

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Cate Simpson.

Thursday 20


Julie Davidson \\.iiei\ioiit-\. 71 \i;."\le Street. 2-13 JHl-l (ipiii Hook l.lllll\ll loi l).i\id\oii'\ lltllllilltllh look .it \klll\ \lL‘lL'tIl}[X‘\. .81 mix llI KI II

Martin Bell and Tam Dalyell \\'.ilei\toiie\. l5; l5“ \lllt'lllt'llall \tieel. “I ‘Illl5 (i illpui £3 Hell and Halwll tll\\L‘L‘l lllt' ltl\l lt'll )t'alx til l al‘itlll jJtiM'l‘lllllL'lll, Not tannnahly \xe ieekon

* Yann Martel liiii'tlt'H litltlh\. ‘lh lluehanan Street. 323 “NH l‘iee \l.iii llookei l’i'i/e \klllllt‘l \laiiel \klll he \iggniiip L'let'\ ol the neu lllll\ll;llL'tl \L'l\lHll ol lll\ lk'\l\t'lllll}_' hunk. /.I/I' 4" Pl.


Bridge Readings: Angus Peter Campbell lllt' .\u_L'u\tine ('huieh. ~ll ~li (ieoige IV Bridge. (WIN Illl‘l "pin. l‘lt't' iliekeledi. ('aiiiphell i'eadx iii Seoh and (iaelit' and mini lll\ lll'\l no\el \kl'lllt'll in l‘.llf._‘ll\ll. III\I\1/’/I'/\/tlllil\ Hooking: e\\t‘tllltil.

The Big Word lhe J.i// llai. I (‘haiiihei'x Sti't't't.331l~l.“)ll. Nillpiu. Lilith. \ hi3: \llllllllt‘l' \lillll llllell ol pei'loiinaiiee poeti} lealiii'ing: 2.5 poets oxei' loui rounds


:3: Yann Martel \Vateixtonex. IIN l’i‘iiieex Street. 3% 3mm. l) ". illpin. l'i‘ee. See 'I lltl Ill.

Tuesday 25


=11 Bruce Parry \liiehell 'l‘lieaire. o (ii'amille Street. 387 I‘ll)”. (fillpiu. [5 lo celebrate the launeh ol lll\ hook. Iii/ii: l’ai‘i‘} dixeuxxex ll|\ e\pei‘ienee\ ll\ lllfJ \\ itli ll'll‘t‘\ lll i'enioie I'L‘gltilh ol the \\Ul'ltl as part ol the BBC doetiinentai‘} \t‘l'lt'\.


Christopher Brookmyre and Mark Billingham ( )pal lounge. 5l (ieoi'ge Street. 23!) 3275. 7.5llplll. L5. lop iuodei‘n ei'iine lietion \\l'llt‘l‘\ lli'ookiii}i‘e and llilliiigliain \hare eenti'e \lage. reading: ll'ttltl theii' latext i‘expeeln e nmelx. \ Iii/i- [th [In] [H li/I'I’t/ illltl [Itl’l/ li/iItA I’t’llt 1/ and li’iirinl.

Wednesday 26


Christopher Brookmyre and Mark Billingham lioi'dei'x Hookx, US Buehanan Street. 222 "Will. 7pm. l‘i'ee. See lue 35.


Christopher Rush \Vaieixtone‘x. llx l’l‘lllet‘x Slt't‘t‘l. 3:0 :hhh. (I “Millpltl. l'lL'C itieketedi. launch l'oi' Hill. a lielional account of the last da} x ol Shakespeare. Kevin Cadwallender \Voi'd l’tm er lltmlwllilp. «l5 \VLWI .\'ieo|\on Street. no: “I ll. "pin. l’i‘ee. (’adnallender launehex lll\ ne\\ eolleetion ot' poeti'}. (blowing in (iiu'rnit'ti.

Friday 28


The Guid Crack Club \\’.i\erle_\ Bar. 1 St Mar} \ Street. .550 95“). 730nm. £3 donation. lidinhurgh'x popular \Inl‘)[L‘lllll:_‘ eluh. \\ here all are \\e|eome as listenerx or ereatorx. \xith \toi‘)tel|er John lkirrington.


Wigtown Book Festival \ai‘ioux \entiex. times. until ' ()et. (ll‘).\'.\‘ 4030M). Readingx pei‘l‘orinaiieex. e\hihits. delwatex and a li\el_\ kids-programme help make this e\ent one of the muxt-\ ixit literai')


J.lTllL‘llll_'\ ol the year llll\ year's i"1_' lllt'lllt'1\l\'.l\t'.llltl laii l’aixie} “ill he in loan to deli". e: the opt-inn; .ltlxllt'\\ while l‘l..‘ ll.lllit'\ \ith .l\ lliiaii lxeeiian. \oiiid: Hpera. l l/ l whhead. \eal \xtheixoii. \i.t\tl.tll (nix wee i‘iexieu a .lt'lg'll‘i} Houneii. \all} \l.i:iiii\\oii and l oiii

