
Bread, Love and Dreams (Pane, amore e fantasia) t IS) 00 tltngi ('orneneirii. Ital). I‘M l) (iiria l.ollobrigida. Vittorio De Siea. Marisa Merlini. lina l’iea 94min (iood natured eorned} about a nevvlv appointed village iriarshal and his ltilllaltllt eoiiiplieations l’art ol leading ladies ol Italian ('ineriia season Glamor. I'll/ll Theatre. (ilaxerm. l'ilnihnase. Iztlrrihiueh The Bubble ttbe) m tlzvtaii l-ox. Israel. 2006) ()had Kiioller. Yoiisel vaeid. Daniele Virt/er ll7iniii l.ove storv set against the baekgrourid ol the Israeli Palestinian Uilllllel Noam lives and vvorks iii the ‘bubble' ol a secular. prosperoiis. liberal 'lel Aviv suburb. ()ii lllllllilr) serviee he iiieets a cute l’alestinian gu). Ashral. and an intense love allair begins that bridges the yawning politieal divide. lor a time at least l’arr o/ (ilavgav’ 2007. (ilavgms I’ll/ll Theatre. (i/uvgrm

Condom Commandos l IS) “0 (Media eo op_ Various, 2007) l-lrnin l'inall). a good news slur) about AIDS iii Alriea. liiside the Angolan army. soldiers svvap their guns l'or condoms as an army doetor ptislies them to change their ideas about sex. power and women, The sereenirig Will be lolltmed by a ()t’QA. Tickets available lree lrorii the (il’l' on the day. (ilasgme l’rlm Theatre. (i/uvrmii'.

3i: Control t l5) mo (Anton ('orbiin. UK, 2006) Sun Riley. Sariiantha Morton. Alexandra Maria Lara. 122mm. See review. page 40. Se/r’r‘lr'rl release.

24 The Gounterteiters (Die Falscher) t l 5) O.” (Stelan Rumwit/ky. (ieriiiany/Austria. 2006) Karl Markov/ies. August Diehl. Devid Striesovv. 08min. See preview, page J‘) and Also Released, page 42. .S'elet'let/ release. Cyberworld 30 (PH) (Various. US. 3000) Jeniia lillmari. Matt l’revver‘. Woody Allen. ti-iiiiin. Jenna lillriian is the evber host vsho introduces tis to various unrelated segments of eyber aniriiation, The .S'impwm and Anti. make JD appearanees in a speetaeular display of today's most impressive graphic technology. IMAX Theatre. (ilaagrm‘.

Day Watch (Dnevnoy Dozor) ( IS) ('l'iniur Bekiiiariibetov. Russia. 2006) Konstantin Khabensky. Maria l’aroshina. Vladimir Menshov. l l2rnin. See revievs. page 40. General release.

Day of Wrath (l’( i) .0... ((‘arl Drever. Denmark. l‘)-18)'l'horkild Roose. Lisbeth Movin. Seigrid Neiiendaiii. l l0min. Rare outing for Dreyer's stark masterpieee of love and witeheral't in the 17th eenturv. No one has ever eoine close on the subject (it wrtehes and vviteheralt with the possible exception of Ken Rtissell's The Dew/x. Part of An Introduction to liiiropean (‘inema I-‘i'lmhause. Edinburgh.

Death Proof ( l8) «0 (Quentin 'l‘arantino, US. 2007) Kurt Russell. Rose McGowan. Rosario Dawson. 1 l4min. Beel‘ed up version ol~ 'l‘arantino's eontributioii to the (iriridhouxe eoneept paekage. This vvatehably inaeabre l‘usion ol~ the mystical road movies of the l9()()s, Russ Meyer's Taster. I’usxvt‘al Kill.’ Kill.’ and Robert Harmon's I‘M-lo version ot~ The Hireher. is overly loquaeious and toe- eurlingly referential. Seleeletl release.

l l

Falkirk Town Hall

Blue Blood (15) lacs; 5) ()0! mo; )0)

l.lll\lll\ t otiiieil

Conversations With Other Women (15)

Thurs 77 Oct


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office or on the day

from the hall

(01324 506850)

46 THE LIST 4—18 Oct 2007

Deep Sea 30 tl’(ii tlltMard llall. (‘anada/l 'S. 200m \oiees ot Johnny Depp. Kate Winslet Jlrnin -\ i-Ddigital exploration ol the oeean's depths and its treatiires HIle The arm (i/axems

