt nl lzarl (ire) t'\\ ill I he mtnnf axkx .\|ltlL‘l'\ttll. pntirmgt. \xe xtart h_\ tlixettxxing the prnhlemx nl enmhining lile ax a tntn'ing mnxieian \\llll parenthnntl.

'lt'x inxt nne mnre thing tn nrganixe.’ lattghx

.\lltlk‘l\(lll. 'l'm ttmte lttek}. l‘\e gnt a netunrk nl

penple \\ltn help nnt with m) tlanghtet‘. l

ennltln‘t tln it nlltet'\\ixe. ll I'm tlning \lllll

arnnntl Sentlantl. | al\\a_\x get haek hnme. xn l ean xee lieth in the mnrning.‘

‘lt'x px_\ ehnlngieall} \\eirtl.' xa}x l’nllnek. "l'he lirxt time Ben eame nn tntn' \\ ith ttx l hatl a lllL‘llkl tn lnnk alter him \\hile \\ e \xere nn xtage. httt he \\;t\ at the age \\ here he xtartetl er} ing hartl \\ hen l lel't him. xn nn xtage l \xax al\\a_\x thinking ahnttt him. lhit nntx he'x nltler. I ean lea\e him at ltnme \xith liix (lilkl. I get terrihl_\ hnmexiek. hill that'x ( )K. ax lnng ax l knn\\ he'x \\ itlt hix tlatl.‘

RitlllL‘l' lllitll lk'lL‘iHC lllk'll' I‘L‘L‘Hl'tlx HI] their n\\tt lahelx. hnth ;\ntlerxnn antl l’nllnek ha\ e hnnketl tip \xith higger reenrtl enmpaniex tn gi\ e their mtixie tlte ehanee nl reaehing a \xitler atitlienee. lla\ing run their n\\tt lahelx. hnth artixtx are in a mueh xtrnnger pnxitinn tn ileal \\llll the \agariex nl' hig lahelx than the_\ might lta\ e heen ten _\earx agn.

'()nee _\ntt ha\e e\perienee. _\nti kltn\\ that reenrtl lahelx are al\\a_\x tr_\ing it nn.' xa_\x .-\ntlerxnn. 'l think )ntt appreeiate it mnre when the} tln thingx right. and yin enme tlnu n nn them harder when the) tlnn‘t. lla\ing tlnne \xhat the} tln m_\ xell'. nnlx tint ax \\ ell. I appreeiate \xhen thex get thingx happening. httt it‘x alxxa} x enxtl}. l tln LlllL'\llUll a lnt nl the mnne_\ thex xpentl.'

"l’he tlill'erenee lrnm (‘hemikal l'ntlergrntmtl ix that nn\\ there'x ittxt that \xee hit mnre rnnm linaneiall_\f agreex l’nllnek. 'lla\ing xaid that. there ix a large amntmt nl' pixx-taking \xithin the mtixie intluxtr}. expeetall} \xith mainr lahelx. .'\t (‘hemikal l'ntlergrntmtl. that‘x ximpl} nnt lttlL‘l'dlL‘tl. and lilll \lll‘L‘ ll-\ lllL‘ \LllllC \\ llll l'CllCL‘..

.-\lthnttglt l’nllnek ix. In an e\lettt. xtat‘littg again l'rnm xerateh. her time in 'l‘he l)elgatlnx hax gttaranteetl plent_\ nl metlia interext in her naxeent xnln eareer. \ltet‘ .\earx nl releaxing

hnme-htn'nt ('l )x and heing ignnretl nntxitle l‘tle.

\ntletxnn llll\l\ htmxell ximilarl} in tlemantl thexe tla_\x. hix laxt alhtttti /\(~ lx’itfi x ()A' reeenmg \\l\lk'\l‘lk'.lkl aeelamt and mereaxtng lnx prntile immeaxtnahh

'\nti \\lll\l tip heing realh hnx_\ tlning thmgx _\t‘ll ne\et thntight _\ntt'tl he tlningf xa_\x .\nilerxnn. ‘\\ hen l pttt nttt an alhtnn in the paxt. there \\ ere ma_\he tun mteruexxx. and that \xax it. \n\\ l \l\‘ that in a mnrnmg. antl then there are mextnrex. tailin xexxinnx. prexx thingx all n\ er the plaee. lint l \l\‘ll.l lllllltl ll. lt'x all gnntl'

