
La Cage Aux Folles t‘ .00

ll «litttattl \lnllttatn. l tattte. l‘V‘t l :t' lHL'tta//t \ltt ltel \ettattlt. Retttj. l autent l‘l‘ltttttt Renatn I'ln'gttaHtt .llltl \lltttt '\t‘tt.tttll man the 'ttlll.t','t'ittl\( aye \tl‘. lnlle lllL'lll\ llll‘ athete the latter I\ tlt; \lal ill.t‘._' .lkl l It'-t‘l\ hit 3" '~t'.ll\ lllt'\ lt.t‘.;' lttnttght up Renath \nn li'L‘t'lltt‘l httt

heatlat he» .tllw' '.‘.llt'lt the Iatl '.‘-.tlll\ tn tnatt‘.

min a ~lt.t|;'lll laee<l l.tlllll\ .ttlil the tnuple ttj. ll.lllll\tlll_\ll'tll\l'lll\t'lll\l‘.1\l‘t:l|'lllltl Ratltet nltl l.l\lll"ll\'(l. hut ttttettntttetttl} lltl.tltt~ll\ llt'llttt\t‘\ tan e. \llttt‘\\llll ettntttth tn \p.t‘.‘.tl tun lttL'hl} aunttlahle \k'qllt'l\ (Iliflzjrht ll/Hl llti tilh (I/tnz'r'n. ///u;/tuti\t liltlt/tH/z'lt

Catch and Release 1 1.? \ O. i\tt\attnah ( ttattt.l \ 3‘“! 't letttnlet (tatnet, lttnnth} l)l_\phant_ \atn'_‘.'t‘l. l\et. ttt \tttttlt lllttttn \lleL'etll} lltt\ l\ a tll.tlllt'tl\ ahnttt ln\ e. In“. .tlltl lllttllll“) neu lme (ttat \\ heelet \ t( iatnet t l'tattt e the\ .llltl \he lllit‘tt'\ ttt ‘.‘.llll ltlx tHHtlttlt.tlt‘\ attentne llettttt\ t l.te_:'et I atul tptttlex \attt I\tttttht l’lttltthlltL‘ tntttetl} that tllltlll.tlt'l_\ ill\.t|tttt'lltl\ (IlthillHI (i/menu Central Station 1 Ht 0... t\\altet \alle» lll.l/ll_ l‘l‘lM \‘tntetux tle ()ltxetta. letttantla \lntttetteggtn lllltttnt \ueat \Udlk'tl tten lt‘.tll\lll nt a ltlttt tltal \l.ttt'\

wm um


We have two new DVDS to {lth‘ awa\ thts issue Ftt‘st up. In t‘eleht'ate the teleas‘e of the fttst adaptattnn of John Stetnheck's novel. Of 1‘. ltee and Men, n e haw lt\t‘ eoptes of the DVD to gtt. e away Released ht Anew Films on Sep 24. the DVD ts pneed at $19.99. We also haxe ftve comes of Dal s of Glen up tor grabs. To enter. JUSl send an ematl to promottonsdltstee uk tttflt‘kOCl \‘etth the DVD of \Ottt‘ Chetce by no later than 3 October. USual List rules apph.

46 THE LIST .‘C‘ 801*": 03‘. fCL“

punettj. ttt the e} e \.:llL'\ ttttetttattnttal ?::t t\ tlte \tntj. nt a _\nttn;' Rin tle lattettn \ttqet tttehtn .llltl a tnttnet u lliN'llt'aeltt'l ultn 9- I'll tlte tttn tnm'tltct tl‘t .: ttltn tlt.:l explnx \ that I atttt \lllellt an lttatl‘txlaj. tl‘:~ \L'ale h int .: lltl\\lll;' Innetl nne (..‘rvn n lit/trinity” Chelsea Girls l‘~ .... \ntl\ \\.ttltnl l’attl \lntttwe} l \ l‘lttltt lllIL'ltl lletltn‘ l ttt lntetwn. \lattn \lnnte/ \ten :llllltlll \\athnl\ pntttatt nt tlte ntnlttw

ltk l. \\ .tlltl untletrtnttntl et t ettttte \ 2t. hn tnhahttetl lll\ \llltllt‘t llte l aetnt\ llte ttlttt l\ [‘lt'\k'lllt'tl a\ ll \\a\ nttetttalh \ ntttenetl lhlllL' tun lhtnttt ptntet litl\ tn e teate a tttttltt \\ teett etleet l’att nt \\athnl ntt l tlttt It/ntltnstu It/ttt/tur.:/t

