(18)102mm. " .t‘ T:‘«,I't‘\f'_‘-II‘. T'H' ' 1 "it ". I" 1 xft‘ Ikil't” . n. ' z I": .' '. ' T: 5' 1"” ' 1 I ‘, 9, °'.' v 0v ‘1. 1:..«I'° '3 ‘2 "! I}',l.t’ l‘) K! )0) ' )>‘ 't'.' i ' |»" '. :‘."".\: 'v i I i " 2“ " " i. " P" "Wu: 1?: '.:'3 id. :.: 1' ' “iv-11' » i 1w. 1.' : v tvw r r L \r I It . \' iff\{ ' Q ' r \‘r O! ‘7' F k t t\ 11‘ l' i" H l""‘f H i "I i r '. 'l” ' n , 0'. i} lc.r., “I ;\v r a" 1 N :w i I .7 . p v v ‘\° in 7‘ . '. I .' , t(r\ v D .u ,v ,t 'y )'\ i, : 1"!» ‘» f": .'.”w" i." v I ". " " ' ' ' PI' . f‘ill' I i. ". ' . i v 5", . ' :.\12. '«r 2 'l"'-" v‘ ».T,\.}" "‘W‘Tf 'u" \li"i‘..:" wiv 1-1 11‘ ' k).'\::' )v' ‘v I ""t'i1‘i“; 1" A ii'll ' t, 1‘ ' (1' v nit: L:If~ yt‘” Ul.."[‘ F) [i/ (4:.va ,fii~‘/~“:".‘. : v J‘th ESHI\:\}' it“? I 'F” I: <1 Nuns llu' . \'.'\x? ,. .lit-u' " r ]'\(.“ {vv,v(:‘.f"'( (ftt‘i. 4}\‘(‘1rt()t v~f‘n(i,i‘,.rilrf(lrvi :‘1..t‘ti‘ it ~'. i ' ' 11' '3 ' 'W‘V’W“) 1‘42‘,’ .‘« ‘\""l_‘» ,.i"‘il°‘¢"’""~‘\i"‘ “.i'“) " ,: :".:': "f i: "him. i“! Vinnie) fié‘YVIf» "tl‘i ::<>‘.'."‘ (1 “To? ml." that wow. i'.:: in" .2 T".il ,irwrif“? raw" "9'! .ifli‘flhlifl" Tn mum; .iw: .i "whim wt ' w I" ' Ream." .‘.<>'Y“ 1h tikx‘I'fi’y)(Yi\“ri(i\1(ff;TKLI"'}"' . 'lifl .:

/( ' ."' ' (1 \ii.~ll.' 1} "«.lilll‘:t> i' t‘

,:ri{ .xii‘mi liming (i rnasstm

" "' "w '.":1‘:E5"‘il"ii'i'f‘tl‘nliil ROCKET SCIENCE , 1, (15)101minooo *3 "‘ ' W i .i'f'war as fiiIL'fol (if. ‘1 WMH‘HSL

Having charmed cinema-goers with his enthralling Oscar-nominated :imsw't v.0" out its; minimum documentary Spellbound, director Jeffrey Blitz works a different kind of ' guilt-5; rm;- miw: fmrvwa ..".ili (no magic with this beguiling fiction film debut. Where his first film followed a ‘v'uai, zi"ti<:lir::;i<,1i<: 5‘4wi, and marks. bunch of National Spelling Bee competition hopefuls, Blitz's follow-up "’Jiéllfle’é rim; m (IUQilIl‘, u‘ M: mutinil of focuses on a single teenager, the superbly monikered Hal Hefner (Reece “3mm; v'ulaaillw stars. We i,|"f,‘lll(li|(, Thompson), who joins his school’s debate team initially in order to mxuualwt of a .2in 1mm. Atvmll"; falm romance ultra—competitive team-leader Ginny Ryerson (Anna Kendrick), m muse»; a m (:f mimlusn; (action but but ultimately to overcome his ego-crushing speech impediment. bunnies; <;"l§, W; rgii'w 1m.“ ‘.‘.£il Blitz‘s offbeat eccentric comedy is clearly indebted to Wes Anderson, to ’.'.';ir ii (Mm i larrlsmm whose films Rocket Science bears more than a passing resemblance. From I (3e>"<>'5:‘5 rewmu- fmm /." .I’éa‘ 8w. (Lattqu mm All“: furl" Lulu/‘66:“. rm: the diorama-style set-pieces through the breezy pop-Classical soundtrack _ past ;i"<i illff proximl, / ‘flfi’l/iN} ilmy'w; (featuring a heard-to-be-believed cello and piano rendition of the Violent “RNA” parallels; hem/imp Ann"; Mn and thou: . . , . . , . EVENING . . Femmes hit Blister In the Sun ) to the preternaturally mature kids and (12A)117min ... of hm (léiiiill‘litrf;. iizirti(,i.l;irl, (mimic,- a adults suffering from arrested development, Rocket Science recalls character :w ,ivmpp, «mule winnm Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums. law: it: liturgir‘, mum‘s Wrong." liS (“1:1failerlrlniwxn. llu'vluwimel, That‘s no bad thing, although Rocket Science might have felt like no more (f‘.fl(i{il’."€? photograph, and exgumtn rmmtm: {1"(1 rumly mrwrnm m, in. than a homage to an idiosyncratic fellow filmmaker if it weren’t for Blitz’s inwiznblm" woman. In IIS‘ éi'.‘.'iif(l (lrzmut :f‘), :t Hex'tfltiwwrfv, ‘i:‘:i+, (l in? enormously sympathetic yet never sentimental take on his protagonist‘s ':.'6:.'.' am: all 5513' met, turner). li‘) luau/fl?) "nimitd a w: debilitating communication difficulties. And newcomer Thompson is jaw- igwm; s; W,- ki"(l '>.‘ class; act that obvious. Perhaps it". a saw: of w, droppineg good as the determined, though not precocious in an llr>1|..‘.:>ix: w-iw; to (133;: 'imsficii; mun): talent Imw; w) mm Anderson-esque manner, Hefner. (Miles Fielder) {H in! ’i‘filiftf) F miner

