It's Always Sunny in Philadeiphia

uhn hnnd \\IIIIC being held hnxlage Int 53 hntn‘x aIIeI' a hntehed hank rnhher}. 'I'im Mal} and Kim Rgn er are amnng the trapped. .\'e\\ ehannel \'irgin I might he pnxhing Iiddie I//;1rd/ \Iinne I)ri\erenIIIeII}-1I1‘;11naIhe RIL'IIL'\ IWIII IllL' I'L'itl getn ix It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1\'irgin I. H()et1a hlaekl} hilarinnx enmed} xeriex \\ hieh I’L'iIIlII‘LW [III'L‘L‘ IWIIIIIIIL'x \\ I111 11\\ II It \xatermg hnIe and xIrIIggIe In Iind a halanee hetneen huxinexx and II‘IL‘IIIIxIIIp.

\VIIIIC the I'K dnex \In\\ ~ItIn\ iltg px} ehnlngieal di'amax. Ihe .-\merieanxi11xt In\ e In hiI 11x \\ ith a \L‘Itxnt‘} mallet. In the xame \ein ax 34 and l’rixnn Bren/x. xi\ parter The Company I BB('2. late .\'n\ I xpanx a .iII—_\ear perind dealing \\ ith the (’I:\‘x ttndergrntmd Iight \\ IIII IllL‘ K( ili. ltlL‘ItlixliL' YIIIL‘ graduate .Iaek .\Ie(';111IiIIe I(‘hrix ()‘Dnnnelli ix reerIIiIed inIn the (’I.’\ and xent In the Berlin Baxe. \\ here he'x mentnred h} eeeentrie IIar\e_\ 'I'nrriti. endenamed 'I'he Snreerer I.-\IIred .\InIin;1I. .\Iiehael lx'eatnn. 'I'nm IInIIander. Nataxha .\IeIiIhnne and .-\Iexxandrn .\'i\nla enmpIeIe Ihe Inp-Iine eaxI nI' Ihix $35111 prnduetinn. haxed nn Rnhert l.lIICll.\ nn\eI.

:\Itd III IlIL‘ L‘I'II/IL‘xl idea nI‘ IIIC xeaxnn enrner ix Journeyman ISk} ()ne.1\' .\'n\ I in \\Ineh nIIr wry n\\ 11 Km in \Ielx'idd p|a_\x a Iime—Irmelling IIL‘\\ xpaper repnrter in San I5raneixen \\ hn xtlddenl} Iindx that he ean I'Inat haeIx in lime In ehange penple‘x Ii\ ex \\ hile hnnldng 11p \\i1h hi.x I'nrmer Iianeee. \\ hieh eanxex a prnhlem nr I\\n Inr hi.x eIn'renI \\ iIe. (hint/nigh! Street/Ivar! ('5' an_xnne'.’

The Omid Djalili Show

.-\I'Ier _\earx nI‘ hammering a\\a_\ nn the \xnrld‘x xtagex \\ 11h liIIIe Ihanlxx. man} xtand-up enmiex ean't \xait In geI nn teII_\ In releaxe themerVex I'rnm their perxnnal

22 THE LIST -'- '5 CCt

hell. \Ve're eertaml} nnI x11ggexting that Ihix ix Ihe eaxe \xith ()mid I)|ahIi but man} Ianx ha\ e heen antieipating hix Ing

mn\ e In the xmaII xereen Inr a

\\ hile nnu. \Vith The Omid Djalili Show 1 BB('I. the 1. the entmtr) ‘x I‘nremnxt I 'K/Iraman enmie attemptx In inxnke the xpn‘it nI~ I)a\ e .-\IIen \\ ith a ne\\ xke‘te‘li and xtand-up \Ittm \\ hieh Iaeex up In the xear} and inI} \kni‘ld \\ e nnn inhahit. .-\nnIher nne-man xketeh xhnu aIIair ix The Peter Serafinowicz Show 1BB('2. 4 (Mi Irnm a g11_\ )nII ma} I'L‘L‘IIgIII\L‘ I'I'HIII \L‘IL‘IIL'L‘ L'tlllettltnlt

xpnnI' [MIA .‘Imum/ In” and mm-

enm Slut/m 11/ the Dual.

Aiming In uneath and unleain the enmiex 111' the IIIIIn‘e ix Comedy Lab 1(‘hannel 4. late ()eII \\ hieh enntimtex In hnaxt ahnttt I1a\ ing 11m eiled I)nm .InI_\.