Clubland l‘ ... If ltette \n‘a l.ttt -\ll\ll.tll.t. .‘l lllflt lltentla llletln llt lx’eltee \ a (ithnet, khan ('lttttentlett lntttta ltnnth lllqltltlt \ee texte'a page it! ( HRH/"1’41 /\'t nlIt t: \In ( t', (I/t:\;fn'.-. (it/4 ttl' It'll AtttItttI/t/ It/m/nuelt

Cyberworld 301l’(ltt\.tllttll\_ l \ ItNltttlennal-Iltttatt. \latt llt“.\k'le\\1‘t‘\l\ \llen l-ltnttt .lenna l‘lllltall l\ tlte ethet lti|\l \xhn llllll‘tlllxk'\ tlx tn \.tt|itll\ utttelatetl \ejgtttenh nl e\l\et attttttattntt I/tt \IIHI'HHIH .llltl ltt: '. tttalte ll) .ll‘l‘k'.ll.lll\\'\ lll a \Pk'kl.“ ttlat tll\[‘l.l_\ nt tntla} '\ lttH\l Illtltlt'\\l\t' gtaphtt tethttnlne} Ill \\

l/H (II/l, (t/(H‘e‘t'lt

Death Proof: 1M... tout-nun latattttnn. l'S. flit)": l\'tttt Ruvell. Rme .\le( inuan. Rtt\.tl'lit l)au \nn ll-ltttttt \ee tex IL‘\\. page W (it m m/ I. lean

Deep Sea some. t lltt\\.tltl llall. ('attatla/l 'S. lellttl \nttex nl .lnltntt_\ l)epp. Kate \thxlet ~lltnttt \ lhltgttal e\plntattntt nl llte nteatt'x llt'l‘lll\ atttl llx

\ teatutex. /\I.l.\' [In (NH. (i/tixgntt Dhamaal 1 II \t ilntlta Kutnat. llltllJ. Ztttt7t Santa} l)utt. Rllt'hlt l)L'\llltttll\lt. Snltatl Klta l35tuttt l’npulat llnll_\\\nntl entttetl} ltaxetl ntt a \hnt‘t \lttt} h} t'txtttg; \lat l’at'ttnxh l’attitet'. ('tm n (ll/ll It’t Il/H'H Sin ( I. (I'lll\'\'l'\l

Dhol t'l‘het tl’t‘t}at|at\ llltll.t. ltttt" l ( )tn l’ut‘t. 'l‘uxxhat' Kapnnt'. Ratpal Yatlaxlltntlt remake nt the \\.Il.tlll tnnx te In [lull/Ii“ \num \xtth llttlxte h} l’t'ttatn ()llt'llll .tl Illt' (Jinn. (i/thg'tm

Disturbia t ISt .00 int (mum. t‘s. 3”th Shta l allenul. (‘at'tte \ltltt‘ \ltt\\t l).t\ ltl .\lnt\e Ill-1mm. .\ tlt\tuthetl teenage tehel axxaultx lt|\ teaehet .llltl l\ L‘lt‘ell'tlltlettll) l.t;_'j_'t'il .tlttl [‘laet'tl lllltlt'l hnuxe .tl‘l‘L‘\l. Retnaktttg lltteltenek‘x It'utt “tilt/UH a\ a teen lltek I\ a titee ltlL'd and the \ln\\ hunt nl tlte t'tltn'x tlt'k’l‘} llt'\l hnut' eet‘taml} llll\ all the llf_'ltl ltttlt'\. hut the \l.t\ltt'l' tnn\ te tlettnuetttettt gnex M er the [UP (li'llt'l'il/ I‘c'lt'tlu