Devi (The Goddess) Mi» 00000 lSal}a|il Ra). India. 1960) ('hhabi llisvsas. Souriiitra (‘hatterlee Sharrnila 'lagore

‘Hiiiin ln limits Bengal. a vsealth) landovsner dreams that his 17 _vear old daughter is the lllvdllltlllttll ot Kali. the Hindu gtxltless til \lL'\llUklll'll lle lalls to his knees to vsorship her and she sits iiuinbl_v as pilgrims begin to appear. begging lor her vvisdorn and blessings and bringing their ehildren to be healed A graeettil tlt'plvllttlt ol iliiiduisni and the viva} ll penetrates all aspeets ol Indian lite l’art oi Satvaiit Ra). season I'i/mhuuse. lat/irrhiugh

The Devil and Daniel Johnston t IS) 0... tJetl l-eiier/eig. IS. 2005) llllriiiii Moving and disturbing doeumentai} ehroiiieling the periods ot mental illness and ereativitv iii the lite ot .ieelairiied but little kiiovsn iiiusieian and artist Johnston and his battle to eling on to his dearest possession. his riiusie. l’art ol the Seottish Mental Health Arts and l'lllll l-estival (ii-mien“); (ilavemi. Disturbia l l5) ... ll)J (.ilrllst), IS. 3007) Shia l.alieoul. ('arrie Anne Moss. David Morse. Illsliniii A disturbed teenage rebel assaults his teaeher and is eleetr'onieall) tagged and plaeed under house arrest. Remaking lliteheoek‘s Rear Hint/me as a teeii lliek is a riiee idea and the slovv burn ol the lilrn‘s ei‘eepv lirst hour eer'taiiilv hits all the right notes. btit the slasher inov'ie denoueineiit goes over the top. Selet'ret/ release,

Document 5 Film Festival (Various. Various, VariousiA large and diverse seleetion ol doetiiiientar') liliii eover'ing human rights issues ineliiding immigration and asylum. raeisrn. ptHL'rl), soeial exclusion. env ironnieiital exploitation and riiueh more. The tall prograriirne “Ill be aiiriouneed soon: see vsvsvvdoelilrnlest.orguk t'or details. (‘( ‘A. (rlrlsgrm‘.

Donnie Darko t IS) 0000 rRiehard Kelly. IS. 2002) Jake (iyllenhaal. Drevv Barrymore. l’atriek vaav /e. l Hmin. Mesinerising seienee lietion table that pushes the eoneept ol eineriiatie time travel into a vvhole new dimension. lts soriinambulant teenage protagonist seems to slip into a parallel universe. vthere a giant demonic rabbit ealled lirank proelairiis that the vvoi'ld vvill end in 2% days, () hours. 42 minutes and 12 seconds. This genre-bending film is not only an intriguing meditation on time travel and a deepl) disturbing horror movie. it is also a John llughes-stvle eoining-ol-age movie and a black eoinie satire on Reagariite greed. individualism and ('hristian


tundaiiientalisin l’art ot the \ei‘llhll \lett'al llealth -\rts and l'lllll lestivai (ITIW- (I).t.‘\"'t"i'.

L’Eclisse (The Eclipse) M is mo l\‘ldllf_‘t‘lt‘ \ritonioni. ltals lrante. l‘ttili \lt‘lllsa \ llll. \lain Delon. l'raneiseo Rahal \ ittoria \ llli lea‘. es her long term lover tor a \lt‘xhl‘lt‘hv'l. but is


inereasingls dravsn to solitude llie tinal part ot .-\ntonioni's lllli‘lllv ial trilogv ot movies on dooiiied relationships rattet I l. -( malt; and It." \orit i. this again eapttiies a restless teeling ot hiiiiian alienation and sets it

against an untorgiving haekdiop here the duayng l‘eatil} ol ls’oine \ iov l’ait oi Antonioni season li/miiuim lain/Hugh Feast of Love « 15» O. thilX'll Benton. l'S. 2007i \loigan l'let‘lllall. (ire): Kinnear. Radha Slitthell 102mm See \lso Released. page ~33 M Tu lt‘t.’ Ii ."t t4\(