-,_ i I "( I \n' m: '- a: 4‘ ." MEANS} JD" 5mm m" alt, 'r<,.‘:‘ I (mummy 'im’mw: 'm'r f’ .’ wt,

w; mm ,4: r," N? In HATCHET (18) 85min .0

w'xi' 3"? u=illl"<: '15) ' a. a “wake. It?) ' a. A sequel .i'V. 9710? Mixer. 0!. «1

.Ja: (mess: )"(: sufiierns H(i.f-/‘f:. is a" 0'1)" <1i r or"; 'no. a. It 7. :df writ (it. It

db a aha/x 7: 1.2:;H'V: '71.,rw «Cr ' i L". (Jess'imf) t'w‘. «9:. {Axlqel 050W 9'. UV}

53' »\'7 way: ' Cf’fx (Armed <2IJ(/;<in:'l(,2:‘, Hal}: 1 FM: . ., «Jaw

E ' .1. ' .‘ .1'": mp. Cw my. 214'»)! re 1 me a j . war. u.

:1» A ' 5225' :<:rnt<r., somet'wm (,0 inf'YTH’l L, Y' (: Gist! (g ,1 K: i: H’, Her. (m: dab r Jo ees trw‘ t'ir: F'rm. .' f: 1.." series. as 2' C: am: , (Mi gored.

{/'€f.'\fr' [i.\l"\1"1 (If; fler‘u‘. F (If rafi Si‘rdiVlFJ'Qulrleiili\g. (J/L, v‘iliel(J” f3. L.J’(/' J ,l(1(

As; e "‘9"sters :20. C“ - 'e "s Q‘."C'QI"1%""_ Jen nuaov'at'xr; a' r: us

' w a, zueva' J' i5" 1 particizarl. omwal ~ .ee'ager‘. .mo gel '08? i' "I‘.

5.3.2" 1. kn, (ff/7.. “I, .‘.’. i L: t‘.\i.(1rg(1r(}€' :' 3 “CC” .7‘: 9/“, ,«1‘. J 2‘ ll ,

, 55:. ...{,.‘.. .5 2. J . d4 ,1_ ,1 j ‘, )‘7‘3 (1 1’, .jr‘: i‘, 1 .Ev’“ A t, '3‘ \. H 1' v -. _/.4 i (18 C qr .l' 9 J_JT. .fxr {'3 118‘ 1‘7 1(3-r)(/- 1, \~/ ,5"; [\r’ - L, I‘h/‘r \ ‘V‘L 'r ((‘r r-‘ r, erpr‘vah(v «if rm -v I ’. / V 7 [ (4 F _. . , \J 1.: ,. 4 out , .»/ 3/ J. (A .i/ ,0. ll’ a .ilw J '4 J ’14;

ref: re ~- "'2 m‘onwate cornpietely i" two. 1‘s SimpiemWUed.

comet'm ,. ".N‘o'Cfi. gruesome stuff. mt" none of the n‘lisofgy'rzstic nastiness. ., C z-mwfca: pretecticcscess of me recent Crop of torture porn films. Fer that .-.e to thank newcomer writer-director Adam Green. (Miles Fielder)

I 'er’ease from Fri 28 Sep.

23 Sep—4 Oct 27,7 THE LIST 41