Early Cinema: Primitives and Pioneers tl'ttVat‘tnux. l't'anee/l 'K. l8‘l5 lunm lllllmm 'l‘htx enlleettntt nl 33 llllth ltnttt tlte pt‘e I‘lltl pettntl nt' emema

pt'nx ttle\ an entertaining; lnnk at hnxt man} nl tntla} \ lilut tle\ tees \ueh a\ the elnxe up and the em .ma) \tete llt\l m\ entetl h)\t't\ ll‘ttttt lllt\ tttne l’t‘eeetletl l\_\ a \llttt‘l tttttntlttettnn .llltl lttll(\\\L'tl h} a ()tk -\ l’at't nt '\tt ltitt'ntluettntt tn littt'npeatt ('ttietna ll/Nl/lltllu'. I't/Itt/ture/t. L’Eclisse (The Eclipse) tt’t ll 0... i.\ltehaelang_'eln .-\ntnntnnt. lt;tl}/l't'.tttee. l‘lttlt .\lntttea \‘tttt. -\l.tttt l)elnn. l't‘anetxen Rahal l25tttm \tttnt‘ta i\'ttttt leax e\ het lnttg tet'ttt |n\ et tnt .t \tttt‘klttttkt't'. hut l\ tuet'eaxtngl} than n In \itllllltlk't 'l‘lte tittal pat't nt .-\tttntttnttt'\ tlltHlllelal tt‘tlng} nt mm IL‘\ ntt llUUlllCtl t'elattnttxhtpx taller

I'll t t'nlum .llltl It: \ntlt I. lht\ again eaptute~ a t'e\tle\\ teeltttg nt' hutttatt altettattnn .llltl \etx tt agatnxt att Ultlt‘thH llth l\.t(l\tlt'0p ltL‘l'e lllL' \lL‘ea) Iltg heattt} Hl Rntne \ in} l-t/m/tnzm. It/m/mrq/t, Ecoute Ie Temps t IM .00 t.-\latile Kanute. l‘l'allet'. 3”th l'lltlllL‘ l)equetttte. \lathteu l)em_\. l utlmtla \ltkael. Jaeque~ Sptexxet‘ 98mm See t'e\ te\\. page 3‘), Itt’mltntm. [tint/tutelt

Evan Almighty t l’( i t O Ilntll Sltathae. IS. 30th Ste\ e (‘at'ell .\lnr:_'an l‘reeman. laut'en (iraltam "5mm ()tte-inke enmetl} ahnut a humhle ei‘ttgt'e\\ltt.tlt t(‘at‘el|t \xhn l\ \ l\llk‘kl h} (ind ta pattttull} \tttllg l-‘reemant and tnltl tn hutld an ark. With tllllllttlh ltntng up tun h} tun. Man I\ l‘nreed in question lil\ maker'\ in} \lL'rlUlh \xa} \ durtng ht~ enm erxtnn l’rntn \tratght-


Michelangelo Antonioni

A ..

Lest we forget the great Italian filmmaker who died on 30 July this

year, the Filmhouse presents a short season of his best known films. His spectacularly revolutionary homage to the counter culture Zabrt'skt'e Point (1970) opens the five film season while L’Eclisse (1964). the first film to win Antonioni international recognition. brings the event to a close. In between you can enjoy the delights of arguably his finest film, The Passenger (1975), as well as The Red Desert (1964) and of course Blow Up (1966). Farewell Michelangelo.

I ...!t . . v

latetl \ltll tn tn} \ll\ \aee nt lltl\ tepttl lt'llleth l.ll\t' Imp/It ( t'ttltln.'t:1

(AIM/i I‘d/ll. (hit 4"] ll “It (Julia (i/ti'uft’t‘. Evening t I.‘ \t 000 it a|n\ l\ [8. 3Hth ( ‘latte llanex. lnnt (‘nllette \.ttlt‘\\.t lx’etletm e. \lettl \tteep ll"tttttt See t'e\ lt'\\. page ll \t'ltt [it] u /li1'\l Firehouse Dog mm .0 Intttt llnllatttl. lb (..llldtlJ. 31H)“: .ltt\lt

llutt hetwtt. \la} te ( lan l.t. lltttt e (iteenunntl llltltlll Re\\\. the tanttte \lat nl tnn\ te~ \ll\ll ax Imam/t Ila/A .llltl It ttttt (H :’/,l’l”’ It i 1'. l.lll\ llllt‘ lllt‘ lllL‘ t‘l \ehnnlhn} \hatie tlltttt ltt‘lvtlll ulten a \lllltl gnex hnttthl} \\tnttj; .itltl lte L‘.tttt\ a tnnte ttxelttl \ntattnn a\ a lll.l\\l‘l at the lm al lite \lalltttt (‘lutnxt llnlltunntl \attte.