A Few Days in September IM

0.. rSantiago .Allllg'ttlt‘ltd. Ital}tl'rantexl’oittigal. 3mm Juliette liiiioehe. .lohii liirtuiio, Sara l'oiestier. \itk \olte

l llilttllt See Also Released. page ‘1: I'rlnihouvt; T'ITIHT’HIL'TI

Film Discussion Group \lt‘t'l tip \stlll Irvr llllll vsiiter l'tltllt‘ Harrison and lots ot other liliii bulls to sssap opinions and perteptioiis ot botli art house and big bloekbtistei ieeent releases Held on the seeoiid \Vednesdav ol ever} iiionth (i/aveoii I'll/H Htr'rlllt'. (i/tnerm.

Fire 1 l‘i 0.. tDeepa \lehta. lndigu’(‘anada. l‘l‘ltii Sliabaiia A/iiii. \aiidita Das. Kulbbhushan Kliarbanda lll-lllllll Sensitive examination ot the break up ot a Nevs Delhi taini|_v as seen tioiii the perspeetise til tlevtiletl \vile Ratllia \\ liell Radha‘s brother in lavv brings his tiest'v. iievv vsile into liei home. the ties that bind begin to unvsiiid (tinieo. lzt/in/iureli

Firehouse Dog two 0. t‘l‘otla llolland. l'S/(‘anada 2007) Josh lltiteherson. .\la_\te (iai‘eia. liruee (ireeiivvood llliiiiii Re.\\\. the eanine star ot ii.ov ies siieh as .Iarasvrt [fa/“L and It-r'rrer a! 30.01”! feet. lalls into the llle til seliotilbov Shane tlliitehersoni vs hen .i stunt goes horriva

vv rong and he gains a more tisetiil voeatioii as a iiiaseot at the loeal tire station (‘liiiiiss llollvvsood satire. iiiisiiiatehed stunts and (tiles) (‘(il plaee this third} in the poop tiav ol modern llllllltple\ eineina. l'ut' It/i/i/iiueh ()t‘eari. lat/in/iru‘eh.

Flanders (Flandres) l lxi 0000

tliruno Duniont. l'ranee. 3mm Adelaide l.erou\. Saiiitiel lioidiii. lleriii ('retel ‘llniin A vvitheriiig and unlorgetlable \ision ot small tovvn love liltered through the brutality ot an tiiiknovvn desert vvai. Slovv and ditlieiilt but moving and essential vievsing tor amora- vsho eai'es lor the eineiiia ot the oblique and polemieal. ('ameo. lat/irihareh.

If you have half an hour to spare don’t miss the GFT’s free screening of this feel good documentary about a scheme which encourages Angolan soldiers to swap guns for condoms in an attempt to quell the spread of AIDS in south central Africa. The film will be followed by a Q&A.

I GFT, Glasgow, Sat 6 Oct. 7pm.

Flipper l‘( O. t \lan Shapiro. l \. i‘Nt‘ l litah \Mssl. l‘aiil lloj.‘att.( ltelsea lield ‘ttinnn Dittietilt ell\ teenager Sands r\\oodi doesn't warm to e\ hippv llllt le l’orter illogant .lovvn in the l loiida lsevs until along tonies triendlv dolphin l lipper lhe storv brings to mind aspeets ot lean and I’ll “no. but there are oiilv so inanv st iipts that tan attorniiiodate an atauatie star l‘redietable stiitl in the heart \\.illlllll‘.' \ .tle‘}fi'l} (in 's it 7:. rt (hang. in Flyboystljvoo lons liill. l-rantel S. 300’» James J ianto. \ott lla/ell. \lat \leDonald I‘Siiiin llased on true stories about \riieiitan pilots tlvirig tor the l lt‘llsll l atavette l stdtlllllt‘ iii \\ \\ l. lt'lllslalll lieio lilaine ls‘.ivsliii:'s ul iantoi and autheiitn all\ (rallit (aptaiii lheiiaiilt «Renoi. take a datt ioiiip llllt'lli‘ll star riiov ie t ll\ hes l veii soiiie \ttlt‘tllllll titan” stvle aerial dogtiglils totildn‘t save the tiliii troiii boiiihin}: in the l S (M: I'll Itr'irilizueh