\l\ \aiiiee lklll he appearing throughout the peiiod \ee liltp ‘~‘~lf_'lii\\lll‘i>wl\ lt'\ll\.ll u‘lll toi the u'llll‘lt'lt‘ pioer'aiiiiiie


Shore Poets \lai lltdl. lhe luii. Jatkwiik l till}. I l I llol_\iood Road. ill :“V " Algl‘lll L: till lhe delightlul \hoie l’oelx ietuiii toi their iiionllil} ;,j.itheiin_~_' llll\ iiioiilh \ee\ .1 \l\ll tioin l’oll} ('laik. .llll} (Lunch and Ian \lel)oiiou§:h


Gregor Townsend \\.llt'l\lilllt"\. l 1 l1 l’iiiit‘ex Street. 550 ;“H l.‘ ill I lllpiii l‘iee llie Seotiixh iueln legend \lL‘lh eitl‘lt'\ ol lll\ .llllt'l‘lille.t[‘ll}. Iii/l or {In /IHIIl\


Conversation Pieces: Robert Douglas Ri‘_\.ll ('oneeri Hall. 2 Saut'hiehall Sheet. ‘5‘ \llllll lpiii L5 i111 in ad\.ineei lhe ( il.l\\\t‘_L‘l.tll author \iho hax |l|\l lllll\llt‘tl \i' [It I ‘ltl/t \l\ '\ I'lmxim . the final lll\l.lllllt‘lll in lll\ autiihiogiaphieal ti'iloe}. takes the oppoi‘tiiiiit} to resale an audience \\lll1 ta|e\ ol ll|\ d.i_\\ .i\ .i Pl'lM‘ll \xai'den.

Roy Hattersley l'..i\l\\iiiitl l’al'lx lllL'tlll‘k'. lx’oiiken (ilen Road. (iillnoek. 5" -l‘l"ll. ", illpiii, Uni-1i, lhe loi‘niei labour deput} leadei talk about lll\ latext hook. li’ormm-i/ lllllr'. lithlllL‘ at the inter \xai’ period in lliitain.


Michael Ondaatje Queen‘x Hall. H" A") ('leik Slieel. NIX Illl‘l Spin (3 lhe aeelaiiiied author ol lire [Helix/i lint-ii! talks almul lll\ neu \xoi'k. [Ninth/(TU. at llll\ Izdinhui'gh International Book l-exlnal \'\L‘lll. SL‘L‘ l't'\ lk'“.

Wednesday 3


Dream Poets Tour Seoiuxli Sionielling (‘entie 43 ~15 High Street. 55b 0.5“).

". illpin. [X iL‘5 i. 'l'he dream team ol poeti'} eongi‘egate in litlllll‘lll'leI tor the National l’oeli'} Ha} lextixitiex. l-i'oiu langland eoiue\ l’atienee \gghahi; li‘oin Seotland. lx’ohei‘t ('ia\\ lord. lioiii \\ale\. (i\\}iit'tli

l em\; and trout Northern Ireland. (ieai'oid .\lae l,oeh|ainii.

Thursday 4


National Poetry Day Varioux \entie\. lllllt'\ and pi'ieex. 'l‘his wars National l’oeti'} l)a_\ eelehialm the theme ot tll'L‘;tlll\. \\ ith a huge range ol e\ent\ planned aei'oxx the [K inehiding a Dream l‘oui‘ ot the tour eapilal eitiex. See \\\\\\.poeti‘} \oeiet} .oi‘guk toi' lull programme.


William Roache \\atei\tone\. I53 l5" Sauehiehall Street. 3330105. (\5lll‘lll. £3 ll'L‘tlL‘t‘lllal‘lL‘l Roaehe ill\L'll\\L‘\ lll\ _\eai\ as Ken Hallo“ in ('uruntiriun Mm I. and \lglh (UPILN \ll lll\ l‘unk Swill I’ll l/lt .VI'H'I.


Tony Blackburn \\'aiei\ione\. l2.\ l’l'lllk‘LN Street. 226 Shot» 13.3” 3pm. l5i'ee. ()ne ot Bi‘it.iiii\ nimt lainom radio l)J\ Ct‘llllllt‘lllt‘l'.llL‘\ the time he has went on the dll'\\.l\L‘\ in lll\ :tllltll‘ltlgrill‘ll}. l’opttleit .ll\ 1.1!: ll.‘ Rut/in.

Poems Aloud: Dreams Seolthh l’oetr} l.ihi'ai'_\. .5 (‘riehton'x ('loxe. (‘anongatu 55‘ 5%. 1 3pm. l‘ree. lt'x National l’oetr} Da) and the theme I\ 'dreainx'. ('hi‘istine De l.uea “Ill be hoaing lllh lunehtiine reading. l’leaxe hook in adxanee ax xi‘aeex are limited.


RICK GIEARY The Saga of the Bloody Benders


Rogue Planet

7 ‘;:' COO



Captain America: The

Chosen N01 ".5 2' "u' 1' '. O.

Joe ‘Mtfi‘ " Spent

10' I‘I’I'