\lttxieall}. there are intet‘extmg \‘l'ttxxt\\t‘l\ het\\ Uk'll \lim /1 [In III‘t'nnl’kx alttl Hum/th \lthnttgh .\ntletxnn tinm a lnlk haekgintmtl. ls’nm/ix/rt l/ xeex hnn e\pantlmg htx xntmtl. taking in e\et"\thmg ttnm inek tn amhtent tn litill. \xhile retaining that trailitinnal lnlk mllnenee. l’nllnek xeemx tn he mn\ mg m the nthet tlireetinn. ha\mg enme lrnm the epte tnek nl lhe l)elgatlnx tn nnu alxn emhraemg ni‘ehextral llll|\l\‘. pnp illltl exert a little lnlk intn lter xnttntl. l-ni thix tnnr. hnth artixtx are [‘l.t}lllg \\llll lllll hantlx Ill \xhat prnmixex tn he a lull nn xltn\\.

‘\\'e pla_\etl all nexx xnngx \\ ith the lllll hantl at the ( ireen \lan l'extnal reeentl_\.’ xa_\x ;\ntleixnn. 'antl tntall_\ xttmnetl merflnuly l tlnn't kltn\\ ll ll \\ax iii a gnntl \xa} nr nnt.‘

‘l'm reall} pleaxetl \\llll in} hand at the mnment.’ xa_\x l’nllnek. ‘ln laet. I think I‘m the \\eakext link. eaxil}. lt‘x all rtgltl tl l l" " tip. the text nl them \\ ill earr_\ me.‘

'I ln\ e lrnnttng a hantlf .\ntlerxnn agreex. like lzmma. I think I‘m the \xnrxt nne iii the hantl nn\\; I‘m the nne that keepx getting \xnrtlx illitl ehnrtlx \xrnng. antl e\er_\nne lnnkx at tne lttiin_\.'

.-\l lllk‘ L‘lttl Hl litxl _\L‘;tl'. l‘tllll \\ L‘I'L‘ L‘llxcttllu'tl Ill tt lint‘tlerx hnnxe lnr a \xeek \xith ntlier xnngm'iterx ineltttling Snxhil K l)atle antl Sqtiee/e man ('hi‘ix l)ill'nrtl ax part nl the llm'nxnng lextixal. tlte itlea heing tn enllalmrate nn xnngx antl pla) |i\ e at the end. lnitial tnixgningx ahnnt the prnieet \tei‘e e\ entitth n\erenme.

‘l thnttght it \xnnltl he a tlixaxterf xa_\x l’nllnek. 'l lintl it hard ennttgh tn \\ rite a xnng \xith m_\xell. ne\er mintl xnmenne elxe. \Ve \\ ere all L‘L|ll;lll_\ ill at eaxe tn xtart. htit h_\ the entl \\ e made a lantaxtie grntip and l tntall_\ Intetl \ltttl'lltg lllL‘ L'\PL'I‘lL‘ltL'L‘ \klllt tilltcl'x. ll \\;tx like heing in a hand again.'

'lnitiall} \xe thntigltt it untiltl he like [fig lf/vrI/it'r nr ljxtu/u' I'M”)! (ti/(In; xee \xhn \Htllltl It} In exeape liit‘xtf Ml,“ .-\ntlerxnn. 'lt \taxn‘t tititil the thirtl tla} \\ e hegan tn lighten up a hit. lt \\ax great tn xhare itleax \\ ith nther penple. and a ximilar thing ix happening in termx nl Sentlantl lnrtning itx nun mtixie intlnxtr}. .\'n\\ there are


mnxieianx. prnmnterx. agentx. lahelx. managerx antl \enttex all \xnrking tngether. We're a \xee entintr}. lt'x time tn xhare itleax.'

\Vhieh ix a ximple nntinn that thexe tun artixtx ha\ e heen at the lint‘elt'nnl nl l'nr )earx ntm. Ax a parting xhnt. l axk \xhat hnpex the} lta\ e l'nr their ne\\ I} releaxetl alhumx.

‘I itth hnpe \\ e er| ennngh tn tint he tlrnppetl.‘ lattghx .-\ntlerxnn in t}pie‘;ill_\ xell«lepreeating lilxltintt.

'Yeah. that \tnttltl tlnf agreex l’nllnek. "Sell enntigh nnt tn make arxex nl nurxeltex. haxieall_\.‘

'l‘rtixt me. thereK nn ehanee nl them making arxex nl' themxehex an} time xnnn.

King Creosote and Emma Pollock play the Queen’s Hall, Edinburgh, Sat 29 Sep. Bombshell is out now on 679, Watch the Fireworks is out now on 4AD.