The Flying Scotsman 1*: COO tDotiglas \l.ielsiririi~ii.l ls. 300m Ioiiiiv lee \lillei. llillv Hind. l aiiia l iasei. lhiaii ( 'os llL‘iiiin \ vsell llllt'ltllt‘llt'il biopit ot (iiaeriie ()bree. the pit-tessioiial Stottish t vt llsl vsho battled vs itli a home made bike. \[H‘llllH' l‘tllt'.tll\l.te\ and depression Despite \lillei's rnuted. understated pertoiiiiarit e. the \ltK k

\ liarat leis and omission ot real lite \ l'lllllt ts result in a sports tiliii t lit he that drags itsell over the lllllslt liiie (Mr or: it Ill! (Jain (i/ineiiii

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse «M ii .0. Ils’es liigraiii. l'S. I‘llli Rudolph \aleiitino. ~\lite lerrv. \igel de lliuliei llliiiiii lhis tlldllldllv arid atiiiospherit tale ol a l.tlllll_\ torn apart b_v vvai and lovalties iiiade \aleiitino the greatest star ol his generation llie spet ial ettetts are striking tor their tiiiie Trr’lIl/tlllkjll li/m (far/i1 ItTIIl/WIL'TI

1408tl§i00 i\likael llatstiorii. l S. 300") .lohn ('iisat k. Mai} \J\( 'oiiiiae k. Saiiitiell latkson lll‘iiiin \like ltrisliii t('iisatki makes his living bv slaving in supposedls haunted lot atioris and vviiting about his esperient es r‘vlter a iiivsteiioiis

ll1\ Me to Nevs York‘s Dolphin llotel. he delies the portentoiis \\.lllllll_‘.'\ ol manager l)liri tJaeksoii) and attempts to \ll\ k it otit in iooiii lslllb. vvhere iritreasiiiglv bi/aiie things start to happen until the lilrii iiieandeis lti‘.s.tltl\ its llllsdlhlaeltil} t Illlt liisioii ('irieim/lrl Keri/rev. .hllt‘r'l, (“Muffin

Great Expectations tl’( it 00000 rl)avid l,eari.l ls. l‘l‘lh) John Mills. lleriiaid Miles. l'lllla) ('tiirie llHrniii leaii's adaptation ol the Diekeris novel reriiaiiis eiiieiiia's deliriitiv e versioii. even alter halt .i eentiii‘} Ari orphan iiieets an estaped vltlH itt and is iiitiodtieed into a iievv vvorld o) adventures and tiner observed Llltll-lt teis Photograph} and design at its best (r/rlnjrn‘. I'll/ll [heal/e. (i/rlsgnii

Hairspray t M ii 0.. tAdarii Shankinan. l'S. 3007) John 'lravolta. Nikki lilonsk). Amanda livrit-s lltiriiiii l-aithtiil adaptation ol the liroadvsav llltlsltill rather than a remake ol John Waters‘ l‘lXX tilrn Although darker elements ot the stor') are lost in ptirstiil ol inn and a riiairistreaiii itUtllL‘lva. this all singing. all tlalltllljJ teen lliek shines aiiiid a summer ol riois} bloekbuster sequels 'lravolta's surprisingly endearing perloriiiaiiee riii lull drag) as ladiia 'l’uriiblad is the their) on top Se/ei red release.

Haltam Foe t Its» 000 tDav ltl Maeken/ie. l'ls'. 3007) Jamie Hell. Sophia Slvle's. (’iaraii llirids ‘firnin llallain tllelli moves to lzdinbiirgh trorn a small lover vshere he spies on the neighbours and tries to iriiplieate his stepmother in his mother's

in} sterioiis death late in the eit} brings ronianee in the toriii ol Kate thlvlesi. \Hlll vshorii he lorms an immediate eonneetion l'lavved btit tlarkl} litirlitirtiUs. Hal/am I'IH' stands head and shoulders above .‘tll_\llllll_‘.’ else that has eoriie out ot Scotland in the last ten _vears. (amen. Ifilrnhargh.

Halloween r Ix) O. lRob Zombie. IS. 2007) .‘vlaleolrn .‘vleDouell. Brad Douril. 'l'}ler Mane. ll0riiin. Alter l7 sears in an institution. Miehael Mvers escapes and returns to lladdonlield. where he sets out to find his babv sister. Woe betide anyone who erosses his path. Disappointing remake lrorn an interesting director. (jeneral release