tntxtnatt llt'tl \lllttl\ .tlltl t ttteyx (‘( il plat e llll\ tittttl} in the pnnp tta} nt tnntlettt tttulttple\ L‘ltlt‘llta \( lit [14/ It l,(11\l

T4081l5t.. t\ltl\ael llalxltnttt.

l '8. 3w“. .lnhn ('uxat k. \lat_\ \le( 'nttttat k. Satnttell .laelnnn llfittutt \ltke I lt\l|lt

t( ‘uxaekt lll.ll\\'\ ltt\ ll\ mg: h} \ta} lll;_' ttt \ttppnxetll) hauntetl litealtttlh .llltl \ktlllllf.‘ ahnttt lll\ e\pet'tettee\ \ttet .t Ill}\lt'tli'tl\ llt\ tte tn \eu \nt'lt'x l)nlpltttt llntel. he tlk'llt'\ the pnttetttnux \xat’utttex nl tttatta;:et ()ltn\\ttttt and attempt\ tn \tteL ll nut tn tnntn l~lti.\_ \tltete tttet‘eaxtngl} ht/att'e tlnttgx start In happen unttl the llllll lllk'.lll\lL‘l\ lll\\.ll\l\ ll\ llll\tlll\l.l\ltll_\ ttlllellhlt‘ll (It It‘i Ill/l It [l tt'H

Germany in Autumn t 1m 0000 i\'attnu\. \Vext (tettttatn. l‘FHt l2 ‘tnttt \ tln/ett \\e\t (iet'man t'tlttttnaketx tt'} tn eateh the /ettj_'et\t h} enntt‘thttttn: 'lll att_\ \xa} the} \\ t\ltt tn lllt\ tnatle lnt l\ .t\\t'\\lltetll nt the \tate nt the ttattntt ttt the wake nt the l‘)“\ lxttlnapptnj; .llltl tttuttlet nt a ptntntttettt l‘tl\lllL'\\ttt.itt llllelllleth tnelutle Ratnet \\etnet l-axxhtntlet\ l.teet'.iltltj_‘l_\ hnnext \ell-pnt‘tt'att. .llltl lletttttelt linll'x tattt agatttxt ( lL'llttatl l\ \ t‘etuxal tn htnatleaxt Snphnelex‘ lttnenm nn gtnttnth nt tl\ pnlttteal \t'lt\ll|\ tt_\ l‘.t\ellt.tlllt:..' l’att nt (iet'tnan) ttt \ututttn and (let'tnan). \ututnn l‘lq“ (it'mentz It/m Illt (me, (it’nwnn. lt/m/tnuu. lat’tIt/tutg/t

Girl With a Suitcase (La Ragazza con la Valigia) 1* t 0000 t\.tlcllit /ltt'llttl. ltal_\.’l't'attee. WM 1 ( .l.lll\ll.t (‘attltttale ,laequtw l’t'llllle l llelalla -\ttf_'tnltlln ltt‘tnttt ‘\l\l.t t( "attltnale: heath nut alnne tnt the ht; tit} attet hem; tlutttpetl h} het ln\et She l\ hett'tetttletl h} ltet e\ \uttntk _\nun§_'et‘ htnthet la't‘ctt/H l’enm «. \xltn e\etttuall} heenmex ltet next. littltalk e But \\ hen .-\ttla hegtm a ne“ relattnthhtp. \he trtex tn let l_nrett/n Ll(t\\ll gentl} Superb. htghl} \l}ll\L'tl. near arehettpal ltghtuetght \umgmg hllx enmetl) drama h} a filmmaker

\kllit\t‘ tantl het .tttte a Int tl.tll.t'l l’att nt leatl'ne l .ttllt'x nt tttettta it - /:.'/t' It”: It/ttriwc/t

The Golden Doort tt‘ \ t O...