A Yea with the Queen

I’eter Ka) and 'I‘nmm} 'I‘iernan and in itx Iatext xeriex \\ ill I'eattn‘e the likex nI I)nItg Stanhnpe. ('Iare (irngan. Ix'arl I’ilkingtnn and (ireg \Iellngh. In xitenmland. \\ e ean nnl} keep nIn' Iingerx ernxxed that I)a\ id 'Iennant ixn't ahnnt In tarnixh hix gnnd name \\ iIh Learners 1 BB( ' I. earl} .\'n\ 1 a dri\ ing xehnnl enmed} \\ iIh .Iexxiea SIML‘IIMIII \\ IIH \L'L'lll\ III xpend e\er} inter\ie\\ telling 11x \llC.\ IIILII‘I’IL‘d IIIIII \\;IIII\ In he

eaIIed h} her neu xnrname Il}nex.

\Vhieh ix I'air ennugh. I’erhapx mnre prnmixing ix the neu enmed} II'HIII Sharnn Ilnrgan \\Itn prex inuxl) hrnught 11xl’11/l1‘ngnn BB('3. Angelo’s II“i\ e. .\'n\ 1 ix er in a |.nndnn eaIe \\ ith Ilnrgan pIa_\ ing Karen. a pnlieeunman dexperate I'nr a halt}. \\ hiIe I’aul Ix';1_\e pI;1_\x her xIea/_\ hrnther-in- II1\\.SheII_\ l.nltg\\nI'III ix an X- l-m'lnr \\;1nnahe and :\Iiee I.n\\ e lilzl) \ Karen‘x hext I'riend .-\Iieia.

Louis Theroux: Under the Knife


IIa\ mg e.111xed a right rn}.1l xtmk \\ 1th that prnmn IraIIer Int A Year with the Queen 1 BB( I. \m I III \xhieh it appeared .1x Ihnngh IIeI .\Iargeh.1d xInt‘meanII nI a phnIn xhnnt \\1Ih \nme | eihnxit/. \\ e .1II g‘L'I ;I t'lIdlIt'L‘ III \I‘L‘ II III II\ III” ennte\t;1x \\ e gn hehmd the xeenex al the I’alaee. Tank Man 1("hanneI I. \n\ 1 mxextigatex the identit} and IaIe nI Ihelnne.hi.1\e prnIexInrnI Bemng'x I'Ianamnen Square. and in xn dnmg prn\ idex an inxight intn the tiagle exenIx nI I‘IX‘);1111I('Iii1i;1'x emergenee during the Iaxt deeade and .1 hall. (’nIIId 'nI‘1liII;tI‘_\dnlk Iinmnne nI' the 111an agnnxtie natinnx nn eath enpe under the xtrieI IIIIIIIIII‘II} nI Ix|am'_’ In Sharia Street ((‘hannel ~I. IaIe ( M I nne Iapxed .\Ittxlim and x1\ nnn .\Itixlimx are xet In Iind nIII ax the) attempt In Ii\e their Ii\ ex Int Ihiee \\L'Cl\\ I'nllnn ing the rtgnrnttx l;I\\x nI' Ihe religinn. 'I'he \nhmteerx immerxe themer\ex in leam Inr Ihix unique e\pernnent m IIarrngaIe. \xhieh ix ()7'; \\hite and almnxt lIIII’é .\II1inmI'1'ee. Rarel} aI'raid In pIII himerI in [III)xICIII nr mental peril in the name nI ItterIIIIIIIIg teII_\. Louis Theroux gnex IIIIIIL‘I' IIIL' lxIIIIL‘ \xhile in\extigating the \\nt'l1l nI plaxtie x111'ger_\ in the ['8 in Under the Knife 1BB('2. 7 ()et 1. Inxpired h} I.nrd ('Iark'x landmark 'I'\' xeriex. ('i'I'ili'qu/nn. I'nur-parter This is Civilisation I(‘llLIllllL'l —l. DI) \In I litill()\\\ III'IIxI and et‘itie \Iattheu ('nIIingx ax he makex a perxnnal ereeIinn nI the greatext arIiine mnmentx and mnmimenIx nI hixInr} I’rnm Ihe aneient (ireelxx In mndern Iimex

' arc Bolan: 20th Century 80)

and examinex hnxx the} II;1\ e xhaped nur unrld. A diI'I'erenI Ix'ind nI hixInI'} ix [racked h) Marc Bolan: 20th Century Boy II'I'Y. ()eti in uhieh \xe Innk at the lite. \I'nrk and death nI the 70x ienn ax we apprnaeh the mnment that would have been hix ()IIIII birthday.