Visual Art

Reviews scorr vaE's-L' ASKIT

The Modern Institute. Glasgow. '1 l I um” 13 Cd .... PAIN l IN< .

Wh'le't'sl'k I that th's' c ed'bl sl'ck f'n‘sh ha RICHARD STRACHAN ' ' 'eY ' m r I y I II 8

Amber Roome' Edinburgh. um” Thu 4 Oct ... been one of the main reasons that Strachanis . I becoming an emerging star across the art curcuut In

As verdigris slices through neon lime, which in turn is London, it also gives a sense of mechanical production edged with bright jade, Richard Strachan’s - that they were created by a room full of tireless pragmatically titled ‘Green/Yellow', becomes a automatons rather than a real live human being. And crystalline image that seems to take you deep into the that coldness really jars against the emotive qualities of architecture of the Emerald City. Strachan is interested the vibrant colour that Strachan uses, which is a clever in the way light and planes play off each other within way of flipping and upsetting our usual understandings interior spaces, and he in turn sets out to heighten the of our urban environment. However, whilst the hard way we might look at our own built-up environment by edge of Strachan’s green, yellow and orange tinged alluding to it in lurid colour and sharp, strong paintings really do succeed in batting you between geometries. Strachan‘s work is very metropolitan, not lustrous colour and the weight of architectural space, only because his paintings bring to mind fantastical his purple and brown hued works detract from this, Oz-like urban sprawl, but also through the glossy becoming comfy 19705 colour swatches that smack acrylic-on-aluminium surface of the paintings slightly of interior decoration rather than keen themselves. architectural interpretation. (Claire Mitchell) DAN Ml LER: STOCKADE , , , , .. .,, Studio Warehouse. Glasgow, until 24 Sep 000 ' ' ' I H .l' m :2 ~ t z "z :' r i: amt-Irvin" l~' " x : i ' r .' ':-r:~ i’ #1" l l“ l' L"! ' ' " i z ' ;,,;.'t o ' , z " Sui l' v' :' .' .' ' " .' ' :1 ' v . ' ' i i ‘, w” mm. ' ' n :"w::'.» .,’.., I. .,. f, , I 1 '1' 1,, ' ,' " ; " , ' 'r :I‘ . .. ‘1, . , , . . ‘,,,,;:., H. "I 2 ' ' 1 .. I. 2" /~:/' ' ' ' . z I ' 'I v ’3'“; i v ' : . . ' v ' ' /-': y I , F b l r - r r / :/’ l , ' v . , I I . . , , , I . , . . M 1, , . i" 1. ' "‘:~’ '.’I:, ‘t- m . - o' «w z . a ' . ' my; ', .»',- " ETC-“1’. '. a' c ’J’}"1‘:’1 .'.3r~ :;:)r‘t;a".'\: >1 :' ;-'-' /-,-' ' w I. 4:7," .'. A f;/::"':(;' /~';' 'UJ,

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