.l tnattttelel ttalext: |ta|\ (It'llll.tll\ l tan“

I! ”"'I’ (\4

.‘lllltn ( ’hatlntte ( I.itlt\l\t|lll:' \ lllk en/n \tnatn \tttnta (_)ll.lllltt\\ ltt l."'ntttt Hit a

\lt'.tlll\lll[‘ intntte\ ttnttt lll\ \tt than \. Ill.t'.' tattlnuet \al\atnte \lattt ttwt \tttatn- t‘llxi‘lllllt‘l\.tltl'~l\lllll1"lll‘.\lt‘l\ \lttttlltlt'tl lin'ltxltxmttttatt. l ttt \ nl t.tlll\l‘ttlll‘." \tt llllt'\|‘t'\ lt'tl lIt\t' \lttl\ llllll'ltl\ lllt' ‘.‘..I\ lit l lhx l\l.tll\l atttl the :‘nltlrn tlnnt tn the

l llllt'tl \tate\ nl then llll.t‘.'lll.tllt'll lltllllttt.‘ tnaz'ttal .tltil tatltet «nttltttl li‘lllallllt <lt.tltl.t (mm M [JIM/Hush

Grease l’( it .... tlx’atttlal l\let\et l'\_ I” \t lnlttt lt.t\ull.t lllt‘.t.t \e‘alwt .lnhn. \tnt kanl ( ’hantttttz' llltntttt l\‘.t‘lll‘. \t'\t'll )t‘.tl\ tttt. (In n‘\r l\ \llll lllt' '.‘.Hlil .llltl \llll the \kaj. we ate teeltttz' (M: w: ll It”. (jinn h/nu'na

Hairspray M i O... « \tlatn \ltattktttattl \ jllll't lnhtt ltaxnltat \tllt lilnttxl.) \tttantla lltnex lllttltllt l.tllltltll atlaptattntt n! the lltnatlua} lllllxltdl tathet than a tetnal.e nt Inlttt \\atet\~ l‘).\.\ ttlttt \lllttttllel «latLet t‘lt'lllt'llh nt the \tntj. ate lnxt ttt Pllhtlll nl ttttt .ilttl a ltI.t|ll\llt‘.tlIt atttltettte. llll\ all \Illi'tll‘.‘ all tlattt tlt‘.’ teett tittlt \lnnex .tlllltl a \lllltlllt‘l nl lltt|\\ l‘lt‘tl,l‘ll\lt‘l \k'tlllt'l\ lta‘ attpttxtttt'lt. t'lltlt'attlt‘: pettnttttante ttll tttll ill.tL'| .t\ ltltta 'lttttthlatl l\ the then} ntt tnp \. In t. ./ ’l .yvltl'\(

Hallam Foe 1M... ll).l‘-ltl

\lat Len/1e. l K. .‘ltll ': latnte llell. \npltta \l}le\. ('tatatt llllltl\ ‘thtn llallattt Illellt tnn\e\ tn l'tltnhttteh ttnttt a \lll.tll lil\\l‘. \xhete he \ptex Hit the ttt‘lL'lllthlh .tl‘al lllt'\ tn ttttplteate lll\ \teptnnthet ttt lll\ tttnthet'x tn} \lt'llitth tleath lite tn the t it}. httttex lillllalk e tn the tnttn nt Kate [\l}le\t, xttth ‘.‘.ltHlll he litttlh an lllllllt'tlldlt' enttneettnn l'l.t‘.‘.etl hut tlatllx ltutttntnttx. Hal/«mt ll’t \l.llltl\ heatl .tllil \hnultleh ahnx e .ttl_\lltttt_‘_' elxe that ll.t\ entne nut nt \entlantl III the laxl text. )eah \(.',(1.'(t//(/ll/\t

Happily N’Ever After it to.

il’atll l llnlget. \ nette Kaplatt.l X’ftetttiatt} :llll“t \atah \ltehelle (tellat l lt'tltllt' l’llll/i' he lnhtt l)t \lJL'L'lH. \tsnutne} ‘-\ea‘.et Mttttttt ltd.» hunthltnj; \nteetet'x apptetttteex. a ptj.‘ talletl \luntl t\\'allaee Shani. nt .tlltl a eat ktlllL'tl \lanthn '\lltl:. l)tel.t aeettlettlall} alliM extl '-‘.lltlt l‘flL‘tlJ tStgtturne} \\ eakCt': lit .‘illet the halattu' Ht gnntl and e\ tl lit the tnagte langdntn l)t\appntnttttgl} tattttltar enntetttpnrar} take ntt nltle lair} tales. llu' lu/m/mrgh (It ('(m l;(/lll/)1(I'L'/l