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Stuart: A ere Backwards TV The BBC adaptation of Alexander Masters' critically acclarmed biography about the unlikely fnendshrp between a homeless alcoholic and a wnter. See revrew. page 88. BBC 2. Sun 23 Sep. 9pm.

The Brave One


Jodle Foster plays a woman

on a mISSIon In a thriller

about loss. revenge and vrgrlantlsm wrth more than a hunt of Taxr Dr/ver and Falling Down about it. See revrew. page 42. General release. Fr/ 27 Sep.

4THE LIST. 5-;

Alvin Ailey


After a Stunnlng Scottlsh

debut last year. the

Amencan dance company returns Wlth another vrbrant and excmng mIX of modern dance. Jazz and ballet. See prevrew. page 84. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh, Tue 25- Wed 26 Sep.

A Mighty Heart


The emotronally charged true story sees Angelina .Jolre play the heavrly pregnant wlte of a Wall Street journalist kltlnappetl lll Karachl Sue

Johanna Brlllnq VISUAL ART Straddling GOCumentary and flctron. Brllrng's collection of Video preces IS Insplred by fllm, muSIc and lyncs. See revrew. page 89. Dundee Contemporary Arts. Sat 75 Sep—Sun 4 Nov.

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Rupture THEATRE In thus dark 2lst-century thnller. SIX Characters explore the emotronal extrernmes of a post-Blair Bntaln wrth a wry smrle. See page 80. Traverse Theatre. Ed/nburgh. Sat 22 Sep-Sat 6 Sep.

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King Creosote and Emma Pollock


Two of Scotland's longest-standing muslcal talents brlng therr mlx of aCOUStIC folk and Out-and-0ut pop to the capltal. See feature. page 12. Queens Hall. Ed/nburgh. Sat 29 Sep.